One Week Till Christmas

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"Nya! Come into the office for a moment, please." Ronin calls gruffly.

Wondering what he could possibly want me for, I do as told. Maybe he finally has a job for me! It's possible, since the other two guys who work here, Karlof and Griffin, are out sick. I feel bad for them, of course, especially since it's almost Christmas, but at the same time I'm kind of hoping that with them absent, I'll get some actual work to do instead of playing Ronin's maid all day.

"Nya, I've decided a little vacation would be good for me." Is the first thing my boss says when I enter the office.


"I'm going on vacation. Leaving tomorrow, actually."

"Tomorrow! But- Where are you going?" I can hardly believe my ears.


"None of my business, I know." I interrupt him.

He gives me an annoyed look, but keeps going. "Anyways, since the guys are out sick, it's up to you to keep the business up n' runnin'."

I just stare at him. I can't help it. Is he really leaving the shop in my care?

"But," He isn't finished. Of course. "You will NOT touch ANYTHING. Understand?"

"How can I fix cars if I can't touch anything?"

Ronin glares at me again. "You can use the toolkit, but nothing else. No looking at my files, especially! And if anyone comes in with a nice car, tell them you're too busy."


"Take it or leave it."

I sigh. It's not like I have much choice. "I'll do it."

"Wonderful. And remember, don't take any big jobs. It would put a bad image on the shop if you can't complete them."

"Fine. I swear I won't." I say, crossing my fingers behind my back.

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