Chapter 3

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"So you all now are loved by millions for being violent murderers?" I questioned, "yeah pretty much" Danny giggled his dark blue hair glitching a bit as he laughed "sounds easier then being an Art Director" I pouted causing all the boys to laugh at my expression "sorry doll" Mad snickered. It had been about three hours since I turned up they had told me all about their new lives and about being dark alter egos for youtubers now instead of just normal dark alter egos, I told them all about my new life as well as the situation with my mum. "So as you have the next two weeks off how 'bout you stay with us as long as you know your place is safe?" Anti suggested "yeah it's safe, I'd love to stay with you goofs" I smiled.

PewDIE.exe shoved me up the stairs with the others trailing behind smirking "since when did you become so eager Pewd?" I chuckled "since my best female friend was back" he cackled stupidly. He pushed me into a spare room inbetween Anti's and the wall at the end of the corridor "we teleported some of your clothes over which are in the closet, and there's some sketchbooks for you to use if you want" Dark explained "thanks, but how did you know where my clothes were?" I inquired suspiciously to which Dark laughed nervously rubbing the back of his neck "well I kinda read your mind so I would know" "ya-huh" I smirked walking inside laying on the bed. They closed the door as they left so I chose it was time to change for bed, I stuffed on a pair of grey PJ shorts and black tank top before jumping into the bed snuggling under the blue sheets drifting off happily.

Blank POV

Once we all got downstairs we all knew we were thinking the same thing, it took a while but eventually Mare presented the problem "what will happen when the other egos and our humans find out about her?" "Clearly some of them may try to to do something to her but on the most part they'll just be surprised that someone who isn't evil likes us" Anti commented "if any of them mess with her I swear I'll carve their hearts out and feed them to Sam" PewDIE.exe growled "hey don't do that you don't know what kind of food poisoning that could give him" Anti moaned "true" I replied. We decided that each night while she's here someone should guard her to make sure she's safe, tonight it would be me so I turned invisible and walked back up stairs.

As I snuck into her room I found her asleep like a log softly snoring, I sat on the chair in the cornor of the room glancing round the room. I stayed there till the morning, my eyes were fluttering trying to stay awake but as I was about the drift off I heard a thud my eyes shot open to see Diana had rolled off her bed groaning. I silently got up and snuck out the  room to tell Dark I was gonna hit the hay, I found him in the living room drinking coffee while watching Attack On Titan on the TV "hey Dark Di's awake so I'm gonna go knock out" I told him to which he grunted in accoladement I teleported upstairs into my room and collapsed on my bed hugging my fluffy pillow with my blue hair sticking to my face.


I got up, washed and through on some denim dumberies over a white t-shirt stuffing on a pair of black boots, pulling the blinds open I hissed at the sunlight I've always felt like I was allergect to the sun but I still chose to open the window to let in some fresher air, I giggled at the thought since when has any English air been fresh! Trecking down the stairs I came out into the dining room which was empty I wondered where everyone was till I heard laughter from another room, walking over to the door I saw a cinema room which was filled with sofas all the boys were slouching over them chatting. I snuck up on Madpat who's back was facing the door I came through with a sinister grin on my face, I snaked my arms neck making him jump "hi boys" I giggled they all laughed in response as Mad's face was a deep pink "fuck off" he said through gritted teeth "aww are you mad?" I smirked, he spun round then and pulled me over the sofa by my waist setting me in his lap "if your gonna be a bad girl then I'm gonna have to restrain you" he snarled keeping me planted "what are you talking about" I grinned "you know exactly, tease" he poked my cheek so I swatted his hand away "me a tease nahhh" I lengthened the 'nah' so the others continued to laugh. "By the way where's Blank?" I asked glacing round as he wasn't there "still asleep I think" PewDIE.exe said.

We all agreed today we'd play video games all together once Blank was awake so till then we watched TV with Mad finally letting me out of his lap so I sat down inbetween him and Anti. As we were looking at Rick and Morty repeats till the news popped up in the middle which earned a collective groan from us all. "Breaking News: a terrorist attack has happened on Birmingham, 50 people have died and 16 have been reported missing" images of the dead and missing then popped up on the screen, my eyes almost shot out my eye sockets when they saw my mum and her new husband on the missing list, even though I hated her I couldn't deny I cared about her because of who she used to be and why she acted like she did to me, out of grief. Tears started to well in my eyes while everyone else was unaffected, Danny glanced over at me and saw my expression "hey Di you ok?" He asked worried, every eye turned to me "my mum" I pointed at her picture "but I thought you hated her?" Anti asked curiously "I still care because of who she was to me, and why she hurt me" I replied a tear spilling down my cheek dripping off my chin. Anti put an arm round my shoulder pulling me into his chest for a hug so I snuggled into him "I understand" he finished, I stayed like that even while watching the show once it came back on as it was comfortable, man I'm lucky to have such amazing friends "so are we" they all said together in response to my thought we all giggled before finally Blank came in. "Yo Blanket you ok?" I asked him "Blanket seriously that's the best name you got for me" he commented "hey she can't help if she draws a blank" Dark laughed "hardy ha!" Blank growled.


It was just Mare and I now at the house as the others had all gone out to kill people like they useally do, I was doing the dishes while Mare was throwing darts at the dart board in his room. I suddenly heard static from the cinema room so I assumed it was Anti or Danny till a high pitched buzzing started, dropping my scrubbing bursh and washing up gloves I dashed into the cinema room to be met by the TV screen being the cause of the sound. It was very glitchy and loud so I looked for the TV lead to unplug it before the centre of it became more disturbed. After that what appeared to be a MAN started pushing himself out the screen his built looking similar to Dark, before he was spat out the screen landing on the sofa, I eeked ducking down behind another sofa to look at this man. He looked like a cross between Anti and Dark as he was a tanned muscley man with short facial hair but was glitching out all over the place 'who is he?' "Whø'ş ťhəřé?" He called out, I chose to sneek out the ciema room by backing up into the kitchen but as I did my back came into contact with two legs looking up I saw it was him I cried out in fear before he slapped his hand across my mouth trying to stop me shouting out "hūmăņ şhùţ üp!" He growled at me I struggled as he grabbed me by the throat hoisting me into the air to look into his red and blue eyes but before he could speak a fist slammed into the side of his head, causing him to fly into the wall while me to fall into Natemare's arms. "You ok Di?" He asked worry clearly evident in his eyes "yeah" I stammered, he growled at the man eyes buring red with rage "Glitchipler why are you here?!" He barked at 'Glitch' "simple dipshit to get back at Dark, I'm tired of his shit so I'm here to make him pay" he sneered "well he's not here so beat it!" Mare scowled "ok Mary, nice to meet you 'Di' by the way" he mocked before glitching back into the TV.

Once the others got back we told them what happened Anti, PEWDIE.exe and Mad looked like they wanted to snap his neck their eyes smoking in rage, Blank and Danny looked pissed while Dark was CALM! "How are you calm bout this Darkiplier" Mare demanded "if I wasn't calm all the time you'd all of all been dead by now, the biggest problem now is he knows about Diana so he'll likely tell Wilford and the others which is bad for us" he responded. I went up the stairs to bed as today I had seen too much, the others had decided to tell me about their watches they were doing on me so Anti, who was watching me tonight, came up with me. We got into my room where I changed, in the bathroom, while Anti settled on the chair, once I came out I hopped into bed and wished him "goodnight" before knocking out.

Anti POV

We can't let them hurt her she means so damn much to us, especially to me!

Woah since the last chapter this thing has gain a bunch of reads, thanks for that I'm glad you like it

Author x

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