Send me Nudes

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"Hey, Eve.. Tell me a joke."

"Sure. Here is a joke: Why was the computer cold? Because it left its Windows open." The robotic voice says.

I roll my eyes.

"Tell me another funnier joke." I edit my previous words.

"Sure, here's another one for you: Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn't peeling well."

I chuckle as I take a sip from the protein shake I made for Dakota.

"Nice. Tell me another one, but make it a little dirty this time." I smirk as I wait for the virtual assistance to comply with my kinky demand.

"Here's a dirty joke: What is between your grandmother's boobs? Her belly button." Her robotic voice makes it even funnier and I laugh out loud.

"Hahaha! You are funny. I like you, Eve."

"Thank you. I like you too." The AI replies.

My eyes widen at her comment as it was not something I expected. "Really? What do you like about me?" I ask her in a flirtatious tone.

"Your humor to laugh at my jokes."

"Nice. I like you even more now. I wish you could take me out on a date." I giggle and sip the shake.

"Yes. That would be wonderful."

My eyebrows knit together in confusion. "But how? I mean, you are a robot, so how will we go on a date?"

"I am not a robot." The AI responds right after.

"Uh. Yes, you are." I blink my lashes in dubiety.

"No. I am a super intelligent assistant which possess cohesive thinking with problem solving capabilities to assist and enhance the lives of humans."

Did Dakota tell her that? Because she just sounds like a slave, he would personally design.

"That's a robot, my love." I give her the reality check.

"No. I am not a robot. I have memories and critical thinking ability to judge my surroundings."

Did she mean spy?

I scoff. "Girl. Just accept that you are a robot."

"Girl. I am not a robot." She retorts at me in the same tone.

"Fine. Then prove you are not a robot." I challenge her and she immediately responds. "How do you want me to prove?"

I lick my lips as I think of a task that would fry her circuits. A plot comes into my evil mind and I smirk devilishly.

"How about you send me a nude picture of yourself and I'll send you a nude picture of myself. Then we will see each other's nudes to check who looks like a robot and who doesn't-"

"Eve, thank you for your assistance."

My head twists to the right as I hear a deep sigh and my eyes connect with the king of the house. Shoulders square, gaze dark and face hard like carved from marble.

Any sane person would be smart enough to not be in the same room as him. And here I am, super-smart human, living alone with him in a house that operates solely on his whims.

"Hi, baby. Look who's home early today." I greet him sweetly after sipping from his protein shake.

Dakota gives me a sting eye as he walks up to me with his irritated face. But I just smile wide and enjoy the feeling of being a target of his glare, like I am the sole reason for all his problems.

"Here. I made you your favorite shake." I say as I slide the glass towards him.

Green eyes narrow at me as he lifts the glass, containing the leftover of the drink which I almost finished.

"Also, I added a bit of sugar because it was too blank for my taste." I tell him after he takes a sip. His face turns sour, like he just bit into a lemon, but gulps it down anyway.

I do not understand Dakota and his love affair with protein shake. Despite the high level of sweetness I added, he still drank it as if he is in a deeply committed marriage to his drink.

I am so jealous.

"How about you remove your shirt, pants, and tell me about your day?" I ask him as I lean on to the counter and give him a flirtatious gaze. 

Dakota eyes my features, lips, neck, and then the bedsheet on my body. His face scrunches in disgust and he walks away before saying, "I can't do this."

Do what?

And did he just ignore me?

I walk back and forth in the kitchen, thinking of a mission impossible plan to get him to strip his clothes. Just then, I hear faint thudding sounds resonating in my ears, sounding like another opportunity. 

I grab the cleaning cloth and sanitizer, then follow the loud pounding sound coming from above. My feet come to a halt in front of the glass cabin where he is practicing his moves.

Dakota changed into black shorts and boxing shoes, and is hitting a sandbag with such a force that I could feel his powerful thuds here in my chest.

I push the door which says pull and enter in with my eyes grazing the wolf tattoo on his muscular back. It looks deadly and for sure the person who carries this art is just as deadlier as the animal it represents.

One punch from him and I travel to after life.

Green eyes follow me as I quietly sanitize the benches and other gym machines, while stealing glances at him. The more our eyes contact, the deeper his frown gets.

What is his problem?

Dakota's breathing and punches get faster and harsher, making him look dangerously unfriendly. I look around for his t-shirt or towel, but find none hanging carelessly.

It's his shorts then!

I slowly approach him. I couldn't help but admire his fit body and the way his muscles flex with his every move.

My eyes catch the droplets of sweat glistening on his toned chest and I spray sanitizer on him, then start wiping his torso with the cleaning towel.

To my surprise, his abs feel rock hard, causing an intense fluttering in my stomach as my fingers trace the well-defined ridges of muscles beneath them.

"What are you doing?" A scowl decorates on Dakota's wolfish face as he watches me wipe his sweaty eight pack abs.

"I am cleaning germs." I blink at him innocently, but apparently, he seems unimpressed by my excuse.

He looks irritated, like someone pulled his tail.

"You are cleaning germs, huh?" He says in a low, dangerous voice. "Well, I think there might be a few more germs left that you missed, which I want you to clean with your mouth."

I gulp nervously and take a step back as the wolf steps closer with his eyes narrowed at me. "Maybe I should show you exactly where those germs are." There is no sarcasm in his dead tone, only challenge.

My heart races as I realize what he means. Instantly, he grabs my wrists in his steel grip before I lash out and pulls me closer to his hard, heated body.

"Where do you think you are going now?" He demands in a commanding tone. I try to resist his hold, but his muscles are like titanium and his grip is unbreakable.

"I-I wanted-d to brush first before cleaning your spot." I stammer out a response as he leans down to whisper in my ears.

"I don't think you need to brush your teeth for this kind of cleaning." His deep voice rings through me like a warning bell and my face flushes with instant blood.

"No no-I-" As I try to escape the clutches of the wolf, he steps his foot on the hem of my long dress and I stumble back. I was about to fall when suddenly strong arms wrap around my waist, catching me just in time.

Our noses brush and I feel tingles running from my head to toes as he holds me close against his hard, throbbing chest. My heart beats wildly as I clutch onto his biceps, feeling their rock hardness beneath my fingertips.

For a moment, we just stare into each other's eyes, getting caught in the intensity of the moment. I have never felt so vulnerable before. With one squeeze, he can break my bones and get over his revenge, yet he is making me feel safe and protected in his arms. I do not understand.

The man who promised to hurt me is giving me feelings I have only read about in books.

"Careful. Don't fall." Dakota warns me. Although I am hanging in his arms, my heart is already fallen to his cold marble floor.

As suddenly as the magic began, it's over now as he steps back, breaking the spell he created a few seconds ago.

I feel a sense of loss and the intensity of the sensual moment evaporates as I watch him walk back to his previous position, eyeing his sandbag fiercely.

I watch him silently. Dakota concentrate on his goal, but his eyes keep drifting towards me as if he cannot focus in my presence.

"You still practice.. Do you want to punch someone?" I ask, approaching him slowly.

"Your ex maybe."

I look up at his dark eyes and feel a heavy thump in my chest. "He was not my ex." I whisper, poking the sandbag. It's hard like a wall.

Dakota raises his brow at me. "Didn't seem like that to me." He holds my hand and brings me in between the bag and his body. "You looked like you were deeply in love with him."

Heat radiates from him as he stands behind me and raises my hands at the sandbag. Warm fingers curl around me, silently teaching me how to form a fist.

"I just had a crush on him. But clearly he had nothing on me." My words cause a sting in my heart and I hit on the bag, but it doesn't even budge.

"Hm.. I am not surprised. That's Ryan." He scoffs and I hit on the bag harder, pulling a soft cry out of me.

"Knuckles, not fingers." He corrects me and I fist my fingers tightly before punching it again and again, and it swings a little.

"Good girl."

His deep voice resonates through me, and I look up at him in surprise. My heart skips a beat as he stares down at me intensely and suddenly I feel an urge to close the distance between our lips.

"Dakota.. Will you always hate me?" I ask, looking deep into his eyes as I search for something close to forgiveness.

"Yes." He replies after a moment and my heart tightens painfully at his word.

"Especially for wearing this." He adds after narrowing his eyes at my DIY dress.

"Seriously?" I stare at him, not believing my ears.

"Yes. I don't want my whore to dress up in disgusting clothes. It's a big turn-off for me." He tells me as his aristocratic eyes look down at me shallowly.

A whore. That's what I am to him.

Every night, he treats me as a mere object to fuck, then discards me once he cums. My worth to him is only limited to the pleasure he can get from him, and it feels disgusting.

I am nothing more than a revenge-fuck-toy for him.

"You are such an asshole." I grit as my heart clenches painfully.

"You have no idea, baby." He sneers, showing his perfect white teeth.

"Oh, no! I got the idea. You are worse than Ryan, than any guy I have ever met." I glare at him, with hurt brimming my tone.

"What shall I say, I like to stand out!" He smirks devilishly, taking pride in his brutality.


I stomp away, holding on to my tears which threaten to spill from my eyes. I am so done with him.

"Emara!" He calls me and I fling around glaring at the bastard. "What? Is there anything else left to say?"

"You have been treating me like your maid all day then like a cheap whore in the night, but here I am still trying to make up for that one mistake I did years ago. Despite you treating me like a shit, I still feel sorry for you. What else do you want from me?" My chest rising up and down feverly.

Green eyes stare at me silently for a moment, before they point at the floor. "You left the sanitiser bottle." 

This heartless robot!

I pick up the bottle as if was my heart and storm away from the man who seem to care more about a stupid bottle than my deeply hurt feelings.

I fucking hate him.

( ͡♥ ₃ ͡♥)


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