Eyes of Satan

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"Did you and Ryan do it?"

Blood freezes in my veins as I hear his name.

A name that still haunts my mind after years.

A name that I never dared to take, even in my sleep. A name that brings back traumatic memories from my past and suddenly, I feel the pressure of panic rising in my body.

My chest rises and falls erratically as his devilish face flashes in my mind. Copper brown hair, whiskey brown eyes, pink bitten lips, masculine neck, and his roused scent of leather, tobacco and dirty sex, which still lingers in my head like a ghoul.

I was naive, and he was a sinner. I was attracted to him like a dumb moth to a bright warning lamp that clearly spelled 'Danger.'

My skin quivers as his ghost touch runs through my thighs. The way he touched them before spreading with his strong hands, then thrusted into me. I clench on to the fragile frill of my dress for support as it all comes rushing back with just his name.

Ryan Damison.

The man, who took my innocence, my virginity. My first love. My dark trauma.

Everybody warned me about him and his evil ways. But like Helen Keller, I kept ignoring all the red flags and at last, fell for him. And I fell so hard, I broke myself to never like anyone else.

"So he did fuck you!"

I hear Dakota's casual voice in my head as if he already knew, just wanted to cross check his doubts.

My heart thumps heavily and I hear a crack. Pain keeps seeping out of that crack as I clutch on to the transparent net like a lifeboat. I was just a game for them. A sinful bet between the two devils.

'Whoever wins the fighting championship.. Gets the girl.'


"It hurts to know he got you before me." Dakota tilts his head and stares at me with his deep, unflinched gaze that only a prey deserves. "As I am someone who doesn't share his toys."

Something hot rushes through my veins and my chest rises with a snarl. "I am not a fucking toy." I realize its anger. Pure rage pumps through me as I fist my fingers in a ball and glare at the AI asshole.

"And I belong to nobody. Not even you." I am so done with people treating me like an object, thinking I belong to play with.

Shadows unroll on his cold-corporate face. His full lips twist into an expression which I supposed a smirk, but it's not. It's incense.

Dakota keeps his glass down, calmly. My heart thumps as he looks at me like the sea holding back its waves, which could easily gulp down the entire city.

I wait for him to speak, growl, flick, anything. But he doesn't. His heartless gaze sharpens in vex and pierces mine. I want to look away, but I can't.

As if I am frozen in fear created by just his intoxicated eyes. After what felt like an eternity, he utters my name darkly.

"I don't think you get it, Emara."

His words ghost around me frantically as his fingers spade into my hair and close around it, dangerously.

He tugs back my hair hard enough to pull out a shriek from me, forcing me to meet his demon-fearing gaze. It's like looking into the eyes of Satan.

I shiver. The adrenaline I felt before slowly crawls back to the hole it came from as the reality slowly settles in.

I am facing a man who could easily crush my bones, and more easily crush my dreams with a snap of his left hand. I am under him, in all ways.

"You were mine from the start." His words are like fire.

"You were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you." And his words burn me.

"And you were mine as soon as I bet on you. Even Ryan knew he lost you the moment I decided I want you." 

I take a weak gasp as his fingers clutch harder on my hair like his sanity depends on the little strands.

"That fight was just patience for me." He breathes hotly on my skin. "And a slow mind-fuck for Ryan, because he knew he was gonna lose you to me." He speaks every word from his memory as if he has lived that moment over and over again.

"And he did what any coward would have done." He says, releasing my hair.

The second he lets me go, I feel breathless, like a person on life support whose oxygen mask has been removed.

The knowledge itself strips me bare of the fact Ryan slept with me coz he knew he was gonna lose the bet. To him. So he screwed me before Dakota could.


My heart jolts to the mouth at his abrupt growl. I gulp nervously, my knees prick with a sudden rush of blood as I stand up on his command.

Dakota pulls out my phone from his pocket, which I had left on the table before changing. It looks cheap and small in his long, elegant fingers.

"Call your dad."

My eyes widen in dread while his green orbs flashes darkly. "Tell him you are having a small session on Artificial Intelligence with my company, so you prefer staying in the city till the week ends."

My chest rises and falls madly, but he does even spare a glance on my cleavage, as if he has seen better and mine ain't even worth his attention.

"Dakota.. Please." I whisper like a beg.

"It's Mr. Black for you." He sternly warns me like he will pull out my tongue next time I called his name.

Hair pricks on my skin as he unlocks my phone and calls DAD from my contact list. Panic immediately seizes my body as he keeps the call on speaker and the rings goes...

"Emara? Where are you?"

My father's voice pours from the phone and my throat dries on the spot.


"Can you hear me?"

"Dad." My voice croaky and I gulp the stubborn saliva in my mouth. "I am at the.." Dakota watches me keenly, like a wolf waiting to eat his prey. "HighBars company for project related work."

"What? You got selected by a company-wait-Ethan wants to talk to you." I hear shuffling of movements and my brother's heavy voice comes through the speaker. "Which company you got in?"

His hunting eyes slowly slide to my exposed breasts which heaves heavily under his gaze. "High-Bars-System-Co." My voice shaky and out of breath.

His eyes stay longer on the parted curtains on my belly and my stomach clenches in return. A shiver runs down my spine as his dark gaze slide to the junction in between my legs and I shut my eyes.

"HighBars System? The AI company which newly launched its System X in collab with Tesla?" Ethan exhilarates in surprise.


I jolt with electric currents as I feel a hand on my thigh.

My scared eyes meet his determined ones as he presses his warm fingers on to my skin, while my brother's voice gushes through the phone. "It's a hi-tech company, even Melvin tried to contact them but they denied saying they don't take freshers.."

Goosebumps appear under his touch as he leisurely glides his fingers up my legs. "..Interview taken by experienced team members.." I struggle to draw in a ragged breath as his hand curves around my hips and pauses right on the band of my panties.

My heart stops beating and my lungs stop working.

Dakota lifts his thick lashes at me. Something dark percolates in the depths of his feral eyes and I swear they changed colour. He hooks his thumb inside the lacy band of my underwear and slowly drags it down.

"No!" I gasp breathlessly and he stops.

"What?" Ethan asks from the phone and I realize the call is still going on. "Th-The interview is remaining and will.. go on for a week." I lose my voice as Dakota narrows his piercing gaze at me and I beg him with my teary eyes.

"Where you gonna stay?" Ethan questions me.

"A-At the company's-s residence." My heart rattles violently in my chest as he lowers his thumb on my smooth thighs, along with the lacy panties.

"Ohkay.. Good luck then. I hope you clear all the rounds. It's a good company." The world around me begins to lose colour as I see myself being stripped of my decency, all the way down to the shining marble floor.

"I'll see you soon. Take care." I clench my thighs in shame as my brother's voice gets lost against my pounding heart.

The call ends. Dakota locks my phone and sits back on his chair, stroking his elegant finger on his lip as he studies at me like I am one of his twisted painting.

Tears threaten to fall down from my eyes. My fingers curl around the transparent frill that I was cursing all the way, only to hold on to it with my life.

"Look up."

There is an intense pull in his gaze, causing my chest to rise and fall. Dakota notices too. His eyes lazily crawl down to the deep cleavage of the dress and he keeps his gaze steady there.

"Let it go."

Anxiety churns in every cell of my body as his words spear my skin.

"Let go off that cloth."

I bite my lips and clutch at the only cloth left on my body. Begging him with my teary eyes, but he was not yet done humiliating me for what I did to him three years ago.

He is filled with vengeance till the brim.

I inhale a shaky breath that doesn't reach to my lungs. My fingers curl around the thin slutty slip on my shoulder and his fingers slowly furl in a fist as if he holding himself back.

Dakota patiently waits, like a predator waiting in the dark for the right opportunity to sink his teeth in. He won't let me go, at least not without taking his cold revenge first.

The strips lazily fall from my shoulders along with the frills, down upon the lacy panties, as I stand stark naked in front of the man who snatched my grace, just like he snatched me off my dignity, mercilessly.

Dakota smirks. A shiver crawls down my spine as his dark eyes rake over my naked body in victory. He finally brought me to a state as demeaning as a whore. Just as he wanted.

My arms hug my trembling frame as I try to cover my exposed skin. My vision gets blur as tears swell my eyes and fall down one by one in humiliation.

"Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk.." Dakota drawls cynically and I try not to flinch. Cold, heartless eyes gaze back at me with a look that can be only described as not-impressed.

"Pathetic." He hisses looking at my naked body.

A sob crackles in my throat and I couldn't stop whimpering at his ruthless words that pierce through me like a knife. I have never fallen this hard from grace.

"I didn't even do anything, and you are already shaking and crying." His long finger covers his lower lip, but couldn't hide the sinister smirk lurking at the edge of his mouth as he stares at me disappointedly.

Embarrassment shoots me down and I drop my gaze to the floor, hoping it would swallow me somehow and save me from this barbaric man.

"I thought I'll enjoy breaking you little-by-little for seven nights, but you are already on the edge of a breakdown. How pathetic!" He cooes like a psychotic man that sends traumatic shivers down my skeleton.

I am scared. I am shit-scared of this man.


I flinch back in terror as he suddenly growls. My hands hug my body in response to the threat created by his menacing aura. The door opens behind me and I hear a loud gasp. "Ohh! Madre de Dios."

Shame gets under my skin and I shut my eyes in humiliation as I stand unclothed between the two, bared off any decency.

"Explain all the household work to Miss Stone, including my schedule, what I eat in a day, and how organised I like my surrounding. Meanwhile, you and Pablo are off for a holiday. As long as I don't call."

Fear unlocks inside me when he mentions his intention to be left alone for seven days. Alone with me.

Dakota stands up. I take a step back cautiously as an obvious reaction to danger while he stands up to his glorious 6'3 height.

My heart beat accelerates as the beast of a man hovers over me. His spicy, woody cologne hits my nostrils and I hated how his scent pleases my scenes. It's earthy and rich, like his personal fragrance.

Dakota smirks, as if an evil thought overtakes his mind. "Also, show her the room beside mine. I want her to be reachable, anytime." His gaze hold darkest of the deepest desires as he stares at me intensely.

My instincts tell me to scream and run away, but like a captive slave I freeze under his toxic masculinity. He is huge, atrocious, and I am helpless and exposed.

My skin tickles with his hot breath as he leans to my ear and whispers in his deep voice. "Your seven days will start from tomorrow. Enjoy the dinner."

And walks away, leaving me naked and breathless.

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

WARNING: If this chapter bothers you.. Then you cannot go through the Seven Nights I have planned! The book is going to be highly mature!

Don't forget to vote on all the chapters of the book! We will be starting smut soon with Mr. Brutal Black 😮‍💨

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