The Devil Himself

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A shrill shock courses through my body as I look at the ghost from my past. A ghost that has haunted me from past three years is now standing right in front of me.

The devil himself.. Ryan Damison!

The guy who was my muse, the one I was blindly in love with, and the one who slept with me for a night, took away something precious from me, then left me without a word.

Those devilish eyes remain stubbornly on me, and oh so slowly, his lips move in a low whisper.


A name that only he calls.

A name that has haunted my ears, and even my soul.

"You know err?" A girl draped on his arm asks him with a touch of foreign accent. She possesses waterfall blue eyes and a skin so flawless you could only find in models gracing magazine covers.

I feel a sting in my chest. A deep sharp stake, pushing right into my heart the longer I stare at them together.

"Wie wäre es, wenn du mal eine weile fotos machst?" He says some exotic words to the girl, and she rolls her eyes before walking away.

Yet, neither the sting and nor my heartbeats slow down.

"I never thought I would see you here." His gaze focuses back on me, and everything around us just disappears as I stare back at those whiskey brown eyes that hold me physically.

It's as if his presence casted an eclipse over me.. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't blink.

I never really looked into those eyes after that sinful night, and now they are staring at me like I am the most precious flower in his garden.

The flower that he conquered, crushed and stepped, moving on.

I was so crazy for him. I loved him. I would have done anything for him.

I fell for him so hard, and he didn't give a damn fuck about me, than just fucking me.

Ryan advances towards me, and as if my instincts kick in, I cautiously step back from his closing figure. But before I could make an escape, he instantly clutches my arms.

"Hey, hey."

Time stops.

Blood freezes in me and all the memories rush back to my flesh as he touches me again. The night he sneaked into my room, under my blanket, on my body, with his hand and mouth all over me roaming freely, while he played with my heart and dirtied my sheets.

"I was thinking about you, and.."

And then he smiles.

A smile so genuine, a smile that illuminates his brown orbs as they gleam with delight upon seeing me.

A smile that races my heart, accelerates my pulses, intensifying my breaths.

"You.. changed." Ryan whispers.

His eyes slowly descend on my body and I feel those frightening tingles like he is physically caressing me once again, stirring up those haunted memories I have tried to bury.

When he played games in my bed and touched me at the same time.

My breath comes in irregular bursts as he takes in every inch of my flesh, as if he is been longing to see it again.

Whereas I feel needles as I stare at him. I hate how he looks unmistakably the same, yet subtly changed.

His hair is cut short, and the way black suit snuggles him comfortably, it makes him look taller, more mature, and even more manly.

Ryan leans in, and a nostalgia of his smokey scent hits me like a punch to my gut. My breath catches in my throat as his fingers brush against my cheek.

They slowly curl around a lock of my dark hair and delicately tuck it behind my ear, as he whispers with a voice of a lover, "I missed your blue hair."

My lungs run in laps, with his deep voice entangling my heart of how sweetly he is talking to me, even though he never really did.

Brown eyes lock onto mine once again as he flashes me that damn smirk, the one that used to melt me, and playfully asks, "Did you miss me?"

I feel a pull of thread tightening around my heart all too painfully. I could feel his smile cutting through my skin, oozing fresh blood and reopening old scars.

"I-" Have to go!

Taking a step back, two, three. I turn around with my bleeding heart and walk away, creating as much distance between us as possible.

Tears threaten to spill as I dive through the crowd, desperately searching for a distraction, or a place to hide. My blurry eyes catch the sign of restroom and I run.

I run, feeling a surge of emotions in me that I thought I had long buried: The pain, the betrayal, but also the remnants of what once was love.

His eyes, his voice, his touch, everything takes over me, bringing me back to the Emara three years ago, which I tried to kill.

I enter the ladies one room washroom and gasp, catching my reflection in the mirror. My mascara which was supposed to be waterproof is now all over my wet lashes.

I didn't notice when I started crying.

I hear the click of the door and hastily wipe my running tears.

"It's occupied." I call out, only to realize I hadn't locked it and the door swings open, revealing Dakota with a face as hard as Space X's steel.

He looks lethal, almost like a provoked animal.

The lock clicks behind him and I stare at him with ragged heart beats. "What are you doing here?"

Dakota takes a slow animalistic step towards me.

"I saw you talking with Ryan." His voice deeper and lower than depths of hell.

That's when it hits me.

"You brought me here to flaunt me in front of Ryan?" I glare at him, with tears pricking my eyes.

He knew Ryan was going to be here!

He knew it very well, that's why he dolled me up all nicely and invited me here as his plus one, to taunt Ryan how I hung on his arm.

"What the hell did you two talk about?" Dakota demands. His thick lashes casting an ominous shadow, making his emerald eyes even more sinister.

I thought he liked me.

I thought Ryan liked me too. But no..

"It's just a fucking competition between you two. Who wins the fight, who sleeps with whom!" My heart hammers in my ribs as I finally get to piece it together.

How come I didn't see this before?

Dakota doesn't likes me. He only likes this feeling of winning from his ex-bestfriend.

Their male ego is the only thing these men care about!

"What the fuck did he say to you?" Green eyes narrow down at me in slits as he takes a menacing step towards me.

"That's none of your business." I snap back, losing to anger.

"It is my fucking business." Dakota growls, cornering me between the sink and his brooding presence.

His hand raises and curls behind my neck possessively. With the strength of a murderer, he holds me in place and lowers his bestial face to me.

"You are mine to touch, you are mine to fuck, and you are mine to talk."

Dakota spells every word possessively, printing onto my flesh and I hate how it slits through me, reminding me once again that I am nothing but an object for him.

"Only for seven days. And today it all ends." I retort defiantly, standing up for myself.

Enough is enough!

These men have torn my heart to shreds for their fragile egos, and tonight, I refuse to be a part of their bets.

I am not a fucking object to bet on!

Not anymore.

"And don't you dare dictate to me now. I am not your slave. I can go fuck anyone I want." I spit out angrily at the man, who claims to own me, when I never really consented to be a part of their twisted games.

I belong to nobody!

I hear a jaw clench and the green in his eyes disappear as the clouds of darkness take over, almost like a cloak of insanity overtaking his senses.

"What did you say?"

I feel a heavy thump in chest, stirring up the same unsafe feeling that I have felt all those nights with him. And the grip of his hand on my neck, suggests me that his inner demon is resurfacing.

Like something obnoxious is about to conquer his mind, turning him into this uncontrolled animal, that he warned me about.

The beast.

( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Who missed the Beast???  Author: Me🙋🏻‍♀️Me🙋🏻‍♀️Me🙋🏻‍♀️

I am heartily sorry to update this late, as I got busy with my work and completely forgot that I was a writer too. So just to compensate, next chapter will be updated in this week only. 

Don't forget to like the chapter and kiss my ass 💋Both deserve it 💞

I love you, Chica 😘

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