Chapter 2

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I woke up early in the morning out of instinct, I had a holiday for a couple weeks so I didn't need to but I didn't know what else to do it's not like I had anyone to hang around with. I hobbled down to my kitchen making some toast and preparing a mug of tea, after that was all ready I sat down on my sofa and flipped on the TV.

"Breaking News: group of around 50 people found dead in a warehouse, Dr. Iplier says that the victims weren't killed all at the same time but over a period of a month. No evidence has come forward to who killed these people so please stay safe everyone" woah that's sounds horrific whoeverdid that must have a fucked up head. I flipped channels to a re-run of Flash from the CW. (if anyone wants me to make any fanfics on DC or Marvel I can do)


By the end of the day I hadn't done anything useful so I chose to go out to the waterside near my house (as I live on the outshirks of London). I grabbed my grey jacket and slung it on making sure to have my phone/ keys before making my way towards the waterside. The moonlight shone down on me as I strolled to my favourite spot, no one else was around so the bench that was there was free, I settled on it looking out across the water the stars glistening as they're reflected in the surface. The only sounds I could hear were owls hooting and birds chirping so it was quite peaceful, well it was peaceful.

After around 20 minutes of sitting there I heard quite footsteps so I glanced around, I saw a silhouette of a man in the night glancing down at the ground. I started to get worried because of the reports on the TV this morning so I chose that that was my time to leave. I got up and walked away back through the streets but then noticed mine weren't the only footsteps, he was following me! I started speed walking wanting to get home fast before I suddenly heard the footsteps stop, I looked back and he wasn't there until I looked around the man being directly infront of me now. I saw green aura surrounding him and as he looked up at me I saw his pure black eyes as well as a slit on his throat, his hair was a dark green on the top with dark brown sides and he had pale green skin which was covered by a full black outfit with black ripped jeans and he had scruffy brown beard. I gasped backing away from him scared on how he just transported infront of me, I've only ever seen 1 person teleport but now come to think of it he does look like him. The man started to giggle pulling out a sharp knife from behind his back and placing it against my throat backing me into a wall "ñøw whâț ïş ä přəťţý ĺãđý ĺîkə ýøùřšéĺf ďøïňğ øūť 'ėřē?" He questioned his voice glitchy, ok now I know it's him. "Anti?" I asked my eyes widened as I now recognised my childhood friend "ýøů å fäń øf Jãčķ øř şõmèťhïñğ?" He wondered "no whoever this 'Jack' guy is, I know you cause we were friends" I said flattly fear not completely gone from my voice "fřīêñđş? Şø whø mïğhť ýøů bə?" He responded pressing a little less on my throat "Diana, remember from back when we were teenagers, the fort, messing about with Dark, Mare, Blank, Danny, Mad and Die remember all that?" I sorta demanded. He completely removed the knife from my throat now and all me into a hug "Diana, it's really you?" "Yeah Anti it is" I hugged back, after about a minute of this we pulled apart but Anti placed his hands on my shoulder "it's been so long, we've all missed you so much even though it's been 14 years" he exclaimed "I missed you guys too, after you all stopped coming to the fort I've been really lonely as I never made any other friends" I looked down guiltly thinking about the past. "We're sorry about that Diana, we got into a lot trouble with stuff and by the time we all got out 5 months had passed since we had seen you, and as we didn't have a phone we couldn't contact you" he explained "it's fine Anti don't worry about I just missed you guys alot." "Hey Diana do you wanna come with me to see the others?" "DO I!"

Once Anti teleported us back we stood outside a mansion which read 'Raspy Hills' on it's oak sign. As we got closer to the door noises starting coming from inside yelling and shouting etc, Anti opened the door to let me in and followed me inside. "Bitch where's my 3 DS?" Clearly Mare yelled "I DON'T KNOW!" Dark called back "now this truly is a fun house" I muttered to Anti who just laughed "yeah nothing much has changed about us" "other then the fact you're seemingly a murderer now" I remarked "we all are Diana" "did I just here the name 'Diana' " Blank stood at the door to the hallway we were in looking at me "hi Blank, long time no see" I smiled at him "GUYS DIANA'S HERE!" He yelled running back up to me pulling me into a hug "WHAT!" All of a sudden all my grown up friends were surrounding me "woah hey guys" I timidly waved just like when we first met "holy fucking shit it is her" Danny said unbelieving "14 years hasn't changed you guys much then has it" I smirked before all the boys pulled me into a group hug "we missed you" "missed you guys more, but can I breath please?" They released me and I clunched my chest "yep still as strong hugs as ever" I giggled "pretty sure we hug harder now" Mad laughed.

"Well let's get reacquainted Diana"

I don't care that so far only one has been reading this cause I love writing this already. Maybe soon more people will start reading this but so far I love this book and I only started writing this 2 days ago, I hope ya liked this chapter.

Author x

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