Log 4| 17-04-2025

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<Started recording at 21:00>

Konbanwa, Shiro!

Today is such a busy day! I remember telling you that Doctor Mitsuha is taking Yachi-chan and me out to explore the outside world!

Speaking of Yachi-chan, we watched anime yesterday and I. Am. Hooked!

Yachi-chan likes old anime and music because she thinks the ideas in that period of time are the most original because the current ones are just stealing the ideas of those anime and adding some random details to make it their own.

We watched this anime called Stray Wolves last night. It's really interesting and Yachi-chan said that there's a manga for it too. She also introduced me to Fujoshi Fantasies and Sword Skill Online! Fujoshi Fantasies is an anime inspired by a manga about this girl who is liked by four other guys but she ships them together. (Yachi-chan's words)

Sword Skill Online a series of books that Yachi-chan calls Light Novels and is adapted into an anime!

Apparently, a fujoshi means someone who likes to see guys having romantic relationships with each other. A ship means that you want two people to end up together romantically but it isn't canon, or confirmed by the creators.

I didn't know that there are so many terms and slang in the anime community! I have to learn more about them!

We also talked about vocaloids! Her favourite producers are 5cmP and Shimuzu-P while mine is lt.

"If you like lt, you'll like Oujo-P! They collaborated on some songs before and have similar styles. Their songs are like in the electro-pop genre and sound kind of digital, but not like 8bit-P." Looking at my puzzled expression, she giggled and introduced me to more songs.

We stayed up till really late, chatting about vocaloids and Japanese music as a whole while watching anime.

That night, we managed to finish the first season of  Stray Wolves! I really like Kanda-san, with his crazy deduction skills! Ochiai-san's really cool too! But Akatsuka-san's hairstyle is kind of weird...

Yachi-chan likes Sakurada Higashi, the main character of the anime.

Oh yeah! We went to this place for anime fans and there was so many shops that sold anime merchandise!

Doctor Mitsuha and Doctor Taki took Yachi-chan and me there today on our trip out!

Let me start from the beginning.

After breakfast, Doctor Mitsuha found Yachi-chan and I in my room, chatting about anime. She led us to the carpark and Doctor Taki was standing beside a white car. Doctor Taki was supressing a yawn before waving at us.

"Doctor Mitsuha convined me to be your chauffeur for today. Well, where do we go first, Mitsuha?" Doctor Taki tried to inject enthusiasm into his voice but to no avail.

Doctor Mitsuha placed a hand below her chin and mused for a few moments before replying.

"How about to Shinagawa Station? I've decided to let them experience Japan's transport system."

Doctor Taki frowned. I could see his reflection in a mirror located at the top of the car's interior. "Did you get permission from the higher ups? It's not going to go well if one of them got hurt."

"Yeah, I did. If anything happens, I'll call you. I might need you to send us to some places."

Doctor Taki nodded and the car roared to life. We exited the hospital.

The sky was an azure blue and there were many buildings and people walking around purposefully.

After a short while, the car came to a stop.

"Mitsuha, take care of them. Sora-chan and her friend, be careful and have fun."

Doctor Mitsuha helped us out of the car and we entered something Doctor Mitsuha called a train station. People were almost everywhere, brisk walking around the station.

Doctor Mitsuha led us to this row of machines and started inserting coins into one of them and punching some buttons. It emitted a whirring sound and two small rectangles shot out from it.

She handed a small rectangle to Yachi-chan and I and explained that it was a ticket which allows us to board the train.

Then, she guided us to a row of turnstiles and instructed us to place the ticket into the hole and collect them.

"Uwah! That's so cool!" I exclaimed after the ticket appeared at the other end of the turnstile.

"I know right? It's been a really long time since I have taken one of these before and it still fascinated me," Yachi-chan replied.

Doctor Mitsuha led us to the platform and there were people queueing behind a line.

A train zipped past us, shocking me, and gradually came to a stop.

The doors opened and people rushed out before we entered.

We were lucky that there weren't many people in the train.

During the ride, people were staring at us. I felt uncomfortable under their gazes but I couldn't blame them- it wasn't every day you saw a girl in a wheelchair, another girl wearing weird goggles that blocked her eyes and a bishoujo by the name of Doctor Mitsuha.

After a few stops, we alighted at Shibuya Station.

"Girls, this is the famous Shibuya Crossing! This place always appears shows about Japan and is also where the famous statue of the dog, Hachiko, is located."

The Shibuya crossing was really large, with a big square with white stripes painted over it. I also caught sight of this guy with a large camera.

Doctor Mitsuha led us to the Hachiko Statue and we walked around after that.

Then, we took the train to Tokyo Teleport Station and saw many tourists posing with this huge robot statue.

"This is the famous Gunpla statue! It's a life sized model of a Gunpla, which has its own anime series!" Yachi-chan explained.

People who were speaking many uncomprehensible, foreign languages were holding cameras or their phones and probably taking photos.

There was also some kind of tent beside it with a lady's face on it. She seemed popular, since there were two buff men and upon further inspection, there was a machine that was turned off at the moment. The words 'download her newest single for 12000¥ now!' were painted on the machine.

"That's probably a fan-signing for a famous idol or singer," Yachi-chan commented.

After that, we took the train to Akihabara, the place which has many shops that sell anime merchandise!

"Oh my god! I've been here a few times but I've always wanted to come here after that incident!" Yachi-chan cried out with a megawatt smile.

Doctor Mitsuha led us to some anime shops and gave us some money to buy a souvenir to remind us of this day. I couldn't find any of those anime Yachi-chan recommended to me in the shops. Maybe the animes are too old? Oh well. This thing called Sugoi Kuji made me curious. There were many different types of merchandise for a certain anime up for grabs and you had to pick one by luck. It seemed interesting to I decided to try it out. It cost money so I guess the experience would be my souvenir.

"Are you willing to challenge it?" The shop owner, a man wearing some kind of anime T-shirt inquired.

"Hai!" I nodded. I decided to try my luck on the one which had five pretty anime girls.

"Yachi-chan, what's this anime about?"

"Oh! It's called Diamond Live! It's about five girls who form a band."


The man instructs me to choose some kind of ticket out from a box and opens it.

Then, he rings a bell.

"Omedeto! You got the C prize, which is a T-shirt!"

He hands me a T-shirt wrapped in a cover and thanks me for visiting their shop.

"Uwah! Sora-chan, you're extremely lucky!" Yachi-chan exclaimed.

I followed Yachi-chan into a shop and watched as she bought a keychain of this cute yellow animal.

"That's Pikachu from one of the oldest and most popular anime, Pokemon!"

"It's really cute!" I comment with a smile.


The sun was setting and Doctor Mitsuha took us to the famous Tokyo Tower.

It looked really beautiful at night! I took a picture. Let me upload it.

There was a deck where we could look at Tokyo from high above but we decided not to. I was exhausted and I could tell Yachi-chan was too.

I wanted to visit other places in Tokyo but we went back to the hospital after that.


I think I should get ready to go to bed.


<end of recording>

Ai Notes
Went to Tokyo in November.
The Tokyo Tower looked amazing!
(Although it lookedlike the Eiffel Tower)
Sad that I didn't get to see the Hachiko Statue even thought I went to Shibuya lol.
(Named  characters after Train Stations lol
Since Tsukishima is also a station)

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