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     Ginny's. P.o.v
     I knew I probably shouldn't be telling hermione these things, but she was my best friend I had to. I told her everything from start to finish.
     "You kissed a slytherin? Out of all of them it was, POTTER?!" Hermione screamed.
     "I know it was a terrible thing to do and I will never do it again." I yelled.
     "Well at least he can't bother you here and we only have to see him in potions." Hermione said relieved.
     "But the thing is Hermione I go see him everyday in the room of requirement!" I exclaimed.
     "Wha- soon enough a knock on the door cut her off. I ran downstairs to see if it was anyone we knew. It was, but it was the last person I wanted to see: Malfoy and Potter.
     "Who is it, Ginny?" Hermione asked.
     "Guess who?" I sarcastically asked.
     "Ginny can me and Malfoy talk to you outside for a minute?" They asked. I wonder what they ment? Why did they want to see me at 8 p.m?
     "Sure, why not." I replied.
      Harry's P.o.v
    I was really nervous, I mean what if she already told people and we are gonna get in trouble. I'm sure she is probably thinking the same thing and honestly I do feel really guilty.
   "So, what is it you guys wanted to talk to me about?" Ginny questioned.
  "Weasel, Harry and I need to ask you to please not tell anyone about your little kiss thing in the room of requirement?" Draco asked her.
     Ginny's p.o.v
   Oh thank god! I feel so relieved that potter told someone too. Now I don't feel as guilty.
   "Well there is one problem, I only told one person, it's Hermione."
   "Alright but don't tell anyone else, alright?" They demanded.
   "Fine, I need to go get ready for bed, goodnight." I turned around to see Ron was sitting on the couch with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I questioned.
   "HOW COULD YOU?!?!" Ron screamed.

A/N- Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I have had a lot of activities at school and on top of that is the h.w lol. I know this chapter is short, but I hope you guys like and vote! ~Sunny❤️

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