Chapter : 2 The Horrific New Trouble

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Chelsea got up and plugged her phone into the charger. She still had plenty of time to charge the phone and continue reading the book she picked last night. Not to wake her mother, she tiptoed in her room. It was not the first time she woke up early. She had a hard time getting a proper sleep.

Chelsea picked the book and pulled the curtains to make sure that enough light was coming inside the room so that she could read without the lights on.

Chelsea was on page 100 when her alarm reminding her to get ready for school buzzed in her ears. She left the book on the bedside table and opened her cupboard to take her clothes.

Her leaving for school before her mother woke up became routine for her. She took her bag and went down the stairs quietly.

Grabbing the lunch money lying on the kitchen slab, she left for school. Carolina wanted Chelsea to eat home prepared meals, but she constantly refused. The only way for Carolina to make sure that Chelsea ate her lunch was to leave cash every night.

Chelsea reached school and walked swiftly, keeping her head low in the hallway even though she knew no one was there.

If she could see no one, so no one can see her either, that was her policy.

She stood in front of her locker, pressing her head against her book when a hand approached her from behind. She turned her head to see Zelda Morgan caressing her long dark hair standing with her boyfriend, Paul.

Zelda shared two classes with Chelsea. She was the kind of girl who loved to flaunt her friends and boyfriends as an accessory. She was new in school, still she pretended like she knew everyone. Zelda's eye sparkled every time, she saw other people in trouble. She knew how to poke them when they were miserable on the other hand, Paul always just stood there with Zelda every time she trashed people.

Paul and Chelsea met at a mall. He was doing a part-time job in a bookshop. The first impression she got from Paul was a decent guy. His light brown eyes, honey blonde hair never settling on his head and him smiling every time she looked at him made Chelsea wonder whether it was a sympathy smile or he was actually a cheerful person.

Paul talked to her in school sometimes, but when he started going out with Zelda, Paul avoided Chelsea. He left his job and they stopped seeing each other in school.

Zelda's new target was Chelsea. Everyone in the school knew what happened with Chelsea, at least the half of it. She lost her two friends.

Her brother and her new best friend, Margaret who according to the rumors left Chelsea because she didn't approve of their relationship.

In the beginning, Chelsea tried to talk people into believing the reason Andrew left was not because of her, but later she lost the will to interact with people.

'Hey, Chelsea. Early again?' Zelda asked with a fake smile on her face. She was leaning towards Paul, holding his hand into hers.

Trying to avoid eye contact with both of them, Chelsea looked down.

Tracing the spine of the book with her fingers, she said. 'I have a test to study for.'

'You don't have to lie to us, Chels. We know what you are going through. I know what you need,' Zelda put her hand on Chelsea's shoulder. 'You need a boyfriend. Maybe Paul can fix you up with one of his college buddies.'

Paul pulled Zelda's arm. He gave her an intense look before Zelda started speaking again.

Zelda moved closer towards Chelsea and whispered, 'You know the guys here. They know stuff about you. They probably wouldn't date you. But not to worry, I have met some of Paul's friends, they will love you.'

Chelsea promised herself the other night that she won't tolerate Zelda's nonsense anymore. She needed to get back at her. Chelsea has had many troubles already.

Chelsea crossed her arms. 'Thanks for the help, Zelda. You are a sweetheart, but the thing is, I'm actually seeing someone.'

'You are?' Paul asked.

'Yeah, I'm.' Chelsea smiled.

'Who is he?' Zelda asked.

Chelsea cursed herself the second she heard the question. Listening to Zelda made Chelsea realized that she didn't think things through. She moved her eyes away from them. She could say any name on the spot in order to make Zelda and Paul go away, she just needed to say a name.

'Any name, Chelsea. Just say any name and everything's going to be okay,' she thought.

She was about to say a name when a loud, cheery voice made Chelsea, Zelda, and Paul to turn.

'Hey, Chelsea. Sorry, I'm late.' They saw a guy running towards them. He was carrying a notebook in his hands. His hair, falling on his eyes almost blinded him. He finally stopped to catch his breath.

'I'm so sorry. I wanted to call you, but I left my phone at home.' he passed by Zelda and Paul.

Chelsea was surprised to see a guy she never saw before claiming to be her friend.

'Sorry, what?' Chelsea asked.

'Please, don't be mad at me, love. I said I'm sorry.' the guy took the book from Chelsea.

'Give my book back. Who are you?' she muttered.

'How about after school you and I go to your favorite coffee shop and I'm going to buy you any book you want.' he spoke softly, blinking his eyes constantly.

'Is something wrong with your eye?' Zelda asked to ask a reminder that she was still there.

'Oh, no. Just exercising.' he replied

'Aren't you the guy who transferred here a month ago?' Paul asked shaking hands with the guy.

'Yeah, I am Cedric.' he smiled.

A/N: Friends are supposed to save us from situations like these and that's what exactly Cedric did. But the question is,  Is he really a friend?

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