The Meme God

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"Should I pack this Roadster up for you two?"

Suddenly I hear a playful voice and turn around to find the Meme God right in front of us, in all his shining glory and leather jacket, which kinda looks tight on him.

Oh my Elon-gated Musk-rat! It's him! It's him!

"Mr. Musk! Pleasure meeting you." Dakota quickly slips back into his businessman persona.

"Please, call me Elon. What were you so seriously discussing about?" Elon returns his greeting with interest blinking in his eyes.

"Nothing much. We were just admiring the unique design of your truck." Dakota smirks, trying to sound as professional as possible.

"Unique is certainly one word for it. Some say it looks like a toaster." The creator roasts his own creation.

I couldn't help but genuinely smile in return, feeling lucky to even smell the same Musky air as Elon himself.

Maybe if I step just a little bit closer to him, I can sniff what he smells lik-

"And this is Emara." Dakota upfront introduces me and I take a big gasp of air as the eyes of Meme Lord lands on me.

"Hello, I am Emara." I blurt with a mix of nerves and excitement in my voice. "The one who took that infamous interview of Mr. Black which practically set the media on fire. That was me!"

Dakota shots me his sharp-as-knife glare, a silent cannibal warning, while Elon just laughs out loud, taking in interest.

"Oh, that was you? Well then, maybe you should interview me next. I could use some of that explosive publicity for Cybertruck. It's been too quiet on that front."

"Really? I would love to interview you too." My eyes widen with excitement, while Dakota narrows his eyes at me, and I happily ignore his warning.

"Just make sure you mention its durability to survive a Zombie apocalypse. That's a key selling point." Elon jokes seriously.

"Also make sure you don't break any windows this time, Elon." Dakota comments in, his humour sharp as ever.

"Haha! That was a great way to break the internet, wasn't it?" Elon chuckles, recalling that embarrassing moment.

If I were him, I would have changed my name, flown to a remote island and launched a startup to sell coconuts. Yet, here he is, cracking jokes about it!

"Just say it was a scaring feature for Zombies." Dakota quips, making Elon laugh and pat him on the back in amusement.

"That's a great idea, but for your interview, we will make sure it's actually bulletproof.. and chaos-proof." Mr. Musk refers to me with a professional smile.

"Awesome! I also heard Cybertrucks come with a free Mars trip, or the rumours say so." I say half joking, to which Elon nods his head.

"I need to curb where these rumours are emerging from, but if the interview blows up, like your previous one.. I'll take you myself on the Mars." And winks at me.

Ohmygarlicbread! Really?

"Elon!" Someone calls him out from behind, and he politely excuses himself, walking away.

"Oh my God! He was so cool!" I whisper scream at Dakota, barely containing my excitement.

"Emara! You were not supposed to tell him about that interview." He glares at me with narrowed eyes.

"What?" I blink at him in confusion. "But you only told me to use it as an opportunity to network."

"I was being sarcastic, I didn't mean literally." He grits slowly. "People will think I staged the whole thing for spotlight."

"But you did!" I couldn't help but point out his actions.

"That doesn't mean others have to know." He gives me a side-eye bombastic.

I can't believe this hypocrite smartass man!

"Oh, well.. the damage is done now. But, do you think Elon could adopt me?" I blink at Dakota cutely, wagging my imaginary tail.

"You are unbelievably crazy!" He whispers with a slight shake of his head. Then pauses, giving me a more thoughtful look. "You handled yourself pretty well though."

I look at him, and feel the steady beat of my heart. "Oh, yeah.. I didn't feel any anxiety kicking in this time." I notice too.

Must be it's the result of that scared golden nectar!

Just then Elon reappears, clapping on his shoulder. "Dakota, over here! I would like you to meet our production manager, Michael."

Mr. Musk catches my eye and leans in whispering playfully, "Do you mind if I steal him from you?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "He is all yours." And give him a smile, which he mirrors back.

Dakota gives me a silent look, before walking away with Elon towards a tech-mogul gathering. I turn around and admire the cars, then the crowd, still not believing that I actually talked to Elon Musk.

Shoot! I forgot to click a snap with him.

Glancing back, I see Elon engrossed in a conversation with Dakota. Which reminds me, I don't have a picture with Dakota either.

Also, I never really thanked him for helping with my anxiety and introducing me to Elon Musk, someone I could have never met in person with no amount of contacts and checks.

Dakota has always been so guarded with his emotions, but yesterday, he let down his walls and showed me a part of him that I never imagined to exist within him.

His flaw, a vulnerability that he rarely shows to the world, yet he exposed it to me. And this unexpected glimpse into his dark soul, somehow made me feel special.

My gaze focuses at the polished businessman. Though he is wearing Black, I see no inch of blackness in him.

In fact, he appears so shiny and bright like the Sun, that people can't help but get attracted to his passion burning fire.

Even me, a small asteroid, who is floating somewhere far is helpless to look away from his magnetic aura.

I am well aware he is dangerous, and I might burn myself getting too close to him. Yet like a mindless Stone, I am irresistibly drawn to his Black matter.

I want to keep staring at him. Cover the distance between us. Maybe even the distance between our lips.

I want to feel his heat on my lips, even if they catch on flames.

Suddenly, my heart skips a beat as those intoxicated green eyes lock into mine as if they heard my unspoken words.

Dakota holds my gaze unflinching, while remaining attentive to the conversation around him. His dark eyes speak of sins, igniting a flurry of emotions I dare not to name, yet I feel them deep down to my bones.

A surge of heat courses through my body, and I feel a drop of sweat rolling down my spine. I couldn't breathe, as if I have gotten too close to him and I have to get out of his gravitational pull, before I burn myself up.

Turning around, I take deep breaths in a desperate attempt to create more physical distance between us.

Today is my last night with him. And tomorrow, I'll leave his castle.. His life.. Him.

I should be happy!

"Excuse me." I navigate through the crowd, with my heart still stretching back to where Dakota stands.

Don't play tricks on me now, heart!

I feel a clench in my chest, and my breaths come in and out rapidly, while my mind tries to contain out all these thoughts and mixed up feelings my tiny body is handling.

I need a drink to calm the fuck down.

Moving through the crowd, my eyes catch a glimmer of bubbly champagne glass on a tray carried by a passing waitress.

Eager for a sip, I stretch my hand towards the golden nectar, but my fingertips brush against someone else's fingers as we both reach for the glass at the same time.

"Oh, I am sorr..." My words trail off as I glance up to apologize.

Suddenly I find myself gazing into a familiar pair of whiskey brown eyes, sparking a sense of recognition to the depths of my soul.

Six feet tall, jet black hair, thick mushy brows, hooded lethal eyes, straight nose, with a pair of catastrophic lips.

A jolt of current runs down my spine as I realize the man standing before me is none other than..


( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)

Oh my my! Who missed drama?? I mean Ryan ;)

I think I'll go back to updating one chapter a month as you all are not interested to read the next chapter.

So the next update will be in June or at 38K votes. 

Kisses from BradPitt to mia18arabella , Leopheonix , SoumyadeepaPal , Alizakhaan , simamkeleangel , BertinaMwadime , Desireful_demon , TerriPlattenburg 😘😘

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