The Pseudo-Saber

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Y/n gazed at his new servant with awe. She was actually rather attractive in his opinion, with caramel skin and long white hair. Her most striking feature were the pale amber eyes that shone in the moonlight.

Okita: "Master, are you alright? You seem a bit spaced out."

Y/n: "I-I'm fine, Saber. We should head inside before another servant senses you."

Okita nodded before walking into the house with Y/n. She removed her platform shoes and leaned her nodachi against the wall next to the kitchen counter.

Y/n: "So, I've got a few questions. First off; Aren't you supposed to be a guy?"

Okita: "In history I was recorded as a man, however I am, in actuality, a woman. It is the same for several servants including Nero Claudius and King Arthur Pendragon."

Y/n: "I-I see..."

Okita: "I believe you have bigger things to worry about though, Master. Other servants have been summoned at your behest. They will be looking for you. They include an Avenger, three assassins, a saber, a berserker and another type of servant that not many know about."

Y/n: "Which is?"

Okita: "...Foreigner. There are also three Lancers and an archer from what I can sense. Rider and Caster are both concealing their auras."

Y/n: "So they're being stealthy?"

Okita: "I suppose so, for now they would be considered rogue, but they're all looking for their master, I.E. you."

Y/n: "That's still quite a few servants...and you say they all answer to me?"

Okita: "Once the pact is sealed with them, yes. I'd suggest prioritising them based on how dangerous they are. Avenger should come first."

Y/n: "Avenger, huh? Gimme some details."

Okita: "Avenger servants are like vengeful spirits that rely on pure fury. They aren't very common, but they're still incredibly dangerous."

Y/n decided to send out his familiar, a small bird, to look for the servants that were now roaming around.

He then decided to try and get some rest for the night. As he slept, he could sense Okita on his seat at his desk. She was curious about the models that were on the desk and in the display cases. She was eyeing up a large dragon model that was still only half painted.

As she did that, Y/n received a vision of sorts. He saw another persons point of view, the person was in an alleyway standing over a mangled corpse. He saw that the person was clearly a child based on the tiny hands. The kid picked up the entrails of their kill and started playing with them.

Y/n recognised the victim as a businessman that was known among the students of Fuyuki Academy to leer at the girls on the train.

He then heard the child's voice.

???: "You're not master. Hmm...maybe we should find mommy and ask her."

Y/n: "What the hell?"

The child perked up and looked around.

???: "Master?"

Y/n: "Wait, you can hear me?"

???: "Uh-huh. We can hear you."

Y/n: "Who are you?"

???: "We're assassin. Where are you, Master? It's cold out here."

Y/n: "Assassin,'re in central Fuyuki, right? If you are then head to the south and look for Fuyuki Academy. Once you're there, head east and look for a villa with the name L/n on it. That's where I am."

Assassin seemed to understand and, with immense speed, ran up the side of the building she was next to.

She then leapt between the rooftops, Y/n guided her on which way to go. He had to admit, even though he wasn't there physically, watching Assassin run across the rooftops gave him sweaty palms. After half an hour, Y/n was shaken awake by Okita.

Okita: "Master, I sense a servant getting closer."

Y/n: "It's one of the assassins, I brought her home."

They could then hear the door opening and they walked to greet the assassin servant.

Okita was rather shocked to see that it was a little girl with clothes that revealed way too much skin.

Y/n: "Okay, first of all, we gotta get you some clothes, Assassin."

Assassin: "new...clothes? What's wrong with these?"

Y/n: "Everything, Assassin. Absolutely everything."

Assassin: "Oh."

Okita: "It'd be unwise to call her Assassin in public. We'll need to use a codename if her real name is too obvious."

Assassin: "Our real name? We're Jack."

Okita: "Jack? Wait, don't tell me-"

Jack: "Mommy called us Jack the Ripper. Are you mommy, miss?"

Okita: "N-No. I am Okita Souji. I am a fellow servant in service to Y/n L/n."

Jack: "Oh! So I should call master papa?"

Y/n: "...Cute overload. Y/n.exe has stopped working."

Okita: "I believe that might be the best course of action. But we can't let you be murdering people indiscriminately."

Jack: "Kay!~"

Despite the fact that she was an infamous serial killer, Jack was probably one of the most adorable creatures Y/n had seen. It was no wonder that she was feared, she was so cute, but could slaughter people in the blink of an eye.

Y/n: "I may have a change of clothes for you right now, Jack."

Okita: "How exactly?"

Y/n: "'s not something I often like to talk about...but I wasn't always an only child."

Okita's eyes widened as she realised what that meant. Y/n opened a closet and brought out a small set of clothes that looked like they'd suit Jack well.

She tried them on and Y/n nearly died on the spot.

Jack spun around in the mirror to admire her new clothes.

After he managed to not have a heart attack from sheer cuteness, Y/n headed back to bed. Okita remained at his side while Jack wrapped herself in a blanket.

The next day, Okita stood defiantly in front of the door.

Okita: "Master, I refuse to let you go to school by yourself."

Y/n: "I can't just show up with you two in tow. It's also better if other masters can't tell that I'm one as well. Okay, Saber?"

Okita: "...*sigh* very well. You make a good point, Master."

Y/n smiled before petting Jacks head gently. He then headed out to school.

Jack: "Why didn't you say you're not a saber?"

Okita: "*sigh* I don't know honestly. I should tell him when he gets home."

Jack: "Are you and us Papa's only servants?"

Okita: "No. he has others. I don't know who they are. But I know their classes and how many there are. Master's familiar is out looking for the other ones."

Y/n lay his head on his desk, bored of the class he was forced to endure. He'd catch Shinji glaring over at him and he'd promptly flip him off.

As the bell sounded off for the end of school, Y/n was grabbed by the collar and dragged into one of the science rooms. He threw the one who grabbed him over his shoulder, revealing Shinji.

Y/n: "Jeez, what the hell do you want, Shitji?"

Shinji got to his feet and glared at Y/n.

Shinji: "It should be obvious, buddy. I gotta get you back for yesterday. Rider, take him down!"

Y/n's eyes widened as a pink haired woman appeared at Shinji's side. He managed to barely avoid a kick to the head and he blocked another strike with his wooden sword.

Y/n: "Damn...screw it, by my command seal, Okita, come to me!"

Y/n's left hand shone bright red as Okita formed next to him and slashed at Rider's side. She then kicked her opponent away. Shinji backed up in fear of Okita's cold gaze.

Okita: "Rider."

Rider: "Tch, you must be Saber. Wait, no, You can't be!"

Y/n: "Huh?"

Okita: "Forgive me, Master. I wasn't totally honest with you. I am not a saber. I am what's known as an Alter-Ego servant."

Y/n: "Alter...Ego?"

Okita: "Yes. I'll explain more later. For now, Rider, return to your master. Following this whelp's orders are beneath you."

Shinji: "hey..."

Rider was clearly surprised while Shinji's fist started shaking in anger.

Shinji: "HEY, LOOK AT ME!!"

Y/n: "You're hardly worth my time, Shinji. Sab-... Alter-Ego. Dispose of the trash, will you?"

Okita: "You shame the title of mage, false master of Rider. Think more carefully about your actions...In hell!"

Just as Okita was about to deliver the finishing blow, a scream rang out.

Y/n's eyes widened as Sakura stood in the doorway.

Sakura: "Sh-Shin...ji?"

Shinji: "Tch, you're here. I suppose you did save my li-"

He was cut off by the sound of a sword slicing through flesh. He slowly turned as his right shoulder was engulfed by agony.

Okita swung her nodachi and splattered the blood off of the blade and onto the floor in a crescent.

Okita: "That should prevent you from using magecraft again, pathetic insect."

Y/n: "Huh, attagirl, Alter-Ego."

Okita smiled at her master before the two walked out of the science room.

Okita then turned to Rider.

Okita: "Rider. Do yourself and your master a favour. Get as far away from that insect as possible. Take her someplace safe."

Rider: "there is nowhere safe."

Y/n: "That ain't true. Sakura, you're pals with that Emiya guy, yeah?"

Sakura: "Y-Yes..."

Y/n: "Go live with him."

Sakura: "I...I shouldn't bother him..."

Y/n walked over to Sakura and gently placed his hand on her head.

Y/n: "I don't think it'd be a bother at all for him. If anything, knowing that guy, he'd be more than willing to let you two stay with him."

Rider: "He won't. Not when he realises that Sakura is also a master like him."

Y/n: "Hol up, Emiya's a master too!?"

Rider: "Yes. He is the master of Saber as far as I can tell."

Y/n: "Huh..."


Sakura jumped as Shinji glared up at her. Y/n grimaced before Shinji tried to reach out to Sakura, only for a knife to embed itself in his arm.

Jack was in her servant attire at the window having just thrown the knife at Shinji.

Y/n: "Assassin, nice timing."

Jack giggled before climbing into the room and standing next to her master.

Rider: "Two servants?"

Okita: "Allow me to explain. My master's predecessors seem to have set up multiple summoning circles around Fuyuki. Due to the fact that none of them were chosen for a grail war before now, those circles have been dormant."

Rider: "And there was a magical connection to your master so when he summoned you..."

Okita: "The others were summoned. Due to the number of circles, multiple servants are now on the loose and are all looking for their master."

Sakura: "Then..."

Okita: "They could put lives in danger."

Y/n shot a glance at Jack, who just giggled, having slaughtered a man just last night.

Rider: "I believe it'd be best to inform the church about this."

Okita: "Yes. We're going to do that now as a matter of fact. We have to concentrate on finding the rogue servants around the city. Believe me, there's a lot of them."

Rider: "So, a truce?"

Okita: "Yes. That would be in our best interests."

Rider: "As long as I can keep Sakura safe, that's all that matters."

Y/n: "Our current priority is looking for Avenger."

Rider: "An avenger!? One of those creatures was summoned!?"

Okita: "As well as a foreigner. Perhaps even two."

Rider grit her teeth while Shinji kept whining.

Okita: "If you don't shut up, I'll remove your other limbs as well, Creature!"

Shinji shut himself up very quickly once that was said.

Y/n: "Let's not waste any time with him. We gotta get to the church."

Jack: "Let me sit on your shoulders, papa!"

Y/n sighed before crouching so Jack could hop on easily. She giggled as they set out for the church. Rider and Sakura remained in the science room for a bit.

Rider: "...let's go."

Sakura: "Rider?"

Shinji: "Y-You're just gonna leave me like this?"

Rider: "Silence, whelp. We'll head home, Sakura."

Sakura: "...No. I want to go to the church. If there are rogue servants around then I'd feel safer with another master."

Rider pondered the idea before agreeing. They had called a truce with Y/n just then anyway, so the two left Shinji literally unarmed in the science room while they caught up to Y/n, Okita and Jack.

They had to talk to the priest about this. There was no other option.

End of Chapter.

Number of Rogues Remaining: unknown

Next Time: Murder at the Temple.

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