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     Ron's p.o.v
     I had just walked down the stairs from the boys dormitory when I saw Ginny talking to Potter and Malfoy at first, but then it got even weirder. I don't think they knew I heard until I blew my cover.
     "HOW COULD YOU?!?!" I screamed.
     "R-Ron it's not how it sounds. I promise." Ginny stuttered.
     "Then tell me what happened, I am willing to listen." I exclaimed.
     "Well, I have been meeting Potter in the room of requirement for about a month now, and some things may have happened! I swear it wasn't my fault one minute we were studying and then the next minute, we were just kissing. I don't know how it happened. I know your my brother Ron and I don't wanna hurt you, but you are gonna have to let me go sooner or later, and mom and dad too. I am old enough to choose who I want to be with." She went on and on what had seemed like hours were only minutes.
    "GINNY" I yelled.
     "What do you want?!" She replied with a snotty attitude.
     "He's bad news trust me." I said calmly now.
     "And what is that supposed to mean?" Ginny questioned.
     "I am just trying to keep you safe, you are my little sister and I care very much about you but if your not going to listen then whatever!" I yelled.
     "FINE! IM GOING TO BED!!!" Ginny screamed. She ran up the stairs with her eyes full of tears. I could hear her and hermione talking from the boys dormitory. I could tell they were both really pissed off at me.
     Ginny's p.o.v
     I stormed up the stairs, went in the girls dormitory, and slammed the door shut. Hermione was on her bed reading a book, until she looked up.
     "Ginny, what's wrong?"  Hermione questioned, seeming concerned.
     "Me and Ron got in a fight! He thinks I shouldn't date Harry and I really want and too! I hate him I want him to stop telling me what to do!" I cried.
     "He's your older brother Ginny, cut him some slack he just wants to make sure your being safe." She explained.
     "Then what should I say to him?" I asked.
     "Don't say anything, just calm yourself and I will talk to him for you." She replied.
     "Thanks Hermione, your the best!" I yelled with excitement.
     "Your welcome!" Hermione replied. With everything that happened today I don't think I am gonna go to the room of requirement tomorrow. But I thought to myself that Ron already knows we meet there, so why not go a time when no one is awake? Like right now!!!

A/n- Hey guys! I know this chapter is much longer than usual. Hope you enjoy! Comment and vote. ~Sunny❤️


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