The Discovery Of Nakahara Chuuya

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"Sir I think we should stop... the child's body seems to be rejecting testing..."

The man looked unbothered. He didn't care about the child being in pain, this was for scientific research. This was their future and the outcome mattered. It was important, and he needed the God of Destruction himself to spring forth. He needed to make sure this time it wouldn't fail because the child's body couldn't handle it. He needed to push the limits.

"I don't care; keep it going..."


"I'm not asking you, I am telling you. Keep. Going." He cut his eyes and was quite irritated.

The woman regretfully pushed the button and the child screamed in agony, and his body trembled. The child was in so much pain he wanted to die. They shocked him again and the child screamed again. Why him? What did he do so wrong to deserve this? Was anyone looking for him? Did they even care? The child screamed again.

The scientist was irritated. "You little shit say it...!" He yelled. "SAY IT!"

He shocked the 7 year old boy again and again. He was about to shock him again when the ground rumbled. The female scientist illuminated red and she flew across the room, smacking painfully into the wall and her body crunched in a disgusting way.

"...die..." Were the only words the child uttered before attacking everyone in the room in anger. The child massacred everyone in that room, minus the scientist who slipped away in fear and his power was so great he created an explosion which created a crater in the center of a city and completely destroyed any and everything in that city.


The omega ginger was tapping his fingers on his steering wheel and he hummed as he was listening to the music. The male took his shades off and put them away as the sun was now not peeking out anymore. The mafia executive sighed in utter boredom.

"Patrol huh? Aah-! Why does the Boss have me do this pointless shit?" He groaned, annoyed. He parked his car and got out making sure to lock it with the key.

Visconti Kansuke was a 22 year old omega mafia executive for the Port Mafia, who worked directly under Ougai Mori's command. He worked alongside his 24 year old husband Visconti Arsenio. Kansuke was an average height male, he was 167 centimeters tall, weighed 128 pounds soaking wet, he was thin but also well built man, he had a porcelain skin plexion, chin length long ginger hair that was a bit curly, bright blue eyes, freckles that dusted his nose and cheeks and other parts of his body, along with a brown flat beauty mole right on his chin a little under his lip. If anyone asked about Kansuke they'd always first say he looked like a goddess. And his husband was 182 centimeter tall, he had a bit more of a tan than Kansuke, and he was a muscular male that was fit, with black hair that was cut a bit past his ear with hazel green eyes.

Kansuke sighed pulling out a cigarette and he lit it, he inhaled the poison that was nicotine and he exhaled through his nose looking up at the sky. Everything seemed normal tonight, there wasn't much happening, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Kansuke was by the park and it was empty, it was late so of course no one was here. Kansuke took another puff as he looked around, his eyes spotted a small figure stumbling. The ginger saw the figure moving closer and closer, and he noticed it was a child no older than maybe 6 or 7. What the hell was the kid doing out here alone? Where were his parents? Kansuke noticed the child seemed injured, he had bruises on his arms and legs, and he was wobbling like a bambi. The ginger noticed stumbling forward, Kansuke's eyes widened and he ran over and just as he stretched out his arms the child passed out. Kansuke caught him and he looked at the injured child and his eyes saddened, he looked so neglected. Kansuke needed to get him medical care immediately but for a criminal like him he couldn't just take him to a regular hospital, they'd think the omega kidnapped the child. So Kansuke opted for the latter which was taking him to the base's infirmary. Kansuke gently lifted him up and he hurried back to his car, he unlocked it, opened the driver's backseat, and laid the small child down. Kansuke shrugged off his jacket and covered him up. So he wouldn't get sick. The kid was bare, no shoes, no socks, not even a shirt. He was in bad shape. Kansuke wasted no time in getting him back to base.


As soon as the executive arrived to base he went up to the infirmary.

"Boss?!" Kansuke yelled as he brought the child in and he gently laid him down on a medical bed. Mori noticed the child and his eyes widened.

"Kansuke what is this? Why is there a child in my infirmary?"

"It's a long story... just please... Can you help him?" The omega said softly.

Mori sighed and didn't say another word as he started to assess the child. Mori started out with blood samples. It was always easier to accomplish when a child was asleep, and right now it seemed the child had no intention of waking up as he was in a comatose state. Mori always checked his heart, breathing, ears and he cracked his mouth open checking his throat, tonsils, and teeth. He was probing at the child but it was necessary the little one was very injured. Kansuke waited outside the room, trying not to be in Mori's way. He trusted him... well slightly... but he knew even Mori wasn't cruel enough to hurt a child. After what seemed like an eternity Mori finally opened the door and he gently closed it behind him.

"I'm surprised the kid is alive. Burns, bruises, malnourished, asthma, signs of previously broken bones and fractures. Whoever did this hated the kid."

Kansuke's eyes looked sad. "Can I see him...?"

"Yes. But I don't think he'll wake up anytime soon." Mori forewarned him.

Kansuke nodded and he opened the door. Mori had wrapped and cleaned up certain parts of his little body. And he had a wrap around his head.

"Why the bandages on his head?"

"I found a spot that was an open wound on his head and he needed stitches. So I cleaned it, stitched it, and wrapped it. They'll dissolve within a week or two."

Kansuke looked at the child on the breathing machine and he pulled up a chair and sat at his bedside.

"When Arsenio comes to give you his report can you tell him I'm here...?"

Mori looked at Kansuke and could tell what the omega was thinking without it being said. "Sure."

Mori left him and the child alone. Kansuke ended up dozing off as he was sitting with the child, he woke up around 3 am and he groaned and rubbed his eyes. Kansuke got up stretching. Kansuke noticed a note on the bedside dresser by the hospital bed. He picked it up and read it.

Dear Kansuke,

I came by but you were resting. I didn't want to wake you. I went home to shower, change, and make us some dinner so I can bring it back for us to eat. I am sure you haven't eaten yet right? I'll be back soon, my love.



Kansuke smiled at the sweet note and he went to sit it back down when he heard the little boy stir on the bed.

" please stop... h... hurts..."

Kansuke's eyes saddened and he walked over to the bed gently rubbing his little cheek with his index finger and the child seemed to slowly calm down. And he nuzzled his face into Kansuke's hand. The omega smiled gently and he kept his hand there hoping to bring comfort to the child and it seems like he did. Because he reached out in his sleep and gently put his small hand in Kansuke's and it made the omega's heart swell. Kansuke had sadly just miscarried his own child 2 months ago and it was so hard for him and Arsenio, especially because it was something they so desperately wanted. Kansuke had such a hard time getting pregnant, and had an even harder time carrying. So something like this was unattainable for him. Kansuke was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the door open. It was Mori again.

"Hasn't woken up yet?"

Kansuke shook his head. "Was having a bit of a nightmare..." He murmured. "But he's seemed to calm down now..."

"I see. Well I have some information on the child. Name's Nakahara Chuuya, he was reported missing about a year or so ago. Was sold by his own father to a lab, where he was clearly being experimented on."

Kansuke's mouth was agape. How could someone do that to their own child? Their blood? How could they be so low?

"Best we can do is turn the child over to the Armed Detective Agency and let them put him in foster care."

"W...what...? No! Boss, that's no better!"

"The mafia is no place for a child Kansuke, you very well know that."

"We haven't even tried!"

"Don't tell me you are considering keeping the child?"

Kansuke was silent for a moment. "Why not...? I am more than financially capable to take care of him. Me and Arsenio both are and-"

"He is not yours to keep Kansuke!" Mori roared. "That's final. When he wakes up we will deliver him to the Armed Detective Agency for adoption. End of discussion."


"It's a direct order. Don't make me repeat myself." Mori said coldly before walking out.

Kansuke looked back at the child and his heart was breaking, knowing whether he wanted to or not. With him and Arsenio is not where he'd be.

To Be Continued...

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