Fuck My Feelings

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I gasp.

My lungs gasp with panic as I realize Ryan is kissing me, truly and deeply.

A chill races down my spine as he holds my face firmly and warm lips claim mine.

I taste the same sinful mixture of cigarettes and intoxication in my mouth, reviving all the buried memories to crawl out of me like zombies.

It just feels like three years ago.

The way he kissed me, played me, and tainted me his with narcotic touch.

I struggle to breathe as his other hand slowly sides down to my neck, sending tremors through me when his wicked fingers caress the sensitive back of my neck, right at the knot of my dress.

Fear grips me and I attempt to pull away, but he intensifies the kiss and bites my lips, sealing our mouths together like a devil's contract.

I feel helpless under his evil ways.

It feels like history is repeating itself all over again.

My heart pounds violently, each pulse magnified by the heat of his hot lips as they sensually suck mine, igniting a fiery trail of sparks racing down to the core between my legs.

Involuntarily, my thighs press together, and he notices too.

My mouth opens with an erotic push of his nicotine tongue, while his thumb grazes the curve of my heaving breast as he lets his hand slide down my arm.

I couldn't move, I couldn't push him away as he boldly feels me again, strumming with the strings of my body, replaying the same tune as three years ago.

Goosebumps erupt on my flesh under his pervert touch, spreading down to my legs, and I shiver again.

Ryan leisurely let his hand slide on my thighs, while his tongue dirty dances with mine, licking my insides as he deepens the kiss.

My chest heaves up and down as I struggle to maintain control over my body's response as his fingers trace a tantalizing path to my inner thighs.

A shudder passes through me and I shiver again as he drags his hand back, taking my dress with it and exposing my bare thighs to the pleasure of his view.

The car fills with the sound of wet kisses and the loud thumping of my heart banging against my ribs. I am trembling under his devilish touch and feverish lips, yet he shows no instinct to let me go.

His wandering hand edges closer to my panties, and suddenly he freezes.

His tongue and lips detach from mine, as he slowly glances down at his stomach, where the blade of my cutter is firmly pressed.

Ryan looks up at me, his eyebrows scrunch in confusion as he glares at me with a serious look, "Amara, what is that?"

"It's fucking Em-aa-ra, with an E. Get this in your stupid thermocol head." I growl, slapping his hand away from my body.

I should have known, he came back to just hookup with me!

"What did you call me?" Ryan narrows his eyes dangerously at me and my grip on the cutter tightens, ready if he makes any move.

"Did I stutter? Stupid thermocol head!" I spat at him furiously, not believing myself how I even fell for a player like him.

How blind was I?

"If you said one more word.."

"What you gonna do, huh? Run back to Europe, like a coward you are!" I grit my teeth, realizing how pathetic this man is.

He is not even a man, just a spoiled brat of a rich ass father who never belted his ass for his asshole behaviour.

Gosh! What did I even see in him?

"Listen, Ryan you-damn-son!" I raise my blade to his throat, inches away from his veins. "If you try to kiss me again, or even touch me.. I'll paint you in your own blood."

Brown eyes widen in shock, as he stares at me with unblinking disbelief in his eyes, not believing what I just said.

Even I can't believe myself. Some motherfuckers really bring out the murderer in me.

Ryan cautiously raises his hands in surrender and attempts to speak calmly to me, "Amara.. I know you ar-"

"What did I tell you, bitch?" I shove my cutter closer to his neck and growl in his face, "It's EM-AA-RA. With an E!"

"Fine. Amara Widany!" He exhales sharply, recoiling back into his seat.

What did he say?

"God, what happened to you?" And gasps looking at the cutter in my hand.

"Your bestfriend happened to me!" I yell, my voice heavy with frustration.

Fuck him and fuck you too!

Keeping the blade pointed in his direction, I go through his stuff- Lighters, tissues, keys, what is this?

I pick up a glass bottle in the shape of a skull and spray it into the air. Sweet, fruity scent assaults my nose and I almost gag.

What gayish perfume is this?

"I know you are mad at me for not telling yo-"

"Oh, I don't give a flying fuck about it." I interrupt his pathetic excuse and grit, "I don't even care if you slept with guys in Europe, and came back gay as a candy."

If he expected me to melt by his return, and fall into his arms and confess my love to him, then he has a pink dildo in his head.

"The moment you left, you were dead to me. I attended your funeral in my head, and cried for months, and accepted that you were gone. Forever." I tell him the absolute truth.

Though I am highly emotional, even unstable at times. But once I am done.. I am done!

Out of the corner of my eyes, I spot Ethan cruising by on his bike, and slowing down by our home. He is finally back from the gym.

"Amara.. I a-"

This son of a motherfucker!

"Listen, you shitty Dinosaur!" I snap, turning towards the man beside me. "My brother really likes your sister, and if you dare to interfere in between those two lovebirds with your idiotic antics.."

I point the blade closer to his pants and warn him in a dead-serious tone, "I will shred you and your little pee-pee like a sharper."

Absolute shock plasters across Ryan's face, with his eyes popping out and his jaw crashing down to his knees in disbelief.

"You will what?" He breathes out, completely baffled by my threat.

"You heard me bitch." I retort sharply, aiming my cutter menacingly at the devil in front of me.

"I will slice and dice your balls, make a spaghetti out of it with Italian sauce and spices, then feed you back with a smile, Mamma-Mia. So unless you are craving to be on the Menu, you better not fuck things up with your fuck-face, got it?"

Colours evaporate from Ryan's face as he stares at me with a paralysed shock. But I am not interested in staring back at him.

My eyes catch a small golden pouch resting in the cup-holder, which screams of luxury and money, as if made in real gold. I snatch it up and flip it open to find two shiny golden earpods, with a logo of LV on it.

"What are you doing?" He asks me, utterly confused as he watches me open the car door and taking his precious golden box along with me.

This is robbery, motherfucker!

"First time?" I smirk evilly while he stares at me with a big question mark on his face.

"One more thing, Ryan.. You kiss like a lesbian." I tell him bluntly, before stepping out of his giant buffalo car.

"And have some balls to come sober when you talk to a girl, you fucking loser!" I spit out the narcotic taste of weed from my mouth and slam the door as hard as I could.

"Dickhead!" I murmur walking away.

My heart no more beats for bitches, not even out of sympathy. I am done with motherfuckers!

I hold my cutter in one hand and grip the stolen golden AirPods in the other hand, while I stride towards my home, never looking back.

I don't even care to see if he is still sitting there with his mouth open wide, or if he died with the burns I gave him. I give no fucks!

Returning home, I find my dad absorbed in the movie, and I quietly make my way upstairs.

With each step I take, I leave behind the old Emara I used to be- Loving and emotional, who once believed in fairytales.

Too bad, her heart dried out.

I stop in my tracks, and head to Ethan's room. I find him spread wide on his bed like jam on bread, while typing on his phone.

"Yo, ugly!" I stand by his door and he jerks his head up in surprise.

"Wow! When did you come back, Shrek?" He slowly gets up, stretching his stiff shoulders with a groan.

"Half an hour ago." I reply, observing his busted state. "I heard you joined the gym." I pry curiously.

"Yeah.. Just trying to divert my mind from being dumped." Ethan whispers lowly, averting his gaze like a love sick puppy.

"Don't worry, Rose didn't dump you. It's her stupid brother who is back." I inform him, and watch his eyes flicker in surprise.

"Ryan! He is back?" So he didn't know!

"Yes. That's why she has been avoiding meeting you." I put two and two together, or maybe I should have just slapped those fours on his arrogant dick-face.

"How did you know?" Ethan asks me, squinting his eyes.

"I know everything, Jon Snow." I reply, silently walking away to my room, leaving a baffled Ethan alone to overthink.

After closing the door behind me, I sit in my chair and open the golden box of AirPods I stole from Ryan, right under his evil nose.

With a flick of touch, the screen displays with LV logos, appearing lavishly expensive and of utter premium quality as if custom made.

'I get it you are mad at me Amara widany'

'Lets meet tomorrow and I'll explain to you everything'

I see Ryan's messages pooping on my screen and immediately, I block his number too.

Seeing him after three years brought back every haunted emotion from my past, I worked so hard to delete. But I won't sit and cry for him anymore.

I have lowered my self-esteem for so many motherfuckers who didn't deserve me. And now, I won't lower myself for a dick.

I would rather let a dildo fuck me than a guy fuck my feelings again.

I am no longer that naive Princess from ThirstyLand, that can be easily fooled with an orgasm. I am now a Queen from BitchLand.

And Queens do not cry.

I place each golden pod into my ears, connect them to my phone and close my eyes, playing one of my favorite songs from my favorite rock band, at full volume.

'Mama, just killed a man..'

'Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he is dead..'

'Mama, life had just begun..'

'But now I have gone and thrown it all away..'

'Mama, oooohhhoooo..'

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


I get it! He was hardcore. He has his own demons, and trust me, I so BADLY want to reveal the reason for his aggressive behaviour. But it will take more chapters and some hug and kisses to finally open the dark pages of Dakota. 

YES, there are more secrets of him that will be unfolded in the next and last book- R for Romance. GO CHECKOUT I JUST UPDATED THE FIRST CHAPTER THERE😍

Also... I will update one more DAKOTA's POV Chapter as Epilogue here at 50K votes ⭐️

Meanwhile, lemme know how you liked this chapter ;) And the new Emara 👸🏻

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