Kindness amidst Mayhem

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Nabilah was folding laundry while a ten year old Emaan sprawled on the bed was doing her mathematics homework which had initially began with enthusiasm and bubbling energy but with each passing question ,the enthusiasm crumbled and energy depreciated leaving Emaan exhausted both from brain and body. Scrunching her nose at the wrong answer , she looked up at her mother for help only to find she was already muttering something but Emaan didn't seem to be able to hear anything. She quickly sat up and shifted a bit closer to her mother but still she couldnt listen anything what her mother was saying. Confusion etched her face in the form of unruly frown on her forehead which vanished as a realisation dawned on her making her shriek,


Listening to her shriek , Nabilah flinched backwards causing the clothes to fall on the floor .Nabilah all horrified,looked up at Emaan to scold her but her every molecule of anger dissolved when she saw her daughter crying. She quickly sat beside Emaan on the bed and pulling her towards herself said,

"What happened to my baby ,why is she something hurting?..tell me meri jaan (my life)..don't cry like that you are scaring your mother".

"Am..mi...I ca..nt anything....I lost ear sight ".

Nabilah scrunched her eyebrows as she said,

" Ear sight ???..."

Emaan looked at her mother teary eyed and between her sniffing said  ,

"When we can't see we say we lost eye sight I can't hear so it means I lost ear sight na Ammi".

Amusement pervaded Nabilah's entire being hearing her daughter's reply but suppressing her emerging laughter she said,

" My baby it's called hearing loss not ear sight ...sight means to see ...but if that's the case  how can you hear me now..."

Emaan blinked at her mother and then looked down as her mouth circled in  realisation as she said ,

"That means my ears are good " Nabilah nodded while smiling as Emaan continued ,

"But why I couldn't hear what you were saying Ammi while you were folding clothes ?".

" That because I was doing dhikr".

"What's Ammi ?"Emaan asked curiously.

"Hmm..tell me Emaan if you have something precious with you and you know if you don't protect it ,it will be stolen will keep it in a safe place ...& keep on checking it if it's there or not ..isn't it ?" Emaan nodded her head vigorously .Nabilah smiled benigngly as she continued,

" Similarly our heart contains the precious treasure of  faith , trust ,love and fear of Allah SWT which Shayatīn consistently without a break tries to steal away from that we become like them ..away from Allah SWT...but you know what.. Allah loves HIS every abd so much that to let HIS abd go away from HIM ...even though it is we who need HIM to be near to us..but our RAB who is Ar Rahman gave us the weapon of Dhikr ...i.e to remember HIM, talk to HIM , express our love to HIM and when we do this a fortress is created around  our hearts preventing us from every whispers of evil...and Allah himself says in Quran  'So remember me ;I will remember you[2:152]  '. And what could be better than have Ar Rahman remembering you and when HE remembers you then the devil runs away from such abds."

" Allah would remember me if I remember HIM " Emaan asked excitedly while Nabilah nodded her head in affirmative.

"And shayatīn consistently attacks us...that means he is attacking me in this moment too?" Emaan asked horrified .

Nabilah nodded again and grinned as she saw Emaan reciting Astagfirullah very quickly when in between her dhikr ,Emaan asked,

"Ammi what does mother's of devils give them to eat that they dont get tired and keep on attacking on us without break ?".

Nabilah sighed & smiled at her daughter's innocence and stroking her cheeks she said,

" Emaan it's not what they eat it's what they have in their hearts i.e hatred towards us that makes them go on attacking us without a break ...but you know ..what defeats is love ...when shayatīn can consistently attack us because of their strong hatred towards us so why can't we consistently remember our Rabbi because of the strong love we have for HIM...remember this my jaan (my life) when you will fight the devil's hatred with the love of your Rabbi ...then you will always rise as victorious and more closer to Allah..."

Emaan beamed at her mother as Nabilah pecked her forehead before embracing her and Emaan hugged her mother back when Nabilah asked wiggling her eyebrows,

"Now tell me is your mathematics homework finished ?".

Emaan nodded in negative while pouting .Nabilah sighed while shaking her head as she said,

"Okay if you will complete your mathematics homework and get good marks in tomorrow's test then I will give you my favourite hijab pin "

Emaan's eyes sparkled with excitement as she asked her mother,

"The one which has shiny flower on it....."

Nabilah smiling nodded her head while Emaan squealed in happiness and hugging her mother quickly ,moved towards her notebooks, when seeing the wrong answer of a sum in her notebook turned all her excitement into annoyance and Emaan looked at her mother and said ,

" Ammi  is there any specific dhikr to make devil of mathematics go away ?". Nabilah quirked her eyebrows as Emaan continued ,

" As I feel mathematics hates me and keeps on attacking me with difficult is surely a devil in disguise of numbers".

Nabilah shook her head in amusement as she said,

"I don't know from where your dislike for mathematics comes as it was my favourite ".

" I know's from Abbu! "

"And how do you know that ?" Nabilah asked all amused as seeing Feroz's confused reaction who had just come out of washroom after taking shower.

" Abbu was saying to someone on telephone that he is not good with numbers ..."

" Oh really ...good job my Emmi dectective ".Nabilah laughed while Emaan giggled unknown that she had given her mother a reason to tease her father. While Feroz skeptically looked at mother daughter duo.

Reclined on the headboard of the bed , Emaan was stroking Adila's hair who had fallen asleep with her head on Emaan 's lap. After the conversation of drawing room, she and Adila had came into the bedroom while Abida had stayed with Khaled in the drawing room. And though it had been a while but still her mind was struck on the conversation that had happened in the drawing room.

"I have got a safe way for you to go back Al Firdous ....I talked some civillian's army member and they reminded me of  Jamshed Esber...he can help us he knows a secret way through Aleppo.. he asks us to meet at fazr time near street 45 ....though he was ex prisoner but he is a trustworthy man".

Listening to Mr Rahman,Emaan gulp hard while Khaled scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he said,

" Mr Rahman no disrespect but you can't be serious about this ...I can never agree to this "

" But why Khaled....he good man "

" Mr Rahman how do you expect me to trust a ex prisoner when I have seen enough what their intentions are...especially when Dr Emaan is with me....I cannot let her go through connundrums she has gone before because of disgusted minded people...her safety is my responsibility ".

" But Khaled I know him ...he  not like that ...and he is not among prisoners who government release but he was a victim of government treachery himself .."

" But Mr Rahman are you really sure this is the only way ...what about civillian's army helping us to reach hospital?".

" I understand Khaled...but army member busy with protecting areas so they can't come ...but trust me Esber good man...but if you doubt I will try some other ways rest till it's time for us to go out and also give it thought about Esber...daughter you too rest...don't tension if no way I will take you two hospital".

" No Mr got Mrs Rahman and Abida and Adila at home's not good for you to travel so far to Al Firdous leaving them alone's not safe" Emaan said while Khaled nodded in agreement as he added,

" Dr Emaan is right Mr Rahman ...I will think about it till then if you can find some other way to go back to hospital then that would be great because I want to go back to Al Firdous as soon as possible but not on the cost of putting Dr Emaan 's life in danger".

Mr Rahman nodded his head while Emaan was confused and shocked at the words of Khaled but she was more bewildered by the way those words had effect on her .Not knowing what to do ,she stood up and walked out of the room with Adila on her tail.

Emaan felt frustrated with herself as since the time she had came from the drawing room ,her mind seemed like a whirlpool where only the words of Khaled kept rotating .She was angry that not only Khaled's actions but his words was having such a profound impact on her .And adding to this to her much frustration, memories of her past had not only clawed her gashes deeper but they also had enflamed a realisation in her mind .The realisation that the fear which had become a companion of her ,the sense of insecurity that breeded in her mind and heart when she was around men had not engulfed or invaded the territories of her mind and heart when she was with Khaled today but rather instead of invasion of fear there was pervasion of security and protectiveness that bloomed in her shivering self. She couldn't understand that why no skepticism and uncertainity invaded the realm of her heart when it came to trusting Khaled. She was baffled with myraid why's and what's her heart and mind kept on sprouting each passing second. And in these moments of perplexion and annoyance ,she recalled the words of her mother and thinking that this was a test and novel thoughts as devil's whispers ,she determined herself to shield her heart more ferociously by strengthening her love for her Rab fight the hate with love the way her mother had told her. But how beautiful it was that her way to strengthen her love for her Rab  was destined to be a way her Rab had planned to make her fall in love with one of HIS beloved abds. Resolved & determined to protect herself from any absurdities ,Emaan began with her dhikr as she lovingly stroked Adila's hairs and became lost in the graciousness of her Rab when Khaled knocked at the door with Abida sleeping in his arms.

What a perfect timing this guy has !

Emaan quickly sat up making Adila shift in her sleep .Seeing her shift ,she stilled and looked up at Khaled who gestured her to stay at her place and moved towards the bed and slowly untangled Abida from his arms & made her sleep on the bed. Covering her with the comforter ,he said slowly,

"I will be leaving with Mr Rahman in half an hour and when we return ,we will immediately leave for hospital be ready but till then you can rest".

Saying it ,Khaled was walking out of the room when he heard Emaan,

" Can I come with you and Mr Rahman"

" NO" Khaled said without turning towards Emaan.

"But why ?" Emaan said scrunching her eyebrows .

" I think Dr Emaan you have seen and experienced enough to realize the reason behind my No " Khaled was going out when he again heard Emaan ,

" But you can't stop me from helping people" Though Emaan was feeling angry but she kept her voice low as not to wake up the twins.

Khaled sighed and turned around with his hands in his pocket ,

" Dr Emaan you can help people as much you want when we reach hospital ...but here no ".

"But as a doctor I am obliged to serve people wherever or whenever is a need".

"Dr Emaan this argument is useless ....I said once no so it's going to be that ....none of your reasons can make me accept your stupidness."

" You are not my h.."

Emaan couldn't complete as Khaled interjected as he said ,

" Don't you dare to repeat your dialogue of me not being your head I don't care I am your head or not you are not coming ..that's it".Khaled even in his surging anger tried to keep his voice low.

Saying it , Khaled walked out of the room while Emaan closed her eyes and fisted her hands tightly to control her frustration & resumed her dhikr .Mrs Rahman who was coming to give an extra comforter to Emaan ,had stopped outside the door on listening Khaled and Emaan talking . Not wanting to disturb them ,she had remained standing outside waiting for them to end their conversation. But as Khaled walked out fuming ,Mrs Rahman was left perplexed as she thought ,

Hal tujadiluu lltw eindama kunt 'afkur fi 'anahum yujiruwn muhadathatan eadiatan...Allah Allah ya lah min zawjan faridan sawf yusnieanih 'iidha tazawaja min bedhma albueda

(Did they just had an argument when I was thinking they were having a normal conversation....Allah !Allah! What a unique couple they would make if they were to marry eachother.)

Amused at her own thought Mrs Rahman walked inside the room with an extra comforter.

"This time code is three knocks followed by a fourth knock after an interval ...understand Saboor and daughter... "Mr Rahman instructed as he and Khaled were going out for their late night excursion to provide aid to any needy person and family struck in mishap that was created in their city.

" Don't open the door otherwise and if you feel danger lock all yourself in one room and put heavy things against door and .."

"Raza I know I know....I listened this thousand times by you ...I learnt it by qalb so go and come back...".

" Ah Saboor you say like that ...daughter Emaan come so now I  no value ...first you used to cry when I go and now sending me away like this ..not fair...Khaled you not married no?".

Khaled who was standing at the door waiting for Mr Rahman looked up and nodded in negative while Emaan who was still angry at Khaled thought,

Who will marry him ...only Yamama has the guts and insane mind to marry Mr Karela .

"Then be prepared value after marriage ...wife treats like errand boy..."

Khaled & Emaan smiled at Mr Rahman while Mrs Rahman glared at him ,seeing which Mr Rahman raised his hands in surrender making Mrs Rahman smile eventually .Saying salam and seeing the door being properly closed by the ladies both men walked towards the car. When suddenly Khaled turned and walked back towards the house making Mr Rahman who was about to sit in the car confused as he asked,

"What happened Khaled?"

"Just forgot my jacket Mr Rahman ,you start the car ..I will join you in a minute"

Saying it ,Khaled knock at the door in their secret code manner. Listening the knock ,Mrs Rahman and Emaan looked at each other in confusion and gesturing she will attend the door, Emaan walked towards the door all the while whispering dhikr to control her surging anxiety .She quickly opened the door and seeing just Khaled she asked anxiously ,

" Is everything alright ..? Where is Mr Rahman ? Why are......"

"I forgot my jacket ..can you give me my jacket Dr Emaan?" Stopping the train of Emaan's question Khaled asked calmly.

Listening to Khaled ,Emaan's all anxiety was replaced by her pre- existing anger towards him.Nodding curtly, Emaan quickly went inside and taking his jacket ,she came back and giving to him ,she closed the door loudly at his face making Khaled to quirk his eyebrows . Seeing the door is closed properly ,Khaled turned around and wearing his jacket he moved towards the car while thinking ,

I am not married then why am I being treated like an errand boy.

Shaking his head ,he sat inside the car .Mr Rahman started the ignition .The car-drive was marked by silence as Mr Rahman concentrated on driving while Khaled focussed on surrounding seeing for any glimpse of any existence in any deserted houses and also as a caution from the prisoners groups when Mr Rahman broke the silence as he said,

"Khaled I forgot to say Jazakillah khair for saving daughter Emaan...."

Khaled tried to interject but Mr Rahman beat him to it as he continued,

La la tuqil la 'urid 'an 'ushkirak li 'ana Emaan balnsabt li lays mithl abnatay bal li wa Saboor hi abnatuna ...wanahn nahmiha lilghayat...'ant tareif Khaled hataa qabl 'an naraha wanatnearaf ealayaha walam naerif siwaa aismuha faqat.....bitariqat ma earafat eayilati bi 'akmaliha 'anana sanahibuha lakunuha 'athbatat 'anana mukhtiuwn , laqad jaealatna naqae finhubi latfiha ,mae tabieatiha aetaqiduh ahyanana 'anaha latifat jdana fi hadha alealam alqasi...ahyanana 'asheur 'anaha raqiq alqalb litakun tabibatan...bimajrad 'an bakat kthyrana baed 'awal eamaliat jirahiat laha, lm 'akun 'aerif ma hadath Khadeja ukhti 'akhbaratni fi tilk allaylat 'anaha bakiat wa 'akhtaha ' ukhtiha ,lakanaha ma zalatnlm tukbir SBB ainhiariha ...tabaki kathiraan min ajl alakharin....

(No don't say I don't need to thank you because for me Emaan is not like my daughter but to me and Saboor she is our daughter ..and we are very protective of her know Khaled even before we had seen and knew her and had only knew just her name ...some way my whole family knew we gonna like her but she proved us wrong she made us fall in love with her kindness ,with her beautiful nature ...basically her entire beautiful self...what I sometimes think is she is very kind for this cruel world ...sometimes I feel  she is so soft hearted to be a once she cried a lot after her first surgery I didn't knew what had happened but Khadeja ukhti told me that entire night she had cried and ukhti had consoled her but she still didn't told the reason about her break down..she cries so much for others...)

Khaled was stunned by what he had heard from Mr Rahman. He instantly had recognised what surgery Mr Rahman was addressing to . And the gulit he had felt since that day had a resurgence and invade his heart and it was weird that it was the feeling of guilt that had caused him to construct boundaries around his heart and close it down but now it was the guilt only that was crumbling down those boundaries and making a way into his heart and this was scaring him. As much he had seen and knew Emaan and the people around her he had come to realize that Emaan was like a gentle gale that left everyone enarmoured and infused a sense of calmness by her mere presence .But to him she was a storm that was disrupting his peace and sanity with her presence .Khaled sighed and smiling at Mr Rahman looked out of the car window while thinking,

Hamza I am going to kill you for putting such stupid thoughts in my mind...

But his thought came to an abrupt conclusion when Mr Rahman pulled the break as a boy suddenly came infront of the car .They quickly stepped out of the car ,and ran towards the boy to see that the car had stopped just before the boy and boy was sitting terrified and seeing them he quickly raised his hand in surrender while saying,

"La taqtulani...min fadlik la taqtulani ...lays ladaya 'ayu shay 'la uqdimih"( Don't kill me....please don't kill me ...I don't have anything to give ...)

Khaled quickly crounched down before the boy and said calmly,

"La tqliq ln nqtlk. Lasna hawla 'alnaas...'ana Khaled wahadha Syd Rahman ...nahn huna limusaeidatik.. 'uedik"

(Don't worry we won't kill you..we are not those people......I am Khaled and this is Mr Rahman ..we are here to help you ..I promise )

The boy nodded slightly and quickly rubbed off his tears. Till then Mr Rahman went and brought a packet of cookies and water bottle and offered it to the boy who looked at it longingly then glanced at Khaled who smiled at him and gestured him to take it. The boy smiled slightly and taking the cookie packet and water bottle ,he kept them inside his worn out bag .

"Laqad kan lak...ln yadun ladayk " (It was for you....won't you have them)Khaled asked .

"Umiy wa 'akhwati yakuluu mundh 'ayam kathira ....Kayf li 'an akil wahum jaweana fi 'usharikuhum maeahum"

(My mother and sisters have not eaten for many days can I eat when they are hungry at home ...I will share with them).

Khaled and Mr Rahman looked at eachother and then looked back at the boy and smilingly Khaled asked,

"Ma hu aismak ?" (What's your name ?)

" Ali "

"Ladayk asim tayib jiddaan eali waqalb tayib jiddaan...tajul tilk albskwyt li 'ana ladayna 'ashya 'an kathiratan li ' umak wa 'akhawatik lita 'akuliha" (You have a very good name Ali and a very good eat those cookies cause we got many things for your mother and sisters to eat) Khaled said smiled at Ali

" Hal haqana !" (Really!) Ali asked excitedly .

Khaled and Mr Rahman nodded their head while smiling .

"Lakunani ln 'atamakan min 'akhadh milaffat taerif alairtibat likuli shakhs lays ladaya siwaa yudin"(But I won't be able take cookies for everyone I got only two hands) ". Ali said apprehensively.

"Hsnana ,bikul surur ,laqad hasalt ealaa yudin 'ana walsiyd eabd Mr Rahaman aydana..wasiaaratan ...ldhlk 'aetaqid 'anah yumkinuna nawal albasakuit 'iilaa waladatik wa akhawatik"

(Well gladly I and Mr Rahman have got two hands too and a car too I think we can manage to take the cookies to your mother and sisters).

Ali grinned and moved towards the car with Khaled and Mr Rahman when Ali stopped and head palming himself said,

"Awh laqad yumkinuni aldhahab maeak"  (Oh I forgot ...I can't go with you)

Khaled and Mr Rahman looked at eachother with confusion before Mr Rahman asked ,

"Lkn limadha Ali ?" (But why Ali ?).

" Eli 'an 'ajida tabibana sadiqi marid jadana " (I have to find a doctor my friend is very ill ).

Khaled smiled and opening the car's back seat said,

" 'Idhana la tujad mushkila..altabib fi khidmatik " (Then there is no is at your service )

" 'Ant Doctor ?" (You are a doctor ?)Ali asked shockingly.

Khaled nodded in affirmative making Ali grin and holding Khaled's hand he said,

"Min fadlik , 'iidhan, hal yumkinuna aldhahab 'iilaa sadiqi awlaan..'iinah murid jdana.."
(Please then can we go to my friend first ...he is very ill ...).

" Akid tuqaliq, hsnana ,sanadhhab awlaan 'iilaa manzil sadiqik..faqat 'ajlis fi alsayarat waimnahna aitijaha munazilaha" .

(Sure Ali ...don't worry okay we will first go to your friend's house..just sit in the car and give us the direction of his house).

Nodding fervently his head ,Ali quickly sat in the car ,followed by Khaled and Mr Rahman who quickly started the ignition and moved the car towards the direction provided by Ali.


Knowing that haulting the car just before the house would be dangerous for the safety of the family ,they decided to stop the car in the alleyway. Mr Rahman, Khaled and Ali stepped out of the car and stealthily walked towards the house of Ali's friend. Making Khaled and Mr Rahman stand before entrance of the house ,Ali ran at the back of the house and opening one of the windows ,he jumped inside the house. And a minute later , the front door opened to reveal Ali smiling at them. Pulling the door wide ,he allowed Khaled and Mr Rahman enter inside the house and quickly closed the door. He led them through a dark corridor leading towards a room that was dimly lit.

Entering the room, Khaled noticed a bed in which a boy was sleeping and besides him a man was sitting and near him a women was standing . He quickly looked down and followed Ali inside .

"He is doctor....he treat Eric ...don't worry Mrs Cook ..." Ali said in English.

During the drive towards his friend 's house ,Ali had told them that his friend Eric is  from England who had came with his parents to tour Syria .But during their excursion to Aleppo, the mishap began making them trap in Aleppo . And when they tried to escape from Aleppo , a prisoner group looted them but Eric and his parents somehow escaped them and found a refuge in a deserted house .And one day in search of food ,Eric met Ali and they instantly grew fond of each other and became best chum of each other. Khaled moved towards Eric when Mrs Cook spoke up,

" We don't need your service....first you people make us reach this state you do charity works ...leave from here ".

Khaled looked nonchalantly at Mrs Cook then looking at Mr Cook who nodded at him ,he moved towards Eric but before he could touch him ,Mrs Cook came and slapped Khaled hard on his face making everyone shocked,Mr Cook tried to intervene but Khaled gestured him not to .

" Don't you touch my son ,your country ,your religion everything disgusts people only know how to kill people ,torture them not to help because that's what your orthrodox ,narrow minded religion teaches you ....what was our fault to be trapped here with no food ,no clothes like a beggar boy has been living a life of a street urchin and now is in this condition...because of WHO....YOU! YOU !ONLY YOU PEOPLE!..GO from here before I do what you people are expert in ....".
Mrs Cook seethed in anger .

Heaving a sigh ,Khaled said,

"I won't be exaggerating if I would I say I understand Mrs Cook from where you are think we won't be able to understand your pain when every single person of this country has been going through same or maybe more torments and agony for number of years that you don't even want to know....what Eric suffers from many children of Syria have been going through and now has become norm of their life...but you tell me is this kind of life worth being a norm for any child ? No ! So why was it wrong if people of this country tried to stand up against the injustice that was the cause of the norm that their children and they themself were experiencing..was it ?.And you say my religion Islam teaches me to kill you think the religion which promotes the first word said to a known or unknown person is praying peace ,mercy and blessing for him/her would ask people to kill each other ,the religion which formids the waste of water while doing ablution would promote wasting of blood and lives.And do you think a religion which preaches 'Whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed entire humanity' will ask people to be heartless and barabaric. And this boy Ali who gave your son's health more priority then his own family you think he would have done so if his religion taught him to be heartless and about killing people.No Mrs's not my religion which is narrow minded and orthrodox but it is people who judge it without knowing about my religion are such. And the mayhem created in this country which has only increased the suffering of my people ..due you think this is what we wanted  ...No we wanted to protest and stand against injustice but not to start the chain of even more severe  brutality and cruelty.Even your reaction was violent when you experienced the pain as us  but people of this country began with a non violent protest because people of this country have known the suffering of losing people ..they wanted justice not massacre. Whatever is happening none of us wanted this ,but people of this country have no choice to raise weapon to protect their family, in self defence ...and that's what my religion teaches to stand up against injustice and ...that's what I feel what every country's constitition even yours implies when it talks about freedom and justice now if you let me tend to Eric don't let your anger come in between the health of your child and as a mother I think you would understand that better than me".

Mrs Cook looking down stepped aside and Khaled moved towards Eric. Checking up on him ,Khaled gave medicines to Mr Cook while saying ,

"Not enough warm clothes has led to this state of Eric ...apart from medicines I am giving  ...use blankets and sweaters which Mr Rahman is gone to bring and don't let him go out until he is fine as if not taken care simple cold can take shape of pneumonia ...and we certainly don't want that...and also take good care of his diet too ".

" Don't worry food Mr Cook....I got food packet and come again time to time to give you more " Mr Rahman said as he entered the room with blankets and sweaters.

"Khaled know so good English....I speak too but not good..  Hassan my best friend in school ...he first in English speak in class....can I become good speaking at English like you I be first in class when school opens again" Ali whispered in Khaled's ear making him smile .

" It does not matter whether you speak good English or not what matter is to have a good heart and you have one Ali ...but if you want I will talk to you in English okay to help you in securing first position in class like your best friend Hassan" Khaled whispered back and ended with a wink and stood up from the bed and said,

" Don't worry Mr & Mrs Cook...Eric will be fine in no time ...isn't it Eric ?"

Eric nodding his head smiled slightly .Ali beamed at his friend while Mr Cook came forward and shaking Khaled's hand said,

"Thank you for your help " Saying it Mr Cook looked backforth between Khaled and Mr Rahman as he continued,

" You two came as a mercy of Christ to me and my family and I am sorry for my wife's behaviour she is..."

" It's alright Mr Cook ..I can understand no need for apology or thank you....this is the least we can do as human beings and HIS servants "

Saying it ,Khaled,Mr Rahman and Ali walked out of the house when while existing they heard a feeble voice of Mrs Cook saying ,

" Thank you ".

They all looked back at her and only nodding their head at her in respect walked out of the house and stealthily walked towards the alleyway where Mr Rahman had parked the car . As they reached the place ,Khaled said ,

"Mr Rahman you stay here as it would be tedious to take the car around..I will go with Ali  if I don't turn up within one hour leave".
Mr Rahman tried to deny him but Khaled beat him to it as he continued saying,

" Mr Rahman please don't deny's not safe for Mrs Rahman , twins and Dr Emaan to remain alone for such longer period especially in this circumstance ...I will in sha Allah turn up before one hour but if I don't you know what to do ..."

Khaled looked earnestly at Mr Rahman who eventually nodded his head and said ,

" May Allah's protection be with you ".

Khaled swiftly nodded his head and steathily followed Ali towards his home at street 11.

After giving up the food packages and checking up on Ali 's mother ,Khaled bid goodbye to Ali and his family and moved out of the house & seeing that he had still half an hour left of his alloted time ,he moved towards the place where Mr Rahman was waiting with his car. But as he moved ,he heard footsteps behind him and as he turned around to find Ali following him ,

"Ali what are doing out here ...go back's not safe....did you "

Khaled couldn't complete what he was saying as Ali shocked him by hugging him .Khaled smiled and crounching down ,hugged him back .

" Shukran for everything  a hero ..May Allah give you lots of happiness.."

" Jazakillah khair for your special dua young man ...always be this good and courageous okay and take care of your mother and sisters like this only..& one more favour keep me in your duas I kind of need it a lot ".

Saying it ,Khaled smiled and standing up ruffled Ali 's hair .But the smile dropped when he heard the footsteps and voices of men. Not having enough time to run back to Ali's house ,Khaled holding Ali's hand ushered towards a dark alleyway. Crouching down behind a dumpster ,Khaled peeked to see eight -nine men with guns lurking around the alleyway.Khaled looked back at Ali who though was scared but was trying to hide his frightened state. Khaled knowing Ali would be scared, deliberately ignored it as not to embarass him as he whispered,

" I know you are not scared of those men...but I think we better stay here for a while until they leave...we can't fight so many people with guns...can we?"Khaled ended with a smile which Ali couldn't see because of darkness and hence only nodded his head fervently .

Soon the men dispersed with only two men left around the alleyway. Khaled knew that it would be difficult to sabotage two men with gun as if anyone of them would shot a fire would signal other men to know and gather .And his aim was to take Ali back to his house without letting the lurking men know.  .Thus he had only one idea to fulfill his plan.He looked at his watch and it was above one hour and knowing Mr Rahman would likely have left, he decided go with his plan. Quickly collecting the pebbles from the rubble surrounding them ,he asked Ali,

" I am going to next alleyway and would try to distract these two men's away from here ..and when they leave you gonna make a run for your house ...okay".

"But..what about you akhi?"

" Don't worry about me I will be fine in sha Allah...this is only way left for us to escape as I don't think they will be leaving this place anytime soon ..and I fear your mother or sisters might come out in search of run as soon as I get them away from here okay"

" How will you do it akhi ?"

" Just leave that to just remember to do your job ..okay I know you will do it " Khaled said and lovingly kept his hands on Ali's head and moved ahead when Ali stopped him saying ,

" I know you will do it akhi safe .." Ali hugged Khaled quickly and moved back .Khaled smiled and walked stealthily towards other side of alleyway and finally making a round he reached the corner of the street from where he could see two men with guns standing .He tossed the one of the pebbles in his hands and muttering Bismillah ,shot at the one of the men.

( The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: 'Any important work that does not begin with Bismillah is imperfect and devoid of Barakah').

The Barakah' of the Bismillah prospered in the form of getting his shot right as the pebble hit one of the men behind the ear. The man wincing alarmingly looked around while other man stood in guard. This time Khaled shot the pebble in between them and didn't hid behind the wall like earlier as to let the men see him in order to drive them away from the alleyway. And his plan worked, as soon as the men saw him,they chased him while shooting bullets at him. Khaled ran inside the alleyway and jumped over the dumpster and climbed across the boundary of a house and jumped inside it quickly. Khaled out of breath,leaned over the boundary of wall & pursed his lips together to clamp up the wince that had sprouted from unbearable pain erupted in his injured arm as he heard the footsteps across the boundary wall.

"Ayn bd 'anah dhabab dakhil alzuqaq..wa 'ant tutliq alkthyr min alrasas...'ana rijal alshurtat alsayiyiyn 'uetuu albanadiq faqat walakun lays alkthyr min alrasas...lidha la tudieww minhum ".

(Where did he vanished ....must have gone inside the alley ...and you don't shoot too many bullets ...that nasty cops have given only guns but not much bullets don't waste them).

The other man grumpled in response and followed his comrade. Hearing the fading sound of footsteps ,Khaled tentatively peeked over the boundary to see the men turning into the corner. Khaled swiftly climbed over the boundary and carefully jumped down the wall. Dusting off his hands ,Khaled stood up and looking back for once to check no sign of the men, Khaled moved out of the alley . As he turned around the corner, he saw Ali standing near his house looking around fervently but his eyes stopped as he spotted Khaled and quickly waving at him moved towards him but Khaled stopped him in his track by raising his hands and gestured him to go back to his home.Ali unwillingly nodded and moved inside his house. Closing the door ,Ali quickly ran inside his drawing room and carefully removed the curtain from the window facing the road and saw Khaled walking away stealthily. His mother standing next to him asked ,

" Madha taraa..eali yaghliq alsitar , qad yarak ma shakhs ma...wama aldhy aistaghraq wqtana twylaan lileawda?.."

( What are you seeing ..Ali close the curtain ,someone might see you...and what took so long to come back..?.)

" Ammi 'aerif ma 'urid 'an 'asbah eindama 'akbar ".(Ammi I know what I want to become when I get older) ,Ali said looking back at his mother and sisters who stopped munching cookies and looked at him inquisitively .

" 'Urid 'an 'asbah mithl al 'akh Khaled"  (I want to become like brother Khaled) , Ali smilingly said as he looked back outside to see Khaled turning away at the corner.

Seeing Ali vanished inside the house ,Khaled turned around and stealthily walked towards the street 10 where he remembered he had parked the car of Dr Masry, oblivious that in his list of admirers a new name was added. As he walked stealthily towards the street 10 ,he heard the sound of a vehicle ,Khaled groaned and quickly ran inside the alleyway and hid behind a broken down car .Khaled was feeling an intuition that men in vehicle might have seen him as the car stopped near the alleyway .The men jumped out of the jeep and whispering something among themselves scattered around. The temperature had dropped few more degrees,with bone chilling wind blew gallantly. Khaled shoved his hands in his jacket pockets when something from his right pocket of jacket pricked him. Khaled scowled and clamping his wince ,he took out the object that though had pricked him and caused blood to profuse out from his finger but has given his dead frozen fingers a life of sensation. The object much to Khaled's bewilderment, turned out to be a pin with a beautiful shimmering small flower at its one end. Khaled furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he looked at the pin in his hand, perplexed that how that object had found refuge in his jacket when a realisation dawned on him as he remembered who was the possessor of his jacket a hours ago . Shaking his head ,he thought ,

Not only the girl but her belongings are also dangerous.

Heaving a sigh ,Khaled moved to keep the pin back to his pocket when he heard the footsteps near the alley. He hastely stood up but in his haste the pin dropped ,Khaled groaned in frustration and again sat back to find the pin when he heard the voice behind him,

" Quf waistadir!"

( Stand up and turn around !)

Khaled was about to stand up when he saw the glittering flower near the tyre of broken down car and moved to pick it up when he again heard,

"Hal 'ant 'asam...faqat quf wastadara...wa 'iidha qumt bi 'aya khatwat 'ukhraa falan yakun dhalik mfydana lak"

(Are you deaf ....just stand up and turn around..and if you make any other move it won't be good for you ).

Thinking it will take just a moment to pick up the pin ,Khaled moved his hands further to pick up the pin and at the same time he heard the sound of loading of a gun behind his head.



Phew!that was a long chapter to write and quite tiresome but can't deny I enjoyed writing it...and hope you all had the same experience not of tiring but of enjoyment😉.

Also you all must be thinking that I have been putting Khaled & Emaan into danger a lot ...but sadly that's how life in Syria is ...every moment is about life and death..

And my dear readers who thought that Mr Rahman had made a suggestion of marriage...ah..I am sorry to disappoint you all on that...marriage is on the list but not like this🤗

And sorry for the late update as I was not feeling well 🤧🤧🤒...

Before you leave please recite,

'Rabbana atina fid duniya hasanatan,wa fil akhirati hasanatan ,wa qina 'adhab- annar'

( O our RAB !give us in this world which is good and in the Hereafter which is good and save us from the punishment of the Fire )

This supplication was most often recited by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

[Al Bukhari and Muslim ]

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas.

Faqat abd e AR RAHMAN

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌸

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