Naked Every Day

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I tear a part of my dress and fold my money in it.

I hide it safely in the closet's drawer, inside a pair of bathroom slippers so he couldn't find them.

I don't trust that cheap king. He already stole my clothes, and other alternatives. What if that miser steals my money too?

And then he has the audacity to tell me I am good for nothing. I'll show him what am good at..

I take a scissor and stomp towards his room. I am going to give all of his underwears a makeover. I will convert them into thongs, liked the one he wanted me to wear, then steal his clothes and run away like the biggest motherfucker he has ever seen.


I push the handle of his bedroom's door and the digital panel of the lock screams at me in a robotic voice, 'Access denied. Access denied.'

The fuck! This bastard has finger prints access all over his place. I can't even open a fucking door or drawer without his permission.

It's like this house is his kingdom and not even a fly can enter without being caught in his cameras. He rules every square foot, keeping his eyes everywhere like a tyrant king he is.

I look up at the camera at the end of corridor and lift my middle finger, 'Fuck You' I lip sync and walk away angrily. I bet he has posters of Andrew Tate all over in his room, that's why he is keeping it locked.

Gosh! I feel like a trapped hamster in a wheel here, and I miss my old grounded days with no Netflix or chill. I miss my annoying brother when he kept barging into my room asking for his books, which I used to hide just to watch him go crazy for an hour.

But there is nothing to hide here, except for the paintings which are fixated behind a safety glass so not even a speck of dust could touch them, leaving me alone.

His house is like a library, minus the books.

Only walls.

I can't believe I am missing my home, my family which I am ignoring from past three days because I don't what to lie to them.

But I have to be brave. I find my phone and call Ethan, before he himself reaches to HighBars office in search of me.


"Heyyy.. What's up, loser?" I greet my brother.

"Emara? Where the heck have you been? I called you so many times and we were so worried about you. Mom thought you got kidnapped and dad was going to fire an inquiry for you in Seattle." He bombards on me and my blood pressure increases.

"Oh my god! What? Didn't I tell him about the interview and sessions with this AI company?"

"Yeah.. But then you totally disappeared. You didn't pick our calls or replied to texts. We were so worried, Emara." He complains to me like the one minute big brother he is.

"Yeah-yeah, I am sorry. I was-a-bit-busy with things. Had too much work." I tell him as I put dishes into the dishwasher.

"Did you clear any round?"

"Yes. Two." And I am on the third one now.

"How were they?"

Sweating bullets!

"Tough. The first one was very hard to.. clear. I just didn't expect the level to be this tricky." I sigh deeply. Only I know how I survived the day one.

"Yeah! It's a top-notch company. They would not just let anyone get in unless they are sure the candidate holds that much value for what they are providing."

Dakota's harsh voice barks in my head, telling me how useless I am, yet he is still keeping me here.

"Yeah.. Enough about me. Tell me, how are you and how's your internship going on with Rose?" I ask Ethan while changing the topic.

"All good. All good. It's just Rose is behaving weird from couple of days."

"Why? Did you two fight?" I ask him for gossip.

"That's the problem. We didn't. She is avoiding me lately, saying she doesn't have time but I can see her hanging out with her friends on their stories."

"Oh! Do you think she wants to breakup with you?"

"I don't know. I feel so confused about her sudden change in behaviour."

Hmm.. What if she is cheating on my brother? I mean after all she is Ryan's sister. You never know what is going on in a Damison's head!



"I wanted to ask.. Is something going on between you and your company's boss Dakota Black?" Ethan asks me, throwing me off the edge.

"WHAT? NO. Nothing! Why would you ask that?" I hyperventilate like a cat in a bathtub.

"Well let's say, if I call in Amazon for inquiry, for sure Jeff Bezos won't call me back from his private number to solve my query, and then offer me a job in his company."

"HE DID WHAT?" My voice loud, depicting my shock.

"Well I told him I adore his work and he asked me to join his team as an AI developer after graduation." Ethan says calmly, against my freak out.

Did that psychopath figure out that I sent him to jail to save Ethan and now he wants his revenge from my brother as well for seven years being enslaved in his company under his tyrant rule?

"So, is something going on between you two?" Ethan asks me for gossip.

"No. No. Nothing is going on between us. It's just-he knows me personally because he was in our college. So maybe he was just being extra nice." I can't believe I said that.

Dakota being nice is like lion being a vegetarian.

"What? He-he studied from our college?"

"You don't know? In fact, he was a valedictorian of the batch passed out before our admission." I don't know why I said that proudly.

"Wow! That man is like Tony Stark of IT world and I can't believe we shared the same institute. Wait.. do you get to see him every day?" Ethan prys at me with his eager questions.

I don't just see him. I see him naked. Every day.

"Yeah! Um.. I gotta go now. I have to prepare for the test." I tell him, which is not entirely a lie.

"Yeah! Okay. Also can you get me his signed card with his full name for me?"

"What! No!" I retort vehemently.

The only place where that brute would ever agree to put his trademark on is my ass. That too in big capital letters, W H 0 R E.

"Why?" Ethan urges me and I feel like to smack him then myself. "Bye."

I keep the phone aside and hold my pulsing head in my hands as I think about the plot twist.

Despite not being a graduate, Dakota offered a job to my brother in his company that engineers are clawing to get in.

Okay, Jesus. I am confused!

Is he trying to take revenge from me or earn a smooch from me?

I march my way to the bathroom and give my face a refreshing slap of cold water. Stop thinking about him!

My eyes fall down to my attire and in one glance, I look like I time travelled to ancient Rome where fashion was nonexistent, and bed sheets were considered as formal wear.

At least I am not naked.

"He is crazy. I am telling you he is psycho and crazy." I tell my reflection and we both agree.

"He is playing with your mind by his sweet then cold behaviour, so you would fall for him. And then after the seventh day, he will kick you and your feelings out of his mansion. That's his revenge!"

I laugh out loud as if I discovered a new theory of relativity, which proves Einstein was wrong and dumb.

"But sweety.. I am a step ahead of you.. I'll let you think you got me all wrapped around your little finger, then will make you fall instead, and when the seventh day ends, I'll leave you crying in your own pool of salty, revenge tears."

As they say.. Revenge is a dish best served cold. And I will make sure yours is ice cold, Mr. Black.


Whole day I watch Netflix and do not chill, instead vacuum his house, clean and cook for him. Suddenly, I get stopped by a pair of sensual eyes staring at me starkly.

The naked girl in the painting lies on the bed like a queen. Her tits and eyes gaze at the viewers boldly, in an unapologetic expression. I couldn't help but feel jealous of her confidence as I can't even pull that look with clothes on.

I tilt my nose up, coping her posture as I feel a deep desire to be as striking as the wh0re in the painting. He called her Serene. The most famous prostitute of Paris, who got all wealthy men on to their knees, for one sensual-wet night with her.

Is that what he wants me to be? A pretty looking wh0re, waiting for him on the bed, naked and wet.

"Is that your fantasy, Mr. Black?" Words slip out of my lips like silk as I feel confident in my own skin. I can eat men, and I will chew him and gulp him down like a slice of pizza.

Suddenly, the watch on my hand buzzes and I read the notification.

'Protien shake.'

The devil is coming back!

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)

Don't forget to Like on all the chapters if you missed any.. It really helps the writer 😇


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