Chapter 6

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I opened my eyes to find myself in some kind of eerie forest. The trees were black and the sky was a dark red. The wind blew, shaking the trees and blowing leaves. Thunder roared and lighting struck but there was no rain.


My eyes turned everywhere to find whoever was calling my name. Still, the thick forest trees blinded me from seeing anything or whoever called. They sounded terrified like they were pleading to be saved.


A scream echoed before the only thing that was heard was the wind howling. Chills ran through me knowing something was very much off. Like everything was wrong. It wasn't the cries for help or the unsettling scenery but more of a feeling. A feeling of darkness.

"...Ezra...come to me..."

This voice sounded like a taunting man. Lurking nearby. So close as if he stood right next to me.

"...There is no where you can where to run...and nothing you can do to stop me...I will control you..."

"Who are you?" I said braver than I felt.

"...I go by many names, boy...but you have more things to worry about..."

What was he talking about?


I turned around to find that the voice belonged to her, my older sister. She looked like she did the last time I seen her. Torn clothes and wounded horribly. Then me standing over her feeling useless like always.

"Erica," I barely said and knelt down. My eyes burned with tears as I held her fragile form in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder and smiled, I returned the gesture. Then she slipped through my fingers and turned to sand, the wind blowing it away.

"Erica...ERICA! NO!" I yelled trying my best to get the sand but it was no use. She was gone. I felt the tears slid down my face and hunched over repeating my sister's name.

"...Ezra...I need you..."

I looked up to see yellow eyes staring down at me and a black, shadowy hand inch its way closer to me. The Fury.

" are mine..."

Anger rushed through me as I stood up and stared straight into menacing yellow eyes. The wind began to grow and circle around me.

"I am no ones!" I shouted and gathering energy. Before knowing what I was doing, a huge blast of dark energy shot straight towards the eyes.

After that, everything crumbled and the ground split beneath my feet. I fell into the depths of the earth feeling cold as ice. I couldn't tell if I was screaming, it was so silent. Still, I kept falling deeper and deeper, not knowing when it would or ever end.

   I shot up, gasping for air and sweat laced to my forehead. My body began to shiver. It felt like it was below zero in the room. I rubbed my arms to bring some warmth back to them. My eyes spotted a blanket on the floor like it had been kicked off. I knelt down and grabbed it then quickly wrapped it tightly around myself.

   I was still shivering but tried to take my mind off of it by looking around the room. I was laying on a bunk on the bottom and assumed there was another bed above me. There was a small table next to the end of the bed. Drawls and cabinets covered the other wall expect a space that held different knickknacks. Below it was a small, black and gray fridge. There was a door next to the small table and another near me.

   It was small but comfy.

   I perked up when muffled voices spoke on the other side of the door next to the small table. I couldn't understand what they were talking about. Quietly, I slung my legs over the side of the bed and made sure the blanket was secured around me. I stood up and walked to the door then put my ear up against it to hear better.

   "What are we supposed to do now? Tessbo is dead and the kid almost got himself killed! Then he blew the freaking door with the hinges and some of the wall off of the Ghost!" I could make it out as Sabine's angry voice. I rolled my eyes knowing that she would do something like this. I knew when I'm not wanted and she literally rubs it in my face.

   "Calm down, it was an accident. He probably was having trouble controlling his powers." I made out the voice to be Kanan's. At first, I was shocked and wondered why he was taking my side. I don't deserve it after losing my cool and releasing my anger physically. Of course, they didn't know what or how my powers worked.

   "Of course, you would say that. He almost killed Zeb!" Sabine argued, "Any closer and he would of been disintegrated off the face of the earth!"

   My eyes widened, I almost killed Zeb. Even if he hasn't been happy to have me around, doesn't mean I want to hurt him.

   Another chilling wave ran through me. I tightened the blanket around me more, shivering. Why was it so cold? My teeth chattered. I'm surprised that my breath isn't showing yet. Was it from using my dark energy, possibly? Is that why I feel so cold?

   "I'm fine. It's going to take a lot more than a little bugger to squash me." Zeb replied. I was happy that he was fine or at least sounded fine but a bit offended as well.

   "You could have died!" Sabine retorted.

   "Sabine, calm down. There's no need to yell," Hera spoke.

   "I say we should toss him out-"


   "Leave him-"

   "Sabine, that's enough!"



   I stopped listening after that. Was I really this much trouble? Maybe Sabine's right, maybe I am a monster. I couldn't protect them. I couldn't protect Tessbo. I destroyed the door to make it easier for something to scurry onto the RV. I am useless while they did something. No, I did do something. I sat in the driving area and was to much of a coward to do anything.

   My form laxed and slid against the wall until sitting with my legs to my chest and blanket around me. A shaky sigh passed my lips and I blinked away tears. There was no reason for tears, it will just slow me down. I'm not a child anymore.

   My eyebrows knitted together in anger. Why was I sad in the first place? They aren't the first who told me to die in a hole or try lock me in a cage with an Infected. I gritted my teeth together and stood up on my feet.

   If I'm a pain, then I'll leave.

I began to walk towards the back door then reached out towards the handle when suddenly stopping. A question spun in my head.

   If I am trouble, then why did they keep and help me?

   My brain scratched to find an explanation but there was nothing. I shook my head then grabbed onto the door knob.

   I screamed as pain shot through me. Everything turned pitch black.


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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