Hatch Day

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    Hatch day comes, at last, on January 1, 2019, New Year's Day.   The last two eggs start to move some on their own.  Then, the sound of small chirps is heard and out comes the baby budgies.  Yes, that is right two baby birds are born!   
    They look rather funny looking. They are clear, naked (no feathers yet) and they look so small.  They are so helpless. They can not find food or water by themselves.  They will stay this way for a few weeks. 
    Now, the babies are here, The owner adds a few eggs (not the ones you get at the grocery store), special ones that come from the pet store to the birdseed.  Soon, she will discover these cute little ones must eat more than once a day. They eat multiple times.
    Success is here at last since there are two healthy baby birds in the cage with the proud mother bird, Abagail, and the proud father bird, Sam.  It is a joy to see a new life that has taken birth before our very eyes.
     A few photos are taken of them, and they look a bit like dinosaurs.  It is obvious they are not reptiles or great lizards, but they do look rather funny looking for the time being.

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