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     A/N- Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while it has just been really busy around my house with Christmas and everything else. But I hope you enjoy and I know this is late but merry Christmas!

     Ginny's p.o.v
     I waited in the hospital wing for a very long while. It was getting late and I was about to leave until I heard a long piercing beep. I turn around and see Harry's monitor that was connected to the bed. H-he was dead. That was the end of sneaking out in the middle of the night, meeting in the room of requirement, and worst of all just seeing him in general. I couldn't believe that I would never see him ever again. How was I gonna tell all of his friends, crabb, Goyle, Draco, and Pansy. They were all going to be devestated, just like me I was. I ran out of the room crying, Draco still didn't tell me how this happened and I really wanted to know, maybe he can tell me right now I thought. I got out the mauraders map and said "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" Draco was in the dining room for dinner. I went to go see him and he seemed so happy. What I was about to tell him may ruin his life for ever. I debated with my self for a good 15 minutes if I should have told him or not and then I finally came to a conclusion.
     Draco's p.o.v
     I go down to the dining room to eat dinner, and I take a seat with my best friends Crabb and Goyle and ofcourse my girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. About 20 minutes later I see Ginny standing by the door. She seemed upset and at that moment I knew exactly what happened. By the harsh facial expression and her tomato red eyes I could tell she must have been crying for atleast a half hour. It was something about Harry and I needed to find out right away. I ran up to the doors of the great hall and she hugs me.
     "What's wrong?" I questioned very concerned.
     "H-Harry's d-dead." She stuttered. She began to ball her eyes out while I consoled her. I turned around to see if anyone was looking and of course someone was: Pansy Parkinson.
     "Hey Draco, Why are you hugging Weaslette?" She questioned.
     "Babe it's not the time ok?" I replied.
     "What happened?" She asked.
     "Harry died." I cry. She starts crying and Ginny as well, we all excuse ourselves from the Great hall for the rest of dinner. We all go to the room of requirement and we tell eachother what we all know about how Harry died. I knew it was time so I finally spilled about Ron even though I knew it was wrong.
     "HE DID WHAT?!?!" Ginny screamed.

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