Chapter 5

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I held my breath and felt my hands tremble. This was the second time I've ever seen an Infected up so close. The first time changed me. Now I'm completely traumatized by the devastating creature.

It's huge, intimidating, dark gray exoskeleton form and large, curved, oblong head. No eyes, but can still hear and sense its victims. Large jawline rowed with razor sharp teeth. A tongue with another smaller version of its mouth that shoots out, penetrating the victim's brain. Four tube-like things sticking out of its back. Long, jagged tail with a ridged, serrated tip that can penetrate anything.

Yet, what really scares me are the claws. Long, sharp, and dangerous. It just takes one scratch and in mere hours, you change into one. A living, walking nightmare.

I shuddered at the very thought of cold claws swiping and slashing my skin, doomed to soon transform into a killing machine for the rest of my life.

"Ezra," I jumped a bit then glanced down to see Hera gesturing me to join her. I didn't obliged and carefully slid down from the seat to the floor. That's when I heard different noises from outside. Screaming, but it was more of a shriek as well. It wasn't normal for human. Yet, it could be the Infected shrill cry of pain. I couldn't be to sure because I've never heard one in pain before.

There were many explosions and banging noises from outside. I couldn't tell or want to find out what was going on. Then realized that Kanan, Sabine, Zeb, and that small robot were still out there. Could those be their screams? Was it possible for them to get scratched and turn, not in hours, in seconds?

   "Ezra, look at me," Hera spoke and I turned my head to face her. Green eyes looked into mine and gentle hands held my shoulders. Something hit the RV and shook it hard enough to put a dent in it.

   I jumped and searched for the danger.

   "Ezra, look at me and calm down," Hera said once again. She sounded so gentle and soothing like...

   The thought was quickly pushed to the back of my mind but I wasn't able to look at Hera. So I just kept my gaze to my lap and breathed in and out to find serenity. Peace.

   "That's it," she encouraged, "Nice and easy."

   My hands clutched the fabric of my worn down pants so tight that they turned white. Soon enough, my shaky breathing was evened out.

"I'm going to check on Tessbo," Hera told me, "Stay here." I nodded and grimaced. She peeked out the windows before slowly standing up and walking towards the door quietly. Curiosity got the better of me and decided to peek out the windows as well.

Outside on the road stood Zed with an Infected in his hands above his head. The creature screeched and tried to get out of his grip with no such luck. It was having trouble maneuvering its tail in the right position to stab him.

Zeb threw the Infected at a boulder but it didn't do much in stopping it.

The battle continued as I began to realize that Zeb's power was super strength.

A creak sent a jolt up my spine and I quickly turned and ducked. Hera reached for the door handle and looked back at me before opening it.

My eyes widened and my heart stopped.

An Infected stood on the other side.

I screamed as the creature growled, jumping at Hera. The Infected stopped in mid-air for a split second before being forced back by a powerful gust of wind. It slammed into a wall on the other side of the RV.

Hera heaved for air as did I from the scare. It was so close to getting us. So close to bloody murdering or changing us into a walking virus itself.

Hera turned to me and said, "Stay here." She walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Was she trying to get me killed? If I stay in here then I'll surely be caught by one of those things! There is no way I'm going to sit here and wait for an Infected to prance in here to claim its prize.

I peeked over then stood up when it was clear and made my way for the door. Slowly but surely, I opened the door and poked my head out to see that Hera and the Infected were gone. I pushed the door open some more and scanned the room.

I gasped when seeing Tessbo laying limp on the couch with blood gushing out of his chest.

He was dead.

I gulped down a lump in my throat, not knowing why it hurt to see this man, that abandoned me, dead. I turned away from his form to see the front door open.

My hands clutched as I walked over. Why was I walking to the door was a mystery.

My power is useless to attack unless I get angry which still wouldn't help the problem. I felt a pang in my chest knowing that there was nothing that I could do to help fight. My feet paused for a moment before backing away from the door. It would be stupid to walk out knowing that there would be nothing that I could do.

Sabine ran through the door and pushed against the wall. She looked over at me and gestured to hide somewhere. It was to late when an Infected walked past the door looking in to sense me straight ahead. I froze like a statue. None on my limbs were working to move out of the way as the Infected charged at me.

I closed my eyes seeing as how that it was the only thing that could move.

Immense heat filled the room and rushed past me as my eyes opened to see the Infected lying on the floor to my right. I looked over at Sabine, who's hands were blazed with fire until going out, while blowing some hair out of her face. Sabine has the power to control fire. She's the one that burned the troopers.

She looked over at me and asked, "You ok?" I was shocked but nodded still speechless. She walked over to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt. Then raised me up that the tips of my boots barely scraped the floor. Our faces were merely inches apart that I could feel her breath tickle my skin. Her eyes were filled with venom.

"Why didn't you move?" She asked, angrily and disturbingly quiet.

"" I stuttered not sure what to say. She shoved me back into the counter. I felt a little pain shoot up in my back and head as my hands grabbed the counter to steady myself. Sabine went outside when things started to quiet down.

I didn't look up knowing that I was a coward. Why didn't I move? I am such a scaredy cat.

My breathing began to go out of control and my hands clutched the counter. Energy rushed through my veins and gathered in my hands. My teeth were clenched together tightly. Anger, fear and hate blinded my reason.

I felt something nudge my leg and looked down to see the Infected was up and awake. It pounced at me but didn't get far.

The last thing I remember was a huge amount of energy blast from my hands and sending the Infected out the door.

Dizziness hit me and it only took me a couple of steps until falling to the ground. Everything was dark and freezing cold.

"Well done, boy."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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