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Blitzø stepped out of Loona's room as he had just tucked her in until he got a text from Angel Dust

Angel Dust-Hey BDB, you wanna come by to Val's club tonight?

"Hm, I guess a short visit to the strip club won't hurt." Blitzø said as he texted back

Blitzø-Sure, why not?

Angel Dust-Great, Val will send over a limo so I could pick you up.

Blitzø was put on the same outfit he wore at Ozzie's & waited outside for the limousine

"Master Blitzø, please don't drink too much while you're at the club & don't stay out too late, remember you're a father now." Bonez said

"Don't worry, Bonez, it'll be just a short visit, I'll be home in no time." Blitzø assured

"Another thing, master, Loona told me that you were actually strange again while you were at Loo Loo Land with the Goetia Family. Are you sure there's nothing's wrong?" Bonez asked

"Yeah, everything's fine, sorry about that." Blitzø said

"You know, if you ever wanna talk, you can always come to me." Bonez said

"I appreciate that, Bonez." Blitzø smiled as the limousine arrived

"Yo, BDB, you ready for a fun time?" Angel said from the limo

"Yeah, I'm ready." Blitzø said "I'll see you in a bit, Bonez."

"Take care of yourself." Bonez said as Blitzø went into the limo

As the limousine drove off

"Hey Angel, what does BDB stand for?" Blitzø said

"You know Big-Dicked Blitzø, that's what everyone at the studio calls you." Angel said

"'s working at the studio." Blitzø asked reluctantly

"It's great, I love it." Angel said enthusiastically

"Don't you hate it there?" Blitzø asked

"What? What makes you think I hate it?" Angel said confusingly

"Uhhh, no reason." Blitzø dismissed "So, I'm guessing you're doing lesbian movies there?"

"Yep." Angel said

"What about guy, do you fuck guys?" Blitzø said

"Pfft, no." Angel said

"Why not?" Blitzø said

"Well, I'm just comfortable with the thought of fucking any guys in the studio." Angel said "Besides, if I wanna fuck a guy, I want it to be someone I really trust."

"& what if your suddenly ambushed in the streets by men who wanna fuck you?" Blitzø asked curiously

"Oh, they'll think twice before doing that." Angel said with a wicked grin as black slit pupils appeared in her eyes

"Uh...okay." Blitzø gulped nervously

"Oh hey, we're here." Angel said

When Blitzø & Angel entered the club

"Hey ladies, look who I brought!" Angel said

"Oh my god, it's Big-Dicked Blitzø!" Summer said excitedly

"Finally, he's back!" Dia said happily as they large group of strippers rushed towards him

"Whoa there! Ladies, slow down!" Blitzø said in alert as he consumed in a cloud of dust with hearts coming out

"Amiguitas, that's enough." A voice said

The strippers stopped as Blitzø's face was covered in kiss marks. A shadow loomed over him, Blitzø looked up & saw a female version of Valentino

"Oh shit." Blitzø said softly

"Sorry, Ms. Valentina." The strippers apologized

"It's alright." Valentina said as she looked at Blitzø "Blitzø, I'm so happy that you came back after so long, things haven't been the same without your presence."

"Uh yeah, sorry about that, Val, I've been quite busy you know." Blitzø said

"It's okay, mi amor." Valentina said "Come sit down & have a drink, we have some catching up to do."

Blitzø was sitting at a sofa next to Angel close to Valentina as she was sitting between Summer & Dia.

"So Blitzø, Angel tells me you have a daughter." Valentina said

"Sh-sh-she did?" Blitzø stuttered nervously

"Si, do you have a picture of her?" Valentina asked

"Uhhh." Blitzø said

"Please, can we see her, BDB." Summer & Dia said

"No, I don't think—." Blitzø protested

"Please Blitzito." Valentina said with a cute sad look

"Pwetty Pwease!" Summer & Dia said with giant puppy eyes

"Well...alright fine." Blitzø said as he pulled out his phone & showed Loona's picture "Here."

"AWWWWWWW!" Dia & Summer exclaimed adoringly

"Dios Mio, she is so precious." Valentina smiled adoringly "I would like to meet her in person, maybe you should bring her over to—."

"No!" Blitzø shouted startling Valentina, Summer, Dia, & Angel. "I mean...Val, this place isn't appropriate for a 5-year old."

"Oh Blitzø, I wasn't talking about bringing her over here." Valentina chuckled. "I was talking about bringing her over to my place when you visit me."

"Oh..." Blitzø said

"If you're not okay with that, then I can come over to your place to visit." Valentina said

"Yeah, heh, sounds great." Blitzø said awkwardly

"Ms. Valentina." Sugar said

"What is it, Sugar?" Valentina said

"It's Spice, she fell & injured herself." Sugar said

"Disculpe, Blitzø, I'll be right back." Valentina said as she stood up & left

Blitzø stared at Valentina leaving as he wondered if she treats her employees the same as Valentino. He excused himself & followed her from afar, when he got to the door he opened it just a crack to see Valentina & Spice

"Are you alright, Chiquita." Valentina said

"I'm fine, but I think I sprained my right ankle." Spice said

"Here, let me see." Valentina said as she knelt down & looked at it "It looks muy mal, but don't worry I'll take care of it."

Valentina brought out a first aid kit & started healing Spice's ankle

"Spice, you know I told you that you didn't have enough balance to wear these heels." Valentina said

"I know, but I just wanted to show you that I could do it, I wanted to impress you." Spice said

"I'm touched to hear that from you, amor, but you should know that impressing me is not worth hurting yourself." Valentina said

"You're right, Val, I'm sorry I didn't listen." Spice apologized

"It's alright, Chiquita." Valentina said

Blitzø was surprised & shocked that Valentina was nurturing, caring, & patient. The Valentino he knew had a bad temper & would abuse his employees if they fuck up. After Valentina finished treating her wound.

"Alright, you should go home now." Valentina said

"But Valentina, I'm supposed to be on stage with Angel for a duet, who's gonna take my place?" Spice said in concern

"Not to worry, mi amor, I know just the person." Valentina assured as she kissed Spice's forehead

Blitzø went back to the sofa & waited until Valentina came back

"Hey Blitzø, may I ask you for a favor?" Valentina said

"Yeah Val, what's up?" Blitzø said

"Spice has sprained her ankle & she was supposed to perform with Angel, so I thought since you used to be a performer, why don't you take Spice's place." Valentina said

"Oh yeah, Blitzø, we should totally do it!' Angel said excitedly

"Well...I don't see why not." Blitzø said

A little bit later

"Damas y caballeros, we have a music number with Angel Dust featuring a blast from the past, put your hands together for Blitzø

The curtains revealed Blitzø leaning back against the stripper pole

(ADDICT by Silva Hound feat Michael Kovach & Chi-Chi)(I don't own this song)


Til death do us part

But we're already past that phase

This is a brand new start

And I think I deserve some praise

For the way that I am

Despite having overdosed

& ending up comatose

I don't give a damn

I've let my emotions go

Fuck being a sober hoe

This is the mantra, this is my life you're playing with now til the end of the night

Surrounded by fire the passion ignites, a hit of that heaven & hell, a helluva high


I'm addicted to the madness

This new Hell is my Atlantis

We're forever gonna have a fucking reason to sin

Let me leave my soul to burn & I'll be breathing it in

I'm addicted to the feeling

Getting higher than the ceiling

And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end

Just concede & give in to your inner demons again

Angel Dust

Yeah you fell in love

But you fell deeper in this pit

While death rains from above

So count your blessings cause this is it

You're not letting it go

So what if I misbehave

It's what everybody craves

You already know

So come if you're feeling brave

And fancy yourself a mate

You want it, I got it, see what you like? We could have it all by the end of the night

Your money & power, my sinful delight, a hit of that heaven & hell, a helluva high


I'm addicted to the madness

This new Hell is my Atlantis


We're forever gonna have a fucking reason to sin

Angel Dust

Let me leave my soul to burn & I'll be breathing it in


I'm addicted to the feeling

Getting higher than the ceiling

And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end

Just concede & give in to your inner demons again


Just concede & give in to your inner demons again


I'm addicted to the feeling

Getting higher than the ceiling

And we're never gonna want this fucking feeling to end

Just concede & give in to your inner demons again

The crowd went wild as money was flying towards the stage. Later, Blitzø was outside of the club with Valentino.

"Well, I better be going now, I don't wanna stay out too late since I'm a father." Blitzø said

"I understand, I admire you for thinking of your daughter." Valentino smiled "I hope you come back again soon

"I will." Blitzø as he turned his back

"Blitzø?" Valentina said

"Yeah?" Blitzø looked at her

"Don't I get a kiss goodbye?" Valentina said with a sad look

"Oh uh...sure." Blitzø said as he kissed her passionately "I'll see you later, Val."

"I look forward to it, mi amor." Valentina smiled lovingly

Later, Blitzø arrived at his mansion & entered, then he took off his jacket & hung it on a coat rack. Blitzø sighed before he started singing again


I'm addicted to the sorrow

A hand is placed on his shoulder, Blitzø looks to see Bonez with a concerned look

When the wish ends

Blitzø walks away & goes upstairs

by tomorrow

There's another rush of feeling flowing into my veins

Giving me a dose of love that has reside by the hate

Blitzø is then approached by Loona who is out of bed

I'm addicted

Blitzø picks her up & smiles at her as he enters his room

I'm dependent

Blitzø goes to the mirror, summons Corpse Eater & poses with a cool smile

Looking awesome

The mirror flashes & shows Blitzø in tears as he's surrounded by his enemies & people who judge him & hate him before flashing back to its regular reflection as Blitzø is startled by it which Loona notices

feeling helpless

Blitzø looks at Corpse Eater before hanging him up on the wall & going to bed

& I know that shooting star had saved me right by the bell

Blitzø lies in the bed

Maybe things won't be so terrible inside this new Hell

Loona crawls in the bed & snuggles up against Blitzø which makes him smile

Hey Everyone, I know this chapter may have been a bit short, I could have added it in the last chapter, but I decided to separate it from it.

Valentina: Jennifer Lopez

Stay tuned for another chapter, Morpho Out

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