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Intermission 1:

I wake up once again. I thought I would end up in my room once again, but this time I'm in a different place. I look around and see nothing but an infinite void of some sort. Confused, I sit down, or at least try to, with my legs crossed. I close my eyes and ponder the meaning of this. However, someone interrupts me very rudely.

???: Hey. I'm not that rude. I'm the one who invited you here in the first place.

I open my eyes and see nothing. It is an odd feeling. Some one seems to be there, yet no one is there. 

???: Done staring? Let's get down to business shall we?

My eye twitches slightly as I listen to what the thing has to say for itself.

???: Come on now boy. We all have our own lives to attend to. Well for you, it's going to be your 84th life right?

Oh. So this thing seems to know my situation somewhat. 

???: You know, it would be really nice if you stop calling me "thing" or "it" or anything of the such. I'm a male, you're welcome.

So "it" has been to promoted to "he". Got it.

???: Enough of the small chat. Everyone is waiting for the real business to get down.


???: Everyone. Not just you and me. But everyone. From both the subjective and objective views.

What? What the hell is he talking about?

???: Ah forget it. Enough with the fourth wall breaking for now. So, Luccato-kun. How's life?

Life? It seems that I'm redoing my life each time I'm killed, so would it be considered lives?

???: Not at all. Those "lives" you lived don't really count as you died and respawned at a set checkpoint. Technically, you never "lived" those "lives" as of yet. Or at least that's how the original system was supposed to be.

Supposed to be?

???: The so-called system was meant to wipe your memories of each "life", so to say, and allow you to start anew. 

That's... weird.

???: I know right! I mean, you're expected to keep a promise that you can't even remember! Mostly because your memories are continuously getting wiped out! It's stupidly hilarious!

...This thing is a psycho.

???: Oi oi. I'm human enough.

Definitely not human to be laughing at a guy die 83 times.

???: Death is classical entertainment. And you, my friend, are doing an incredible job at entertaining me.

Since when were we friends?

???: Hmm.. who knows? Anyways, don't you have any questions?

Why is this happening?

???: Because someone wished for it to happen. Look around in the void. This void is the manifestation of human greed in all forms possible. 

I look into the void and stare at one spot intensely. I manage to catch glimpses of a king bathing in a golden dust bath, a war general sending his troops off to victory, a child begging for another lolipop, and plenty more. The images flew into my head and filled it with an incredible load of information. 

I turn away quickly and suffer from a slight head ache.

???: Oh very impressive. As expected of Luccato-kun. Looking at greed itself and surviving is not exactly an easy task.

Well.. thanks for the warning?

???: No problem buddy. Anyways, I have the ability to grant others the ability to realize their own wishes. In this case, someone has the power to constantly force you to redo those segments constantly. There are certain restrictions, but that's the general gist of it.

I see... So how do I stop it?

???: Kill the person who made the wish.

That seems simple enough I guess.  

???: Well that's all the time I have left for you now. We already took up like a third of a chapter. Ta-ta!

84th Murder:

I wake up once again in my own room. I clearly remember my conversation with that thing, and I'm somewhat thankful for it. I've learned two important things from our encounter.

1. Being revived at a certain set point is not some unique ability that I possess. It is someone else's wish granted by that thing .

2. I can avoid this infinite loop by eliminating the person responsible for this.

That said, I gather my prior knowledge from previous lives and consider my situation once again as I prepare to head out for school.

From what I already knew, I knew that I am physically never allowed to escape being murdered in the same place at roughly the same time. In Room 204 at around 7 pm. Either my body moves on its own to the destination, or the person comes to pick me up personally. I'm allowed to move freely before that time.

The conversations, and what people say are usually the same. Usually, I would have to change the topic in order to achieve a different response for that time. However, there seem to be two exceptions to this. Koko and Momo Kushinada. 

Every time I'm about to enter my death spot, someone always runs out the door when I come. I can't pinpoint who it is though. In addition, the murderer must know about my arranged meeting with Inori at that time. 

I walk out the door and shuffle along to school. The wind  was quite crisp and left me shivering for a while. Unconsciously, I let my hand drop down to my side and touch a colder surface. My finger slid across the cold metallic surface of a knife. Out of paranoia, I brought a knife with me out of the house. Concealed by my sweater and held by my jeans, I kept it hidden from sight. I've been murdered 83 times already. I doubt my own sanity. The pain from each time was clear. I don't want anymore of it. I remove my hand from its excessive touching of the weapon and make a turn around a corner. 

I encounter Kushinada after I make the corner. I stop to let her catch up to me to chat for a while.

Me: "Hello Kushinada."

Momo: "It's Momo."

Me: "... Hello Kushinada."

Momo: "What am I? Your ex?"

Me: "A good friend."

She halts and cringes at my line. I assume she probably thought I was joking. It's probably better if she didn't know I was being serious about it.

Momo: "So why are you so late?"

Me: "Late? This is early enough isn't it?"

Momo: "Usually you would get to school as soon as possible and study or rest. This time you're later than usual. Did you go to a strip club late at night?"

Me: "No I did not. No one is perfect."

Momo: "You are a perfectionist when you try to be lazy."

Me: "That doesn't make sense Kushinada."

Momo: "Neither do you Luccato-kun."

We walk side by side in silence for a while as we reach the school. It is extremely quiet with little human interaction occurring. The two of us enter the grounds and make our way to our class. I sit down as soon as we get there and rest my head on my arm. I close my eyes and think about what I need to do in order to escape the madness I'm stuck in. I heard a movement of desks and turn to see what Kushinada is doing. I find that she moved another desk closer to mine and began staring at me. Awkwardly, I stare back directly into her eyes. Only silence fell in between us as we stare at each other. Soon, my eyes get tired, and I put my head down.

Momo: "You lose."

Me: "What exactly were we competing in?"

Momo: Chops my head lightly. "A staring contest."

Me: "Oh."

I put my head down once again and focus on the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall. I am do not think of the 83 murders that happened to me. I want to run away. I want to stop being the victim of all this. Why does it have to be me? What has my plain self done to harm anyone?

Lifting my head up again, I wiped off the sweat off my cheeks. No. Those were my tears. Before I realize it, my body completely disobeys me and breaks down into a miserable state that created multiple little puddles on my desk. I furiously try to push my tears aside, and I turn away to prevent Kushinada from seeing me. That was completely pointless, however, as she was by my side the entire time.

A hand drops and takes its place on my head. Kushinada gently pats me on the head as I spent time watering down my miserable self.

I see now. Kushinada's existence is one of the reasons why I can remain somewhat sane. Maybe, the murders will stop one day. Maybe, I can just live my normal daily life and accept the fact that I will be murdered on this day over and over again at the same place and time.

90th Murder:

Me: "Hello Momo-san."

Momo: "Morning Luccato-kun."

84th Murder:

???: Ahh.. You saw it again didn't you?

85th Murder:

???: All you have to do is remember our promise!

87th Murder:

???: Seriously! This is the 87th time! It's all your fault!

90th Murder:

Momo: "You look as tired as usual. Did you watch something you shouldn't have throughout the night?"

Me: "Nope. Although I did have some private manners to deal with during the evening. Probably today as well."

Momo: "'Private manners' huh? Suuure."

Me: "Oi, they aren't exactly simple you know?"

Momo: "Oh? You have some sort of kinky fetish that you're into?"

Me: "Hmm? No way. Wait, how did you arrive to that conclusion?"

89th Murder:

???:  "I swear that this will keep up until you remember and respond to our promise Lu-"

90th Murder:

Momo-san and I talked on our way to school as usual. I didn't really mind the murders too much anymore I suppose. We make a turn around the same corner for the umpteenth time.. No, for Momo-san, it's probably our first time again. I have never walked to school with anyone like this before except with Koko and Inori-chan.

Momo: "It's great that we can walk like this to school Luccato-kun. Let's keep doing this until you remember our promise."

Wait.. what?

Momo: "This time.. let's-  Are you okay? Luccato-kun! Lu-"

I fall onto the side of the street as my head crashes of the edge of the sidewalk. The pain.. does not affect me much as I have already experienced worse, but the force of the impact knocks me out. I refuse to believe. I refuse. I refuse.I refuse.
I refuse.I refuse.
I refuse.I refuse.
I refuse.I refuse.
I refuse.I refuse.

... I don't know anymore. I don't want to suffer anymore.

I am human after all. I hope. 

Intermission 2:

???: Well well, if it isn't Mr. Daily-Life-Lover here. What a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting you until the 90th murder, but I guess a few hours won't make a difference.

Oh this thing again. What does he want this time?

???: Just a little check up. Like a doctor  checking on his patients.

It seems more accurate to say a mad scientist poking at his dead rats.

???: Oh? That's very accurate actually! You aren't the only one to be subjected to my guilty pleasures.

Is this all a game to you?

???: Why of course! A very fun one in fact. Actually, let's play a bit of shaman doctor shall we?

Oh? Looks like I'm under your care you piece of shit.

???: Hey now. I'm just about to give you some professional tips about your health here so calling me a piece of shit isn't really nice.

Hurry up Doc. I have a life to continue.

???: Always in such a hurry to slack off... To make a long story short, your soul is eroding as each murder comes along. Continuing on will destroy you. It will rob you of your personality, usual mentality, memories, and eventually turn you into an empty being that can't even be called human.

... This diagnostic test really disturbs me.

???: Hmm.. yeah it's a bit sad, but hey! You can still tap dance for me another 838 times or something like that.

Oh... Now that I think about it, this is the embodiment of greed right?

???: Yeah?

So in this dimension or whatever it is, you can clearly hear my thoughts as I can hear yours right?

???: Yeah.

How does it work?

???: Greedy souls will always call out to each other. You and I both crave for something. Therefore, we are able to connect somewhat.


???: Yes yes. You and I are both extremely greedy people. We want things that are simple, but we make sure we obtain the most of it. Even if it means killing another person. Now get outa here.

88th Murder:

Class just finished up. I decided to stay back in order to investigate the mystery by questioning the people I know. Fortunately, that limited me to three people in total: Koko, Inori, and Momo. To make my case simpler, I immediately headed over to Inori as she was packing up her bag. I decided to carefully word my questions based on recalling old memories in order to blend it into a normal conversation.

Me: Good afternoon Inori.

Inori: Ahh, Lu-chan? Good afternoon. What brings the number one member of the "Go Home Club" here today?

Me: I just wanted to talk... with you.

Inori: Hmm? About what~? Surely it isn't about love?

Me: The past. I'll be direct.

Inori: You were always so direct... and stupidly oblivious.

Me: Sorry, didn't catch the last part.

Inori: Don't mind it. 

Me: Anyways, do you still like me?

Inori: ...Yes, I do. Are you finally going back to that promise?

Me: My answer is the same as before. I will always treasure you as a childhood friend. The love I have for you is not the same as you have for me. 

Inori: I see... But what if I was fine with that?

Me: I refuse to raise your hopes and disappoint you.

Inori: You already did you know?

Me: I'm sorry. This was necessary for me though.

Inori: Hmm? Is it a boy?

Me: Nope. Wouldn't one assume that it's a girl first?

Inori: I thought you were gay? I ship you and Koko-chan you know? But you rarely talk nowadays.

Me: People change. I still hold both of you dear though.

Inori: Are you not denying that you're gay?

Me: I have a feeling that no matter how I deny the statement, you'll always loop back to shipping Koko and I anyways.

Inori: You know me so well~

90th Murder:

I found myself bound to a desk by a few shirts. A cold object stuck out inside me. Funny. At a time like this, I will say, "Ah.. there's an object sticking out of me." Then Momo would probably reply, "Do you have a boner?"

I miss those jokes of the past lives. However, I must abandon those now. I am human. I cannot forgive if I cannot forget.

Now, I managed to put one piece of the puzzle into another. The murderer might be Momo.

I look down again at the knife buried inside my chest. I laugh manically as I finally can escape this hell hole. This constant cycle of pointless life and death of no meaning, no results, no ending, and no slacking off. I really think I solved it.

I really think I did it.

I really...

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