Chapter : 1 The Horrific Three Months

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Three months later...

Chelsea finished another Agatha Christie's book in two days. She removed the long black bookmark from the middle of the pages and kept it aside. Closing the book, she turned it over and read the description once again and proudly swayed her fingers over the book cover.

One day, she heard a group of students talking about their favorite books and authors in the school cafeteria. Chelsea didn't seem to pay any attention to what they were saying, but then she saw one of the students holding a bunch of books in his hands. He distributed the books among his friends when accidentally he left one book on the table next to Chelsea.

Chelsea ran behind the guy to give him the book back but the guy disappeared with his group. She put the book inside her bag safely and then forgot about it.

Later that day, Chelsea returned home and overheard her mother talking with a psychiatrist. She sounded worried about Chelsea. Her mother, Carolina complaint the doctor about Chelsea. Not wanting to start a fight again, Chelsea locked herself inside her room. She took out the book from her bag and started reading it and couldn't put it down.

Reading became her favorite thing to do. Reading helped Chelsea to distract her mind. It gives her peace.

The only time she leaves her room is when she has to go school. Carolina leaves food outside Chelsea's room. She never talks to her mother. Carolina tried to talk to her, asking what was bothering her and why did Andrew left the house without saying anything.

Chelsea didn't want to go through what happened months ago again by telling Carolina the truth. She was still trying to cope with the reality. The harsh reality. Her best friend, Stella was dead. Her ex-boyfriend, Eric was dead. Her brother who was her solo support and the only person who went through the exact same thing she did, left her.

Andrew left home after a week they made it out of Margaret's house. They spend the whole week in silence. They stopped talking to each other. Chelsea noticed changes in Andrew's behavior. He became aggressive and violent.

Three months ago...

Chelsea woke up in the morning and saw her mother, Carolina sitting beside her. 'Mom, what are you doing here? When did you get here?'

Carolina brushed her blonde hair with her hands and smiled, 'I got here at midnight but you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you up. How are you, Chelsea?'

Chelsea adjusted the pillows behind her and sat on the bed. 'I'm okay. But you shouldn't be here. Andrew's not going to like it.'

'Andrew is the one who called me here, Chelsea,' Carolina spoke softly. 'He didn't tell you?'

Chelsea looked at Carolina with a surprised look on her face. 'No, he didn't.'

Chelsea threw her sheets away, trying to get out of the bed.

'Where are you going, Chelsea?'

Chelsea stopped to answer. 'I want to talk to Andrew.'

'Chelsea, he is not here.' her mother said.

Chelsea turned back and stood still. 'What do you mean, he is not here?'

Carolina got up and walked towards Chelsea. She put her hands on Chelsea's shoulder and said, 'He left, Chelsea. He left. He called me two nights ago and said that he is leaving the house for a while. He didn't want to leave you alone, so, he called me.'

Chelsea tried calling and texting Andrew, but he never answered. She spends nights crying and worrying about Andrew. She wanted him to be with her. She couldn't accept the fact that he was gone and there was nothing she could do to contact him.


Getting up, Chelsea took her book with her and went to the wooden bookshelf that Carolina got for Chelsea as a present. Carolina was surprised to see Chelsea so determined with reading.

The bookshelf was shaped like the branches of a tree. Chelsea kept the books she read behind and the others in the front.

Putting the book in her hands behind, she searched the next book to read. She had almost twenty books written by Agatha Christie and a Sherlock Holmes series. Her collection mostly consisted of murder mysteries. Confused with what you read, she took two books in her hands and brought them to bed.

One was a crime novel written by James Patterson and the other was a horror novel by Joe Hill. She opened the books simultaneously and began reading the first page. This was her way to choose a book. She finally chose a Joe Hill book. She inserted the bookmark in the book and kept the book on the bedside table.

She wanted to read the book, but she knew it was already 1 a.m and Carolina would come to Chelsea's room to check on her.

Chelsea turned the lights off and pulled the covers up to her knees. She felt tired and sleepy. She didn't want her mind to wander, but it did. Chelsea still remembered every single word that Andrew wrote in the note he left for her under her pillow before leaving.

I know you will be angry when you get this but whatever I'm doing is for your own good. I'm changing, Chels. I know you know that too. I have to figure out what's happening to me and I can't do that if I'm around you.


Chelsea moved her hand under the pillow to make sure the note was still there. She wanted to leave the lights on, but she didn't want Carolina to add more unanswered questions on her list.

Chelsea was afraid of the dark. Any moment or sound coming from anywhere made her uttermost uncomfortable. To keep a check on her surroundings, she kept her phone on the bed with her. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

After a few hours, Chelsea found herself awake on her bed. She wasn't sure whether she slept or spent the whole night trying to get some sleep.

Bright light piercing through the curtains created a shadow on the floor. She looked at the digital clock hanging on the wall in front of her bed it showed 6.16 a.m.

A/N : So, what do you think the significance of 6.16 AM is in Chelsea's life? It can be a coincidence, but is it?

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