Chapter 20: The Fault in Our Wishes

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When we walked in, we saw Tiffany, Haylee's mother, checking Haylee's vitals, while Keeton sat in the back. "Oh, hello Kilian, Emilee, and everyone else. How are you today?", she asked. "Well, we were doing well until this happened. I'm so sorry about what happened.", Raven said. "Oh, and how would you know how to be sorry, young lady?" "Tiffany, back off. I already told you she didn't do it of her own volition.", Keeton told her. "Yeah, sure she did. Stay as long as you need to, kids. I'll be popping in every once in awhile to check her vitals." Tiffany walked out of the room, and we all sat down. "It's about time you got here! I've been talking and arguing with her for around an hour now." "Well, we didn't leave school an hour early, so we have an excuse, sir.", I said.

We started talking about the obstacles needed to get here, our plan for passing time, and just telling jokes. But eventually, we started getting bored, so I started our story time off. "I remember the first day Haylee came to Meteor Falls Junior High, almost like it was yesterday.

"It was supposed to be a normal day. I was walking to first hour after talking in the cafeteria, when I saw an odd sight. A Pichu, small and young, being cornered by the Bad Girl Gang, only Olivia hadn't come here yet, so they had a Prinplup in their group. They were trying to hurt her, and I wasn't okay with that. I surprise attacked them and saved the Pichu. From then on, we became friends, through thick and thin, bullies and gangs, and now, life-threatening evolution. We've been there for each other for other things, and now I'm going to be here for her." While everyone was thinking about my story and what they were going to tell, Emilee stood up. "Now, I shall tell my story about Haylee. Kilian told a story of introduction, so I shall tell a story of bonding.
"It was a few days after Kilian met Haylee for the first time. Her and I had the same 3rd Hour, and we were assigned to a project for a poster about a region, and we chose Kalos. I did most of the work, as I was quite familiar with the topic. However, two days before the project was due, Beatrice Braixen stole the poster from class and burnt it up in front of me. But, in the two days that we had left, Haylee had remade the entire project, using what she had learned from me. Haylee was there for me when I needed her, so now I'll be here for her when she needs us, and I shall never abandon her!"

After Emilee's story, Josh and Joey shared a story about Haylee, before Samantha shared her story. "My story shall be about an experience with Haylee, and you will not expect the results. It begins a few years ago, outside of school. I was playing with a ball at the park with my brother, when Haylee came over and asked to play. We agreed and Haylee and I played with each other. Eventually, Haylee threw the ball into the air, and as I flew up to catch it, she used Thunderbolt on me, apparently not of her own volition, that her built up electricity released itself. Still, I have never forgotten what that felt like." "Ok, that never happened, Samantha.", I said. "Hey, if you don't believe my lie is true, ask the Zubat, he saw it too."

Suddenly, a horrifying sound had entered the room. The heart monitor that was constantly beeping in the background had changed its tune. It had gotten faster, more urgent, and it continued its rise. Emilee moved next to me for me to comfort her, Keeton was comforting Raven, Samantha was being comforted by Josh, and Elijah began to comfort Ellie. Tiffany rushed in to see if anything was wrong, but we didn't pay attention, as we were paying attention to one thing. We could only hear the heart monitor, and the sound of a flatline.

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