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3rd Murder:

???: "Don't worry Luccato-kun. This time, I will-"

4th Murder:

???: "I will carry it all.."

7th Murder:

Koko: "Yo! Lu-chan~ Still isolating yourself?"

Me: "Mhmm. By the way, is Inori looking at you?"

Koko: "Inori? Psssh! You know she isn't looking at me. She's looking at YOU."

Me: "No.. US."

Koko: "That's a very high possibility now that I think about it. Freaking smart ass."

Me: "Shut up.."

Koko: "Take the compliment or I'll beat it into you."

92nd Murder:

I'm going for it. The knife was in my hands. The kill! My target moved upwards. I had concluded that she must be the murderer. I had enough of dying. I couldn't have cared less about whatever promise we made to each other. There was no proof within my memories that have been ripped apart and shredded into an unorganized mess of a web. No more pain. No more death. No more-

Can you really justify this method?

I stop moving. A simple question floats around inside my head an ricochets across the walls of my brain. I look back at the knife in my hand that I stowed away under my clothes before heading to school. Who am I to take another's life for my own sake? What am I doing with this? I remember all the pain I've been through and point the knife towards the person who caused it all. The final suspect, Momo... For the first time in my life, I have put up an effort to drive all my feelings towards her. My arm was shaking. Tension was building. I realize that I was scared. How can I be scared at a time like this?! 

I started running. Momo clearly heard me a turns around. She looks directly at my eyes first. Her eyes drop to look at the life reaping tool in my two hands. I am still running towards her. She did not react until I came very close. She opens her arms in acceptance- willing to take on whatever I will throw at her. The knife will easily puncture through her clothes and pierce her flesh...


The knife drops from my hands. I can't do it. Killing a person is too hard. Even if I want to be done with it... I don't want to kill her. From the very bottom of my heart, I realize that I am not capable of murder. I'm still human after all...

Perhaps I can defy the odds and kill myself here? I pick up the knife. Looking back at Momo who simply stares at me and awaited whatever I was going to do, I decide that this person wouldn't do this kind of thing to me. This person wouldn't throw me into Hell itself right? This person, who was willing to take in all my hardships in the form of a knife, would never want me to suffer right? If so, I can't betray this single girl who has adapted herself to become the foundation of my sanity.

43rd Murder:

Koko: "Yo! Lu-chan~ Still isolating yourself?"

Me: "Mhmm. By the way, is Inori looking at us?"

Koko: "Inori? That's probably the case. I'd wish she would stop seeing us that way... Can't tell if it's a joke or not anymore."

Me: "Considering her friend group, it probably isn't."

Koko: "That's a very high possibility now that I think about it. Freaking smart ass."

Me: "Shut up.."

Koko: "Take the compliment already. I really want to smack you across the face for so many different reasons, but I'll hold off for a while."

With that same conversation for at least the 30th time, I concluded that Koko was less likely to be the murderer. As each murder resets my time to the morning, nothing will change until I myself choose to change it. The fact that Koko and I had a very similar conversation this many times proved that Koko was part of the reset. Hence, Koko is a static character. Perhaps the same case would be for Inori, but she seems to be much more... dynamic. I should watch my actions and try to interact with her more. However, if she really is the murderer for the reason I think it is... No. I'm sure she's a distraction. She should be a static character as well with a unique quality. I should prove my theory and cast that chance to the side immediately. Although, I should be more wary. After what happened during my last attempt...

34th Attempt:

It was after school. 6:30pm. The school was about to close as the students of various sport clubs retreated towards the changing rooms and locker rooms. The sun fell from the winter skies as I waited in Room 204. Inori called me out here. However, I never complied to her request as I was too focused on the murder. Even now, I'm more focused on the murder. It's best to get it over with after all. Feeling bored as I waited, I decided to mess around on the chalkboard. I drew out a story map that covered my current status. 

On the board, the following was written:

1) As of now, it is the 34th death- more may come

2) For the time being, each murder took place in this same room (204)

3) Time of death is usually around 7 pm

4) In order to escape this cycle of death, either fulfill the promise OR find the murderer

5) The murderer is someone I know, but I can't seem to match the voice or figure in my memories.

6) I don't recall any specific promise someone would be spiteful about

The door opened slowly. I grabbed my phone out. 6:36 pm now. I left my phone flat on the front desk of the classroom so that I could clearly see the time. I walked and greeted the girl I should have met much earlier.

Me: "You took your time Inori."

Inori: "I had to get prepared for the next performance you know? Club activities take time!"

Me: "Three hours."

Inori: "Thank you for your dedication~"

Me: "...At least I got my homework done while waiting."

Inori: "That is so you, Lu. What's that on the board?"

Me: "Just a story to write in the future. I got bored."

Inori: "Let me know about it later~ Anyways, there has been something on my mind Lu. I've been wanting to talk about it with you for a long time now. So thanks for being here!"

Me: "... What would you do if I wasn't here?"

Inori: "I would leave and come again. Then, I would stay."

Me: "If that ever happens, just go home."

Inori: "Nope~!"

Me: "There are so many better things to do-"

Inori: "But you are the better thing~"

I paused. At this rate, I was going to get caught up in her pace. No, I already got caught in her conversational traps. This was a bad habit that I should break out of considering my current situation. I checked the time. 6:42 pm. I need to cut to the chase now!

Inori: "I know that we still had our promise from so long-"

Me: "I'm sorry."

Inori: "W-wait-"

I moved in and embraced her with my arms. Wrapped around her back and pressing her towards myself, I couldn't help but feel guilty inside. This was my ulterior motive. This was a test. If it's the promise I'm thinking of, this would at least prove if Inori was truly part of the reset or not.

Me: "I'm sorry. I know that you and I both have been holding onto these feelings. I won't run away this time. Can I face you tomorrow?"

Inori: "... Why not now?"

Me: "There are things I would like to sort out and finish."

Inori: "If you have to do it... get it over with quickly huh?"

Me: "You know me."

Inori pushed herself away from me. Conflicted feelings were drawn across her face like the imperfections of a painting due to the brush not fully spreading the pigments. Complete, yet not complete.

103rd Murder:

Me: "Hey Koko... Can you help me on this story I'm working on? You can join in if you want Inori."

Koko: "Oh? Feeling a little bit creative this today are we?"

Inori: "Is it a story about two boys of rival families trying to get together? Or is it a story about-"

Me: "It's just a mystery thriller type of story. And no, there is no BL or anything of the sort Inori."

Inori: "Boo.. There's no fun without the boy's love theme."

After a few cycles, my small suspicion of Momo gradually faded as I saw no evidence of Momo doing anything different. Back at the edge of square one, I decided to consult my old friends to help me solve this mystery. Though, I tell them the issue under the pretext as a story I was working on for fun.

Me: "So that's the part I'm stuck at. I don't know how to have the main character move the plot forward."

Koko: "Huh.. That's an interesting story Lulu. According to the anime tropes however, the first suspect is never the criminal. Have you ever played or watched D*ng*nrop*? The chances of the first suspect being the criminal is like 10%. You gotta make sure you avoid that when writing your story."

I laugh along with Inori as Koko pointed out the usual stereotypical mystery plot in the story. However, my laugh isn't a genuine one from the bottom of my heart. It was a masked one. Behind the mask is all business. Business that can decide my next couple life and deaths.

Me: "I see... From the given details, who do you think the murderer is Koko?"

Koko: "...Beats me. There's only evidence pointing towards the first suspect girl so far. Even then, there's not enough information to completely confirm it."

I see. That's quite true. I haven't really learned much from the past 20 somethings lives of mine. I need to spend my time gathering sufficient information. So, I continue.

Me: "Inori-chan. What do you think of this?"

Inori: "Well, wouldn't it be fine to just have the main character kill the suspect at least once?"

Her words struck me like a knife. And I've already felt plenty of those. Why would she say such a thing?? It was reasonable yes, but still-

Me: "NO!!"

Inori: "I-I mean... every time you start another life, isn't everything back to its original state? That means you can try anything and everything without having to worry much. Until the deadline comes that is. I just wanted to help Lu..."

Koko: "Geez, calm down. You okay there bud? Need a punch to the face? A shower? Or..."

Inori: "..."

Koko: "Look. She isn't even finishing the joke. 

It was a rather convincing argument. However.. killing Momo? Even if it's just to check and I could start again as if nothing happened, I doubt I am able to bring myself to do that. But it should be fine since everything starts over again. Right?

Me: "That's an interesting thought Inori. Thanks for your help guys."

Koko: "Yeah no problems Lu-chan. It's interesting to see your dedication to this though. Haven't seen you with that serious look for quite a while now. Usually you just love slacking off. Right Inori?"

Inori: "Mhm. Luccato-kun finally found a hobby for himself! That's wonderful!"

The bell rings to mark the end of the break. Koko and Inori walk back to their classroom. I remain in my seat with my head down on the desks. 

"That means you can try anything and everything without having to worry much."

"wouldn't it be fine to just kill the suspect at least once?"

The words are ingrained in my mind. I couldn't simply toss those ideas away. It is a simple and effective method. I think about the possibilities behind this logic as I drift away in the classroom.

???: "Oi you! Don't be sleeping in class!"

I wake up due to the teacher's loud yapping. How annoying.

Sensei: "Awake now I see? Well then, why don't you come up and solve this problem on the board young sir?"

And now I have work.


Just great. 

More work to do.

I walk up there in an ill attitude and quickly solve the system of equations. I have essentially memorized this stuff after all the lives I have been through. Plus, I have studied ahead in the past. Since the lesson didn't change, it is pathetically easy to answer such a thing.

Sensei: "...Well. At least you know today's lesson. I'll let you go this time."

I ignore him and pick up my bag. I begin to head out the door. 

Sensei: "Where do you think you're going young man?"

I point upwards and walk out of the classroom. If you have to do it, get it over with quickly. Staying in the class isn't a necessity, so I leave. 

By the end of the day, I will die.

Actually, I never make it pass today.

I always die before  the night even comes.

Every time.

Wasting my lives away.

Doing the same things over and over and over again.

Heck, I'm constantly being killed by someone close to me.

Over and Over and Over Again.

An Endless cycle of just me suffering.

A pointless cycle that makes me suffer.

Why am I here?

What have I done?

Why am I the only one who is suffering?!

I come to my senses once again after mindlessly walking around. I find myself on the rooftop of the school. 

I stare blankly at the morning sun. It isn't even lunch yet. I walk towards the edge of the roof and lean on the fence the threatens to break and let me fall. Suicide... It sounds like a wonderful option now. Instead of waiting to be killed, why not just do the deed first? I take a few steps back. Then, I run. Keeping my eyes straight at the ground, I run towards the fence. It does not embrace me. Just as this cruel world has refused to embrace me. It lets go of me. As I fall into the abyss.

Intermission 3:

???: Why hello again Mr. Tragic Protagonist. How's it going?

Cut to the chase already.

???: My my... So eager to die? Again?

Of course not.

???: And who was it that flew off the school rooftop? It wasn't a pretty landing. But I'd say it's a 6 out of 10 score. Good effort!

Shut up.

???: Hear that static? This story's most interesting character got shifted from the spotlight. Well, I'm still here though~


???: Alright jokes aside, it's time for the business stuffs.

About time.

???: Yeah yeah. Anyways, you're starting to get boring.

My apologies for being such a bland person.

???: Forgiven. I'm here to spice things up again. 


???: To make you do interesting things for my entertainment!

Not interested.

???: Even if I may or may not give hints on who the culprit is?


???: Interested now are we? Let's start with some drama first though.


???: Can you remember how many times you have died so far?


???: Hmm.. Sorry. You aren't a winner.

Seriously?! How many times have I died?

???: 638 times to be precise. Remember. Each time you die, a piece of you gets shredded away. Things like memories, your personality, and all that other stuff gets erased from you. Can you remember the first time you met your childhood friends?

... I. I can't.

???: Oh? Getting a little emotional are we?  How about memories of your 7th birthday? First day of school? Graduation from middle school? First confession? Any em-


???: No. Who do you think the culprit is so far?

I don't know.

???: Come on. Guess.

I can't.

???: Well, I suggest you hurry.  Soon, your memories from this incident will begin to fade. Think long and hard before it happens.


???: Beats me. Bang your head on a wall and hope something comes up like in anime?

Like that would work.

???: Oh speaking of which, you might want to speed up your actions too. Everyone is getting impatient.


???: Everyone. Me. The mysterious culprit. The audience. And most of all, you. You're going to break if this keeps up.

Then tell me who the fucking killer is already!! I can't stand another second  thinking about my next death! I want to return to my normal life!

???: Hold your horses. You're getting pretty greedy there... I like it. You're finally becoming more interesting.

Details. Now.

???: The culprit is someone near you. You know the culprit, but you are unaware of it.


???: Yes. It. Next, I mentioned that this cycle you're in is actually someone's wish correct?


???: You should consider what that its goals are. Find out why such a wish came around in the first place.

I see...

???: Okay, no more free stuff. Now I'll just sit here and enjoy the show.

Hold up.

???: What?

Way earlier.. you said this empty space is the embodiment of greed correct?

???: Yes.

And that we can talk because greedy souls could connect or something?

???: Yeah.

I think.. I think I know what I crave for.

???: Cool.

But, what do you crave for?

???: ... Entertainment. I had one wish. And it was to be entertained whenever I see fit. Now shoo!

3rd Murder:

???: "-end your suffering."

11th Murder:

For some reason, I remembered the time when Koko, Inori, and I were sitting in the shade of a tree on a summer day while holding hands. The wind was very gentle to us after we played around in the open field on the grass. The cicadas were chirping away under the sun in a lively manner and gave the feeling that there was more to come in the future, and we would see it soon. It was there, under that tree, when the three of us made a promise. I made lots of promises in my life, but this was probably the one I valued the most.

We were going to be friends now matter what. We were all going to be happy no matter what. When one person's sad, we'll go and make him or her happy. Because... we were friends. Right? 

If that's the case... why was Inori crying that day? I can't remember.

638th Murder:

???: "Don't worry Luccato-kun. This time, I will end your suffering."

I can not breath. I can not feel pain from my legs upward. I can not feel anything at all. Like I was flying. I struggle to look down and see that I am in the air. Then I look up. I'm hanging. From the ceiling. With a noose around my neck.

???: "Just make sure.. that you don't forget I'm here too."

Shut up. Go to hell. Get a life. Despite the noose around my neck, I struggle furiously.  I want my normal life back, BUT this person keeps getting in the way. I'm sick of it. I'm done playing this game of "who killed the poor Luccato-kun over 500 times?" 

Oxygen quickly escapes my lungs as I struggle against the noose. A person walks up to me, staring as if watching some sort of lab rat.  Desperate, I use the momentum from my flailing to move my hanging body towards the person. A mask covers the person's face. The hair was hidden by a hoodie. Like a pendulum, I swing back and forth. As I began losing consciousness, I make a wild attempt to attack the person in front of me. However, the person does not move. Instead, I am embraced by the unknown perpetrator. Still moving about, I try get away, but I am too weak. 

???: "Luccato-kun. Stop running from me. Remember our promise we made so long ago."

35th Murder:

Inori: "Meet me after school in Room 204 Lu.. Luccato-kun~"

Me: "Just call me Lu like you usually do."

Inori: "Hmm?"

Me: "Whatever. What time after school?"

Inori: "Ahh.. I have club so..."

Me: "How does seven sound? Or do you want it earlier in order to talk more?"

Inori: "Nope! Seven sounds good~ I can take my time that way. Will you be okay after school though? It'll be a three hour wait or so."

Me: "Koko will keep me company. Get going. Class will start."

Inori: "Hmm? You going on a date?"

Me: "Nope."

With that, Inori skips back to her classroom. It seems Inori was not the murderer after all. The promises we made have nothing to do with this it seems. Otherwise, if Inori was the murderer, she would suggest to meet earlier in order to fulfill the "promise". She clearly saw the board I wrote on depicting that my death would occur at seven in the previous life, yet she agreed to the time anyways. Unless I am somehow very wrong here, Inori would definitely want the promise to be fulfilled. So, that's another person who isn't the murderer. That leaves one left...

639th Murder:

I wake up on the rooftop of the school. I vaguely remember how I got here. I left class during the middle of a lesson arrogantly. However.. was concrete always this soft?

Koko: "Wakey wakey Sleeping Beauty. I-i-if you don't wake up.. I'll have to... beat the crap out of you."

I stare at him blankly for a moment as my brain slowly kicks itself into action. Ground. Concrete. Hard. Koko standing. Feels soft. What the heck am I resting on?

Lazily, I push myself up off the ground and turn to see Inori in a kneeling position.

Me: "..."

Inori: "Hmm? Did you like the special treatment Luccato? It's probably the only lap pillow you'll ever get in your life~"

Me: "Oh. Thank you for your hospitality."

Inori: "No problem~" 

Koko: "Tsch.. and here I was hoping to get a better reaction from you Lulu."

Me: "Huh? Am I supposed to jump away and say sorry multiple times like some stereotypical anime character? I'll pass."

Inori: "See Koko-chan? Luccato-kun wouldn't give much of a reaction from a lap pillow from his childhood friend. Actually, he probably will react if you gave him a lap pillow!"

Koko + Me: "Never."

Inori: "Anyways.. I won the bet Loser-kun."

Koko: "Fine." mumbles quietly afterwards.

Apparently these two decided to give me a little visit  on the roof, and they had a bet over my sleeping body during their visit. I have great friends.

Inori: "I want one of those sweet teas from the vending machine 'k?"

Koko: "Yes Ma'am..."

I smile slightly as I witness this scene. It is so... normal. Something as simple as this in the middle of all the hell I've been through seems so insignificant, yet I wish my days will always be like this. 

I feel a hand wipe away a foreign object on my face. I realize that I am crying unconsciously and pathetically as the sun shines brilliantly on me. Inori's hand is the one putting my tears aside.

After a minute or two, I manage to stop myself and lie down on the concrete. I turn away from Inori slightly in embarrassment.

Inori: "Hey. Luccato-kun. Koko and I were quite shocked when we heard that you left class during a lecture. From what we heard, you almost fell asleep in class, which you never do for 'the sake of slacking off without disturbance.' If anything is bothering you, you can always talk to us you know. We aren't just some side characters of a story or anything. We're all on stage together."

Me: "It's fine."

Inori: "Oh? Maybe you'd rather ask Koko-chan than me? I see I see."

Me: "I don't recall saying anything of the sort."

Inori: "But seriously. Let us help you. Remember our promise we made as kids?"

A promise.. it seems that I have made quite a number of them when I was younger. I try to think back to when I was a child after meeting Koko and Inori. It was difficult. The memories I have can't even be described as a black and white movie. Just a few words that I can't make out.

Me: "No.. we made a lot back then didn't we?"

Inori: "Geez.. The promise was 'we will never let our hands go from each other. If one of us slips and lets go, the other two will reach out for him or her.' Remember now?"

Me:"I remember how you you were one heck of a bookworm with an incredible sense of literature."

Inori: "That's beside the point!"

Me: "It is?"

The door to the roof barges open as Koko waltzes across with three cans of tea in his hands.

Koko: "Inori-chan was indeed one heck of a bookworm back then. And she still sort of is."

Me: "Really?"

Koko: "Yeah. You should see her room. It's like a mini-maze of books!"

And so, we both got a karate chop to the head from a wild pissed off Inori-chan.

Even then, I hope these days last forever. 

However, I have a deadline to meet.

695th Murder:

???: "Look at me."

701st Murder:

???: "Look only at me."

741st Murder:

???: "Remember me."

813th Murder:

???: "Remember our promise."

926th Murder:

???: "Remember that I really-"

699th Murder:

I am in the middle of a heated discussion with Momo as of right now. A very important one. One that is almost as important as my current life. I believe this is my 699th unless my memory has failed me. As for the topic being addressed, it is this: Blankets or Pillows?

Me: "Blankets, with their multiple functions, serves as a great tool for everyday life purposes, and it has proven itself many times throughout history."

Momo: "Pillows are where it's at desu~. It is the ultimate companion of mankind. Especially of man. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes which can fit the tastes of a person. Pillows have also proven themselves in history as neck relievers and comfort objects. In addition, they are included in many more fairy tales, myths, and folklore. Plus, the concept of a body pillow is a very broad concept of pillows. In that category, some body pillows can have pictures of anime characters- making them even better companions. I rest my case."

Me: "It's a pain to get one though."

Momo: "Then I'll get one for you."

Me: "I don't think I said anything about wanting to get one."

Momo: "Now you did."

Me: "Yeah.. but I don't need a pillow."

Momo: "I insist."

Me: "Besides.. I know how to sew decently and make my own blanket thanks to Inori. No need for you to go out of your way to by me a pillow.

Momo: "...Is that so?"

Soon, we both depart. Temptation of walking with her crawls up my spine, but I stay back. I've realized three things. One: My recollection of the past has become absolutely horrid, but I remember the events of the recent lives and important details. Two: The timeline seems to have changed. I don't remember what, but something changed. Unfortunately, it's not like I can go back to my past and look up what's different. Three:The only unchanged event is my 699th death I think. I may have miscounted, but what I know for sure is that I'll die at 7 at school in Room 204 today.

Leisurely walking, I enter Room 204 of the school about five minutes  before the schedule. 

Come. I'm ready. Let's see who the murderer is. I have placed my bets on who you are already. Come.

4th Murder:

???: "I will carry all of your feelings. Your inexplicable sorrow. Your extinguished flame and pride and... our promise."

8th Murder:

As I am resting my head down to recollect my thoughts, I remember a very specific memory for no reason whatsoever. For some reason, I remember the time when Koko, Inori, and I were sitting in the shade of a tree on a summer day while holding hands. The wind was very gentle to us after we played around in the open field on the grass. The cicadas were chirping away under the sun in a lively manner and gave the feeling that there was more to come in the future, and we would see it soon. It was there, under that tree, when the three of us made a promise. I made lots of promises in my life, but this was probably the one I valued the most. Next to that, there was another promise I valued quite a bit. It was pretty recent too.

During the beginning of the year, I met a certain girl. I was fairly distraught through my transition from middle school to high school. It wasn't the work load. I managed to top it all easily after making some adjustments to my approach. I still had my friends, Koko and Inori, by me, but I didn't go near them too much after a certain incident. This feeling completely weighed me down.

I don't clearly remember her face. Maybe it was due to memory loss? It couldn't be. Maybe it was due to the wear and tear of time. However, I remember we made a very important promise. What was it? I felt I should know this promise... as if someone whispered it into my ear once.

4th Murder:

???: "Our promise is a sacred contract. I'll always be with you so..."

5th Murder:

???: "Remember to look at me too..."

3rd Murder:

Me: "It was... you?"

???: "I only wished for your happiness. To make sure both of us are happy, I'll have you forget this too."

Me: "...How?"

???: "A nice hermit boy gave me a [Gift] to ensure our happiness."

926th Murder:

???: "I really like-

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