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     Ginny's p.o.v
     Draco hugged me, why would he do this, does he know something I don't know? I couldn't help wonder this.
     "I know what happened, Ginny. Do you want to go somewhere private and talk?" Draco questioned.
     Yes! I would love to! You have to tell me everything from beginning to end, ok? I asked impatiently.
     Yes everything. Draco promised.
     Draco's p.o.v
     Ron didn't know that I was still waiting outside for Harry at that point. So when he came back out 10 minutes later I saw everything. I saw how he beat up Harry and left him on the ground. When Ginny came out I followed her when she was dragging him across the floor. I noticed her go into the hospital wing and then she left. I don't know what happened after that or even if she went back to see him yet. I guess I am going to find out now.
     Ginny's p.o.v
     We found an abandoned classroom that hasn't been used in many years. It was on the 7th floor on the right wing. We entered and sat down in two desks next to each other. Lee told each other everything we knew.
     GINNY WE HAVE TO GO SEE HIM RIGHT NOW!!!! Draco yelled as he grabbed my one hand and took me with him.
     Ok! I tried to run at his pace and we got there within 5 seconds. We saw him on the hospital bed and Draco began to cry. I tried to hug him but he just pulled away. I will leave you alone Draco, I'm sure you need it. I stated. I left but I stood outside the door watching Draco and Harry. Draco left about 15 minutes later. I decided to go back in. I saw his body sprawled across the bed. I was wondering if I was ever gonna see him again. Maybe there will be some Christmas miracle I thought.
     Harry's p.o.v
     I heard someone sobbing, it sounded like Draco and I also heard Ginny's voice at one point. I loved Ginny so much and I could tell it was going to be over for me. STUPID WEASEL. I HATE HIM SO MUCH! He is gonna be named a murderer after I die! I heard mrs. Pomfrey say I only have 24 hours to live. These past 23 hours have been a torture. I wonder if there will be some sort of Christmas miracle.
     I was onto the last hour and it could happen at any moment. The last thing I saw was Ginny's beautiful red hair. The last thing I heard was a piercing sound of a monitor. BEEEEEEEEEEEEP. I never saw or heard anything again.

A/N- Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter. It's not done yet, but tell me what you think and please give me requests! Comment and vote! ~Sunny❤️

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