Chapter : 3 The Horrific Vision

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'I'm Cedric,' he repeated. 'Cedric Jones.'

Cedric wore a black hood. Chelsea watched Cedric pulling the long steel gray sleeves up to his elbows. He smiled at Chelsea as he caught her staring at him.

'Now that's what I call a nice and interesting name,' Zelda said in a flirtatious voice. 'I had a boyfriend named Cedric once. He had to move. I still miss him.'

'When did you ever dated a guy named Cedric? Do you even know a guy named Cedric.' Paul scratched his forehead.

'You know nothing. You are just an ordinary 'Paul'. Zelda mumbled.

'What?' Paul sounded irritated.

'Nothing. Let's go. I'm getting late for my practice.' Zelda turned and walked away. She didn't stop for Paul, she knew he is going to follow her anyways.

'See you later man.' Cedric said.

Paul said nothing and just nodded. He glanced at Chelsea once and then left.

Chelsea waited till Zelda and Paul disappeared.

She turned towards Cedric. 'Who the hell are you?'

'I'm Cedric.'

'I know your name. But why are you here pretending to be my date?' she yelled.

Cedric opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He waited patiently for Chelsea to finish.

'Don't just stand there smiling at me. Start speaking now.'

'Firstly, I never pretended to be your date and secondly you're welcome.'

Chelsea looked at him astonishingly. 'I didn't say thank you.'

'You don't have to thank me again.' he said.

Chelsea felt a rush of anger rising inside her. 'You are the most irritating and disgusting person I have ever met. Even more irritating than Zelda. Just answer me, what the hell was all that?'

Cedric pulled Chelsea towards him. 'I just saved you from all your 'I'm seeing a guy' embarrassment and this how you repay me.'

'Get away from me.' Chelsea pushed him away.

'I heard you guys talking. I know you are not seeing anyone. You said all that just because you wanted to get back at Zelda. I know she is kind of 'flaunty'.'

'Flaunty? Really? Is that even a word?' Chelsea laughed a little.

'Does it matters? What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to pretend to be someone else. You are perfectly fine. So, friends?' he held out his hand.

'You know what...' Chelsea trailed off.

Cedric's soft and soothing voice was cut off with a loud dragging chain noise.

Chelsea looked around the hallway, and suddenly the lights went out. She could only see the silhouette of the windows. Everything went dark. She shook her head to get the vision out of her head but nothing changed.

Cedric's voice was reaching to her ears mixed with the dragging noise, but Cedric was nowhere.

Chelsea walked ahead, and almost slipped when she stepped on the water on the floor. There was a dark patch of water with some sticky substance, Chelsea couldn't figure out what.

Chelsea got out of breath. She lost her balance and fell against the lockers, hurting her right arm. Chelsea couldn't see the wound, but the throbbing pain in her arm assured her that she was hurt badly. She tried to get back on her feet.

The sound of the dragging noise grew louder. She could clearly hear someone approaching the hallway.

Chelsea didn't want to see who it was. She didn't have the courage to move. She wanted to hide. She wanted to disappear.

Chelsea lifted her right foot, ready to drag herself back. She saw two shadows coming towards her.

She knew it was only a matter of time that she had to see whoever it was.

She got on her shaking knees and put her hands on the floor, trying to walk away.

Chelsea wasn't far enough to hide. As soon as Chelsea saw the feet of the person she instantly knew where the sound was coming from.

A long chain was tied to a person's feet. Chelsea's heart pounded even louder in her chest when she saw the person the chains were tied to was not waking on its own.

She now saw two silhouettes. Chains made a rattling sound as they hit the marble floor. The feet of the person were sliding through the floor. Suddenly the lights came back. Cedric was standing in front of her. The floor was fine. The lockers were fine. There was no wound on her arm.

'Hey, you okay?' Cedric sounded concerned.

Chelsea couldn't recall the exact moment when she fell. Everything looked so dark and focused as if she was viewing the world under a microscope.

Sweat dripping from her face, her cold hand touched the other.

'What happened?' Cedric asked holding her hands.

'I... I just. I'm cold. I'm so cold.'

'Okay. We can go to the nurse or I can take you home. You don't look fine.'

Chelsea's body began to shake after what she saw. Behind Cedric, she saw the silhouettes coming to life.

The person whose feet were tied with the chains was Stella. Her lifeless body was looking at Chelsea with her dead eyes, exactly the same way she found Stella's dead body three months ago.

She was wearing the same pink top she wore the last day she went missing. Her pink hair turned into a mix of colour between brown and charcoal.

Watching her own dead friend was not the worst part. The entity Chelsea and Andrew encountered three months ago at Margaret's house was holding Stella's body.

The entity covered in a white rug stared back at Chelsea.

'No. No...' Chelsea panicked.

The entity's face grew darker. It looked like the entity was smiling. It was enjoying watching Chelsea so scared and fragile.

The entity pulled Stella and opened its face revealing dark granules of something which looked like dry mud. It brought its mouth closer to Stella and kissed her on her neck.

'Nooooooo.....' Chelsea screamed.

Tears came rolling down her cheeks. She shut her eyes and began crying.

'What is happening to you? Are you okay? Chelsea, it's okay. I'm here.' Cedric said looking behind him.

All he could see was the empty hallway. Cedric removed her hands from her ears and helped her relax.

'Look at me, please. It's okay. It's okay. ' he said.

Chelsea opened her eyes and things were once again back to normal. There was nothing behind Cedric. No entity and no dead body.

'I'm sorry. I have to go.' she ran away.

A/N : Chelsea is traumatised by watching the corpse of her best friend. Looks like history's repeating itself.

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