Chapter 13 History of the United Region Part 1

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"Before we all head to the regions, maybe I should tell you the history of the United Region." Ash says as he sits down with Lillie by his side.

"History of the United Region? What do you mean by that?" Dawn asks.

"Every one of us knows the Fairy Tales, however, what most people don't know is that the Fairy Tales are actually the stories based on our founders." Lillie says.

"Wait, for real?" Serena asks in shock.

"And that's why let's talk about it." Ash says. "Starting with my own region, the Multitype Region. The land of Multitype Region is given to the Ketchum family by Arceus. Because the Ketchum Family is the chosen family and for thousand of years, they have been sworn to protect the secrets of Multitype Region and Arceus from the great threats. And after staying on the island for thousands of years, one of the kings, who is one of the Arceus himself, decides to use the power of the 18 Plates to create the 18 regions."

"After creating the 18 regions, he has to pick the 18 royal families to lead the region. How do you think he picks the royal families?" Lillie asks.

"The Fairy Tale stories?" Chloe asks.

"That's correct. Back then, none of them are Fairy Tale stories. It is their actions that create the Fairy Tale stories, and when the story starts to spread, they become the Fairy Tale stories that we used to know." Mark says.

"Starting with the Normal Region: The Maple Family." Minami says. "A talking Meowth with boots gives the king a Bunnelby, stating that it is from Marquis Maple. So the king decides to visit this Marquis Maple, the Meowth asks his master to remove his clothes and enter the river which their carriage passes. The Meowth disposes of his master's clothing beneath a rock. As the royal coach nears, the cat begins calling for help in great distress. When the king stops to investigate, the cat tells him that his master the Marquis has been bathing in the river and robbed of his clothing. The king has the young man brought from the river, dressed in a splendid suit of clothes, and seated in the coach with his daughter, who falls in love with him at once.

The Meowth hurries ahead of the coach, ordering the country folk along the road to tell the king that the land belongs to Marquis Maple, saying that if they do not he will cut them into mincemeat. The Meowth then happens upon a castle inhabited by a Titan Ditto. The Ditto displays his ability by changing into a Pyroar, frightening the Meowth, who then tricks the Ditto into changing into a Rattata. The Meowth then pounces upon the Rattata and devours it. The king arrives at the castle that formerly belonged to the Ditto, and impressed with the bogus Marquis and his estate, gives the lad the princess in marriage, and also asks him to lead the Normal Region."

"I know this story, this is Puss and Boots." Mallow says, "But that's the story of the Normal Region?"

"Of course." Ash says. "And for the Fire Region: We have the story of Prince Gravy. He chases and captures Ho-oh and is about to kill her; Ho-oh begs for her life, and he spares her. As a token of thanks, she offers him the Rainbow feather that he can use to summon her should he be in dire need.

Prince Gravy then falls in love with a girl who is under the spell of an evil magician, and he decides to confront the magician. They have a battle, but the prince is losing. Using the power of Ho-oh's Feather, Ho-oh used Sacred Ash to revive his Pokemon and also gave them the power to kill the magician and his minions, with the Magician dead, those who are cursed by the magician are freed and he becomes their leader of the Fire Kingdom."

"I know this one... it's the Fire Bird." Kiawe says. "My mom used to tell me this story when I was little."

Mark says, "Now for the Water Region, we have Princess Ariel Mikuri. She was actually a girl with special powers, and thus she becomes what we know as a mermaid. Her family was forbidden to interact with humans, but Ariel refuses to listen to her father and goes to the surface, and she falls in love with a boy named Eric.

Suddenly a violent storm arrives, wrecking the ship, and knocking Eric overboard. Ariel rescues Eric and brings him to shore. She sings to him but leaves just as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find the girl who saved and sang to him, and Ariel vows to find a way to join him in his world. Discovering a change in Ariel's behavior, her father learns of her love for Eric, he is furious and he destroys her collection of artifacts in a misguided attempt to protect her.

Ariel makes a deal with a magician named Ursula, so that she can become a normal human for three days in exchange for Ariel's voice. Within these three days, Ariel must receive the "kiss of true love" from Eric. If Ariel gets Eric to kiss her, she will remain a human permanently. Otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and belong to Ursula. Ariel accepts and is then given human legs, and she is staying with Eric on shore. However, Ursula doesn't want her to succeed, so she tries to stop her by transforming into a girl named Vanessa, casting a hypnotic enchantment on Eric to make him forget about Ariel.

The next day, Ariel discovers that Eric will be married to Vanessa. With the help of her family, they manage to stop the marriage, and Ariel's voice is returned. However, just before Eric can kiss her, Ariel transforms back into a mermaid and was kidnapped by Ursula. Her father confronts Ursula and demands Ariel's release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursula's urging, her father agrees to take Ariel's place as Ursula's prisoner, giving up his trident. Ariel is released as her father loses his authority over the seas. Ursula declares herself the Queen of the Seven Seas, but before she can use the trident, Eric intervenes with a harpoon. Ursula attempts to kill Eric, but Ariel intervenes, causing Ursula to inadvertently kill her minions. Enraged, Ursula uses the trident to grow to a monstrous size.

Ariel and Eric reunite on the surface just before Ursula grows past and towers over them. She then gains full control of the entire ocean, creating a storm and bringing sunken ships to the surface. Just as Ursula is about to kill Ariel, Eric commandeers a wrecked ship and impales Ursula in the abdomen with its splintered bowsprit. Ursula is then electrocuted and explodes underwater. Realizing that Ariel truly loves Eric, her father willingly changes her from a mermaid into a human permanently and approves her marriage to Eric. And the King also gives them the power to become the Water Region's royalties."

"I know this story, the little mermaid is one of the best." Lana says.

"And for the Grass Region, the first queen is Alice Rose." Insey says. "She was a traveler from another place, and the Grass Region used to be known as Wonderland. She spots a familiar Buneary wearing a waistcoat and carrying a pocket watch and it is also the reason why she comes to the region. She learns that she's destined to slay the Hydreigon and end the tyranny of the Red Queen.

She managed to sneak into the castle, finding the sword that is used to slay the Hydreigon, however, this caused the Red Queen to demand her beheading. Then they have a fight, and Alice beheads the Jabberwocky with the vorpal sword. The red knights turn against their ruler and Alice becomes the real queen of the Grass Region, with the king's approval of course."

"It was slightly different from the original story, but that's cool." Mallow says.

"Now for the Electric Region, people knew that place as Oz." Ash says, which causes them to widen their eyes in surprise. "The first queen Dorophy Volt, with her Yamper Toto, came to the region by the cyclone sending her house to the land. The falling house has killed the Wicked Witch of the East, an evil ruler. The Good Witch of the North arrives and gives Dorothy the magical silver shoes that originally belonged to the Wicked Witch. The Good Witch tells Dorothy that the only way she can return home is to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City and ask the great and powerful Wizard of Oz to help her. As Dorothy embarks on her journey, the Good Witch of the North kisses her on the forehead, giving her magical protection from harm.

On her way down the yellow brick road, Dorothy frees a Scarecrow from the pole on which he is hanging, applies oil from a can to the rusted joints of a Tin Woodman, and meets a Cowardly Luxray. The Scarecrow wants a brain, the Tin Woodman wants a heart, and the Lion wants courage, so Dorothy encourages them to journey with her and Toto to the Emerald City to ask for help from the Wizard.

After several adventures, the travelers arrive at the Emerald City and meet the Guardian of the Gates, who asks them to wear green-tinted spectacles to keep their eyes from being blinded by the city's brilliance. Each one is called to see the Wizard. He appears to Dorothy as a giant head, to the Scarecrow as a lovely lady, to the Tin Woodman as a terrible beast, and to the Luxray as a ball of fire, with the intention of scaring them all, but of course, choosing the wrong image to make the desired impression. He agrees to help them all if they kill the Wicked Witch of the West. The Guardian warns them that no one has ever managed to defeat the witch.

The Wicked Witch of the West sees the travelers approaching with her one telescopic eye. She sends a pack of Manectric to tear them to pieces, but the Tin Woodman kills them with his axe. She sends a flock of wild Kilowattrel to peck their eyes out, but the Scarecrow kills them by twisting their necks. She summons a swarm of Vikavolt to sting them, but they are killed while trying to sting the Tin Woodman while the Scarecrow's straw hides the others. She sends a dozen of her slaves to attack them, but the Lion stands firm to repel them. Finally, she uses the power of her Golden Cap to send the Magnezones to capture Dorothy, Toto, and the Luxray. She cages the Luxray, scatters the straw of the Scarecrow, and dents the Tin Woodman. Dorothy is forced to become the witch's personal slave, while the witch schemes to steal her silver shoes.

The witch successfully tricks Dorothy out of one of her silver shoes. Angered, she throws a bucket of water at the witch and is shocked to see her melt away. The slaves rejoice at being freed from her tyranny and help restuff the Scarecrow and mend the Tin Woodman. Dorothy finds the witch's Golden Cap and summons the Magnezones to carry her and her friends back to the Emerald City. The Magnezone tells how he and his group are bound by an enchantment to the cap by the sorceress Gayelette from the North, and that Dorothy may use it to summon them two more times.

When Dorothy and her friends meet the Wizard again, Toto tips over a screen in a corner of the throne room that reveals the Wizard, who sadly explains he is an ordinary old man who, by a hot air balloon, came to Oz long ago. He provides the Scarecrow with a head full of bran, pins, and needles, the Tin Woodman with a silk heart stuffed with sawdust, and the Lion a potion of "courage". Their faith in his power gives these items a focus for their desires. He decides to take Dorothy and Toto home in his balloon. However, Toto chases a Shinx in the crowd and Dorothy goes after him, but the ropes holding the balloon break and the Wizard floats away.

Dorothy summons the Magnezone and tells them to carry her and Toto home, but they explain they can't cross the desert surrounding Oz. The Soldier informs Dorothy that Glinda, the Good Witch of the South may be able to help her return home, so the travelers begin their journey to see Glinda's castle. So she summons the Magnezones a third time to fly them over to a hill to Glinda's castle.

Glinda greets them and reveals that Dorothy's silver shoes can give her the wish that she wants. Not wanting to leave her friends, she decides to bring her family to the region, she knocks her heels together three times and wishes to bring her family here. And thus she becomes the queen of the Electric Region."

"The ending is a little different, but that's also a great story." Sophocles says.

"I know." Ash says.

Here is a new chapter, and here, we're going to tell a lot of stories about the regions and I hope you like this chapter.

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