Chapter 21 Win Mr. Satou's Duel

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In an empty classroom, a teacher says, "And, let's see... I have an announcement to make. Today, I have resigned from teaching. If you want to know why, well... It's because I'm disappointed in all of you. Your lack of motivation, noncommittal dueling, and refusal to engage in real competition. It makes me quite sick. That's why I have decided..."

He looks up and see that there is nobody sitting on the seats. "... to take revenge." He closes his book.

Ruri, Shun, Lisa, Jean, and Aera arrive at a glass building, and Lisa says, "So far there aren't any Academia members around here..."

"What is this lab actually?" Jean asks. "It seems to be some sort of lab..."

Aera notices the sign and says, "Super Animal training lab...I have to guess this is some sort of animal lab..."

Ruri asks, "Are we really going to go inside here?"

Shun says, "We don't know if we don't go in."

When they are walking inside, they decide to split up to search for Academia members, but all they find is none.

"We searched every corner of the building... don't tell me there are no Academia members here." Shun grits his teeth.

"Guys! That seems to be working." Ruri points at the elevator, and they all step in front of it.

"Where does this elevator go?" Lisa asks.

"Maybe the Academia duelists?" Jean asks. "But it also might be a trap.

"Trap or not, it doesn't matter. We can't just stay here and do nothing while others are fighting their own battles." Ruri says.

They all head down from the elevator, and they are surprised to see a giant jungle. "This is..." Aera asks.

"All of this is down here?" Jean gasps.

They can see a lot of animals roaming around the area, and once they leave the elevator, Ruri asks, "Should we split up?"

"No, we should go together, we don't know if there are traps around here." Shun says.

And just then, the lights suddenly turn off. Lisa asks, "Is this a Power outrage?"

"This is an old facility after all judging by the walls." Jean says. "And somehow I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Don't move!" Shun suddenly yells before slashing something from Ruri's shoulder. "It's a poisonous spider."

Ruri says, "Thanks, Brother. Although I don't think it will attack unless we startled them..."

Aera says, "This place is not normal. If we don't hurry, something bad might happen."

Just then, they hear growling, and they turn to see a tiger in front of them. "They have these roaming around, too?" Jean asks.

"It seems the animals they were keeping here have become feral." Aera says. "We've better leave."

As the tiger is approaching, they try to run away, but just as they are running, they hear Ruri's scream.

"Ruri?" Shun yells in horror, and they turn to see Ruri not with them.

"Ruri! Where are you?" Lisa yells, but there is no reply.

At the same time, they see someone approaching, he says, "Welcome to our Death Duel Arena, Lancers. My name is Kouji Satou, and I am one of the teachers here in Academia."

"Are you the one guarding this place? Where have you taken Ruri?" Shun demands.

"Who knows about that? I have been experimenting with all the traps here, and not just traps, but also dueling as well. Until now, my life has been entirely devoted to dueling, you probably wonder why I am such a nobody, but from the orders of the Professor, I will have to stop you here and now."

"Why should we bother dueling you? You better tell us where Ruri is right now!" Shun says.

"I have planted some bombs here, if you don't comply, I will activate the bombs underneath the whole area and destroy the whole building. Who knows what will happen to your precious little sister if that happens."

"You..." Before Shun can continue, Lisa asks, "Why are you doing this? If you set out the bombs, how are you sure that you'll get out of here alive?"

"I don't care what happens to me, or to you of course. Because of you Lancers, students' enthusiasm for learning has died out at this school. As has the passion that I gave to this school. And you're going to take responsibility for that."

"And what exactly have we done?" Aera rolls her eyes.

"Don't you get it, since your appearance, all students cared about are trying to hunt for Lancers, they don't care about proper education anymore." Satou says. "Well, don't you want to save your precious little sister?"

"Damn it... we don't have time to waste on this." Shun grits his teeth.

"I'll duel you." Aera says while stepping forward. Shun says, "Mom?"

"I will not let anyone harm my daughter." Aera says while activating her duel disk. "Field Magic Crossover!" Blue platforms starting to appear around the area thanks to Aera's Duel Disk.

Satou says, "Very well. However, instead of carding each other, how about we play bigger? When the player's LP reach 0, the bombs buried underneath us will explode, burying the losing player alive."

"So, it's no longer a simple hunting game, but now it's a true death game." Lisa frowns.

Aera glances at Shun, Jean, and Lisa. The three of them nod as they leave. Then the two adults yell, "Duel!" (Satou:4000)(Aera:4000)

Ruri opens her eyes and mutters, "Where am I?" She notices that she falls into a trap and there are nothing but walls around her.

"I'll get the first turn!" Satou says. "I Summon Scab Scarknight (ATK:0/DEF:0, LV: 4)!"

A blue-colored demon-like knight Monster appears on the field, and Aera mutters, "0 ATK? What kind of monster is that?"

"I set one card and end my turn." Satou says. "On my first turn, I am not permitted to attack. Well, it's your turn."

"What's important is Ruri's safety. I don't care about what your endgame is. I've gotta end this right away." Aera thinks before yelling, "My turn!"

She draws a card and says, "I summon Valkyrie Dritte from my hand!" (ATK:1000/DEF:1600 LV:4)

After summoning the female warrior with the horse, she says, "If Valkyrie Dritte is Normal summoned, I can add one Valkyrie card from my deck to my hand!"

After drawing a card, she says, "Battle! Galloping Dash!"

But just as the horse rider attacks the demon, Satou braces the attack. (Satou:4000-3000)

Aera notices that the demon is losing some cracks and pieces are starting to form onto Valkyrie Dritte.

Satou grins, "Sorry, but this monster can't be destroyed by battle."

"What?" Aera asks in surprise.

"And in addition, Scab Scarknight's effect activates. Scab Curse!" And much to Aera's surprise, Valkyrie Dritte is engulfed by a black stream and then it goes to Satou's field with glowing red eyes.

"Scab Scarknight can curse monsters that attack it, making them my allies." Satou says.

"So it is a monster that controls other monsters as Security does... I'll end my turn then." Aera mutters.

Below them, Ruri is still searching for an exit, until she notices water coming out from holes and starting to fill the room.

"Is anyone here? Brother? Lisa? Jean? Mom?" Ruri yells. And suddenly the water is getting higher, and Ruri can only look up into the air.

"My turn! I Summon Demand Man!" (ATK:800/DEF:0 LV:3) After summoning another demon, he yells, "Demand Man! Attack her directly!"

Aera braces for the impact as she takes damage. (Aera:4000-3200) "Also, Valkyrie Dritte! Attack directly!"

Aera quickly grabs an Action Card and yells, "Action Magic: Evasion! I negate the attack!"

Satou says, "Of course, the Action Cards. I set one card and end my turn."

Aera says, "My turn!" She draws a card and says, "I set Scale 3 Ghost Pegasus and Scale 9 Cheater Pegasus to the Pendulum Scale!"

Two Pegasus rise to the field with 3 and 9 below. She says, "With this, I can summon monsters from Level 4 to 8! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Quick Speed Pegasus!"

After the monster appears, Aera says, "I use the effect of Quick Speed Pegasus, I can reduce one monster when using it for Xyz Summon! I overlay Quick Speed Pegasus! Xyz Summon, come forth! Pegasus Princess: Terra!" (ATK:2000/DEF:2400 RNK:4 OVU:1)

After the brown-colored pegasus princess appears on the field, she says, "I use its effect, I choose Valkyrie Dritte, and I recover LP equal to that ATK!"

But Satou just smirks before the flowers that try to bloom around the Valkyrie lose their colors.

"What?" Aera gasps.

"It's no use. The crust covering Scab Scarknight causes all life on the field to wither. It negates all life-recovery effects." Satou says.

"What?" Aera asks.

"And also, Scab Scarknight's effect activates, Scab Curse!" Just then, Pegasus Princess Terra's eyes are glowing.

"When your monsters are in Attack position, they must attack Scab Scarknight." Satou says.

"But not if I attack your other monster instead. I attack Valkyrie Dritte!" Aera says, and Terra tries to attack Scab Scarknight.

"Trap Card: Victim Barrier. I switch the attacking target to Scab Scarknight." Satou says.

"What?" Aera is surprised, Satou is going this far just to control her Xyz Monster. (Satou:3000-1000)

And with the effect of Scab Scarknight, Terra is also on the opponent's field.

"Well? How does it feel, to be repeatedly betrayed by your monsters?" Satou asks.

"What's your point?" Aera asks.

"If those with power fail to realize the truth, they make the world hell on earth to others. I would like to teach you the bad side of the Lancers." Satou smirks.

Back in the trapped area, Ruri notices that the water is about to get to her stomach. "Help me! Brother! Mom!" Ruri yells, hoping someone can hear it.

"Go! Raid Raptors - Étranger Falcon!" Shun yells while his monster chases the tiger away. Jean says, "So we're right... we can use Monsters to chase the animals away."

Lisa says, "Where is Ruri actually?"

Back in the duel, Aera says, "Now that the battle phase is over, I still have my second main phase. I use the effect of Cheater Pegasus! I can summon an extra deck monster from my deck! I summon Pegasus Princess Wendy!"

This time a green pegasus princess monster appears on the field. Satou grits his teeth this time and says, "So you have prepared this much..."

"I want to know, what's your relation with Akaba Leo?" Aera asks.

"Professor Leo said this to me." Satou says. (Aera:3200-3100)


Satou was going back to his office, and he heard Leo says, "Instructor Satou, it's hard to take, isn't it? Aren't you annoyed with the students at this school?"

Satou turns to him and Leo continues, "After being born into a poor family, you worked your way through school, becoming a pro duelist. But despite having a champion's talent and skill, your career ended in the blink of an eye. Because, in order to send money to your family, you sold yourself out for any minor amount of fight money. You ended up fighting ten times the duels of a normal pro. You exhausted all your ability fighting small fry in preliminary duels... So that, during the title match, you had no stamina left to seize glory..."

Satou looks down with slight anger, and Leo says, "After giving up on the pro league, you came to this school, to devote your life to encouraging the new generation. Your experience and tactics refined over hundreds of duels would surely be of use to the students, you thought. It must have been heartbreaking... The lack of drive possessed by this school's students."

"How?" Satou asks with disbelief.

"I can hear a special voice, I know the darkness within people's hearts." Leo says, remembering the Zarc incident as he clenches his fists.

"Darkness within hearts?"

"I know you think this...That you want revenge on the Lancers that has led this school to its downfall." Then he shows him the ship where the Lancers are arriving.

(Flashback Ends)

"Have you ever heard of this question? There's litter on the ground. One man sees it and doesn't pick it up. Another man doesn't see it. Which one is worse?" Satou asks.

"It's obvious, the one who sees it and doesn't pick it up." Aera says.

"Wrong. The one who sees it could someday pick it up. But the one who doesn't even see it lacks the potential to ever pick it up." Satou says. "You really are a foolish human, no, it's not just you. All of the Lancers are foolish people who fail to even see the litter on the ground."

"Are you saying that the whole Lancers are created out of denial?" Aera demands.

"What do you think? It is because of you Lancers, you made the students in the school get less and less, and eventually, nobody comes to classes anymore. There are a few students, like Yuri, Sona, Asuka, who enjoy my classes, but even those guys deflected Academia."

"They betrayed Academia because they realize the errors of this school itself. If you want to blame, we Lancers aren't the ones to blame with. It should be Akaba Leo." Aera says.

"You are a rotten apple in the bag, and I shall pluck you out. My turn!" After drawing the card, he says, "Battle! I attack your Pegasus Princess Wendy with Pegasus Princess Terra!"

Aera braces for the attack as she flinches. (Aera:3200-3100) Aera says, "When Pegasus Princess Wendy is destroyed, I can also destroy the attacking monster."

After Terra is destroyed, Aera says, "And when Wendy is destroyed by an Extra Deck Monster, I can take it back to my extra deck from my graveyard!"

"Well, I didn't expect that you would go down so easily. But I still have Valkyrie Dritte and Demand Man!" Satou says.

Aera is then attacked by two monsters as she kneels on the ground. (Aera:3100-1300) Satou says, "I also use my Magic Card: Scab Blast. For every monster of yours that I control, I deal 200 damage to you. I control one monster, so take it!"

Just then, the black mist from Dritte hits Aera, and she flinches in pain. (Aera: 1300-1100) Satou also grabs an Action Card and says, "I use Action Magic: Flame Ball, I give you 200 damage."

Aera is blasted by the Fireball and braces against the impact. (Aera:1100-900) Satou says, "I end my turn."

Aera says, "During the end turn, when Terra is destroyed with overlay units, and there is a Pegasus Princess or Valkyrie on the field, I can summon it back to my field!"

Terra is back on the field in its Defense position, and Satou just grits his teeth.

Back with Ruri, the water is now at her chest, she mutters, "What's going on? At this rate..."

Satou says, "Well, it seems you keep surprising me, if that's the case, how about I return the surprise to you?" He presses a remote control, and then Aera sees the screen with Ruri who is about to drown.

"Ruri!" Aera gasps.

"The room where your precious daughter is corresponds to your duel. The more LP that I lose, the higher the water." Satou says. "When my LP reaches 0, the water will reach the ceiling..."

"That's dirty!" Aera says with anger. " My daughter has nothing to do with this!"

Satou smirks, "Oh? Then how about you choose. Will you sacrifice your life for your daughter? Or will you defeat me right here right now and lose your daughter forever?"

When Shun and the two girls arrive at the elevator, he says, "Damn it, the elevator isn't working... that means Ruri wouldn't have gone here."

Back in the duel, Aera tries to grab an Action Card, but it turns out to be Flame Ball. She grits her teeth and closes her eyes, "Ruri... please hold yourself together."

Then she yells, "I use Action Magic: Flame Ball! I deal 200 damage to you! You'll take back the damage you've done to me!"

Satou braces the impact, and he says, "So you don't really care about your daughter, do you?" (Satou:1000-800)

Ruri panics as the water is reaching her head. "The water's rising again!"

"Ruri!" Aera yells.

Back with Shun at the others, they manage to run until Lisa stops. She kneels and puts her ear on the ground. "I heard water! There is water flowing under here!"

"Help me! Brother! Mom! Lisa! Jean!" They hear Ruri's voice and Shun yells, "Ruri!"

They try to open the door, but it won't budge. Jean says, "Wait, we should find the source of the water first."

They rush to find the source of water. Shun takes off his coat and his duel disk. He says, "I'm going to save Ruri no matter what. Wait here!"

"Wait, Shun!" Before the two girls can say something, Shun already jumps into the water and find a hole, then he quickly swims until he sees Ruri.

Ruri notices the bubbles and the same goes for Aera and Satou. "What?" Satou gasps in surprise.

Ruri takes a breath before going underwater, and she manages to grab Shun's hand until she escapes. Back at the surface, Jean and Lisa are delighted. "Ruri!"

"Brother! Lisa! Jean! You saved me!" Ruri gasps.

"We're not finished yet. Mom is still dueling the main culprit who set the trap for you to fall." Shun says.

Aera notices the scene and she smiles, "Now I don't need to hold back anymore. I Summon Tuner Monster: Music Pegasus!"

After summoning the pegasus with musical notes on it, Satou says, "So another Synchro Summon?"

"No, I can use this card and one monster on the field to perform a Fusion Summon! I fuse Musical Pegasus and Valkyrie Dritte!" Aera yells.

"What?" Satou is surprised. Aera says, "Fusion Summon! Come forth! Pegasus Princess: Kira. (ATK:2800/DEF:2000 LV:8)

After the Pegasus with the golden-haired Valkyrie riding on it appear, Aera says, "By sacrificing Terra, I can destroy one monster on the field, and I choose Demand Man!"

After the rider uses its sword to destroy the Demand Man, she says, "Even with Scab Scarknight's effect, without any LP, you're nothing! Go! Kira! Dazzling Dash!"

"I use Trap Card: Scab Scream! When you attack with a monster of 2000 ATK or more, battle damage is reduced to 0, and your monster is destroyed! I won't lose! Not to the Lancers."

Just then, the knight splits into pieces and attacks the Pegasus Princess, Aera gasps, "What?"

And just then, she notices that the Scab Scarknight is changing, and the Scar-Knight is now in front of her. (ATK:0/DEF:0 LV:1)

"Is that Scab Scarknight's true form?" Aera asks.

"Yes... Once, he fought, bearing everyone's hopes and expectations. But Scarknight fought and fought..." He starts to remember the days when he was booed after he lost the monster, and Scarknight has its shell to protect him.

"This is the final form of one who fights and fights, burdened by people's hopes and expectations." Satou says.

Aera says, "If that's the case, I use Magic Card: Monster Reborn, I revive Kira from my graveyard and end my turn."

"My turn!" After drawing the card, Satou says, "If I can take a Lancer down with me, I'll be satisfied."

Aera widens her eyes as he says, "Scar knight's final effect. It destroys all monsters on the field, and deals 500 damage to us for each of our monsters that are destroyed."

"What?" Aera is shocked as two monsters exploded at the same time, Aera manages to pick an Action Card and says, "I use Action Card: Acceleration! I negate the damage given to me!"

Satou covers his eyes as the impact his him. (Satou:800-0) And at the same time, with his loss, the building starts to explode, starting from below the Professor.

"The building is going to be crashed!" Jean yells.

"Rise Falcon! Revolution Falcon!" Shun quickly summons two Falcons and they quickly fly out of the place. When they fly out of the building, Ruri asks, "What about Mom? She's still in there!"

"Damn it..." Shun mutters in anger.

But just then, they see Music Pegasus flying out of the building with Aera on it. Everyone is delighted and Ruri gasps, "Mom!"

After getting back down, Aera says, "It was so close... to think he really did what he said... At least you are fine, Ruri."

Shun says, "So now this place is destroyed, what's next?"

"We'll find the others as quickly as possible." Aera says as they quickly leave the place.

Here is a new chapter, and I also put the Kyoji Satou from episode 113 and 114 of GX into this story. I hope you like this chapter and the next one will be Rumi's group.

New OC Cards:

Pegasus Princess Terra

Earth Attribute, RNK:4 Beast-Warrior/Xyz/Effect, ATK:2000/DEF:2400

Effect: 2 Level 4 Monsters

When this monster is summoned, you can recover LP equal to the highest ATK your opponent controls. When this monster is destroyed with Overlay Units while you have a Pegasus Princess or Valkyrie on the field, you can revive a monster from your graveyard including this card in the end phase.

Pegasus Princess Wendy:

Wind Attribute, LV:8 Beast-Warrior/Synchro/Effect, ATK:1900/DEF:2500

Effect: 1 Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters

When this monster is destroyed by battle, the monster attacking this card will be destroyed. If the monster attacking this card is an Extra Deck Monster, you can return this card from the graveyard to the Extra Deck.

Musical Pegasus:

Light Attribute, LV:4 Beast/Tuner/Effect, ATK:1000/DEF:1000

Effect: Once per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Materials, including this card.

Pegasus Princess Kira:

Light Attribute, LV:8 Beast-Warrior/Fusion/Effect, ATK:2800/DEF:2000

Effect: 1 Beast-Type Monster + 1 Valkyrie Monster

By sacrificing one monster on the field, you can destroy one monster your opponent controls.

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