The Devil's Trident

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"Come down.. I am waiting for you." Ryan whispers huskily, before hanging up the call.

Though he said softly, it feels like an order. A malicious command, that my body feels compelled to follow.

Fuck it!

I toss my phone on to the bed and pace around my room panickingly. Sweat runs down my neck, while my mind runs everywhere and anywhere.

Why did he come back?

And why the fuck he wants to meet me?

A part of my mind already knows the sinister intentions lurking behind his return, yet I don't want to accept it.

Walking to the cupboard, I pull out a small cutter blade and hide it in my palm.

One thing I learned from watching Euphoria: If you are going to face the bad guy, go prepared.

With unsteady steps, I climb down my dad's castle to go meet the evil prince outside.

"Where are you off to? You just came." My father questions me, pausing his Barbie movie on Netflix.

My feet halts on the spot, and so does my breath as his scrutinizing cop eyes lock onto me.

"Um.. Ana came to meet me. She is outside." I tell him awkwardly, hiding the cutter in my fist.

"Why didn't you call her in?" He asks me with questioning brows.

"I did, but she said she is only here for a few minutes." I reply hastily.

"Alright, be back soon." He nods, granting me permission to walk out.

I force a smile, gulping the guilt trip which is crawling up my throat. I hate lying to my parents, especially for a motherfucker like him.

I spot the black SUV parked a few houses away. I take a deep, shaky breath, before walking towards the car.

My stomach churns in fear as I see the devil's trident proudly erected on the bonnet, sending nostalgic shivers down my spine.

It feels like I am transported back to three years ago, when he took me in his car and touched me with his sultry hands in places where even sunlight had not touched me.

Black tinted windows cloak the vehicle from all sides, unable for me to see him. But I know, he can clearly see me.

Walking up to the passenger side, the door swings open and with trembling legs, I get inside the ominous car.

I close the door after sliding in and finally face the devil beside me.

Ryan Damison.

The worst nightmare of my life, is now alive and sitting beside me in all his flesh and bones.

My nose hits with the nostalgic scent of leather and smoke, taking me back to the time I last met him in his car, when he made me sit on his lap and

It feels like an episode of history repeating itself, without any background music.

Soft glow of blue light falls on his majestic face, highlighting his imperial features- Bushy brows, a sharp nose, full lips and chiseled jawline sculpted from the same stone as Roman deities.

It almost hurts to even look at his godly face.

Ryan tilts his head. His eyes crawl over the peach frock I am wearing, and lingers for a while on the exposed skin of my thighs where the dress ends.

"You got thick." A smile curve his sinful lips, and he lightly licks them.

I just glare back at him, showing no effect of him on me, not even a fake smile.

"How many years has it been?" He asks, bring his two thick fingers up to his jaw and lightly scratching it.


"Three." I correct him.

"Three years! Wow!" Ryan breathes out, leaning back against the headrest.

I feel an unknown tightness in my chest. It fucking hurts in chest to see how handsome he looks in his black Tommy shirt and navy blue jeans.

His skin glows flawlessly, with zero pimples and spots. He looks just like he was before, not an inch different.

They say true: Plastic does not age.

Yet, I was hoping he would be less attractive by now, or at least on his way to obesity.

But he looks beautiful as fuck!

"Do you remember how we used to fool around your house and in college?" A mischievous smirk plays on his lips, denting his sweet dimples.

"No. But I remember how you left without a word, and never cared to contact me back." I reply with a straight face.

"Amara.." His voice deeper than my depression.

I clench my fist, hearing that name again. He doesn't even know how to spell it, even after three years.

Whiskey brown eyes find mine, and they appear darker, almost black as he says, "You know how bad the situation had gotten."

"Not worse enough to text me." I grit out every word from my sliced heart.

"Amara!" He places his hand on my knee and my skin freezes under his touch.

Heat from his hand spreads through my body, and my breathing quickens, remembering where else his hands have been and how lewdly he has touched me.

"The police were involved, and I was one of the prime suspects in the drug case. And you already know my family's reputation, I had no choice but to disappear." Ryan explains to me.

I slide his hand away from my knee and spit furiously, "At least you could have informed me once that you were leaving, especially after sleeping with me that night."

My throat clogs as buried feelings try to flood out of me expeditiously, taking my senses along with its intensity.

"You never called me, or texted to know how I was doing after you left. Hell, you didn't even tell me you were going, and I came to know through Rose, that too after a week. I checked my phone every hour and cried every night like a foolish girl, hoping to hear from you again, because I was missing you so much." I yell at him with wet tears.

One by one tears rush down my cheeks, seeping out of the cuts and soaking me in the pain I tried to bandage three years ago.

"Hey.." Ryan raises his fingers, and softly grazes my wet cheeks. "I didn't know you would miss me this much, otherwise, I would have told you that I'll be leaving for Germany soon."

I feel a clench in my chest, resulting in physical pain.

"Lies! I messaged you, even DMed you so many times, if you had liked me even a little bit, you would have replied and told me the truth. But it's clear now, you never really cared about me." I slap his hand away angrily from my face, while I drown in my pool of tears.

I don't want his fake caress!

"That's not true. I cared." Ryan retorts, his jaw flexes as he points directly at me.

"I tried to keep you and your dorky brother out of this, that's why I had warned him to stay clear of Zydus's circuit as fast as possible, because I knew the police started tracking us."


"They even came to my place with a search warrant, but luckily they found nothing and I was gone by then." He explains to me, while all I hear is his fake excuses.

"I had to change the country, my number, leave all the social media and start a new life just to get rid of everything, but trust me, you and your cute face never left my mind."

My heart bleeds with his flirtatious lines, and I shake my head, not letting his lies pierce through me and force me to feel something for him.

I was silly and naive to trust him before. But now not!

"It's true, Amara." His hand returns to my cheeks and gently lifts them up to make me look up into his eyes.

But I shut my eyes and my heart, not wanting to melt under the intensity of his manipulative charms.

He is a liar. A fucking player!

I feel his warm breath caressing my lips as he slowly leans in, whispering, "Though I didn't contact you, I always made sure to check the site where you uploaded your story."

My eyes snap open in absolute shock and collide with whiskey brown eyes, which hold mine with a passion I can't escape.

My chest rises and falls rapidly as I search for a sign of deceit, hoping he is bluffing, but his confident smile cuts through my suspicions, leaving no room for doubt.

He is not lying! He really..

"Yeah, I have read every chapter of your werewolf book, and even commented a few times with a fake account." He admits with a slight smirk, showing his majestic dimples.

Blood runs cold through my veins and I stay frozen in my seat.

Ryan read my book! All the chapters I have written till now! All the scenes! All the dialogues! All the smut! About him!

"Though I was far, I always kept my eyes on you." He whispers huskily against my lips as he draws closer to me.

My heart thrashes wildly, unable to calm itself in his presence.

"And even now, you are the first person I came to meet after returning to the city." Brown eyes look deeply into mine, secretly confessing to me.

"Because, I missed you."

Ryan licks his lips, as he sensually looks down at mine.

My stomach churns, the knot in my belly tightens as he stares at me with the same old insatiable hunger, and in a heart beat, I feel the heat of his lips pressing against mine. 

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)


Now before you scream, let me explain to you.. My Original Plot

I wanted to write a book of Emara with Ryan and another of Emara with Dakota.. So you choose which one of them you hated the least.

Then I write the third book on Ryan-Emara-Dakota where they try to woo our broken princess and let the readers decide who should do what to finally be forgiven and accepted by Emara.

Also, I am planning an entry of third player, Daniel.. Just coz he is fun, and I personally think Daniel and Emara are a cute pair :D

Let me know your views. You can message/comment the scenes or plot you want me to write.. Serious/Sexy/Funny/Dark.. I'll try to fulfil them once it passes my brain's Plotting System.

Cool? Cool.

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