A Elegy Called Rain

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Assalamualaikum lovelies ! My sincerest sincerest apologies for vanishing like that without any prior notice or anything .I am really sorry .I know I had promised to get back to my speed of updating after Ramadaan ,well seemed like it wasn't in the plan of Rabbi's perfect plan .Well my idiotic plans always clashes with HIS perfect ones .All credit to my clumsy self .Khair ,I am sorry for not fulfilling my promises ,but I was really enmeshed in the mess life can sometimes be .You see, people say when life gives you lemon you make lemonade but right at the moment I am so fed up of making lemonades that even the name of it makes me wanna beat the lemon out of ....(well ignoring that I just ranted out my frustration in my letter of apology ).So where was I ? Yeah you see ,I am sorry but my mum's health and busy schedule just made me forget about everything but still I am grateful that many of you still remembered and messaged .I am so so sorry I didn't replied cause believe me Wattpad and story just wasn't the priority list past these days .But I am trying to get back to my routine .I will try to update but I won't promise about its regularity yet don't be disheartened cause writing this story is also a motivation to me ,cause many times lesson I write are more of a lesson to me ,well they are always to me .So this clumsy girl is trying her best to get back to her speed till then please have some sabr and do include my mother ,family and if you got some space in your precious duas ,then please include me also ...

Well if you haven't skipped this preparatory and read all that above 😘   Go ahead read the chapter and please comments loads cause this greedy writer needs loads of bribery of comments for motivation.

#Your greedy writer 🤗


The remnant swirls of his hazel was consumed completely by a lethal ebony as it scanned over the pointed guns at him before glaring at Zarar he gazed back at the man whose pulses flickered heavily against his grip and a slow smirk played out on Khaled's face causing a hesitant relief that had overcome seeing Zarar in Hamid's trembling heart eclipsed immediately when in no seconds ,from air he was turned to stand with his back facing Zarar and his men while infront stood Khaled, his hold gaining it's cruelty as he stated ,

"Do you think you are safe just cause you got some reinforcements", Khaled grip tightened more making Hamid gasp for breath," if I die I will make sure I take you with me ...!"

Hamid felt he will die as black dots blurred his vision when Khaled slacken his hold alongside he heard Zarar,

"What happened Khaled Al Hassam all your braveness flew out seeing death before you that you are taking an old junk as a shield ? What a disappointment ? Well if you beg me I might act merciful and be lenient with you!".

But Khaled didn't cared to pay even heed to his words as he glaring at Hamid asserted ,

"Let's make a deal! I will let you live if you make your men point their guns away from me and direct them at Zarar and his men and help me get out of this .If you do what I say I will leave otherwise ...". Khaled clenched his jaw and fingers digging deeper into Hamid's neck was enough to complete his unsaid threaten loud and clear .

Hearing Khaled's still relentless words of perseverance , Zarar clenched his fists and opening the locks of his gun snickered,

"Don't you dare Khaled ! Just accept your death, damn it !".

"I..".Hamid tried to whisper but Khaled only clutched his neck harder as Khaled asked menacingly ,

"What ?".

Hamid feeling all choked quickly gesticulated his hands forcing his words out ,

"Do as.. he say !".

Frustrated at the words but more infuriated at not ending the old junk sooner ,Zarar immediately pointed his gun to end the game once and for all, when all of a sudden the prisoner men began shooting at him and his men making him duck down as he attacked back ensuing a combat he wasn't interested in .Cartwheeling through the bodies that had limped and pushing his way out ,yet everytime he was pulled back by the onslaught of attacks but his eyes kept searching for Khaled when he finally got caught of him moving through in between the men heading towards the building taking the frightened Younus along with him .

Zarar cursing under his breath ,looked at the building Khaled had entered through when he flinched back as few bullets passed by him.Gritting his teeth,Zarar peeked before flinching back as more bullets hit the wall he was hiding.Yet his mere peek was enough to tally about number of men and reloading his gun ,this time he came out and shooting the five bullets hitting each men ,he smirking turned around rushed off to get hold of his prey .He wasn't here to deal with little maggots ,his aim was Khaled and he just couldn't let him escape ,if he was to die here then he was make sure it was after he had killed Khaled .

With his hold tight on the neck , Khaled pulled Hamid with him in between the ruckus dodging the bullets eventually finally making inside the building .And the gun digging in Hamid's back of head was enough to keep him devising any plan rather it only stimulated more fear as Hamid himself kept gesturing his men on the way to ward off the policemen. Finding a secure spot, his grip strengthening on the neck before Khaled yanked Hamid against the wall and pointing his gun at him, he hissed  ,

"Where is she ?".

Hissing out in pain and barely managing to stand, Hamid shook his head in negative .All raged and frustrated ,Khaled gritting his teeth glared at Hamid before he walked closer to him seething,

"I don't like to repeat ...".His left words were succumbed by a loud sound of crash and by instinct Khaled ducked down immediately before he glanced back to find glass of window was broken and scattered all over the floor .Frowning,with his adrenaline gushing more through his nerves activating his neurons with more vigour and agility, Khaled gazed back at Hamid who had slope down on the floor ,fearful and shivering .His shivering legs had gave out at adequate time saving him from the hole that digged into the wall instead of his body caused by the bullet that had came in thrashing from outside  .

Khaled seeing Hamid in no capacity to escape he walked up to the window cautiously to check whether the bullet was a case of misfire or he was the actual target ,only in no time for him to jerk open the window and jump down race outside without any second thought.

Albert had been put to a state of shock by Khaled's sudden course of actions landsliding to rampant changing of every situation at such speed that it seemed every breath and beat followed a new trembling landscape adding more reasons to question would they be able to breathe next or next heartbeat would be the last.

But somehow sailing through the torrential storm of panic and survival ,Albert in between the ruckus and dodging from train of bullets had found himself amidst the police men and him being wearing their uniform acted as a shield of protection to much relief ,yet it had also let to him seperated from Khaled .He had seen Khaled entering the building and thinking something he also decided to rush behind to follow him when his gaze had landed on Zarar and his running in opposite direction had sprouted mammoth of suspicions, that alluded not a satisfying conclusion in any sort of way, making him change his plan in an instant and rush behind Zarar .

And seeing his primal suspicion visualising into a panicking reality as Zarar stood with his gun pointing towards the window ,but it was not the window he was aiming at ,it was Khaled whose back faced them.Seeing he had no time to reflect or think,Albert sprinted towards Zarar and pushed him hard on the floor and in the haste he also ended up falling over .But the sound of crash of glasses had his heart accelerated to an unprecedented fear and he quickly tried to stand up to see but Zarar thumbing down his effort punched him hard causing him to land back on the ground with Zarar growling ,

"How dare you rascal ? Who are you ?", Zarar paused, "You ?You are among Khaled's minion ,right ?".

Albert breathing through the sand that formed a puff of cloud across his mouth and nose before he smirked oozing a wince the very next second making him touch his lips to find blood staining his fingers .Glancing back at Zarar ,Albert tried to push himself to stand up as he whispered  ,

"I am nobody's minion .But it's sad to see you not recognising me ,I think I really did a good job in playing Dawood Malek !".Albert ended with grin despite the pain pinching his entire jaw .

The words had left Zarar stunned   for seconds as he stared at Albert before it turned out into a deathly glare back .But what actually left Albert off guard  when he found Zarar snickering  before taking out a candy he popped in his mouth ,

"The reporter ,you mean ?". Zarar's smile vanished as clenching his jaw ,crushing the candy in his mouth brutally as reached out for his gun but Albert pulled him by his leg but next moment he was left gasping for air as Zarar lunged on Albert grabbing his neck tight as he bellowed ,

"You rascal ..."

Albert's azure eyes turning darker in rage or panic ,was a question debatable as he tried to frisk off his hold but the grip got more piercing and eyes of Zarar seemed more like an insane rabid animal ready to shell down anyone .For a second, Albert felt enormously engulfed in fear ,death seemed like just a breath away but closing his eyes he forced his all strength on his arms to push Zarar off and in next second ,miraculously he found himself free of both from Zarar's grip and weight making him open his eyes immediately to realise ,it wasn't his strength that saved him but it was Khaled's kick that had made Zarar land away from him ,struggling to grasp his breath while holding onto his stomach .

"You alright ?". Albert taking Khaled's hand stood up nodding in affirmative but his next words left him confused and frowning,

"You go and find Emaan ,I will deal with him !".

"What do you mean ?How could you prioritise..". Albert was cut short by Khaled ,

"I am not prioritising him .I am just ending his chapter from my life .This happened cause he wanted to deal with me so let me end this hunting game once and for all .Cause I don't want Emaan's or any of your's lives get in danger cause of me .And for that I need to deal with him .So go ! Don't worry this won't take long ...".

Albert stood confused .He wanted to find Emaan as quickly as possible yet despite he didn't felt it right to leave Khaled, when they heard Zarar,

"That's some macho words coming from someone who is going to die soon !". Zarar snickered as he pushing his hand on his folded knee clambered up on his legs when all of sudden he frisk around to snag the gun from the ground when judging his movement much before ,Khaled wrapped his fingers around Zarar's forearm pulled him and seeing him getting disbalance by his sudden pull ,Khaled left his grip immediately and fisting it he launched a punch on Zarar's face leaving him off balance but Khaled again pulled him by his arm and moved to launch a punch but Zarar made a quick step saving himself not completely but atleast from the entire effectiveness of the punch .

Agonised and wincing,Zarar was still relieved and grateful at escaping the punch cause he had realised just by the pain oozing out even from the half saved jab ,he very much knew if he had took the punch entirely he would have knocked out in no seconds without a doubt .

Meanwhile ,Khaled glancing at Albert ordered sternly ,

"Go !".

Nodding in reply as Albert seeing the condition of Zarar ,Albert felt he wasnt needed,his dubious instinct could be overlooked. He without delaying anymore quickly rushed away towards the entrance of main building while dialling for Hamza .

Walking towards Zarar who was panting with his hands on his knees,Khaled smirked taunting ,

"You don't seem much like a hunter right now !".

Zarar glared up ,his eyes digging holes before he spit out the blood and snickering taking out a candy from his inside pocket popped it in his mouth and stood up staring at Khaled when all of a sudden, he dashed to get his gun but again was pulled back by his arm ,but this time he didn't seemed to lost balance as Zarar smirking stared back at the face of Khaled .While feeling a sharp pain, Khaled gaze down to find a knife stabbing through his left side of stomach ,

"Now you do seem like a hunted prey !". Zarar grinning put more pressure on the handle to pierce deeper .


There was a ferocious silence caging her where her only rampant breath echoed ,as if oxygen was forcing its way into the narrowing and retiring lungs .The more time passed ,the more she struggled ,the more her breathing became cumbersome and painful .

But despite her condition ,Emaan was involved in finding something to stop the blood flow ,to a larger extent she had managed to stop the blood but Dr Isa's hand was in a terrible state ,it needed immediate treatment and as time was passing ,it wasn't just the hand was only problem on her head but the much more rapid deteriorating condition of Dr Isa .All the while she had been checking and trying every way to keep him awake ,but seeing her efforts was falling as hard as the dropping pulse of Dr Isa ,Emaan knew she had to leave ,she had to escape and get Dr Isa treated .

But despite knowing the necessity to leave, yet the fog of her anxieties and panic of seeing the dilapidated state of Dr Isa was blinding her and making it impossible for her to think and extract any idea that could ensure their safety and escape equally .

Fisting her Abaya in her shivering hands ,Emaan whispered ,

"Ya Rabbi ...". Helplessness clogging her throat and leaving her inapt to complete her invocation but knowing her Maker knew how terrified was HIS creation ,how much she needed HIS help ,Emaan rubbing her hand hard over her Abaya making sure she doesn't gaze at it as knowing seeing the blood rimmed hand would be the breaking point of the last string of sanity left in her and trampling of every facade of bravado she was trying to pull off.

When pulling her out of her static state ,Emaan heard Dr Isa's faint whisper ,

"You sh..should ..go ..!

In mere seconds ,Dr Isa heard footsteps and through his blurred vision he saw Emaan going out of the door ,he smiled slightly relieved that Emaan finally listened to him .He was thinking of how he was going to die alone but after what sinful life he had lived he deserved even worse than this .In all this thought ,he frowned hearing some sounds but he didn't had the urge to open his eyes .

Rushing back to the room ,Emaan for a second was shocked seeing Dr Isa's closed eyes but his moving feet sucked back the life into her ,she thought had evaporated for a second.She had gone out to check outside and judging from the acute silence she had quietly removed the chair and walk back .

Swallowing ,even though her throat remained as dry as ever and only intensifying how much thirsty she felt ,Emaan walked over to Dr Isa ,the blood spots around him increasing the pace of her heartbeats and sympathetic respiratory system arising to its highest summit , yet Emaan didn't stop and walking upto him she crouched down and shook Dr Isa lightly whispering ,her voice much more gentler than ever ,as if she was conversing to her pediatric patient,

"Dr Isa we need to leave from here .So can you try to stand up please .I know it's difficult but we can't stay here ,you need to get treated !".

Dr Isa forced his eyes open slightly yet his sight blurred with tears ,it felt like in few hours he had aged decades as he in between his succinct breaths whispered ,

"You shou..ld leave me here ..Ema..Emaan .If I c..come with you..you will be surely caught so ...let me stay here you..you go ...!".

"No !". Emaan nodded her head ,her eyes already filling with tears ,

"I already lost my parents once so I don't want to lose my father again .I don't want to become an orphan again .You called me your daughter so you have to take responsibilty and live for me...so please ". Emaan bit her wobbling lips and rubbing her tears quickly urged ,

"Please don't give up yet !". Dr Isa stared blearily at the girl who looked so distraught and desolate ,it was still a mystery to him that even after knowing his truth how could she love him ,how could she call him his father ,how could she cry so much for him and all these questions burdened his heart with overwhelming feeling and a mammoth guilt that seemed would thrash down his sternum biled inside him ,and he so much wished it did, so he could stop his sinful treacherous heart but still despite his feelings he wanted to live for the innocent girl before him ,he wanted to live for the mercy HIS lord showered over him through this girl ,and if HIS Lord hadn't given up on this treacherous being then why should he ?

Breathing in ,yet holding in the winces that emerged at the pain that followed through ,Dr Isa sighed slowly as if scared of the pain that would in line ,Dr Isa gave a mere nod even though he wanted to say so many thing but all his effort was blasted down by pain in his attempt to nod .

But despite the buffering agony echoing inside each neuron of his tissues ,Dr Isa forced himself to stand not letting himself rely on Emaan for support .

"Do..don't worry .I ca..can walk still !".

Emaan gulped ,her heart constricting at his state ,she quickly picking up the grenade belt quickly walked to open the door while Dr Isa followed her with brief and limping steps .Emaan had her arm round his back in air always ready to support .And somehow her decision to escape ,already started seeming impractical seeing the landsliding deteriorating condition of Dr Isa ,the energy and strength was being wasted on him walking and the blood from some of its wounds had again started to secrete.

They were finally in the corridor and along with every worry ,her core gnaw with the fear of meeting any of the ratched men .Even though probability of being found out was highest but she also knew she had no choice to leave Dr Isa behind and search for some escape .It seemed every decision had such rocky plane that nothing seemed safer ,each choice held danger and death at its every step .

And now when she had chosen one of the tumultuous lane,she had no way back whatever liability her decision would entail she would have to face but in the present moment all her focus was whatever obstacles she faces ,she had to escape out of this along with Dr Isa ,she had to ,she must .

Dr Isa paused holding onto the wall ,his breath seemed raspy and fast ,as if he had been running not walking ,his face was drench with sweats and pallid .

"Are you ...". Emaan stopped herself completing the question ,seeing how foolish it would be to ask when she  already knew the answer to it and the answer Dr Isa would give instead.

Noticing the guilt stricken look ,Dr Isa forced himself to smile ,ignoring the pain pouring through his lips ,he assured ,

"Don't ..give up daughter yet ..I am too young to be effe..cted by mere wounds !".His lips were curved but his eyes were filled with remorseful tears ,vociferating a tale of a man who had lost everything .

Quashing the lump in her throat ,Emaan biting her inner lips nodded looking away before she whispered ,her voice hoarse ,

"You wait here I will just check from the stairs if there is anyone !".

Agitated at her inability to keep her voice stable ,Emaan didn't even waited for Dr Isa's reply as she rushed ahead rubbing off the tears that had scrambled down her eyes like an unwarranted existence ,she so much wanted this to be a nightmare ,one of those dreaded claws that suffocated her every sleep ,but the pain in her legs ,the exhaustion and agony in her heart was so profound that Emaan knew it was a reality, a searing reality  .

Surreptitiously stepping down the stairs of the building which itself carried the horror from her past ,but Emaan had no space for anything beside hounding present,there was already so much that she felt the patience and resilience on its verge of death .Peeping and hearing no noise or voice ,Emaan stepped down more and looking at the blank floor made her feel relieved at the same time her heart wasn't fully satisfied with this calmness .

Whispering a silent dua ,Emaan sprinted back to Dr Isa ,a few winces stumbling making her steps disbalance at the intensity of pain ,Emaan closing her eyes tightly ,exhaling out loudly she opened her eyes and hurried back to Dr Isa .

Hearing the footsteps ,Dr Isa quickly rubbed off the tears with his arm scrubbing some of the blood on his face from the shirt .

"Dr Isa...." Emaan frowned at the blood stain on his face and no sooner his red eyes had lamented loudly what he desperately had tried to hide .At the questioning gaze of Dr Isa ,Emaan nodded in negative and looked away acting as if his act had deceived her ,she stated ,

"It's clear .The floor .Let's go !".

Dr Isa nodding back held the wall as support pushed his battered legs to trot ahead .But was left shocked when Emaan held him by his arm providing as much support and reducing pressure on his right leg ,

"This way it will be faster !". Emaan replied the unasked question while gazing around as if fearful that someone might come .And Dr Isa grateful yet regretful forced himself to walk more faster ignoring the mind numbing pain .

By the time ,they had climbed down to next floor ,both were huffing and exhausted as if they had climbed several floors .Emaan gazed around at the floor ,at the far other end of corridor was brutally hampered by the rumble and in between space Emaan could make our the orange sky shining through.

How much time has passed ?

But driving her out of her musing ,Emaan felt the body of Dr Isa drooling to a side making her immediately clutch his arm tighter gazing worrisome at him who managed a taut smile after the quick recovery from the sudden bout of dizziness .

"I ..fine !". Dr Isa assured yet he himself didn't felt his breathless words seemed any empowering or worth of providing assurance .

Scanning his eyes apprehensive over the body of Dr Isa ,Emaan pressed her lips ,

Would the infirmary have any pain killers ? But it was emptied during shifting but it might...

But I can't take him to infirmary .It's far !

Ya Rabbi !What should I....

The clamorous crowd of thoughts find an anticlimactic ending as her ears perked hearing the noises from downstairs ,fearing they might come up and seeing the state of Dr Isa ,buffering between dizziness and consciousness ,Emaan looking around the floor in panic ,eventually pulled Dr Isa ,his weight heavier than before even though Emaan knew he was trying his best was adding list of unending impediments .

Finally entering a general ward ,that was the closest refuge sh could manage to walk through with Dr Isa ,Emaan breathless hurriedly locked the door and checking up on Dr Isa quickly , she helped him to settle down on the floor .Panting ,Emaan felt her throat feeling more parched than ever ,keeping the grenade belt next to Dr Isa, glanced around before rushing to lock the other end of door of general ward .Her eyes moving through the entire area for anything to lock the door settling on a spare three leg stool. Quickly pushing the stool's legs through the handle ,Emaan peeked outside through the glass panel of the door,her breaths quick and succinct ,her sides paining ,she wheeled back to Dr Isa and gazing at the door's glass panel and hoping that they don't come back she sat against it ,and lifting her Abaya she tore some more material from her lared kurta earning Dr Isa's attention ,Emaan noticing Dr Isa's gaze a bit embarrassed quickly taking the torn material moved to tie over Dr Isa's bandage that were drench in blood and wanting to hide the embarassment ,she went ahead informing on her own,

"Lets wait for a bit here before movi...". Emaan flinch out in shock as she heard loud gunshots resonate making both her and Dr Isa's pulses accelerate and stare at eachother in profound confusion and panic.


Seeking the opportunity seeing Khaled jumped outside the window ,Hamid panting badly ,with his knees buckling in fear as he gazed at bullet shot just above him on the wall ,stood up and gazing at the ruckus that was playing out for a second ,he fisting his palm in frustration rush to climb back to Younus not before shouting for some of the men who had entered inside saving themselves from the brutal onslaught of bullets,to follow him.

With thundering sounds of bullets roaring in the background as he climbed the stairs ,the momentary fear of death was decimating to give rise to growling wrath and vengeance .

A part of him wanted to leave ,to abort the plan and save his life but the other part ,the one still not recuperating from the cruel hit to his ego couldn't afford until the complete destruction of Khaled .The man had the audacity to threaten him ,to mock him infront of his minions .Hamid always had a one particular rule ,he was a man of mind not strength ,he could sacrifice as many pawns and knights but him ,the king would only play through shadow ,puppeting the men of strength through his mind ,that's how he and Younus had ended up becoming from mere cellmates to the bosses of those prisoners and one of the strings of control was the pills they made .These pills had been a vital element in holding the mutiny in control especially seeing how older and weaker they had gotten with time .

But Khaled ,in his first meeting and in mere minutes,had snatched all the strings and dragged him out like a puppet ,he couldn't forgive him for that .He couldn't let the man who had dared to grab his neck ,tried to choke and threaten him and made him dance over his words like a lousy slave ,coercing the rush of sheer helplessness and powerlessness, the feelings he hadnt experienced for ages .He couldn't let the man who made him feel such ,live .And even if he inhaler down his internal feelings ,he just couldn't let this example be a paveway for rebellion among his henchmen .He had to end Khaled not only for revenge but to make sure the strings of control was always in his hand .

And for this ,he wanted to make sure Khaled was tortured enough before he is killed and the only way he could think of was ...that girl .

He had to find the girl no matter what ...

Aligning to these thoughts he turned around and grabbing a man by his collar ordered ,

"Search every building ,dig out every place but find that whore and bring her to me in half an hour or your pills for months will be cancelled and you all realise what that means..".

The fear in their eyes unleashed an instant amusement inside him as more than him they knew ,that no pills meant worse than death .

"Zarar use the surveillance to find her earlier should I ...". One of the men crooked in urgency ,the thought of no pill had begged sweats all over his face .

"Yeah do that and remember bring her to me alive so that I can kill her with my hands infront of that rascal ! Two of you leave and pass the instructions to others while you three follow me !".

Ascending hurriedly through the stairs thinking how was he suppose to explain everything to Younus ,when he flinched back seeing Younus in the corridor ,his expressions dark and brooding as he instantly asked ,

"What's happening down there ?".

"It's nothing to worry about .I have everything in control !". Hamid moved to walk pass by him when he stopped hearing Younus ask one of the men,

"I had asked you to get the girl's position from the surveillance room ,you did ...?". Younus's words dripped in stark coldness which made the man scurry his brain to formulate the reasonable excuse as he mumbled ,

"I..I was going but ..I stopped to inform Boss but then ..,".The man peeked at Hamid before adding,

"That Khaled guy came and stra..." He couldn't complete as Younus shocked high octave voice interrupted ,

"Khaled ? He is already here ?How ?". Younus turned fully at Hamid who unconsciously ending up touching his neck and an instant shudder ran through the length of his spine remembering the deathly grip before he stated ,

"Yes he is here but I don't know how ...".

"I had told you Hamid to cut the unnecessary drama but you ..".Younus groaned in annoyance when gazing at the men and noticing their state he frowned ,"But anyways why do you all look so shaken up ?What can possible one guy could do against our army and whole police ?".

"He strangled Boss and then ...".The man stopped abruptly seeing the torrential glare directed at him .

"What ? He strangled ? What were you all doing?". Younus frown deepen and so his agitation,while the man looking at Hamid and then Younus gulped before saying ,

"Before we could do anything Boss ordered us to protect him from the police .The noises coming from down is from that combat only ..". The man looked down sheepishly seeing the murderous look of Hamid .

"Again !He again did this !". Younus whisper in annoyance made Hamid gaze back at him before Younus stared up at Hamid ,his expressions darker ,the look in his eyes wild and rabid as he roared ,

"How the hell did you get played by that bastard ?".

"I had no option I could have died !". Hamid roared back ensuing a glaring battle between them before Hamid glanced away ,his frustration and wrath mounting to beyond degrees of bearability and his desperation to quash down Khaled and Emaan ablaze like wild forest fire .

But despite the boils of angers ,Hamid knew calmness was the necessity ,clarity a vital weapon to achieve his objective as he assured ,

"Dont worry I have everything in control .I have already sent men to surveillance room .As soon as they inform us about whereabouts of that girl we will switch the table back again ...!". Hamid moved to walk away when Younus interrupted ,

"The girl ..."

"I said I have everything in control .Just few dead...".

"I might know where Isa and that girl might be?".Hamid stopped and in second wheeled around back to Younus who looked at him smirking .

Younus had opted to stay behind in the room with everyone gone to search the girl after her brave fiasco.He hated unnecessary drama but Hamid had a fascination for it which only lead to unwanted stretch and hurdles. If you had to kill then kill ,giving a parting ceremony to each maggots was not Younus's taste and style ,it was like giving worth to those worthless existence and his time was much precious to be wasted on such beings .But his partner's lust for unwarranted ritual had let to tedious and cumbersome affair of hide and seek .

Ever since life had forced him on wheel chair ,his hatred for others had increased and desire for power had magnified beyond the measurability .And as he sitting gazed out of the window ,that girl words and courage felt like a mock to his weakness and his hatred deepening .He for once wanted this chase to end not just because he just hated the prolonged hunts of his partner but rather he wanted to slaughter that girl who dared to mock him ,he so much wanted to bath his legs with her blood ,they said the blood of precious sacrifice held miracle.

A small smirk etched on his face at the thought.

No one looking at his calm expression looking outside the window could detect what his actual thoughts were ,but his rabid eyes and a putrid smirk dangling could hold that the man was progeny of any cruel dictator .

Amidst such thoughts, he had heard some mellow sounds ,the emptiness pervading on the floor had enhanced the resonance ability .Initially he had thought it was some of the men coming with some information about the girl and Isa but even after several minutes when he was met with absence and silence ,he frowned as he could hear some whispering or whimper to be precise. Wheeling consciously to the door ,he opened it and peeked slightly to just have flash of a cloth vanishing down to the curve ,which was supposedly staircase .

With his visceral instinct on fire ,he soundlessly wheeled out of the room and struggling a bit at the threshold he finally made his way and stopped just before the staircase but as he peeked he saw nothing .Frowning and perplex at his always most accurate instinct turning out to be a mere misconception ,he moved to turn back when the loud noises created by footsteps echoed and no sooner he found a train of men jogging up on the floor .

"What happened ? Did you found the girl ?".

One of the man nodded as he informed ,

"That Zarar told us that she is on this floor in an operation room ".

Younus was left intrigued and beyond excited while the entourage of men had walked through the corridor seeking the particular room when one of the men came rushing out of corridor signalling his men silently about the end of their seek and this was enough to course a satisfying lewd grins on every face .

Whistling and singing songs ,they marched to stand before the Operation theatre and gazing at Younus as if seeking order ,the men standing at the door pushed the door ,it came as a surprise seeing no attempt was made to lock the door but it only made their excitement elate ,less work to reach their prize .

At the mere entrance ,they found blood in the scrub area ,ascertaining every doubt with rigidity of their presence elevating their enthusiasm and not fanatic of patience, they thrashed inside the main operation room ,the firsts stumbling by the inertia of their exceeded force at the already open door while the rest gushed inside only to have their smiles falter in sooner time, seeing the room empty .

"Don't tell me that Zarar befooled us !". One man gritted .

"But the blood on the floor is fresh ..." The other stated smelling the blood from the floor.

"It means they were here !".

"Then where the hell did go ?".A man growled ,"And how did that scum Zarar knew of her whereabouts ?".

"That !". Everyone turn at Younus's voice to eventually end up following the direction of his finger pointed at to settle on camera at the very corner of room .

"That red light means it's working .It's highly idiotic none of you noticed this first !". Younus grunted ,his expression grimmer and deadpan ,

"If you are done wasting time go and find the surveillance room and locate them ! This time better come with them especially that girl Emaan or whatever her name is !".

The men had left immediately but Younus's mind had diverted back to his misconception ,he had ran his eyes over the room ,the raw smell of blood suggested their presence not long time ago and it only intensified to reflect on the illusion he felt he had seen on the staircase .Nestled in these musings is when he had heard unending arrays of gunshots from downstairs giving birth to endless speculations and thoughts in his mind ,he turned the wheel chair out of the room but struggling with it at the exist.  Despite the time he wasn't used to it more cause he always had someone to do the task .A mere fall in the prison bathroom had let to damaging his spine and eventually paralysing his lower body endowing him with a permanent vulnerability that only aggravated his desire for more power and control .

After much struggle he had made his way out ...but now as he stood again in the spot near staircase ,this time his mind working to prove the theory of misconception wrong had him upon stumbling at the fresh drops of blood linning over the dried blood and eventually on the hazy red handprint on the wall .

It all made him assured what he saw wasn't a misconception ,his primal instinct wasnt a deception .

"How do you know where is she ?". Hamid frowned .

"You will know soon enough ! ". Younus smiled before gazing at the men he ordered ,"Take me  downstairs !".

Knowing the nature of Younus ,Hamid knew he wouldn't be shooting arrows in air ,he knew something or exactly what they seeked .Agreeing to his words ,Hamid followed as men with their faces already red with force they were applying to pull up the wheelchair as they descend down .

"Stop !". The order had come early ,just after one floor much to relief of men holding the wheelchair .

Hamid came to stand beside Younus to find a conniving smirk already decorated on his face ,making him look much more demonic and inhumane as he looking at Hamid pointed at the floor .

Hamid following his finger looked at the floor only to be left astonished and agitated at how he hadn't noticed it first, seeing the faint line of blood drops leading to a room titled - General ward .


The sudden deafening parade of loud footsteps climbing to the floor she had came from, then in no time departure of rushed footsteps ensuing momentary silence to be broken by the heart thundering sounds of gunshots that kept bellowing in the back ground leaving one part of her confused at what was happening and at the same time another part was simultaneously moulding grotesque artifact that only trembled her already wrecked state more .And Dr Isa wasn't any different from her yet it had started becoming more prevalent that his every thought was now stumped by his fast pacing dilapidated condition .

And seeing this ,only added more miseries to her list ,she knew she was losing time faster ,she had to get Dr Isa treated as soonest possible yet she didn't knew how she was to escape with such ruckus ,it was an obvious fact they will get caught if they stepped out of the room .And if she had to put the probability based on honesty then she knew ,the chances of getting found out even in the room was also high .

She looked worriedly at Dr Isa as she moved to touch his shoulder seeing his eyes closed but no second Dr Isa slightly opened his eyes and tried to assure her as much as he could with his negligible smile as he whispered ,

"I am fine !".

Emaan nodded before she gazed away trying her best to hide her helpless tears swimming in her eyes and moving to conspicuously wipe them off and shutting them tightly while praying to her Lord as she felt lost and nothing she could find at the moment to soothe the horrors and anxiety infecting her entire system .

Ya Rabbi ! Ya Rahman help us !I don't know what to do ,I don't know how to save Dr Isa ,I know nothing except that YOU are our protector ,protect us Rabbi from these demons .Ya Rabbi protect us ..

When disturbing her thoughts ,she again heard sounds and this time it was accompanied by a loud angry voice as if someone was ordering or threatening,Emaan felt her heart constrict with fear when the voice faded with bellowing sounds of gunshots remained the only turbulence .But Emaan felt something wasn't right ,her heart hadn't calmed every since she got trapped in the situation but premonitions galloping inside at the moment had her heart racing like wild boar .

Something just didnt felt right ...

Dr Isa moved to look at her but Emaan silenced him before he could say anything and she with the clamouring heartbeats and rickety nerve peeked up through glass panels ,her brown orbs scanning through the area as much as she could before she straighten a bit more for more closer inspection .She inched her face closer to glass to gaze at the corner.

"Found you !". A gruel face pooped infront of her making her shriek out loud in shock taking haste steps back with her heart thundering like anything and her breath rampant with fear and anxiety on full roar .A loud cackle erupted from outside followed by thundering knocks at the other door at her right making Emaan flinch again to find another man peering through the glass panel ,their lewd gazes piercing through the transparent barrier making her shudder in panic .When from the door infront another man lecherously sticking his face through the glass whispered  ,

"Won't you open the door my darling ?" The grinning face of the man transformed into a gruesome look as they very next second began breaking down the door while the other door's glass panel was already broken and in no time,a hand not caring about the shards piercing through his skin moved to drag out the stool sticked to the handle .

Hyperventilating ,Emaan gazing back and forth at the doors ,and fearing they might break down the door quickly rush to get Dr Isa who was already trying to stand up .Pulling him up ,Emaan quickly got hold of the belt and moved backwards while standing before Dr Isa as a shield .Cornered ,all aghast and petrified,Emaan stood at the other end of room with Dr Isa behind her ,when a loud gasp escaped her mouth as hinges flipped out followed by the door thrashing down on the floor alongside with the door clicked open on the other side with men thrashing in like meat hungry hyenas .

Dr Isa tried to move infront but Emaan didn't let him .He could see her hands shivering ,her pallid expression ,her rapid breath yet she held the ground ,unwavering standing before the onslaught of demon incarnations pointing their guns at them with their wild eyes and bone chilling grin .

Didn't she realised she was in much more danger than me ?

"If you come any close",Her voice unexpectedly came loud and threatening,"I will pull this !". Emaan raise the grenade belt showing the plug of the grenade her fingers were entangled with .

Hamid snickered leading to the cackles of his men while Younus stared digging holes in her before he flail his hand gesturing his men as he ordered,

"Get her !".

"I WILL PULL THIS OFF!". Emaan screeched ," So stay away cause I will rather die then get caught by you and if I pulls this it's just won't be I will be dying ,you all will be buried here too ! And I will choose this option happily So .Stay.Away !".

At the end of her warning ,Emaan felt herself breathless and to control her shivering her hold on the belt tightened .Dr Isa couldn't help even in that tightrope situation to be left awestruck by how Emaan was able to stand so courageous and for few seconds made those rabid eyes shine with fear .But Hamid's smirking expression only unsettled the panic more inside him as he moved on snickering before adding ,

"Impressive !But let me tell you about the little information you are missing here.If you do as you are saying it won't be you and us but you will be burying your dear husband also alive if he is still not yet killed in the ongoing firing !".

Hamid's eyes shined with the abrasive cruelty and sheer enjoyment instant reaction of his words ,seeing the petrified and devastated expression of Emaan ,like someone had sucked the life out of her .

What an amusing sight !.

Emaan felt her courage standing on the ricktey pillar snap with everything tumbling as she whispered ,assuring herself more ,

"You are lying !".

"Lying ?",Hamid snorted ,"Why do you think the reason behind those ongoing gunshots ? We are not the ones to waste bullets on practising when it can be used to kill !Good news is your husband is here to save you but bad news is who will save him ?".

Emaan felt the flow of her breathing down to the wind pipe cramped as her breath felt more forced and loud ,as if gravity of his words had crushing down through his sternum,her hold on the belt loosened with broken shards digging deeper into her heart just thinking the possibility of being those words a reality glimmer into her eyes with pained emotions .

"Don't believe them Emaan .They are lying .That's how they manipulate people ,they only know only to play with people's emotion .They lied to me about my sons .They said they were alive when....Don't believe them ,don't fall for their lies as I did. ". Dr Isa urged using his entire energy to force himself to stand upright ,the pain in his sides making it onerous yet he somehow was managing .

"I lied about them being alive but I don't lie about death Isa !" Hamid smiled ,"And seriously girl , are you really going to believe that man who is responsible for you being here in this state and your husband's death ?".

It wasn't just those gut wrenching words were echoing howls of anxiety inside her but those amalgamation of scathing and painful emotions had clawed deep within her core twisting and yanking in its own way ,it had made subservient feelings,the betrayal ,anger ,frustration find road out to curtain her own sense of thinking and shriek out through her teary eyes and pallid expression .

"Emaa...", Dr Isa tried to counter reply but he was cut short as his gaze landed at Emaan ,her eyes ,her expression just freeing back the snakes of guilt and regret,quashing his any courage to speak but change in his expression made Emaan quickly come out of her hypnotized zone , lambasting herself internally for letting the devil whisper's cloud her thinking and thoughts .Emaan opened her mouth to assure and eradicate the misunderstanding her few moments of deviation had led to when from her periphery she noticed some moments and she instantly stood before Dr Isa shielding him from the gun that one of the men was aiming at Dr Isa.

"You want to die for this man who didn't blink to use you for his own happiness and greed !". Hamid taunted snickering .

"I get to decide what I want ,what I want to do ! ". Emaan hissed in anger clenching the belt tightly to hold off her shaking .

"Just shoot her damn it at this distance the bullet will pass through her and it's not like one bullet will kill her !". Younus gritted out in frustration .

"If you do I will pull this ..plug off !". Emaan warned ,cringing at her quaky tone yet keeping her stance ,her eyes still rigid and unwavering just like her grip at the plug.

The man aiming the gun hesitated looking at Hamid when Younus barked ,

"I said shoot !".

A shiver of fear cocooned her but Emaan didn't budge despite Dr Isa's insistence .But fearing that she will pull the plug off ,scared not for himself, but for Emaan.To him , that innocent girl deserved everything to live ,she was a sunshine in this dark world .The world needed her .Yet seeing Emaan's stubborn reluctance and the man all ready to pull the trigger ,Dr Isa quickly pushed Emaan away from him ,but his unmanaged forced lead them to fall on the floor and the impact causing the grenade to tumble out of Emaan's hand into the direction of Hamid ,Younus and the men, ensuing a horror on their faces as they panicking rushed to exist the room .

But Emaan stream of thought was consumed by another misery finding her hand smeared in blood and she glanced hurriedly at Dr Isa to find his arm bleeding profusely ,squeezing her heart in terror as she mumble in croaky ,her hand shivering ,scared to touch his wounds ,

"Yo..your hand Dr..Dr Isa ...".

Dr Isa tried to pass an assuring smile despite the pain breaking down his every last of strength ,Dr Isa looking at the door from which those men had finally rushed out ,whispered ,

"It's not time for this .You need to escape before they realise that grenade plug wasn't taken out !".

"Bu..but it's bleeding so ..so much!".Emaan stuttered ,her anxiety was making it difficult to act calm .

"We don't have time ..."

Emaan nodded and held Dr Isa's arm trying to help him stand but he pulled his arm out nodding in negative ,

"I am not coming with you Emaan .You need to go alone this time ...".

Tears rushed out of her eyes as Emaan nodded in negative trying to deny but Dr Isa beat him to it ,

"We can't escape together in my condition Emaan and you have to find Khaled ! I am sure he is fine but you need to find him then we can manage to escape together .You see ,he always comes with a plan but till then I will stall them !".

Emaan still couldn't bring in herself to leave Dr Isa behind when he urged her strongly ,

"Emaan we don't have time ...". But his all fear actualised as they heard quick footsteps and no sooner Hamid ,Younus and his  men walked in like raging bull.

No sound of blast, trickled a state of suspicious inside Younus and  proclaiming his confusion to Hamid and his words was enough to make the reason finally bundle back over the fear  as he clenching teeth at the fact that they were made foolish marched back hastily .But to their much amusement ,their drama hadn't yielded any benefit to them as Emaan and Dr Isa were in the same place where they had left them .

Seeing them enter ,Dr Isa knowing he couldn't let his pain destroy his plan of saving Emaan ,he stood up holding the belt tightly in his hand .


"That was just a demo but this time I won't threw the grenade without pulling out the plug and this time it won't be just one ,it will be all !And let me add information about your old workplace ,this building was under renovation ,already really weak, then you guys decided to bomb it .So realise this building condition is like a person taking its last breath that means it's surely not strong enough to bear another blast .So what say should I end this where it all began ?To let Al Firdous be all of our graveyard ?". A smile lingered at Dr Isa's face half heartedly seeing the hesitant look before he added ,

"But since once you were my mentors let me offer you a bargain ,let Emaan leave and I might rethink of my plan of killing us all here !".

Enraged and humiliated ,Hamid grit his teeth but before he could give expression to his anger ,Younus held his hand stating ,

"Okay we accept !".

Hamid looked incredulously at Younus who only passed a assuring look back to him .

Despite not understanding the thoughts running in his partners mind yet Hamid forbid himself saying anything trusting on his partner's mind that worked more viciously then him.

The silent acceptance of his partner gave rise to a smirk which Younus hid it instantly .

Younus wasn't accepting defeat ,he was just letting his prey to think they had overpowered them ,to let them relax before he could pounce on them and shred them into pieces. Letting Emaan wasn't any worth of worry to him cause he knew the commotion down the building ,the girl wouldn't escape without being caught meanwhile they could kill Isa before he could think of anything more or add more hindrance.Dividing them was the way to annihilate his enemies while assuring they themselves don't get killed in the suicidal plan of their so called preys .

And in the end, only the girl was of their use that to temporary while Isa had lost his use way back .

He had lived more than necessary!

So letting the girl leave was the only way to keep her alive for time being while making sure of getting rid of unnecessary bug Isa finally.

Younus couldn't help but smile internally at the drama playing out before him and the cruel epilogue he had decided for this theatrical spectacle.

"Go Emaan !", Dr Isa ushered Emaan but seeing her all ready to deny he immediately added,".

"Don't worry I will follow you through !".

"But how can I leave ...". Emaan's lips wobbled and tears trained down her eyes rapidly.

It felt difficult for Dr Isa to hold his own emotions but still somehow managing it ,he whispered ,

"You need to leave and find Khaled quickly as I won't be able to stall them for long .So make sure you go quickly and bring a quick reinforcement !I am relying on you !Okay ? ".

His words left Emaan speechless as she blinking away the tears nodded and stepped to leave before stopping she turned around at the door ,her expression echoing with uncertainty and apprehension ,

"Don't worry I don't intend to die until I have make sure my daughter is safe and protected !"His eyes swimming with unshed emotions ready to escape yet he smiled at her ushering ,

"So go quick !".

Emaan nodding with an assurance she will come back shinning in her eyes ,she sprinted away .

Dr Isa kept staring at the place where Emaan had been standing seconds ago before he glanced back at the men who had destroyed his life .

No, the one who had destroyed his life was him only ,they were just the medium through which he did .

An eerie silence had engulfed them when Hamid snickered ,

"Look at you looking at us like that ,speaking those words ,calling that girl your daughter whom you had thrown away to be predated just for your selfishness .But now you know you have nothing to gain or lose so you speak these selfless words ,acting all brave and heroic ,did you think it makes you different from any of us ? You are same like us Isa .Just as villains as we are .That hatred you look at us with ,you deserve that hatred too .You hold us responsible for your downfall .But it was all you Isa ..". Hamid glared at Isa ,but Isa didnt replied anything, he wanted Hamid to keep speaking ,to remain distracted ,as it seemed only way he could provide much possibl time for Emaan to escape .

"Rather you were the who started this chain of pain .You were the one who betrayed us .You were the one who tried to snatch away our happiness !So we gave back what we got from you .So you are the only the cause and reason of your misery Isa .No one else but you !".

"I did everything you had asked me !Before and now ,you used me as a pawn of yours and you say it was all my fault ?If I hadn't come to your office that night I wouldn't have known your both real faces .I had came to tell you how I doubted that those medicines could be the cause of such unnatural masses of death but only to find you both were all aware of it and you didn't cared !".Dr Isa felt his throat constricted ,his anger frustration boiling inside him remembering how that one moment had changed his life .But he never regretted that choice ,he regretted his after choices ,the choices he surrendered to in his hopelessness and weak faith.

"What was it wrong if we had released the medicines in the market without testing ?what if few people died ?Don't lab rats die in experiments and those people, they were living a life worse than lab rats .But you heard us ,you went against us ! So do you think we will let you go easily ?You destroyed our lives ,our dreams,but isn't it selfish you treat us as a villains cause we destroyed your life ,but what about you ? Aren't you a villain in our life .And don't we all want to destroy the villains of our lives .If we did that why are us only wrong and why not you ?".

"I admit I did wrong. I am regretful .But my wrong and my regret wasn't about reporting your heinous deeds it was falling for my selfish desires ,my greediness ,helping you guys again in your corrupted plan .I may be the villain of your lives but you two ,you two were never heroes in anyone's life ,you all are villains of others and as well as your own lives .You say I destroyed you ,you are wrong ,your greed ,your selfishness ,your darkness of heart destroyed you !". Dr Isa felt breathless and a pain shooting through bullet shot arm spreading throughout his paining body ,causing his vision blurry for a second.

He knew he couldn't tarry for long .

"Can someone tell me why are we wasting time on this useless discussion ? Cut the chase and kill him already !". Younus grumbled signalling the men to follow his order .

"Sorry to say that's not how I plan to die !". Dr Isa stated looking down at the belt in his hand.

"Why ?Do you still think you can escape Isa ?". Younus asked smirking .

Dr Isa glanced up and to much shock to everyone he was smiling,more like grinning ,

"Who said I was going to escape ?". His smile faltered as a stern seriousness consumed his expressions as he added ,

"This all began with me and I am going to make sure this end here with me for once and for all !". His fingers tangled with the plugs four grenades tightened .

I couldn't save my sons ,I couldn't save my wife ,I could save myself but I want to save and protect my daughter .So ya Rabbi give me strength and ...forgive me .

And Kareema ...Forgive me ...I have given a lot of pain to you but I am glad my departure won't .I am glad for the first time you have stopped feeling pain but...

I wish I could see you smile one last time .


"Isa tell me joke ..."

"Kareema it's 3 in the morning ...!". Isa groaned before slumping his face back into the pillow .

"Well it's not my fault that your twins aren't letting me sleep with their all that wrestling inside ...".

"So why joke ? Don't pregnant women ladies crave food ?". Isa frowned .

"Well I am different .And you used to say you would go out of your ways to see me smile so what now ? You don't love me anymore ?". Kareema pouted .

"Reem I love you but I am sure I said about going but not waking up!".His voice all entangled in the serums of drowsiness .

"Stop making excuses Isa .You made promise to me !". Kareema ranted shaking Isa out of his sleep vigorously .

"My darling such promises are common to be said during honeymoon phase ...". Isa whispered with his eyes closed but it shot open as he received a slap on his arm to find his wife glaring at him but it tears bulging out of them made him quickly sit up saying ,

"Reem ! My darling ! It was a joke !".

"What was the joke? That promise or that promises ended with honeymoon phase ?". Kareema felt like sobbing all blame to her pregnancy hormones although she wanted to teach a good lesson to her husband .

"Neither of them Reem !.I always want you to see smiling and I will do anything for it .Rather I want you smiling even at my death !".

Isa received another slap as Kareema glared at him making him appease,

"Joke ! Again a joke !".

"If I had known you had such a poor sense of humour I wouldn't have married you !". Kareema huffed looking away .

"Well to be honest Reem sense of humour was never on the list, cause you fell for my handsome face !". Isa grinned cheekily .

"Now thats a good joke !". Kareema grinned evily .

Isa acting hurt kept his hand above his heart whispered ,

"La Belle Dame dans mercy !". Making Kareema chuckle out loudly .

Several miles away ,in Melbourne ,Salma keeping the Qur'an on the shelf gazed at the supposedly morning sky which still looked in clasps of night as the rain thundered down outside . It was unusual for such heavy rainfall at such part of year in Melbourne .

Yet what was more surprising was relationship between the rain and the verses she had once read way long back in her childhood, always resurfacing like they had never meander the lanes of forgotten and experience the fate of fading away everytime falling drops from the sky drenched the world.

They lined their way from her mind to mouth like the rain from sky to earth .

كثيرا ما وقفت في رهبة,
التحديق في قطرات المطر,
سواء كانوا يبكون بالدموع
الطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكن أن تقبّل بها السماء المجال المحبوب
رثاء حداد فصل
سونيتة تحتفل بالحب والعاطفة ،
حكاية عن العشاق الذين لم يتمكنوا من اللقاء
قصة عن النفوس التي وجدت دائمًا طريقًا لبعضها البعض ، فوق كل الهزائم

متأخرًا ، لكنني أدركت ،
سواء احتفال او فراق
السوناتة أو المرثية
المطر رحمة بالتأكيد
ما يمكن أن يكون أي شيء سوى هذه النشوة الرائعة
هذا يجعل المرء يزهر بعد هذا الانكسار
غير رحمته ...

(I often stood in awe,
Gazing at the drops of rain,
Whether they were weeping tears
Only way the sky could kiss it's beloved sphere
An elegy mourning seperation
A sonnet celebrating love and passion ,
A tale about lovers who could never meet
A story about the souls who always found a way to eachother ,rising above all defeats

Late ,But I did realised,
Whether celebration or separation
Sonnet or elegy
Rain is surely a mercy
As what could be anything but this marvellous ecstasy
That makes one bloom after such breaking
Other than HIS mercy ... )

Smiling as the verses echoed many other childhood memories back in Syria ,Salma giving a parting look to the rain and whispering duas ,knowing it was one of the times when duas were surely accepted, she climbed down the stairs .Looking around to find the hall and kitchen empty ,understanding everyone would have gone to sleep after fajr,she walked into living room,only to have her lips curved up seeing Kareema sitting on the sette gazing out at the window .

It was usual place for Kareema to sit whenever Isa's phone came .It had always left Salma in surprise ,even though Kareema's replied only contained of silence or a mere syllable reply yet Isa somehow managed to hold conversation for hours.

His love for her was something else but still not enough to end the winter inside her .

Her love for her sons had taken away her soul ,her essence of living but Salma prayed everyday and believed that one day Isa's genuine love would bring Kareema back. The spring of her heart will return.

But seeing her sitting in that place while staring out at the window seemed like she was watching rain but a spark of hope twinkled in Salma's heart, knowing the connection between the place and Isa's phone call ,Salma just felt like the reason wasnt just the weather ,Kareema was missing Isa.

And the reason seemed more genuine as in the recent weeks ,the number of calls from Isa had reduced and hearing the condition in Syria it only dreaded her heart with foreboding reasons .

With a thought of asking her husband to contact Isa again,Salma pulling back the smile that her apprehensive thoughts had snatched away ,she walked closer to Kareema saying ,

"Isn't it perfect weather to have a hot cup of coffee ? What say Kareema ? Wanna hav...".

Salma's sentence was intruded by a loud gasp as her eyes widen in confusion and she rushed to Kareema and held her tears drench face .It had been years since she had seen Kareema cry or to show any emotions making her at the moment confused whether she was suppose to feel happy or concerned but reclining on the later emotion she quickly woke Kareema out of her sleep,

"I sorry to wake you up like this but you are crying Kareema !".Salma mumbled all troubled  .

"Did you see a nightmare ?". Salma asked again seeing Kareema still in shock and in clasp of delirium .

"I am crying ?" Kareema mumbled ,her voice bereft of any emotion her hand lifting to her face and feeling the wetness on her tips of fingers she mumbled indifferently ,"I am crying!".

It was strange for Salma ,as for Kareema who had been sailing like a lost ship without any anchor of any emotions suddenly crying was jarring and apprehensive .Was it the ship of her existence had finally found a shore of an memory releasing all cramped emotions inside her or was she misunderstanding a physical pain to an emotional one .Seeing her tears still dripping down made Salma asked in haste anxiousness ,

"Is it hurting somewhere ?" .

"Maybe !".

Salma frowned more in anxiety before asking ,

"Where does it hurts?".

Kareema gazed down at herself as she mumbled ,

"I don't know exactly !" , She glanced up ,her blank eyes holding more tears as she placed her hand over her sternum ,"But something doesn't feel right here ! It feels like this will break apart !".

And at her confession, more tears rushed out of her eyes .Salma confused hugged Kareema as she felt her own eyes  going all teary before she shouted for her husband and Kareema's brother, Raheem.

But Kareema's tears didn't stopped ,they kept falling down her eyes relentlessly .

And so did the rain outside .



Ohkay ! I was suppose to end this arch in this chapter but with all ruckus in my mind I could only manage this much .I hope I didn't ended up confusing you all ,seeing I had to write different things happening at the same time and same place ( okay not so same place ) and also I would really really love to know your views and silent readers ,please let me know you views too, believe me comments works wonder so please it you want me to update sooner so comment ,make your fingers do some exercise ,it's good for health.So let me know your views about this chapter ,is it getting boring or my writing has rusted,anything constructive criticism but no negative comments right now I need motivation not the opposite of it ,I guess ...🙃

Before you leave please do recite Surah Falak atleast thrice.

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas .

Faqat and e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌼

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