The Night it Happened

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The mage world was always one kept secret from the rest of humanity. But few were more secretive than the L/n family.

They had been keeping secrets since the age of gods, making them one of the oldest mage families in history.

In the backyard of a large traditional villa, the sound of a weapon being swung echoed through the night.

The weapon was a wooden sword, it's wielder was Y/n L/n. A young man who didn't like to interact with other people, not just mages.

He himself was extraordinarily powerful. His physical strength made things very easy for him while his proficiency for magecraft was another beast entirely.

He smiled proudly however as a few red spots appeared on the back of his hand.

Y/n: "I will wield the saber servant in the holy grail war...and we'll kick some major amounts of ass. Also, plenty of babes to go around as well."

What? I said he was strong, not that he wasn't an idiot. Y/n was known to have a bit of a wandering eye when it came to talking with others. If a guy would talk to him, Y/n would remain eerily focused on his throat. If a girl spoke to him. His eyes would try their damndest to get a look at some cleavage while the rest of him would try and retain eye contact.

Y/n however wasn't a pervert by nature. Mostly by choice if he was bored or if there was nothing else to look at.

His parents were both...elsewhere. He was on his own for the most part.

He walked out of his home dojo before getting ready for school. He wandered through the streets of Fuyuki with his wooden sword slung over his shoulder. He passed by a familiar red haired young man, who called out to him, only to receive the bird being flipped in his general direction.

He passed through a small marketplace when he accidentally bumped into a lavender haired woman.

Y/n: "Oh, my apologies."

???: "Ah, think nothing of it, sweet boy."

With those two words, Y/n felt a chill stab his spine. As though his every instinct was telling him to get away from that woman as fast as possible.

Y/n continued to school with the nagging sensation that he was being watched by something.

What he didn't know was that he was right. Standing there among the shadows was an odd figure. It looked as though it was made of black ribbons and it never made a single sound as it observed him.

Y/n walked to the archery club where he was to meet Shinji Matou. Apparently he had some business with him. Y/n walked in to see Sakura Matou, Shinji's sister, clutching her face.

Shinji then turned to Y/n and smirked.

Shinji: "Y/n! Perfect timing. Wanna take a pot shot at her?"

Y/n walked forward slowly until he was right in front of Sakura. He then sighed in annoyance and held her head gently with his left hand. Sakura was surprised that his touch was warm. He then reached into his bag and brought out a rag. He then motioned for Sakura to follow him to the nearby sink.

Shinji watched in astonishment as Y/n applied the cold wet rag to where he had just punched his sister.

Y/n: "Hold that there for a few minutes. If anyone asks, feel free to tell 'em that is was me."

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise.

Sakura: "W-why? Why would I tell them that?"

Y/n: "Because, it won't make me look any better in their eyes when I kill Shinji right now."

Sakura's eyes widened even further, this time out of fear as Y/n slung his sword off of his shoulder.

He turned to Shinji, his eyes burning with intense hate and malice. Sakura pleaded for him to stop as he advanced towards her brother.

The next two minutes were agony for Shinji. Y/n's physical strength made every strike with the wooden sword a strike that was meant to kill.

Shinji lay writhing on the ground as Y/n loomed over him. Something then caught Y/n's eye and he looked over at the archery range.

Whatever it was, it had vanished.

Y/n sighed and turned back to Shinji, who was still writhing on the ground like an insect.

Y/n: "I've lost any motivation to harm you further. Report me and I'll report your little case of domestic violence towards Sakura."

Shinji: " just told her-"

Y/n: "Because I'd rather SHE told someone rather than a filthy sewer rat like you."

Y/n then walked out of the archery club and headed to his class. He was surprised when Sakura didn't tell anyone. He fully expected her to at least confide in someone she trusted.

Once again, something stood in the corner of his peripheral vision. He didn't turn this time. He wanted to see what it'd do if he kept his eyes off.

It was still for a while until, as he took some notes, it suddenly appeared right next to him, causing him to jump out of fright. His classmates stared and the teacher could tell that something had spooked him something major.

The other students could tell as well due to the drained colour from Y/n's face. The teacher placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder to try and gain his attention.

Y/n's head snapped to where the teacher was stood. Ms. Fujimura was clearly concerned for her student as she could see genuine fright in Y/n's eyes.

Fujimura: "You okay, Y/n? You look like you just saw a ghost."

Y/n: "...I..."

He tried to speak, but no words formed, especially as he saw the figure looming behind Fujimura's back.

His heart rate accelerated to a point of hyperventilation. Ms. Fujimura caught him as he collapsed onto the ground. His fellow students gathered around to try and help. They knew that Y/n was a bit of a weird guy, but they never once saw him like this.

He was taken to the infirmary to rest for a bit as he calmed himself.

Y/n: "...what the hell was that thing?"

He was quickly answered when the figure appeared again, this time at the foot of the infirmary bed.

Y/n: "Gh!"

He tried to back away from the figure, but it remained where it was. Silently observing him.

Y/n: "...W-What the hell are you?"

The shape was still silent. Y/n then blinked and the shape was gone.

He breathed a sigh of relief before laying his head to rest on the pillow below him.

He was sent home early that day. As the sun began to set, he heard a knock on the door.

He opened it slowly and nervously to find a familiar girl standing in front of him.

Y/n: "Tohsaka."

Rin Tohsaka. The Fuyuki Academy Equivalent of a celebrity. She was from a distinguished mage family. As were Sakura and Shinji.

Rin: "L/n. You and I need to chat."

Rin let herself into Y/n's house as he sighed in irritation.

She then sat down at his table before he set out some tea for them.

Y/n: "What's this all about?"

Rin: "Sakura Matou was found earlier with a cold rag pressed against her cheek and Shinji Matou was found in the archery club with bruising indicating that he had been brutalised with a wooden sword. Similar to the one you carry with you to and from school."

Y/n: "Is that all you want to say?"

Rin: "Shinji hit Sakura and you brutalised him for it, didn't you?"

Y/n: "I may be a creep in most regards, but even I know when to step in. I won't tolerate any violence of that sort towards someone's own fucking sibling. So yeah, I beat him half to death. If that fucking thing didn't show up in my peripherals then I'd have killed the little rat!"

Rin: "...thing? What kind of thing?"

Y/n: "I-...I have no way to describe it. It didn't look human in any way...I think it was watching me."

Rin: "I heard you had a panic attack in class today. I assume that that 'thing' is behind that too?"

Y/n: "Pretty much, yeah. Whatever it is, it was watching me. Even showed up in the infirmary."

Rin: "...I see. I don't know what to tell you then."

Y/n: "*sigh* don't bother sayin' anything. I'm thinkin' I might just be losin' my damn mind."

Rin stayed until she had finished her tea and when she left, the lights in the house cut out. Y/n felt a chill run up his spine and he spun around to see some kind of bug on his wall.

Y/n: "...Okay, there's nasty. Then there's whatever the fuck you are."

He brandished his wooden sword, ready to kill the insect. It flew straight at him and red lines appeared on the blade. The blade then narrowed itself until it was sharp enough to rival a steel katana.

He slashed once with the weapon and the insect lay in four pieces. Its wings, its head and its thorax.

Y/n: "Yeesh, nasty son of a bitch."

Y/n then decided it was time and headed into the backyard where a circle had been drawn.

He spoke the incantation aloud, at the same time, another servant was summoned.

At Shirou Emiya's house, the Saber servant answered his plea for aid. But at Y/n's abode, a different servant was summoned. Due to his heritage, however, other summoning circles were activated at the same time.

Y/n's eyes widened as a woman stepped out of the light of the summoning circle in front of him with a rather large katana.

???: "At your behest, I have been summoned forth, I ask you...are you my-"


Y/n looked at the woman, who's tanned face was slightly red.

Y/n: "I thought servants didn't get hungry."

???: "Uhhhhh..."

Y/n chuckled before inviting his new servant into his home.

Y/n: "Name's Y/n, by the by. Nice to meet you, Saber."

Saber: "I see. Then allow me to introduce myself as well...

My name is Okita Souji."



Next Time: The Pseudo-Saber.

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