The New Owner

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I stare down at my thighs and recall all the bad decisions I ever invented which made me reach here. On my knees.

A part of me wants to sink into the cold marble floor, grab his leg and beg for his forgiveness till he lets me go to my father's safe land.

But I know he has no heart, that pumps of feelings. It has all hardened into a stone which beats with no symphony of sympathy for me.

'Seven nights..' Dakota's deep voice echoes in my head and my anxieties clutch on to the frill of the dress. Submit to him? Survive his hell? How?

I slowly look up. His one hand is placed on one of his broad thighs that could easily crush a skull, and other one is gripping around the glass that touches his sinful lips as he takes a sip of the red liquid while staring down at me.

Green eyes under his long lashes appear dark, like they changed colour. There is more black in them than the greens. And it scares me thinking what unholy thing is cooking in his evil mind right now.

Dakota keeps his glass on the table and licks his lips. Plump, pink and wet, full in the center and curved on the edges. Perfect lips of a sinner.

Everything about this man screams of warnings. His muscular thighs, strong hips, toned chest with ungodly hair, sculpted jaw with a twisted smile like a cherry on top.

He is the kind of man, even his inner demons fear from.

Everything about Dakota is a danger flag. Someone you don't wanna mess with, even in your fantasies.

And here I am.

On my knees.

In a see through lingerie.

Decorated like a red-raw meat in front of a beast, starving since three years.

I gulp in my anxieties as he raises his other hand from his thigh and pulls the kitty hair band from my head, like snatching away my tiara. I bite my gasps and stare down at his feet in melancholy.

I want to run away to my home at the speed he ran after me.

I jump in fear as he keeps his large palm on my head and pets me like a dog. The heaviness of his hand reminds me of how muscular this man is and how useless I am to ever stop him from doing anything to me, physically.

My heart pounds against my ribs violently as he slowly draws his long calloused fingers through my wet hair and softly untangles every strand as if it bothers him.

"Why didn't you blow dry your hair?" He whispers hushly. His voice sounds just like his touch, gentle and patient while he tenderly brushes my damped hair.

My breaths become erratic as his warm fingers touches over my sensitive ear. I close my eyes and feel his thumb caressing the edges on my ear, drawing a C, then slowly sliding down to the soft part of my neck.

Something climbs from the ground and I rub my thighs, feeling the tingles going up to my lacy panties. The tip of his thumb brushes on my collar bones in a soft velvety touch, stroking me so sensually like he is painting me.

Blood runs hot as his touch gets erotic and dark like him. I take in a silent gasp as his long fingers slowly curl around the back of my neck. A place so secretive and unexposed, no one has ever touched before.

The hair on my nape pricks up as he scraps his nails while making lazy circles on me. A shiver spreads through my skin like fire on gasoline as his fingers possessively slide down along the spine, as if making my flesh be familiar with his touch. The new owner.

My eyes bolt open in shock as I put socks and shoes together. He wants me to become acquainted to his fingers, his touch.. for the things.. he wants to do.. to me.

I slowly look up, his concentration shifts to my face and his fingers follow, grazing on the edge of my jaw with such a soft caress that only a lover can give.

"What you gonna do to me?" My voice tiny like the thong I am wearing.

Dakota stares down at me with a frown as if I still didn't understand the assignment. He grabs my chin and I gasp in fear as his warm sunny touch suddenly turns icy cold. My heart beat accelerates as he brings his face closer to mine and looks dead in my eyes.

"I am going to fuck you, Miss Stone." He says with the exact same tone I had said, but with a twist of dark humour. "And I mean literally."

The toxicity of greens overpower the black as he stares at me with intense loathe in his brooding eyes that shakes my existence. He will never forgive me.

"But you don't even like me." A sob breaks in my throat.

"I don't have to like you to fuck you, Emara." His sinister voice echoes in my thoughts, piercing deep into my soul, and I know he will ruin me. Just like I ruined him.

Something strange sinks in my stomach and releases unknown sensations of fear. My thighs presses together as I feel it.

"What if I say no?" My left side of the brain says out loud.

Dakota smiles.

A smirk he couldn't hide on his happy-meal face, a smirk which is stubborn and won't leave his cruel lips as he sneers, "It's funny you think you have a choice."

He sits back, squaring his shoulders while jerking a brow at me arrogantly. "You are already at the lowest point of your life, on your knees, submitted to me and at my mercy."

He takes a sip from his wine while keeping a point-blank gaze on his prey, like a predator he is. "But for your clarification.. You step out of this house before seven days, and you will find your name associated with the interview scandal, trespassing case, and I'll be nice enough to sue you as well for the defamation case as you are everywhere in my cameras. And yes, your publication will be gone. For-e-v-e-r.. Along with your so called wolf book."

I clench my fingers on the slutty frills while my veins burn with fiery blood as I look at the king of all mind games. I can't believe he planned every step of the trap and waited patiently for me to fall for him.

Dakota gives his lips a nice lick before saying, "Then we both will have a black spot behind our names. Except, yours would be more dramatic, being the daughter of a police officer."

I glare at him with so much hate.

So much loathe harbours every second inside of me I never felt for anyone. Not even for that demon with whiskey brown eyes from my past. He seems like a little leech in front of this blood sucking monster, who is made up of all abhors, all greed, all ego... all vengeance.

Dakota grins, as if he recognises the mask of hatred in my eyes and enjoys it. His hand reaches to my face and I try not to shiver.

"Why this face, love?"

His fingers brush my cheek softly, like teasing my anger with his affection. "You wanted to enter my world so badly. And now you are here."

I gulp a sob crawling up my throat as he touches me gently like a longing admirer. He twists his wrist and caress my skin with his knuckles. "You climbed into my property, desperately.. to meet me.. to talk about your company.. to solve the misunderstanding.." He chuckles absurdly.

"And see, you got it all what you desired."

I bite a gasp as the back of his fingers slowly trail down my neck, following the nerve which is panicking under his touch. "In fact, I am willing to provide you more.."

His thumb touches the thin silk straps on my shoulders. "My hospitality.." While the back of his fingers feel my skin. "My time.." Slowly slipping into the cup of the dress. "My clothes.." Going deeper till he finds the hardening evidence of his slow torture.

"And my bed." Dakota smirks darkly.

A moan releases from my lips as he flicks my hard nipple and my face reddens in humiliation.

"Now, that's a better face." He grins as he pulls out his hand and leaves me cold and breathless, like a dog on leash.

I hear him chewing and sipping, enjoying his dinner while I stay on my knees in between feet. I couldn't move or scream, just stare at my pool of bad luck.

"Don't worry." He pets my head again as he assures me in his deep voice. "I'll do everything to you that you are worried about." And I wince.

"For seven nights." He adds after noticing my trembles.

I hear a click of the glass and in another second, his fingers were tilting my chin up to his gaze that looks like a nightmare. "You will be my Serene."

A dark shiver percolates through my bones as he calls me Serene, the name of that nude girl in the artwork hanging in his living room.

"I always wanted a wh0re." Dakota whispers darkly as he stares at me with the same intensity he stared at the painting of that naked woman.

My heart drops to my stomach and goes absolute silent. As if it forgot to beat or forgot to keep me alive.

A stupid side of my brain thought he liked me. I thought all these things were just a play to make me beg him for forgiveness. But he is serious.

He wants me to be a wh0re for him. To sleep with him every night to repay for what I did to him, with sex. Tears pool down from my tears and I take in sharp, deep breaths for my lungs to work.

Dakota holds me, or that's what I thought. His fingers curl at the back of my neck possessively, as if they found home. His lips lower down to my face and I close my eyes, feeling his hot breath on me.

I break into sobs as I feel his warm tongue on my skin, licking my cheeks. He drinks my tears like a sadist, as if they are antidote to his poison.

"Delicious." He exhales hotly.

"Now tell me.." His warmth leaves me as he lets go of my neck and I fall to my knees harder than I fell off my dignity.

"Did you and Ryan do it?"

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

RYAN is an infamous character from HIS EVIL WAYS book.

This book is a Stand-Alone book! But if you are a new readers who wants to know what happened between Ryan & Emara, without waiting for suspense, please read HIS EVIL WAYS book.

Thank you all for your lovely kisses for my ass🌷I am starting to like you all ;) subs.

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