Small Misunderstanding aka Big Problems

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Orronno's P.O.V

This girl is crazy. I like her. She is crazy. I like her.

"Hey,what are you thinking?" Rahi says waving her hand in front of my eyes.
"Oh. Nothing . Nothing." I say in a rush not making eye contact with her.
She smiles and again gets busy with the children.

After spending my whole afternoon there i say bye to the kids then i and Rahi leave for our home.

"Okay. It was very kind of you, Oronno." says Rahi.
"I really enjoyed. Though i didn't expected something like that at all. You are really crazy in a positive way obviously." I laugh.

She laughs too.
"Rahi if you want, i want to do something for these kids." I say.
"What do want to do?"She ask.

" I think i can get them admitted in a school. Like in an NGO school." I say

"I am not sure if their parents will let them go to any school." Rahi says sadly.

"Why wouldn't they?" I ask.

"You won't understand. But i will still talk to them.First you assure me if you can do this." Rahi say

"Okay I will call you tonight." I say

"Okay. Bye" Rahi waves her hand.


As i enter my house,I see my Parents and grand parents sitting in the living room. I greet them and sat beside my grandmother.
Watching their face i can say that something is wrong.
I ask,"What happend Dadu(grandmoter)?"
She looks at me and says,"You tell us Oronno, what happened. What made you take drugs? What made you tell lies?"
I frowned with a huge confussion saying,"Would you guys please explain? What is the matter? And what is about drugs and lies?huh?"
I didn't noticed tha my voice has raised. My dad says,"Down your voice, Oronno."
I looked at my mom and granddad with huge confussion. I again say ,this time trying to keep my voice down,"please explain what you guys are talking about."
My mom then says,"Did you not go to a slum??"
"Yes,I did go to a slum." I said.
"So what means what?" Dad shouted and grandpa tries to calm him.
"Baba i can explain." I say.
"Your uncle saw you there with lot of slum kids who were looking really 'Not Good' at all."My grand pa says.
I suddenly can't understand what they are talking about. I say," Mom ,dad, dadu, dada i don't understand what your actual problem is. Is it that i went to a slum or is it something else?"
Dad then looks at me with disbelief in his eyes. Then Dadu says," Look dear, we suspect that you are not in a right way. Don't go there. That is not a good place."
"But why?" I say.
"Aren't you taking drugs?"Mom asks me looking at the floor.
" Wha-what?" I am in so much confussion,"Who told you that?"
"Your uncle saw you entering that slum. He asked us where you were.We said what you had told us. We told him that you were going to a party?"Says my mom.
" Maa , i was actually in a party. It was not a so called 'Party' type party. I just spend time with the kids. My friend Rahi arranged that event. I thought i would be fun That's why i went there. And it was really fun there."
"So ,now you are making female friends.Good. " My mom says and walks away.
There was silence for few moments in the room then dad says,"The only thing that hurt us that you lied to us. And is it even believeable that a girl of your age goes to a slum. I mean no parents will let their daughter go there. So, stop lying."Then dad stands up and says,"And my last word is ,you will never go there again."
I sigh.
Then dad and my grand parents leave the room.
I then go to my room thinking what i am gonna tell Ruhi.



Hi friends,
I thought I won't upload before my exams end. But I am uploading. I wrote this whole chapter hiding my phone inside of my book. :p :p ........


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