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Plenilune - The full moon


Courage ,it was a small word yet the strength one needed to yield was mammoth and like a sword struck in the stone ,it graced to only those who harboured the qualities not just to pull it out hiding deep within the heart but wield it with an absolute mastery .But Emaan felt the weight of this blade weighting her down as she finally neared those men .

Her first step of plan required her to be seen ,to face those demons although she had ran in haste and all prepared searching for them but as soon as she reached them ,all the courage plummet down from highest peak to the lowest dungeons, crashing as her heart thudded in trepidation and her body shivered breaking out in cold sweats .She pressed her back on the wall before slumping down slowly ,their laughter and cackles snagging the leftover bravado she was persuading herself to don on .

She knew she had no time ,she had to take action ,she had to save Dr Isa ,but she felt so scared that every thought of her plan seemed to be clambering against her fear .She hated her timidness ,her body instant numbness to those clamouring eerie feelings ,each and everything that had stalled and caged her existence to the extent of incapability of actions that was necessity ,on which most likely dependent the question of life and death ,yet despite all such thoughts ,she couldn't move her body only making her feel frustrated and disgusted .

With their voices fading away ,Emaan felt the curse of stupor washing off as she blearily looked sideways peeking from the wall before her eyes landed in front of the wall which still held a board with words ,

To save a soul is to save entire humanity !

Rubbing her teary vision ,Emaan stared at the board and it seemed like an answer to her shaken core giving her existence a calmness and this peace came not just with determination but it regurgitated with memories of words that crowned her soul with a voice that lapped calmness over the shrieks of fear .

Emaan whenever Allah talks about war in Quran, there are most probably three kinds of people are come to mention ,first the ones who denied to participate in the war from the start forging numerous excuses ,then the ones who left in middle and lastly the one who believed, stayed, fought and became more alive than any living .Glorified than any who had left .But all these people had same heart ,same Prophet calling them to Islam ,same message but what made the difference was the faith they had in their hearts ,that was enough to give them courage and overrule any feeling of fear and hesitance. The faith that bloomed from La illaha ilallah ,that no one is worthy of worship except Allah and that fearing death than fearing of losing the path of guidence and believing in the strength of mere humans over the Almighty was the outright betrayal to this faith .My Emmi ,remember this in any point of time ,any kind of fear like the fear you have now about passing your entrance exams or any kind of it ,you will have them but don't let them make you like those I mentioned before .Don't let the fear in your heart forget to whom that heart belongs to actually and how that when you are fearing something else yet even in those moment that LORD is still taking care of you ,giving permission every single time your fast pace heart seeks to beat .So never let the strength of misery or tenacity of fear inside you effect the faith of your heart ,to forget who is the most strongest and when you do that it doesn't matter who you are facing or what's the outcome ,whether it's Badr or Uhud ,you get what you want or don't ,you will always be special in the eyes of Allah and that's the real victory !

Echo of his father's words had breathed a new life in her ,like a stranded traveller found an oasis ,like autumn was replaced by sudden spring .She didn't wanted to be an hypocrite ,she wasn't going to leave the war without giving a fight ,she won't bow down to anyone ,to fear anyone ,her head ,her heart ,her soul was meant to bow only to the ONE ,Her Rab and no one else .

With new determination ,with prayers on her lips for her parents ,for Dr Isa and for herself ,Emaan gripping the chair leg tightly peeked through before standing up and marching towards the direction she had last seen those men walk down .Rubbing off the sweat forming above her upper lips ,Emaan stealthily walked down the stairs peeking once in a while with her auditory function on their highest sensitivity .But the issue was she couldn't find those men even after climbing down three floors .She was dreading that her plan had not ended up to doom cause of fear even before its implementation , when on the stairs down to first floor she heard the voices making her stop before she stepping down quietly peeked through the wall to find no one making her walk ahead following the voices and peek slightly above the railing,to find two men standing just below the vestibule stairwell making her immediately flinch back .

Taking few breaths ,her grip tightening on the chair leg ,she surreptitiously peeked once again only to hide back no seconds sooner, relieved that they were those men she was searching for ,there was a specific reason she was doing so and a reason necessary for her plan to be successful .Breathing in deeply,she gazed at the chair leg in her hand before thinking she quickly took out the one of ammunition she had stuffed in her loose pants pocket ,holding the weight in her hand she peeked down the railing and marking the target with whispering Bismillah ,she dropped the ammunition falling directly on one of the men's head making him shout out loud in anguish before wincing he gazed at the source of his injury only to frown seeing it to be an ammunition when next moment he jerk looking up at his partner words ,

"That girl.. !".

First step successful !

Emaan wheeled around and rushed out. Cursing, the man gunned after her while injured one followed no sooner nonchalant over the blood speeding down his head,his all energy and passion involved only in catching the girl. But reaching the floor they had seen her , they gazed around at the vacant floor before rushing to search the floor knowing well she couldn't run far away in such small time ,when all of a sudden from the adjacent corner wall ,Emaan came out and attacked one of the man hitting hard on his head with the cahi leg .Shocked and wincing the man step back in daze holding his head while the other took out his gun seeing Emaan frisking away down the stairs when the man stopped him ,

"Don't ! We need her alive !".

Emaan rushing down through the stairs could see them catching on faster making her heart accelerate to a higher degree, when in turning she misjudged the steps leading her fall on the floor .Hurriedly, she clambered up on the floor while moving to get the chair leg ,her only weapon ,but a foot came in her view before it frisk away her leg far on the side, followed by her being yanked up on her foot by gruesome hold on the back of her hijab .Wincing ,Emaan squint her teary eyes feeling the pain shooting through the roots of her hair as the man hauled her head around while other man with blood tracing down from his head down to his jaw walked upto her and slapped her across her face causing her lips to split as he growled ,

"You whore you are dare to escape and attack us .You are so going to regret to have born every single moment after this ...just wait how your life will be made hell by every single man here and don't worry we won't let you die so easily but make wish for death every single second of your life!".

"Let's take her to the bosses ,they will be impressed then they will let us enjoy our sweet revenge over numerous days and nights". The blood rimmed man smirked mirrored by the other holding Emaan as his grip tightened on her hijab which was now partly off her head,suggested,

"Why wait for Bosses permission when we can ravish her now the way we want ?".

Emaan felt her eyes dilating as saucers and air knocked out of her lungs as she gazed right scared at the heinous man whose wild eyes reminded of a rabid animal .

"But bosses ...?".

"Who would tell them not you or me ? And do you think they care about this girl rather they would applaud us for punishing her for escaping so that she won't escape after this !".

Emaan felt the thought of her plan decimated from her priority as her heart berated howling fear over the upcoming destruction that she had plummeted herself in .Emaan tried to fight out of his hold but no avail as she was yanked towards the adjacent corridor ,when her eyes landing on the glass entrance ,and remembering about the men that were strolling outside the building ,Emaan shrieked out to the full strength ,it felt her voice box would burst out at the  intensity she was applying but right at the moment it wasn't her priority, saving herself from the doom she was pulled to was...

"LEAVE ME ! I SAID LEAVE ME ! GET AW...".Her voice was muffled by blood smelling rough hands pressed tightly against her mouth .

Her eyes clouded with tears leaving her vision all blurry and her heart squeaking between hope and hopelessness ,but it was when her tears dethrone their empire ,Emaan saw and heard at the same time ,

"You found her ?". Few of the men rushed in through the door making the man holding Emaan curse under his breath .

"What do we do now ?". He whispered to his partner .

"Let's take her to the Bosses or otherwise they will show they had catched her when all hard work was done by us !". His partner whispered back.

"What happened to you ?". One of the men from the group ask as the other went on informing on the walkie .

"That's looks deep ! Give her to us you go get treated !".

But instead of any answer ,the man only glared at the men before removing his hand over her mouth letting the air suck inside her mouth like vaccum as she tried to breathe from her mouth ,when oozing several winces he dragged her to walk beside him as they took them towards their Bosses .

Emaan clenched her jaws at the pain slithering all over her body due to the fall but at the moment it was more cause of her head that was already throbbing,now at the cruel grip was feeling like would burst any second blinding her vision with tears yet despite every pain she was grateful that her second step of plan was fianlly successful .

But the road it had taken to its accomplishment ,it had throttled Emaan to the core ,shivers of fears flowed in her body like blood making her heart wheeze with apprehensive questions that would she able to carry her plan out ,cause their breathing lust gnawed her existence to such extent that all she wanted to vanish .She was scared that she hadn't messed up ,she hadnt closed her last way out ,she hadnt sighed her death sentence with her own hands .

And what if ,her entire effort was useless ,what if the place they were taking her wasn't Dr Isa was or what if he was dea...

The yank on her head to move faster urge Emaan come out of her musing and to notice her surroundings and for the first time she was noticing the corridors she had passed so many times convulating a different emotion other than fear for a change . Her gaze widen landing on the bench that she couldn't forget ,more likely the words she had heard there ,that had gave her strength when she felt she had none .

Allah doesn't burden the soul beyond it can bear !

It was first time Khaled had knocked on her heart's door ,it was first time he had become her strength yet again even without his presence, he had filled her dwindling courage back to aflame .A courage to face ,a  strength to walk the lane she had choosen ,to have hope on the ONE who loved her more than one whose words gave her the strength to be brave .

His words had rejuvenated back  solidity that pushed her hazy brain work alongside the fear and apprehension that was breathing alongside .

She surreptitiously turned her eyeballs around ,trying to notice the situation ,trying to calm herself but it was difficult pertaining the existence around her .

Ya Allah ! Help me !I need to be calm...I need YOU to carry out this plan ...

And finally her brain was coordinating well ,making her notice and grasp situation it wasn't doing before so clearly .

She noticed th corridor they were walking in was an internal route connecting the buildings of Al Firdous .With they moving right direction,Emaan knowing she was caught in the main building, could conclude that Bosses were either in building D or E .But no sooner they were passed by the building D and entering into the building partly succumbed to rumbles ,echoing a silent melancholy in its every dust and particles .

They were at this building but why this amongst all ?

There were many questions running in her mind but all her focus and hope was that where there was these Bosses ,Dr Isa was also there, still alive and unhurt .

Climbing the floor ,Emaan felt her legs heavy but those men didn't care as they pulled her roughly whenever he steps slacken a bit,curbing the winces as it only earner more laugh from the hyenas surrounding her ,Emaan noticed they were on second floor when instead of making her move to the stairs leading to other floor ,they dragged her into the corridor ,infront of her ,she could see the piles of rubble cramping the half of floor .

This was the place many things had began and many things had ended !

Was it going to be same again this time ?

But what's going to end and what's going to begin ?

A shiver ran down Emaan's entire body as she heard loud cackles from the nearing room and her throat felt more croaky than ever ,heart raced for survival as her body was getting limp and numb with fear .

And as they burst inside the room ,with sound of door invading a silence before it burst to howling celebration ,and that sound was enough to evoke a mammoth fear of basilisk slither inside her body,stupefying every neurons in work .But her every strength and courage was actually devoured by the helpless and hopeless sob that tattered through her existence when among the group of men she found Dr Isa's back facing her ,with blood covering his clothes and a man holding him by his hair .She couldnt see or find any movement in his body .

Her heart was throbbing much faster with her eyes filling back with tears ,fearing her all premonitions coming to reality when she heard a voice ,making her still shocked and agonised gaze travel to its source ,to find to her much confusion ,an old man walking towards her ,behind him another old man sitting on wheel chair taking down his small eyes over his body, a nauseousness gnaw inside her  .

They looked familiar .She remembered seeing them somewhere ,she knew she had ...

"My ,my what a timing ! A minute late and you would have missed the death of your saviour !".

Emaan feeling her heart squeezed with heavy trepidation  as she was pushed nearer with her shocked eyes finally coming in to face Dr Isa who was still breathing ,that had left her grateful but it was for mere second cause his condition only left her broken hearted and tears to slip out at his distorted state,with helpless whimpers .

At the voice , Dr Isa forced his bleary gaze at the source and realising who it was,his face flashed through fear ,confusion ,helplessness and eventually colliding to disappointed hopelessness .

Emaan was yanked back to face the inhuman demon before her as he whispered ,

"I mean your unsuccessful saviour !". Tears rushed down her eyes as she pleaded,

"Please ..don't !"..

Younus shook his head as he grinned ,her tears giving him euphoric feeling like any drug ,

"Don't worry you will join him but after making every man's here happy !".

"Let ..her go ! Please". Dr Isa manage to whisper.

"Isa you are about to die but still not able to learn manners .Can't you see I am having important discussion with a lady !". Younus smirked before he gazed at the man standing beside Dr Isa and that was enough for him to jab a punch on Dr Isa making him land on the floor while Emaan shrieked in horror letting the old man cackle out joined by others .

"Please ....". Emaan struggled to move to reach out to Dr Isa but the hold on back of head crumbled her every attempt forcing her to keep facing Younus  when at the signal of the Younus ,the man let her leave making her land on the floor harshly but she hardly cared as she moved closer to Dr Isa ,her hand shivering with her mind running where to stop the blood ,his head ,face or the brutally stabbed hand .When grasping her attention ,Hamid moved to stamped over Dr Isa's foot causing Dr Isa to lowly wince as if he had lost even the energy to pronounce his pain while Emaan all horrified moved to hold his leg trying to push off while begging ,

"Please let go ! Please ...!". Hamid eventually let go as he smirking sat down before Emaan who sat holding Dr Isa's hand despite the blood that was blinding her senses to perceive or react correctly.

"Such love between mentor and intern only Isa if you were as loyal to us as she ...!"

Emaan gaze shot up at him ,the missing puzzle adding ,the blur of her memory clearing as she draw a symmetry between the picture in her mobile and the man before him .They were the same yet the ugliness that marred his face was grotesque making him nearly incarnation of a monster .

The old man before her was Hamid Merkes and man sitting on the wheel chair was Younus Rad .

"Oh seems like you know who we are but my bad I forgot to introduce myself ! I am Hamid Merkes and that is Younus Rad ,my partner in crime you see .And we are your doom and your husband's!". The shock amalgamated with profound fear let Hamid laugh out loud before gazing up at the blood rimmed man ,

"Seems like she gave you a hard time well don't worry I will give you ample time to give her the hardest time !".

The man smirked licking off the blood on his head while Hamid gazed at other men standing near Dr Isa ,

"Let the show begin ,".He gazed back at Emaan stroking her face ,

"You are guest of honour make sure your enjoy it full...Woah! Your skin is so soft it aroused even my carnal desires ..seems like this feast even I can't ignore too !". Emaan clenching her jaw in disgust jerk her face away from the hold while Hamid snorting stood up ,

"Khaled got himself a wild cat as his wife .Seems like we have common taste in certain things ,what do you think Younus ?".

Younus smirked gazing at Emaan with abysmal hatred while Hamid walk back to him clicking his fingers ,a signal to initiate the killing rite .

Emaan glanced at Dr Isa who looked at her amidst teary eyelashes with fear and stagnant remorse .She was standing at the edge of break down but despite cruel helplessness and pain, she forced her gaze down on her lap clenching her jaw ,as if straining her every fear and anxiousness, Emaan pushed her hands on the floor echoing more laughter in the room but she didn't let her focus diminish ,didn't let fear vanquish the effectiveness of her next steps of action .

In the bandage wrapped around her wrist ,Emaan had surreptitiously hidden  tranquilizer shots with its transparent tip peeking to ease her in taking out .In her tightly closed fist ,held the half taken out syringe .

Closing her eyes for seconds, blowing out several breaths and taking Allah's name ,Emaan pulling a tranquilzer from her wrist bandage stood up with the flicking off its cap she wheeling round her toes and stabbed it right into the man's neck ,just on the point she needed ,the jugular vein .This was the most roughest way she had injected ever ,but she hardly cared .As the next second ,the man couldn't even exert his shock had fallen down down ,but Emaan made sure to snatch out one of the hand grenade from his jacket ,

The reason she had chosen those guys to get trapped .

And with brisk step backwards ,Emaan gazed around at the still shocked and some ready to attack audience ,she warned ,her voice brittle and forced ,

"Don't ! Get away from Dr Isa otherwise I will pull off the plug ! So get away....I.SAID.GET.AWAY !". Emaan shrieked .

Claiming calmness over his shocked position ,Younus challenged ,

"You don't look so confident to do that !".

Emaan huffing gazed at Younus before saying,

"I might not look confident but I will rather die by this way then to become prey by you all monsters ! So don't think about confidence ,think about yourself ,do you wanna die like this cause I will prefer to die like this and taking you all with me .Ending this mess you all have created in everyone's life, once for all ". Emaan gazed around in guard,

"And if you think you can escape this bomb ,then know, this building is already weakened by the bomb blast you caused so another tiny blast will be enough for this building to house a grave for you all ,so are you ready ?". Emaan pulled the lock more tightly .

Younus stared blank at her while Emaan continued to glare back at him with same intensity yet making sure of her surrounding before seeing the men still near Dr Isa ,she announced ,

"La illaha...."

"Wait !" ,Hamid shouted before gazing at Younus ,he signalled the men to move away .

"All of you throw your weapon down the window and move to the one side now and raise your arms in the air so that I can see them !". The men gazed at eachother then towards their bosses who nodded as everyone began moving to hurdle at the corner of the room except the man lying on the floor beside Emaan .

"You both also !"Emaan hissed at Younus and Hamid who clenching their jaws glared at her but seeing her warning eyes moved towards the fingers tangled with plug ,they cursing under their breaths moved to carry out her orders.

As everyone followed her words ,Emaan keenly keeping her gaze ,afraid at the sudden turn of events ,asked Dr Isa ,

"Dr Isa can you move?". The question of being fine was out of the box seeing his state ,so Emaan had reclined on a question which was necessary for escape .

Dr Isa didnt had any energy to form any sentence as he focussed everything he had in him to sit up on the floor ,he breaths forced and quaky yet despite his deplorable condition he was still trying to inhale the sudden actions taken by Emaan .He won't deny he was surprised beyond any limit .

Was she was always this courageous ?

Emaan watched from her periphery the bloodied tattered condition of Dr Isa,and it was enough to zoom back at her gaze at the men. Swallowing hard ,it wasnt the perfect time to have her succumb to anxiety . Gazing at the window she shouted ,

"Pull that curtain off and throw it here !".

This time the men didn't waited for the signal of their Bosses as they complied immediately at her command and threw the cloth at Emaan's direction .

"Dr Isa can you wrap this around yourself and unbuckle that grenade belt on this man ?".

With a mere nod and biting down his every wince ,Dr Isa wrapping around the curtain moved to carry out the instruction but seeing him struggling ,Emaan sat down instead ,her eyes like hawk still focussed on the group of hyenas just waiting and ready to scavenge their existence and slowly moved the grenade in her hand to him ,

"Hold onto the plug any movement from them ...pull it !". Emaan announced passing the grenade and in swift move engaged in unbuckling the grenade belt .As Dr Isa was near ,he finally saw the shivering hands of Emaan realising how much she was struggling inside ,the courage and strength was laid on the foundation of stark fears only she was aware of .

And her Rab.

Despite her shivering ,Emaan was quick in her task as she glaring at the men ordered ,

"Turn around all of you ...and keep your arms in air !".Emaan couldn't afford any trick ,she had to make sure she had cut out as many option that hindered their escape .

With barbaric beasts working on her command ,Emaan looked at already surprised and mesmerised Dr Isa as she asked ,

"Can you stand up ?". Dr Isa holding his grip strong on the plug tried to stand up but the pain was immense and he thought he will fall back but next Emaan tangle their arm providing support to stand before they began to take step back with Emaan fingers tangle with one of the plug of the grenade in the belt .Seeing some of the men turn slightly she stopped instantly warning,

"Don't dare to turn or move or I will ...!"

Younus directed them to stay put while Emaan finally reaching the threshold held onto the door flap and shut it down locking it .Letting Dr Isa hold wall as support she pushed the steel bench against the door .And knowing this protective measure won't last longer ,Emaan quickly helping Dr Isa walk through the door as quickly as she could .But knowing and seeing the condition of Dr Isa ,she couldn't go faster and sound of door rattling behind her echoing, meant they were already trying to break through and that they didn't had much time left  .

Emaan gulping looked back ,they had hardly covered the half of corridor when heightening her set of troubles her gaze landed on the trails of blood from the wounds of Dr Isa .

"You should leave me here and go !".

Emaan gazed at Dr Isa before she gazed ahead ,her eyes brightening before answering,

"You should save your energy Dr Isa ! You need energy to leave this place with me!".

Dr Isa tried to deny it but Emaan didn't let him as she quickly directed him to turn into a adjacent corridor and no sooner they were on the floor's Operation room ,passing through the scrub room ,Emaan leaving Dr Isa in the operation room ,she without waiting any second taking off the curtain from Dr Isa rushed out making him all worried and call out for her but she was already gone like a wind.

Emaan walked back standing where the corridor leading to the OT room seperated from the main one .Earlier in the corridor while noticing the trail of blood, her gaze had landed at her front finding the already blood trail created by the injured man who had brought her and it had instantly striked her mind with idea that she had rushed out to implement leaving Dr Isa in the room. Moving to wipe off the blood stain down from outside the operation room to just corridor turn leaving the already blood trail created by the injured man's blood as a decoy and camouflaging their original hideout .

Hearing the loud bangs resonate in the corridor ,Emaan sprinted back to the operation theatre and locking the scrub room she gazed around when her eyes landed on a spare chair and quickly picking it up ignoring the pain in her wrists she pushed the one of chair's legs down the handle and barring it from opening from other side . Panting hard, Emaan step back before frisking off the sweats beats, she crouch down clamping her face ,her fear and shivers rushing through her existence like a oxygen down her lungs .She pulled herself close succumbing down every whimpers she pulled her hands down and moved to make a sujood .She had no energy to say anything and she doubted her frazzled mind was in any position to do so ,but she startled up hearing low quaky whisper ,

"Is it you Dr Emaan ?". Realising it wasnt the time to focus on the internal struggle ,Emaan clambered up and walked inside the operation room to find Dr Isa sitting on the corner ,breathing very slowly making her quickly  sprint up to him .

"Just for a bit Dr Isa hold on as soon as they leave we will find our way out !". Assuring ,Emaan settled next to him while quickly moving onto the task of tearing the curtain apart to use it as bandage .

But it was a struggle especially with her shivering hands ,it was a cumbersome struggle .

And with her sympathetic nervous system still on its highest submit and with her brain still unnerved of a thought of being caught ,Emaan found it difficult to claim calm with her still rib cracking heartbeats ,increased respiratory rate and sweating .

Looking around the empty room ,Emaan scanned her eyes through semi lightened room for anything sharp when all of sudden the material ripped fumbling several Alhamdulillah out of her mouth along with breaths ,Emaan tearing few strips ,then went on using the left over cloth on the wound ,first on his stabbed hand ,she was ardently focussed on stopping the blood yet expressions of worry blatant on her face .

"Why did you come back ? You should have escaped !".Dr Isa whispered with much difficulty .

Emaan glanced up to find Dr Isa's eyes holding several emotions but tears of guilt and pain had left Emaan also feel teary before she blinking quickly to stop her tears focussed back on treating the wound ,she said,

"You said it wasn't a lie was enough for me to come back ! I have lost my father one time ,I can't afford to lose again !". Emaan clenched her jaws gulping disappointed at her attempt to keep her voice calm being thrashed down so easily .She felt she couldn't hold her tears anymore ,she wanted to shout at him ,complain ...

But next moment she heard the broken whimpers and crying sound of  Dr Isa who joined his hands hiding his face behind them as he burst into pain,agony and guilt .

"I destroyed everything ! I ruined everything ! I ruined ...". Emaan held his hand saying ,

"Dr Isa your hand ..."

"I am a sinner ,my hands is tainted with blood of so many innocent soul .I killed Duraid with these hands ". Dr Isa looked at his blood stained hand in horror ,

"Let them bleed ,they deserve to bleed .I destroyed everything.I don't deserve any mercy ,any help ,you should let me die Emaan ,I deserve to die .It was foolish of me to believe that they were saying the truth ? But it was them who killed my sons .My sons are no more ! They killed them to get revenge from me and look what I did for them ...I killed Duraid ,so many people my hands ...".

Emaan bowed her head biting her lips to hold the slipping restrain of her tattered emotions but eventually tumble out in the forms of transparent drops that landed on her hands mixing in the blood resonating the reality of life ,

Where every clear and pure relation was tainted in blood of loved ones.

Clenching her fists ,Emaan tried to dissolve the bitterness ,wrath ,betrayal but those surging emotions inside her made it difficult making her end up whispering ,her voice heavy with emotions ,

"You know when first time I heard your story I was inspired ,I was awe struck at your patience.I wanted to be like you .And when you called me daughter you know how happy I was ,I felt honoured but you ...". Emaan gulping the thorny emotions gazed at Dr Isa ,

"You focussed on the pain not on the ONE who could remove it .You said you were alone but do you know how everyone at hospital loves you ,respects you .Dr Duraid he loved you ,when you came back all injured from Al Firdous he remained on foot entire night fearing if something will happen to you ,waiting for you to get concious ,and you say you were alone ? You weren't alone you never were but you only thought that by yourself .You focussed on the people who said nasty things to you ,who blamed you for no reason but you never looked at the people who stood by you ,who were always ready to support you .You said everyone looked up to you but no one knew how it felt ,how alone it was but you should have realised that these people who looked up to you weren't spectator they genuinely loved you ,cared for you .You just kept thinking what you had lost but not on what you had . Yamama ,her parents ,they only had her ,Maryam lost her mother just after mere minutes of her birth ,she lost her hearing ..her mother Magrib had waited for eight years to have a child but she couldnt even nurse her ,she couldnt hold her and there are so many more people who died that day .You thought you were in pain but what about them ? Their pain ? They were never involved  in your suffering then why ?...If this is how it's suppose to be then they also will go on using innocent people for their happiness and this cycle will never end ,there will be only death and agony you think this will bring happiness ?".

"These people have been killing people ,how could you think these demons who could go on destroying numerous lives will be merciful to your sons ? Do you think your wife would be happy that you destroyed everyone's happiness just for her happiness ,would that make her happy ? You saw how Yawar he was mere twenty ...".Overwhelming pain and bitterness qualmed her ability to speak further as she  covered her eyes clenching her fists to hold those emotions that was burning inside her .

"I lost everything with my own hands ! I don't deserve to live !". At morose lost voice of Dr Isa ,Emaan removed her hand and a strong sense of guilt perch inside her instantly seeing the desolate look on Dr Isa ,his state worse than before .

She should have controlled her emotions .

Fisting her palms ,Emaan felt frustrated,but more at th feeling of betrayal or guilt ,was a chapter of vagueness she couldn't force her mind to flip through yet she managed to whisper,

"You don't .Allah wants you to live and spend your entire life working to be a source of happiness in every destroyed lives ,to save as many lives you can .The companions during the Uhud didn't listen to the words of Prophet and thinking the war was over ,they left their designated place to see for war plunders only giving the chance for Khaled ibn Waleed who wasnt a Muslim at that time turn the situation of battle leading to so many deaths of companion and innumerable casualties with Prophet being injured so much that rumour spread he had died .But in the Qur'an ,Allah says to Prophet don't hold grudge and be merciful to them .Prophet did followed the order yet even after each of those people had repented still after years of that dreadful battle when Usman RA was a Caliph ,he was taunted still for that mistake ,him being among those who didn't followed the orders of Prophet but he still kept going and doing his best .So if Usman RA kept going why do you want to give up ? He suffered more even without doing nothing wrong so why do you want to give up ? If you have darken someone's world you hold the responsibilty to lighten their world ,it doesn't matter to what extent ,the goal is to keep trying .Don't die with guilt in your heart ,die with peace in your heart .And that won't happen if you die here ,so you need to live ...Your sons are no more so what ? I am here .Your daughter is here .You said it wasn't a lie ,so live for me and make everything alright !". Emaan bit her wobbling lips before looking down hiding her pained eyes yet couldn't hold the tears that gushed down the known lane unabashedly .

"I do..don't deserve to be your father !". Dr Isa pained voice made it more difficult for Emaan to control her tears but she gulping hard sniffing,without looking up responded ,

"You didn't deserve to do the wrong you did !".

Dr Isa gazed at Emaan with his teary pained drowsy eyes ,who had shifted her attention back to bandaging his palm ,he whispered ,

"Will you be able to forgive me ...?".

Emaan felt her hand stop for a second ,she gulped before continuing her task she didn't had any answer to it ,she wanted to say something but she couldnt conjure any in regards to ruckus she felt inside .On one side ,she found him akin to the people who destroyed her life ,who she hated the most yet on the other side how was she ignore and erase the feelings she had for this man.She had once loved her relatives but their betrayal had led to a birth of inflammable hatred  but for this man ,she couldnt hate him ,though a part of her did .She felt hypocritical .

"I under..stand ! You don't have ..have to !". Dr Isa managed to croak out ,Emaan feeling churn of guilt thought of saying something but all of a sudden she felt his hand limping making her jerk her head at Dr Isa to see his eyes closing ,hyperventilating her entire core with trepidation she mumbled hastily ,

"Dr Isa ..Dr Isa .?".

"If ....if I die..die here do you think Allah will look at me ..Will HE for..give... ?". With that ,Dr Isa's eyes closed down along with several tears curtaining down ,making Emaan stupefied in shock before like a current in her body she came out of her reverie as she quickly moved to check his pulse to find it beating ,with his breath as shallow as it felt he wasn't breathing ,finally letting the relief return back to her soul. She sat back on the floor with her heart still thudding at same speed of shock and breaths like a heavy burden ,Emaan covered her head whispering Alhamdulillah before gazing at Dr Isa and his question resonating in her mind .

Yet despite everything, she also knew ,they didn't had much time ,they couldn't stay here for longer ,they had to find a way out soon ,she had to get him treated otherwise ...


Zarar was rushing through the lane back to half demolished building ,the so called centre of those RM, when his ringing phone made his steps to slow down to brisk walk as he took his phone out to find it from Hamid.

This old jerk !

Irritation was already catered on his face ,he was thinking of avoiding it but he eventually  accepted the call,to satisfy his intrigue and the dreadful feeling, and not much seconds and words had passed ,his irritation was replaced by anger ,raging in his cerulean eyes as he barked ,

"What the hell does that mean ? Minutes ago I got the information the girl was found and you say she escaped ?".

The surrounding officers spectated over how Zarar's wrath was only heightening to new degrees as he barked again after few seconds ,

".You are saying she escaped along with that old jerk ? What were you doing you bloody old..." Zarar abruptly stopped as his gaze landed above at the corner of the wall ,face of lens twinkling in the presence of refracted light caused a sudden appearance of smirk on his face as he stated,

"Leave it .This time I will find her !". Saying it ,he cut the call and shoving his phone in his pocket ,he scanned his gaze around the open area before he sprinted in a direction not before passing a order to his men ,

To Follow.

The sense of confusion that served on most of visages of the police men as their quick sudden sprint had ended before a small cottage but it was their eventual entry inside it that led to their realisation behind Zarar's sudden change of emotion .

The small cottage being the  surveillance room .

At his gesture ,the dead system was revived and no sooner the most of the dark screens were lit with recordings of inside world of Al Firdous and it didn't took much longer for Zarar's rabid blue orbs to locate his prey and a conniving grin sourced through his lips with eventual snickers leaking out of his mouth as he called the contact named as old jerk ,his eyes back to the screen ,no seconds the phone was picked on other side ,Zarar spoke ,

"I found them .They are in the operation theatre room on second floor !".

"You are not coming ?".The voice echoed out of the phone as Zarar was about to end the call .

Putting back the phone to his ear ,Zarar stated,

"No you deal with the little birds".His eyes digging holes at another screen,with a lazy smirk making through its way as he added,

"I have got a fox to hunt !".


Confused ,Hamza stood staring at the building he had been accustomed coming in his recent years of life but not in the way he was speculating they were about to.

"Khaled you really think they will be here ? I know the area location of that unknown number and Zarar's men matched ,but you know Bulút said that it's only area location ,it could be anywhere then why this ,especially what happened last time do you think they will be..."

"It's not just that.." Khaled mumbled looking for some throwable pebbles.

"Then ?" ,Hamza frowned before realising he added ,"Don't tell me that voice message is ..." Hamza couldn't complete next second as Khaled threw his phone at him which he catched meticulously ,with his brows raised high in question .

"Look at it .." Hamza gazed at the phone to find a message carrying text ,

Al Firdaus .

His frowned deepen along as he stared all puzzled when he heard Khaled again ,

"Notice the number !". And it was then ,Hamza's eyes widen in realisation as he whispered ,

"It's the informer's mean Dr Isa.. ? ". Hamza stopped before thinking he added ,something that was more important,

"What if this is a trap ?".

"We will be finding out that in few minutes !". Khaled's words only heighten Hamza's bafflement but he had no time to articulate as next second his eyes dilated in shock as he saw Khaled throwing few pebbles across the boundary .

"What the ...". He stopped as Khaled's gestured to remain silent making him stand as a statue, bewildered yet curious to know what was his out of box thinking friend was conspiring .

After moments of silence ,Khaled whispered,

"It's clear !". And moved to take steps back when Hamza realising it was Khaled's way of checking held his arm,

"Shouldn't we wait for others to arrive, like if those men are really there it would be suicidal going alone!".

Khaled frisk off arm from Hamza's hold ,his eyes hard and cold as he asserted ,

"That's the problem Hamza I don't have time to wait !". With that ,Khaled took few steps back before taking basic wall run he lunged over the high boundary and pulling himself above it on the wedge he glanced back at Hamza ,who controlled himself from eye rolling at the eventualisation of his primal instinct.

"Come in only when I signal !".

"Wai...". Hamza couldn't complete when Khaled had already jumped on the other side.

"Man why can't he listen to me for once and what in the world is the signal ?".Hamza rubbed his neck in frustration when his head turn sideways to find Albert ,Ahmed ,Osama and Jawad coming towards him .

Hamza had shared the location to everyone on their way to Al Firdous but now at the moment, the more nearer they got ,the more Hamza knew he was surely going to be launched with questions but the man who could answer them all had left him in a confused position itself .

Landing on the hard concrete ,Khaled gazed around before standing up when the wisp of voices nearing his direction made him rush to hide behind a wall .He heard the sound nearing before it stopped making Khaled frown and it deepened as he heard the steps moving to a different direction .But it was when he heard the sound of falling water ,made Khaled peek only to move back in mere seconds .

The man was urinating facing the wall .

The man zipping his trousers ,pulled his rifle back on his shoulder ,whistling in enjoyment as the following night was going to be dreamy .He could have had his way with that girl in the morning but only if that bastard Zarar hadnt interrupted .He wanted to kill that man at first sight,it was because of him his right palm was to be of no use for months,the pain in his palm was blinding but he was holding patience for the sake of those pills and that girl .Just the thought of soft flesh will be within his reach in no time ,made him even grin staring at the blank wall .

Today's dinner would be special .

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he in trance of his thought turned back only to have his grin brutally smacked out of his existence resonating a sound of crack which he couldn't wait to decipher cause as soon as he landed on the ground ,his entire body recoiled in pain before everything blanked out with a last thought ,

What the hell happened ?

Taking a look around for any another presence ,Khaled dragged the man into the generator room. Checking for any weapon ,his eyes fell on his fresh bandage which seem to be opened again seeing the blood on the wide gauge ,but Khaled didn't cared ,taking the gun ,knife and unloading the rifle and throwing away in the corner of the room ,he walked out of the generator room not before locking it .

Walking back to the place he had jumped ,Khaled threw a small pebbles before moving backwards .

The men flinch at the sudden rain of few small pebbles from other side when Hamza mumbled ,

"So thats the signal !".

"What ?". Albert asked .

"It's our signal to go inside .But you are warned !". Hamza asked staring at each with  utter seriousness .

Determined they all nodded when Ahmed walking near the wall bended slightly offering his palms as a support to jump above the balcony . No sooner everyone was inside with Ahmed following in .Hamza had already relegated most of the information while they had waited for signal,the cause they were standing in Al Firdous but discarding the fact of getting a message from informer or Dr Isa as Khaled didnt wanted anyone to know it yet ...

With everyone inside ,Khaled without wasting time was quick to move as others followed behind him.

"Dr Khaled are you sure this is the place ?". Albert asked ," I mean we have less...".

"It's is the right place !". Khaled asserted while walking ahead .

"See I know it's late but before we go any further each of us should have some weapon to fight ! It doesn't matter you have worked with them or not, it's necessary .Ahmed and I have two guns here so we can give each I but we still need two..."

"Here !". Khaled showed the gun pulling out from his back and throwing at Jawad ," And I will have this ..". Khaled showed the knife .

"When did you got that ?". Hamza asked in shock.

"Just few minutes back !". Saying it ,Khaled moved to walk ahead .

"Few minutes back ?".

While everyone sharing a confused gaze followed him ,with Hamza asking behind ,

"Few minutes back ? What does that mean ?".

"Few minutes back means few minutes back !"

Hamza clenched his jaws ,the man never fails to irritate the retina out of him even in a dire situation .

"Where are we headed ?". Jawad asked instead.

"To the surveillance room ! It will provide us every answer we need ...!" . Khaled responded peeking out at the wall stepped ahead but he stopped abruptly and moved back .

"You had switched off the cameras when last time we visited here earlier for Dr Isa ,right Hamza ?".

" Yeah ,why ?".

Without replying ,Khaled glanced back making others frown before he move to other end of the wall and looked around at the area they had just walked in from.Having his speculation coming to reality ,he sighed rubbing his forehead announcing ,

"We can't go to surveillance room ?".

"Why ?".Osama frowned.

Khaled glanced up before he  pointed at the corner of the wall building ,the once the source of protection was now a hindrance in protecting, making everyone correlate the sudden change of Khaled's plan.The glowing red light of the camera visible from the far was enough evidence that it was recording and their presence was known ,their actions was being watched .

An eerie feeling enveloped each of them.

"Then what now ?". Jawad whispered but Khaled didnt had to provide a answer for it as them being suddenly pushed to a dilapidated dead end had made their other senses work more profoundly specifically their auditory realms.

The faint hint of coming steps had aroused their instincts and envelope a dreading silence when small click made them turn back to find Osama gesturing towards the window on the wall they were standing against.

"We can escape through this !".

Everyone nodded and moved to climb over the window but  Khaled stayed put as he looked back and thinking for a second ,he gazed at the men who waiting for his words like commandoes on the field ,stated ,

"We can .But I have got another plan !".

The inspector Alam along with the battalion of his officers marched to carry on the order of holding up a group of men, who were clearly way behind of his men,not just in numbers but strength ,weapons and surely luck. Alam ,hadn't known Zarar for long yet he had understood this much ,that the man was predator who never left his prey to dally for long .But this time it was different ,his so called prey Khaled Al Hassam either through sheer luck or wit was escaping Zarar and this had only increased his thirst for destruction .And for Alam ,to be given the task of bringing the sacrificial lamb to the altar was interesting yet intriguing .Interesting cause the chase was to finally succumb to its end and intriguing cause he had only heard about this so called man but never seen him ,an existence like ancient folk lores that everyone was aware about yet never knew it was true or a myth. But Alam wanted to know the man to decipher was he even worth all the attention...

Or a worthless case surviving through luck .

We will know it few seconds .

Disturbing his thoughts ,they heard a sound. He signalled ,as his men unlocked their weapons ready to charge . They were around wall ,the wall after which the presence of those men had vanished from the camera .When all of a sudden ,sound came out of the wall making all of them fire at one go only ,for them to jerk stop seconds after to find nothing but the cause of sound was a small pebble .

A pebble that had tumbled on its own ?

Alam's brain clicked and he signalling instantly rushed around the wall all ready to end the chase and finally be able to go back home and never meet these stinky prisoners again .

But to his shock ,there was nothing and no one .His heart suddenly felt on a edge ,a eerie feeling clicking through as he moved forward when he heard a fishy sound from behind and he wheeled around to see two men had attacked on his men .

But from where ? The window wasn't open ...

Alam letting his thought not stop his action was brusque on his feet but his body received another shock as he was pulled in neck grab tightening on his windpipe and it was so sudden that rifle dropped out of his hand as he struggled in the grip with his eyes flickering over to his side only to find his other men in the same condition ,red in face and struggling to breath .

Who the hell are these men ?

But what really took him by profound surprise was the show presented before his bleary eyes .There were three men fighting against his but the one who dominated among them was a tall lean guy with an enigmatic aura.Alam somehow felt this was the man Zarar was searching ,he was his prey but was he really a prey ,he seemed more like ...

Khaled had jumped out of the window along with Osama and Ahmed and he knew he could not waste time knowing the men against them were trained forces .And he was right ,despite their effort to make no noise ,the man at behind turned slightly and it was enough for Khaled to smack a punch across his face making him shock before Khaled grabbed onto his rifle and smacked it right across his face blanking him out completely .The next second, he found the gun pointed at him but he stared at the man and his eyes flickering at the fingers ready to press the trigger when Khaled swiftly slapped hard under his elbow ,taking the officer off guard and so his aim ,this aimlessness of mere seconds was enough to jab him hard making him step back before Khaled grabbing onto his collar smacked cross his ear ,finding the correct spot to perform the perfect knock out .But from his periphery ,he had noticed a man on his right ready to shoot making him grab the falling knockout man from his collar and pushed him against the man on his right whose bullet pierce through his blanked out comrade but before he could do anything to recover , a hard hit on his head by Albert was enough to end his case . But Khaled had no time to notice this as he was grabbed from behind ,his neck being choked in a tight grip ,Khaled tried for seconds to free himself but seeing it useless ,Khaled clenching his jaw put a pressure on his right leg before pushing backwards hard and rammed the man behind him against the wall hard ,making his hold loosen up for seconds and not wasting the opportunity ,Khaled held the hand on his neck and wheeling around he wrung the hand behind the man before grabbing his neck he smashed the man's head hard against the wall .

Alam couldn't remain the spectator of the total annihilation of his men by bunch of untrained men like a leisure walk in park and he was somewhat grateful as he was blanked out by a hard hit on the back of his head.

It seemed like a minute massacre ,no one could believe the most of the men responsible for it was the one whose occupation was to save lives, the cause of battalion of men lying in an unconscious state .

Khaled didnt waited as he rushed to enact the next step of their plan with others joining him when Ahmed pulling Hamza aside whispered ,

"Was Dr Khaled involved in some mafia gang or what ?".

"Why don't you ask him only ? But make sure you don't use a method like Basit ?".

"Basit ? What did he do ?".

"He tried to scare us and instead ..." Ahmed and Osama expressions shrieked unbounded curiosity,

"Got a shoulder throw from Khaled !". Hamza smirked before walking towards Khaled while Osama and Ahmed stared at eachother ,on one side amused thinking of Basit's situation and the fun it will entail teasing him but they also gulped with silence yet shared resolution of keeping a safe distance from Khaled before rushing to join in next step of plan .


Patience wasn't a virtue Zarar inhibited worth having but ever since Khaled ,he felt his non existent patience was been tested to an extremity and that limit was on its dead bed as he glared at the black recording of the camera .He had send his men to bring Khaled and his little army to him but there was no sign of either of them .He had seen his men in the camera walking towards the wall behind which Khaled and his battalion had magically vanished .But even after passing of ample time ,when he got no hint of their arrival ,with his suspicion rising highest summits ,Zarar taking few men with him raced towards the area which had become a mystery like Bermuda triangle .

And as he reached ,his anger and frustration throttled down his every patience and calm as he  roared out at the scene prevailed before him .His team of men lay unconscious on the ground only in their trousers .

Zarar clenched his fist before ordering ,

"Check them if they alive or dead .If they are lucky they better be dead ..."

"They are alive just unconscious !". An officer reported after checking up before adding ,

"Their walkies are also missing !".

The officer gulped as Zarar 's blue eyes had taken the darkest tincture ,his jaws clenched so hard that it felt they would snap any second when his eyes landed on the window and walked towards it and tried to push it open only to find it closed from inside.

He stared at the window before scanning over at the window sill ,their were some soil spilled over it and as he took a closer look there were faint footprints marked all over .He had been focussing only on one screen so ardently that he had forgotten about anything ,the greed to end his hunt was too satisfying to notice any other things but now as his eyes were reading through the details ,Zarar was realising his mistake of taking this man so easy .He stared at the window before saying ,

"They escaped through this !".

"But what about clothes..." An officer asked .

"Isn't that obvious they are now disguised as one of us !". Zarar retorted ,his expression as he would in any minute choke the concerned officer .

"Should we alert our officers then ?". An officer asserted hastily .

"No ! They have taken walkies with them ,the message would reach them also and I don't want them to know we are aware of them.They took them with a purpose, they just don't want to infiltrate as us but they are scavenging on our communication for any information about his wife and that old jerk and I won't definitely be serving them any . Rather I know where I can find him easily !". Zarar snickering to himself popped a candy in his mouth before he lunged towards the destination with a thought ,

I will make sure lovebirds have a meet up in the heaven .


Disguise - was the epicenter of Khaled's plan ,they being dressed up as cops was to ensure the reduction of the unnecessary dealings and work on the most imperative task - finding Emaan and Dr Isa .Dressed aptly as police officers ,with their coincidentally each of black trousers had helped them from stripping the unconscious of their last clothings ,they had jumped inside the building through the window and quickly distributed in six groups of two,taking each building as the charge of searching .The area was huge and time was essence and a luxury they couldn't afford to waste.

Khaled had always felt proud of the mammoth infrastructure of Al Firdous which always had a place for patients and easily shouldered the responsibilty of refuging so many casualties in the past ,but as he ran through the stairs and corridors of buildings of Al Firdous with every door leading to a thrashing disappointment and every corridor a silent spectator to his misery ,which was magnifying with every passing seconds ,now seemed as an unexpected for to his sanity.

Where are you Emaan ?

Letting Albert search through the corridors of second floor of main building ,Khaled jogged to the next floor when on his way he met a group of policemen along with other men who by their looks and dress seemed hooligans of RM .

"Where are you going ? Didn't you got the message ?...". An officer asked sternly.

"Sorry Sir my walkie is not working properly ,the signal goes off and on !".

The officer glared at Khaled before he nodded ,

"Okay ! Follow me !We are suppose to go to that half demolished building ,that girl and that man is in that building !".

Khaled felt a flash of emotion passed through his face before he masquerading everything look down nodding and followed fisting his palms but his downcast eyes still swirled with plethora of emotions ,there was relief ,sadness ,anger and murderous intent .

Following through ,Khaled gazed surreptitiously as they had passed down the second floor when his eyes landed on Albert,who looked bewildered seeing Khaled amidst the unknown men,Khaled tried tos signal him to hide but it didnt took much time for the officer to notice him as he barked ,

"Why are you roaming around ?".

"I was searching for washroom !".

"What is wrong with you men ? One's walkie is not working and another is running to find a loo .Wait ,let this over I will report about you both to Chief ? He will teach you both a perfect lesson ! What's your name ?".

"Dawood !". Albert blurted out ,he hadnt gone through name on the badge on his uniform under the bullet proof jacket and reclined on announcing the name that striked his mind first and seemed had struck to his personality like a magnet !

"And you ?". The officer turned to Khaled who responded ,

"Khaled !".

"Khaled ?" The officer snickered," In all the names you had to have this name only ! What a bad luck ! Well today we will get to know whether chief hates the man with this name more or the name itself ?". The officer laughed again while Khaled forced a smile behind his gritting teeth before the officer ordered ,

"Follow me !".

Albert raced to join ,but Khaled and Albert just gazed once before going on acting like they knew nothing but Albert was confused ,he wanted to know what step Khaled was planning cause at the moment he felt like a pawn on a chess who like other players was unaware of the steps he was to take ,was he the knight ,rook or just the pawn .But in all this confused ruckus ,Albert also knew Khaled won't take any haste step especially when Emaan's life was on the life .And on this confidence , Albert was prepared to play out the role of whatever piece on board just to save Emaan .

He was noticing they were passing through the connecting passageways of Al Firdous ,Khaled's face still held blankness and rigidity when all of a sudden as they had reached the last building ,finding a commotion and noticing their arrival a few men scurried towards them .The officer asked as soon as they reached him,

"What happened ?".

"The operation theatre at the second floor is empty !".

"What ?". The officer frowned and Khaled mind was holding the chariots of his curiosity aptly ,waiting to get the clear information but it the was roaring voice coming from outside the demolished area of building that grasped Khaled's attention .

"Get that whore back to me in any way you can and make sure she is alive cause I will ...".

"Let's go we need to find..."The officer was giving out new orders but was left shocked and stunned when he saw Khaled dashed like a wind outside the area from where the Hamid's voice was coming.

"..make sure her life is worse than de..." Hamid couldnt complete as his words were choked down by a strong deathly grip ,with his body smashed to the wall and feets an inch above the ground .And it hadn't been seconds but he was already feeling black dots appear before his eyes as he pushed his gaze down to meet an unfamiliar yet known face .

"Who are you ?". He choked.

"Didn't I said if you touch her your grave will be your next destination !". Khaled hissed .

"Kha...Khaled ?". He asked bewildered .

" No .Your death !".His grip tightened with his hazel orbs turning asimilar to dark ebony.

"He isn't the person you need to deal Khaled Al Hassam ,its me who has summoned you here .It's me you are dealing with!". With his hold still tight and intact on the neck ,Khaled turn his head to find Zarar standing with his crew pointing their guns in his direction and a sleazy smirk plastered on Zarar's face vociferating only one thought ,

Game over !



Sorry that took quite a while but I am not getting any free time to write and when I do so I ended up investing on getting extra sleep or feel too lethargic to write .But Khair I will to gain my momentum after Ramadaan and finally bring this book to his conclusion ,in sha Allah .

So yeah this is the last update before Ramadaan .So I wish you have a blissful and best Ramadaan of your lives .Please do include me ,my family and entire ummah in your precious duas .Please pray for us so that angels could pray for you too ...😉🤗

Before you leave please do recite ,Durood e Ibrahim

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas .

Faqat abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu🌼

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