Chapter 1

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"Wake up Diana!" My mother yelled from downstairs her voice echoing in the loveless halls of her house. I stuffed a pillow over my head not wanting to listen "what?" I called back "get your ass down here!" I slowly got up and went down feeling the walls so I wouldn't fall as my eyes were still scarred from the last beating I got and also it was dark inside the house. As I emerged into the dining room I saw my mother at a table with her new boyfriend "make us food brat" she spat at me so I begrudgingly nodded and went to make them some pizza. While it was cooking in the oven I glanced out the window to see a group of boys around my age gathered in a forest playing tag I really wanted to play as I have always gotten along better with boys then girls anyway. As I brought the 2 adults their' pizza I chose to ask my mother "mother?" "What bitch?" She snarled "can I go outside please?" I begged her "fine but be back before midnight so you can make me food in the morning!" She demanded "alright" I agreed grabbing my black hoodie from the coat stand with my house keys in my pocket and jogged out the front door.

As I came free of the house I ran into the forest, I knew I couldn't run away permanently as she'd have the police after me and then she'd punish me again but I still ran as I really wanted to be away from that nightmare palace. I slowed down to a stroll when there was enough distance between me and it and sat down curling up into a ball on the ground sobbing quietly. Mother had acted like this to me since dad died in a car accident 2 years ago before then we were all a happy family of 3 with 1 loveable dog as a pet, but when he died mum blammed me for it and in rage even killed our dog Sparky. I kept thinking about all that had happened to me till I heard "hey you alright?" I looked up to see one of the boys from earlier who had brown hair with a bit of stumble forming (well we were 15 afterall) "yeah" I sniffled wiping my nose on my hoodie sleeve "well that's a lie" a second boy said to me with a similar appearance but a bigger forhead (guess who that is 😂) "maybe" I responded standing up "who are you guys?" I asked them both "I'm Anti, Antisepticeye and this is Danny, DannyDarko" now dubbed Anti told me "I'm Diana, just Diana" I smirked causing both the boys to giggle Anti's laugh sounding glitched and distorted while Danny's normal sounding. "Hey do you want to come hang with us?" Danny asked me smiling timidly "yeah sure sounds like fun" I replied walking with them back to the boys.

Once we were there all the other boys turned round and noticed me "hi" they all said in sink "yo" I said waving a bit at them "Diana here was on 'er own so we thought it be fun to invite the lass to play with us" Anti explained "that's fine" a tall black haired boy exclaimed, weridly he seemed very smart for a 16 year old boy "I'm Darkiplier but you can just call me Dark" the boy said extending a hand for me to shake "I'm Diana but you've already been told that" I grinned shaking his hand to which he chuckled. "Well let's get all the introductions out the way, this is Blankgameplays or Blank..." he pointed to a short brown haired boy who looked younger then the others "that's PewDIE.exe..." he gestured to a tall blond haired boy with short facial hair "he's Natemare..." he referred to a black haired boy with gauges in his ears and a goofy smile "and finally that's Madpat" to which a tall brown haired clean shaven boy stepped forward "it's nice to meet you guys" "come on let's go have fun!" Mare shouted out so we all ran around messing about in the forest, we even made a tree fort which all agreed to try and come back to in the future.

By the time we stopped it was 5 minutes to 12 "shit" I mubbled glancing at my phone "what's wrong?" Blank asked me "I'm ment to be back at the house by midnight" I responded glancing at Blank who was a head shorter then me "I can get you home fast if you want?" Anti offered "how?" I asked curious on his methods "just hold onto me and think of your house" he replied wrapping an arm round my waist. I thought hard of it closing my eyes tight in concentration then felt all the hairs on my body stand up as something statically passed over me, I carefully opened my eyes to see we were standing by the front door of the house "how?!" I exclaimed shocked on how we seemingly teleported "a magician never reveals his secrets" he giggled before ushering me to the door "maybe see you guys soon?" I asked him as I unlocked the door "maybe" and with that I went inside but dashed to the window to see him GLITCH away, how the fuck?

After that day we all hung out everyday for the next 5 months, me sneaking out my bedroom window to meet them at our fort where we'd watch movies on Mad's laptop, mess about in the forest and generally talk. But one day I snuck out as useal and got to the fort fresh cuts on my arms from my mother when I saw that no one was there, I waited for 3 hours but no one came. I did this for the next week trying different times incase I just missed them but they never came back.

For 14 years after that I never saw them again, I was still beaten till I moved out age 20 to my own flat in London with a comfortable job as an Art Director. I wish I could see my old friends as they were the only friends I ever had because I was bullied in high school so everyone saw me as a waste of space. It's been 9 years since I moved out now I haven't seen my mother since I left, she's been living with my now stepfather since I left the house, I don't love my mother anymore but I hope she's well because of who she used to be, my mum.

New story and I have ideas for this book thanks to what I've been watching :) which will be cool. I hope you stay tuned to see some fan favourite alter egos as well as these ones.

Author x

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