Chapter 19: Thunderous Consequences

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I met with Joey by the bathrooms like usual, with Valerie talking to him. "So, Joey, how long have you been a Zweilous?" "Haven't I already told you? I became a Zweilous on Saturday." "Yes, and are you aware that you evolved earlier than your other peers?" "Wait, say what?" "Sorry to break up the interview, but the EV room is pretty far away. Can we start moving now, Joey?" "Yeah, just a minute. What do you mean by that?"

"Well, most Deino evolve when they're around 19-21, while you did so when you're 13. That should mean that you were in a large amount of pain while evolving, which could have killed you, but you said earlier that you felt nothing during the process. That would mean that you're either older than you think you are, or that you are stronger than almost everyone in the school, barring teachers like Mr. Han or Mr. Stells." "Wait, really? That's awesome! But, we have to go now. Bye, Valerie!"

We started walking to the EV Training room. "So, have you two started giving each other pet names yet?" "No, not yet, but I'm considering calling her..." "Whoa, slow down there, I didn't ask about what you were going to call each other, I was curious if it had started yet. I need to know if it's safe to be around you two." "Ah, right, you hate pet names. I'm surprised I forgot after you tried to watch a romantic comedy." "Who calls their girlfriend 'Lemonsuckle?' That makes no sense!" "Hehe, I always get a kick out of that. So, what else is new with you?"

"Well, Josh and Samantha are dating." "Yeah, I heard about that. Have they started giving each other pet names?" "What else could the names 'Sweet Wings, Honey Shell, and Cutie Scythes' be?" "Really? How has it gotten to that already? It's been what, 5 hours?" "I know right? It's ridiculous! They've gotten to in 5 hours what takes most couples a few days or a week to do!" We were almost to the Training room at this point, so we switched topic to other things, like Joey's IV expectations. When we got in the room, Mr. Han started to take people in, starting with Joey.

I stayed behind and practiced techniques, like rolling into a fight and using Dragon Rush as a quick attack. Soon, other people were watching me practice the technique, cheering me on and even asking if I could teach them how to use Dragon Rush. I had to decline, however, as I didn't know how to teach it to someone else. Just then, Joey came out of the room. I ran over to him, asking how it went. "So, did you meet your expectations?" "Definitely not. My perfect IV's are Special Attack and Speed." "Well, at least you're prepared to be a Hydreigon!" "Oh, shut up!", he said while playfully tackling me.

"Well, while you're still focused on Attack, wanna learn Dragon Rush?" "No, I'd rather not. Having Hustle for an ability lowers the already low accuracy of Dragon Rush, so I'll pass." "Well, alright then. In the meantime, check this out!" I did my rolling rush attack for him, and he seemed impressed. "Interesting tactic! Seems useful for getting into a fight!" I don't remember much after that in that class, but I do remember everything that happened in the next class, Advanced Battling.

Joey and I walked towards the Advanced Battling room. We saw Keeton and Raven, along with Samantha, Ellie, Bode, and Logan walk in too. "Arceus, is everyone we know in this class?", Joey asked. "Probably. I think it's pretty cool!" We walked in and sat down in our seats. When class started, Mr. Stells came in carrying a rolled-up place mat.

"Alright, class, settle down. Today, we'll be learning to use items to their fullest." He set down to mat and unrolled it. As it unrolled, many items began to appear on it, including Life Orbs, Weakness Policies, Leftovers, and Thunderstones, among other items. "So, today, the people who did best in Friday's set of battles will choose an item. They have to give that item to a student to be their partner for today. Then their partner will choose an item for them. First up, Kilian!"

I walked up to the mat. "Oh, I forgot to mention! You must choose your item blindly!" I closed my eyes and moved my arm around the mat. I reached down and grabbed a ball. I imagined that I grabbed a Life Orb, but when I opened my eyes, I saw that I had grabbed a Light Ball. "Well, I know who I'm choosing." I walked over to Haylee and handed her the Light Ball. "Here you go, ma'am!" "Well, guess I have to get you an item." She walked over to the mat.

"Mr. Stells? Can you please remove the Thunderstone? That way nothing bad happens." "Sure thing! We don't want you prematurely evolving!" He removed the Thunderstone from the selection and Haylee grabbed me a Scope Lens. "Here you go, sir!" Over the course of the class, everyone chose an item. From Josh getting a Weakness Policy from Samantha, to Emilee getting a Shell Bell from Keeton. Worst of all though, Raven got the Thunderstone from Elijah.

We went to the battling gym, items in hand, and got in our groups. Haylee and I were fighting Raven and Elijah. We started the battle, and it went pretty well. Haylee, after taking an X-Scissor from Elijah, rushed towards him, enveloping herself in electricity. Haylee had learned Volt Tackle, and knocked out Elijah in a single hit. I was able to prevent Raven from moving with Headbutt. But, Haylee then went for a Thunder and missed. I tried using Crunch, but it wasn't enough. I felt an evil energy from Raven, the kind that I got when Gary was nearby. Raven held her Thunderstone hard, and used Fling on Haylee. I tried to jump in the way, and Haylee used Quick Attack to get into the air, but when the Thunderstone hit me, it bounced off the contour of my shell, and flew upwards, straight into Haylee.

The stone shattered on impact, and the chunks sunk into Haylee, causing Haylee to pass out. I caught her as she was falling, but that still wouldn't hurt as much as her evolution. She started grunting in pain, before quickly turning to screaming in agony, as the evolution started to take place. Elijah flew to the nearest phone to call 911, and while that was happening, the evil presence left Raven. She fell to the ground on her hands and knees, and was instantly alerted by Haylee's screams at what had happened.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no! What happened?" "How do you not know what happened?", I snapped. "You were the one that caused it! You used Fling to throw a Thunderstone at Haylee!" "Wait, I did? I had no idea! Something was possessing my body!" "Was that something fear? Fear that you were going to lose to a 10 year old? Fear that you had a worthless item?" "Kilian, stop!" Keeton wrapped his arm around me, putting me in a fake chokehold, so fake that I could easily escape it just by tucking and rolling. "Now, Raven! Heal Bell!"

A calming melody filled the area, and I immediately felt calmer. Keeton released me from the hold, and I took a deep breath. "Raven, I'm sorry. I felt that you had a dark presence about you. I don't know why I lashed out at you. Can you ever forgive me?" "Yes, yes I can. I believe that everyone is deserving of forgiveness." At this point, Elijah had come back from calling 911. "An ambulance will be here shortly. How's she doing?" "She's just been yelling. For an almost unbelievable amount of time. I'm not even sure if she's taken a breath yet.", I said.

Emilee came running over. "Sorry I'm late, I got knocked out. What's happening?" "An evil force, similar to Gary, possessed Raven and forced her to Fling a Thunderstone at her. Now we're here.", I told her. "Oh, this is horrible! Haylee could die from this!", Emilee said as I comforted her. By now, Joey, Josh, Samantha, and the Homeregion Heroes had come over. "Haylee? What happened?", Ellie asked. "Ok, is everyone here? Because this is the last time I'll say it. Raven got possessed and flung a Thunderstone at Haylee. End of story." By this time, a group of people came in with a gurney. They were from Meteor Falls EMS. "Where's the afflicted?", one of them asked. Emilee lifted Haylee with her telekinesis onto the gurney. "Ah, Tiffany's daughter. She won't be happy to see this." They moved the gurney out of the school and onto a Tropius to take her to the hospital.

Keeton followed them, asking if he could ride along. They obliged, and after kneeling for a bit, probably talking with his parents about it, he got on the Tropius and it took off, heading for the hospital. We continued to talk about Haylee, but we also talked about our battles, the items we got, the Homeregion Heroes, and introduced everyone. "Well, the battles were recorded, so we could look over those for you guys!", Logan said.

"Thanks, Logan!", Emilee said. "Now, how will we arrange visiting Haylee?" "Emilee, can you get a hold of my mom?" "Yeah, why? You need to tell her about what happened?" "Yes, and to tell her that I need her to fly me to the hospital after school." "Well, alright. I'm doing it now." She raised her head and stared off into the distance. I held onto her and waited. "Hello? Who is this?", I heard my mother say. "Hi, mom!" "Oh, hi, Kilian! How are you doing this?" "I'm using Emilee. But that's not important right now. Something happened at school today, but it needs a bit of an explanation." "Explain away."

"Well, today there are 3 new students. There's Elijah, that Ninjask from yesterday, and twin siblings who moved on our street, a shiny Gallade named Keeton and a shiny Gardevoir named Raven. All was well until 7th hour, when Raven, possessed by evil, threw a Thunderstone at Haylee using Fling. Now Haylee's in the hospital for premature evolution. I want to know if you can get me to the hospital after school." "Sure thing! Anyone else need to go?"

"Hang on, I'll ask." I let go of Emilee and faced everyone. "You guys need a lift to the hospital?" Everyone except Bode and Logan nodded at once. I took a quick head count. I got back on the Emilee-phone. "So, can you carry 7 people?" "I'm sure that I could! I'll prepare for it, but you should talk to everyone else's parents, specifically Keeton and Raven's. I might be able to talk to Joey's and Josh's parents, but you're on your own for everyone else." "Great! Thanks, mom!" I let go of Emilee and faced everyone again. "Good news! Joey, Elijah, and Josh, my mom's going to talk to your guy's parents! Raven, Ellie, and Samantha, we need to get a hold of your parents."

After school, mom picked us up to take us to the hospital. We discussed what we were going to do when we got there. We had made a plan to pass the time to tell stories about our experiences with Haylee, but everyone had other ideas, and no one could agree. By the time we got to the hospital, we decided that telling stories was the best thing to do. We walked in, asked for Haylee's room, and walked in.

(Meanwhile, in Dewford Town)

Ephraim was attacking the old Scolipede with all his might, the elderly bug barely being able to keep up. Still though, anything Ephraim did to him, he could do back to him. But, that all changed at this point. "Face it, Ephraim. You can't beat me. You should just give up." "N-no, I won't l-lose. Not to the likes of you!" Ephraim started charging at the elder Scolipede, his horns shining a bright silver color. The Scolipede knew he couldn't dodge, and that he couldn't counter, so he just sat back and watched the attack happen. Ephraim rammed his horns into the Scolipede's stomach. "So, you've learned Megahorn. You're truly ready now. You have the ability, the moves, and the power to command the army.

Goodbye." The Scolipede closed his eyes, not afraid that he was staring death in the face. He had seen all that he needed to see, and he was ready to move on. "Very good, bug! I guess you truly are ready to command!", Gary said from the shadows. "Well, now that we have the issue of command sorted out, we shall begin our conquest of this awful land on the morrow, starting at dawn. Get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us."

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