A Sudden Good News

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Rahi's P.O.V

Oronno is not calling. He told me he would call me.
Ugrhh..Why am I even waiting?
Suddenly my phone vibrates and i take the phn in my hand. It is a call from an unknown number. I recieve the call.

"Hello, Rahi speaking."
"Hello. It is Oronno here."
"Oh. What's up? Have you talked to your uncle about that?"
"Actually, i am trapped. I am trapped in a serious but funny problem."
"What happened?"
"My uncle, about whom i was talking to you saw me going to the slum and he told it to my parents in a modified way."
"Oh. But what he told your parents?"
"That i go to a slum to take drugs.And my mom dad are so convinced about that. All my family members think that i am spoiling."
"OMG. Same Oronno. My classmates' moms also think that i go to take drugs there..Duh! Can't they think straight?"
"They think straight. That is why they are thinking like that. But the thing we are doing is not usual. Right? That's the problem."
"Hmmm..you are right though."
Oronno says,"So i can't help you. I am really sorry."
"It is okay. i understand but i won't stop.I won't loose hope." I say.
Oronno hmms and says," Bye for now. Talk to you later."
I say bye to him and i put the phone on my desk.


I wake up as the sunlight comes through the window.
It is impossible to sleep anymore in this bright light.
I get up from the bed, finish my morning business and it is still  one hour left till school. So, i take my phone. I see a message from Oronno.

'Urgent. Good news. Call me. Oronno.'

I laugh at the style of his message. It is like he has sent a telegram or something. Cute boy!! But what is his urgent good news?

I write him a reply in his style -

'School. Call at afternoon. Rahi.'


So what do you think what is the good news?????

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