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     Harry's p.o.v
     I could her weasely yelling at her through the painting. The last thing I heard was a loud slam of a door and Draco and I took off. We started to walk back.
     I wonder what happened in there." Draco stated.
     I don't know but I am worried. I replied. Do you think he is gonna tell anyone?
    No, because his sister was involved I can't imagine him doing that to her.
    Would you tell on me? I asked.
    No of course not, your my best friend! Draco exclaimed.
    Thanks. I laughed.
     Ginny's p.o.v
    I got some jeans and a purple sweater on. I got my wand grabbed my green shoulder bag and I tiptoed downstairs. The stairs were so creaky I thought I was gonna wake some one up, but soon I was off the stairs and no one was awake, at least I thought.
     Harry's p.o.v
     I soon heard a sweet voice call my name. I knew who it was the second I heard it. It was Ginny.
     Potter! She yelled. I hugged her then I pulled her away. I forgot that we were in the hallway no where secret.
     Hey wanna go in the room of requirement and you can tell me what happened? I questioned.
     But Ron knows now! She cried.
     I know but if we go right now he's not gonna follow us! I exclaimed.
     Ok let's go, I swear it wasn't my fault. He has ears like a hawk! She yelled. I could tell she was really mad and I just wanted to hug her. Whenever she is mad I feel so bad for her.
     Ron's p.o.v
     I couldn't fall asleep that night, I was just too mad. So instead I thought I could read a book. I read for about 10 minutes before I heard the creek inn noises. I didn't think it was a big deal until I hear like 5 of them. So I got nervous and went to check. Next thing I knew I saw Ginny, she was all dressed up and had her shoulder bag that she takes with her whenever she goes somewhere she is not supposed too. I followed her onto the stairs and right out the door. We went depths down into the hallway before I knew where we were. They entered the room of requirement, but I didn't wanna be seen so I stood out there with one of the joke shops ears. She told him everything about our fight! Then they started making out! I can't believe Ginny would do this.
     Ginny's p.o.v
     I told him everything, and then he started to kiss me. We made out for 10 minutes before he said he had to go. I stayed there for a few hours and read a book. I heard noises outside but I didn't really mind them until I walked out of the room.

A/N- Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter! Before I go I would just like to say that JusteJuste has been really helpful with this story and getting it a lot of votes! So I just wanted to say thank you! Go check out her stories, they are really good!

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