Regret ,sorrow and a tale of love

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Regret is that predator that does not pounce on its prey called heart immediately but patiently strangles it with doubts and then slowly and sadistically suffocates it with guilt leaving the heart numb with only one feeling throbbing inside : the feeling of regret. And this was the feeling that captured Emaan 's heart since Khaled and Mr Rahman left . She was a person for whom rudeness was out of character but she couldn't seem to comprehend why she had been so rude to Khaled ,when his refusal to her request had only stemmed out for her own well-being and protection. Her mind had become labyrinth of thoughts where she couldn't manifest whether she felt angry on being denied or at the unhinging of Pandora's box of feelings that Khaled's concern had caused to unleashed. And adding to all this fiasco ,there was a sense of apprehension that circulated in her mind regarding Mr Rahman and Khaled 's well being. Her mind kept on breeding premonition that was challenging her mental stability and provoking her anxiety to crawl out of its hideout and ambush her sanity.It was indeed unfathomable for her how Mrs Rahman and Adila and Abida bore this sense of anxiousness every night until Mr Rahman returned home .

Not wanting to tangle up her already muddled mind and desperately wanting to clamp up the shrieks of novel thoughts resonating her entire being Emaan decided to silence it by the words of her Rab ..HIS words that just not had the power to prevail peace in the hearts of sublunary lot but also make the Angels in Heaven to descend down just to be a part of that pouring peace and mercy that only ungrateful yet blessed humans were priviledged with. Asking for Quran from Mrs Rahman who had been busy in sewing up Emaan's torn clothes and despite Emaan's persuasion had refused to accept any help, Emaan sat on the bed with the Quran...she knew this was her only remedy as she had enough of her clamourous thoughts and the confusion they were ensuing in her mind ,it was ridiculous that she wasn't able to understand her own very self or articulate those thoughts in words but with Quran in her hands she knew her every confusion will evaporate as she was going to listen to her Rab talking to her ,making the clouds of chaos inside her vanish with the glistening light of HIS words .

She opened the Quran and after reading Surah Fatiha ,she turned to an anonymous page as it was the beauty of Quran ,every single page had the answer to the muddle mind ,a hope for the hopeless heart and a promise that was enough to let peace and happiness bloom in every cell of body. And though Quran was a book for entire humanity but every time one read it ,it felt it was just made specificially for him /her . Just like the love of AR RAHMAN that was general and pervasive for entire humanity yet so particular and specific for each abd reflected in every blink of the eyes ,every breath one took and each beat heart throbbed . As she opened a new page ,her eyes fell on the verse:

' And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him . He will make a way for him to get out [of every difficulty] ( Surah At -Talaq 65 :2)'

Reading the verse, automatically a smile graced Emaan's lips and a sense of tranquility had already began to settle in her heart as she knew she was conversing with the ONE who knew everything about her heart even before her heart knew. Peace and calmness flow down her veins as she read Qur'an but to her annoyance her hijab continued to slip. She knew the hijab Mrs Rahman had given was kind of slippery but her pins always held any kind of hijab .As the hijab slipped again ,she put her hands on her head to stable it only to realize she had only one pin on her hijab.Bewildered ,she took out the pin only to be left horrified that her mother's favourite hijab pin was missing. A surge of panic run down her entire being ,Emaan quickly completed reciting the entire surah and closing it ,she quickly whispered a dua ,

'Rabbana taqabbal Minna innaka antas-sameeul Aaleem ( Our Rabb ! Accept from us this ( service ); verily you are the All -Hearing ,the All-Knowing '

Ya Allah please don't my let my mother's pin be know what it means to me...don't take it away from me one can understand but I know YOU understand how special it is to me ...please Ya Rabbi.

Stroking her face with her hands and rubbing off her tears ,Emaan quickly stood up taking the Quran and keeping it in the shelf carefully, she ran towards Abida and Adila's room. She stealthily walked around the room as not to wake up the twins and silently searched for her pin . She checked the washroom thoroughly but still she couldn't find it .She knew she hadn't lost it outside as she remembered wearing it when she had came here but she couldn't seem to recall where she had kept it .Her mind had been filled with so many thoughts that had made her oblivious to anything but them.

Frustrated and teary- eyed,Emaan walked towards the drawing room in hope that her hijab pin might have fallen there. She knew for many her reaction towards a pin would be overexaggerated ,but for her that pin was just not a mere pin, it was a emblem of memories. That memories which after her parents death was an oar through which she tried to survive the sea of solitude .And haunted by the fear that those memories will fade away like a sand in the air with time, she attached every memory with a object ,so that those memories remained alive by being stored not only in the corridors of her heart but in the realm of that inanimate walls of objects making those objects a piece of her heart ..and how was she not suppose to fear of losing a piece of her heart! As she was walking through the corridor ,she heard Mrs Rahman from behind. She turned to see Mrs Rahman with her clothes ,

" Emaan I did what I could ...they so bad torn can't..." Mrs Rahman stopped what she was saying as she looked at the teary eyes and melancholic expression of Emaan. She quickly moved closer to Emaan and asked ,

" What happened daughter...some pain "?

Emaan nodded her head in negative and looking down while fidgeting with her fingers said ,

" No Mrs Rahman I am fine...don't worry about me "

"Emaan habibti tell me I like your mother "

"Mrs Rahman I lost my hijab pin ".

Mrs Rahman looked at Emaan for a while then said smiling,

"Daughter why worry ...I have loads of can take ...was it pricey ?".

" No actually...Mrs Rahman it was beyond any worth was my mother's favourite pin and it's very special to me...I have memories attached to it "Emaan said solemnly while looking down to hide her tears.

Mrs Rahman stroked Emaan's face as she said ,

" Don't worry habibti ...I help you find it will here only don't worry okay ".

Emaan looked gratefully at Mrs Rahman while nodding her head and followed Mrs Rahman towards the drawing room. Even after thoroughly checking every corner and area of drawing room,they still couldn't find it . Despondent and melancholic ,Emaan blinked back her tears before she said ,

"Mrs Rahman's okay you should rest now ..I don't want you tire yourself because of me and my stupidness ".

Mrs Rahman smiled at Emaan and said,

" I am fine Emaan...and don't worry Allah know what that pin mean to you ..HE will bring to you...Hasbi Allah ....and maybe Adila and Abida have hide it....they do a lot ..once they wake up ...I ask them so don't worry ".

Emaan smiled slightly at Mrs Rahman but sadness still scrape her heart . Seeing her dejected expression , Mrs Rahman decided to distract Emaan and thus she took hold of Emaan's arm and making her sit on the sofa she said,

" You sit here I got a thing to show you help you to change mood ".

Emaan smiled at Mrs Rahman who smiling back at Emaan walked out of the drawing room . Emaan sighed as she reclined on the sofa while thinking,

Maybe it's a punishment for being unnecessarily rude to Dr Khaled ...maybe if I hadn't...

Her thoughts came to a pause when Mrs Rahman sat beside her with a photo album in her hands and said,

"This has photos of my & Raza childhood ,our marriage days and Adila and Abida's.....want to see.."

Emaan smiled nodding her head while Mrs Rahman scooting closer to Emaan, opened the album. Emaan giggled as she saw the first picture of the album : it was a photograph when Adila and Abida were just toddlers ,sitting together with chocolate smeared on their face while they grinned at the camera. The next photograph was when they were just infant sleeping together while Mrs Rahman smiling at them with tears in her eyes. She couldn't help but laugh at seeing the small version of Mr Rahman sitting on a stool with shirt and half pant with a grumpy face ,he looked beyond cute .

" Raza not like getting photographed and still...we force him to get one .." Mrs Rahman said while shaking her head while smiling all the while.

Emaan gushed over Mr & Mrs Rahman's marriage photographs making Mrs Rahman blush and chuckle altogether .The next photograph Emaan wouldn't have guessed was Mrs Rahman as with a boy cut hair with freckles and broken front teeth ,she looked like anything but Mrs Rahman .

" Well that's happens when your father don't know how to braid ...Raza always teases me with this photograph ..this is how looked when he saw me first time...I look idiot don't I ?"

" No you look beautiful and cute just like now".

" You very sweet Emaan ".

Emaan though in her heart felt sad but seeing the photo album she couldn't deny a sense of delight had erupted in her entire being ...seeing a family happy made her reminscenes her own sweet family. As Mrs Rahman turned the last page ,Emaan saw a beautiful hand-made envelope painted with beautiful cherry blossoms on it . Looking at Mrs Rahman ,Emaan asked inquisitively,

" Mrs Rahman this is such a beautiful envelope but may I ask why have you kept it in the photo album?"

Mrs Rahman smiled while looking lovingly at the envelope as she said,

" This envelope turning point of my and Raza love story !"

Emaan looked dreamily at the envelope and all the while inquisitive to know about Mr &Mrs Rahman's love story but thinking it would be too imprudent to step in someone's personal lives ,she stopped herself from asking the question her mind wanted to pursue so ardently. But she was left shocked when Mrs Rahman asked,

"Do you want listen to our tale of love ?"

Emaan like a child who had been granted her wish without even asking nodded her head fervently making Mrs Rahman chuckle in amusement.

" So let me start with the beginning ...not bored I hope you get ".

Emaan nodding her head in negative and pulled her legs on the sofa and crossing them she looked curiosily at Mrs Rahman to begin , Mrs Rahman smiling while shaking her head said ,

"You just like Adila and Abida but adult version "

Emaan flushed in embarassment and looked down bashfully.Mrs Rahman lovingly patted Emaan's shoulder as she said,

" It's okay habibti....dont shy ...I love it let me begin .....Just like my love story my entry this world was dramatic ....I born in seven month only ..Raza says that's why I always hurry in every work.." Emaan grinned at Mrs Rahman as she continued,

" I survived but my mother died. I was very weak my Aljida and my father so very protective of me ...they took care of me...I didn't go outside to play as I was weak than other child ,no school only home only best friend was my Aljida and my father...but I close to aljida more as father go to work so I spent my day and night with her....making colourful envelopes ..something I learnt and loved to make from my Aljida's paper craft....then when I was twelve my Aljida pass was tough time for me....seeing me sad my dad left job so he be with me ...he opened driving school ...I be with him everywhere when he taught driving to people or taught map of Aleppo or areas direction, rules....I learnt everything too...I became so good at knowing every road and map of Aleppo....alhamdulilah even better than my father....but then my father started noticing teenage boys coming to his school...who left their study so they can learn to drive and earn money because some issue of family....and among them was Raza Rahman. He was the most shy boy I had ever seen ....never talked much but my father loved him because he good both studies and driving and was very respectful to every one....and I felt jealous of him as I was only favourite of my father but seeing him becoming one also I angry him and disliked him . But the other boys of the driving school..disliked me "

Emaan scrunched her eyebrows as Mrs Rahman continued,

" Being a teacher's daughter who strict and being quite weak I become target of bully ...I dont told my father as I know I tell ..father not allow me to sit in his classes...and I don't want it as seeing popularity of my father's teaching ,other parents sending their children to coaching which include girls...and for me this the first time to have friends of my age I never told him...but everyone continue bully me ..even girls but everytime they bully Raza saved me ....and I being idiot thought he was not saving me but making me alone like him. Then years later , I would be 15 -16 I guess and Raza nineteen father's ex boss contacted him and said he wanted provide scholarship to his any one student father instant first choice Raza but he wanted give chance to his every student and not he prepared for a paper in which the highest score would be given scholarship.......but my father was sure Raza would win but he not know his daughter betray him and Raza....and till today I regret it so much ".

Mrs Rahman sighed before continuing,

" Though Raza always says to forget about it ..he say it does not matter but still......a week before exam the girls of my father's coaching took me with them and behaved nicely to me first time and I happy very..they said they will make me their friend as they now realised how good I was...but their friendship required a proof test that I would be loyal ....and my loyalty was tested asking me to bring the questions of the exams to them. I was reluctant but seeing first time having chance making friends I agreed and at night when father slept I slowly went to his study and copy all questions in my notebook and next morning gave them ....I was happy yet unhappy ...I was happy to be part of the girl's gang but still unhappy I guilty feel ...I couldn't meet my father's eyes....then exams happened and soon result came shocking everyone especially my father ...he could not believe Raza was second and Yasser came first who was the brother of the girl who asked me to bring the paper. Yasser and his family happy and I thought I happy too as I got friends but seeing Raza sad and broken made me feel unhappy just like after Aljida's death.....I couldn't sleep after that day I was sad ...and my father seemed to be lost also....and then one day I told my father truth but my father shock me when he said he knew as Raza had listened my talk with girls...and after the result he told him in his sad state but then asked my father not to scold me and not tell truth to anyone as I will lose friends and I will become bad in everyone eyes....I cried that day a lot and even today.."

Mrs Rahman blinked back her tears and smiled at Emaan who lovingly held her hand,

" I wanted to correct everything so the day my father's ex boss came back from his foreign trip to meet the boy who won his scholarship ...I told him truth ....he praised me for my honesty and decided to give scholarship to Raza....I happy but Yasser and everyone hated me, they broke friendship ...but I don't care I wanted Raza to study and be happy....his happiness was important to me now ...but then my father told me Raza won't take scholarship as his mother had paralysis attack and he shifting to Damascus for better treatment ...and was to leave his study so work full time to earn money needed for his mother's treatment.....I was heartbroken....I cried to Allah so much...and since that day my connection with Rab grow stronger. Raza left to Damacus ...I got no chance to sorry I was afraid and ashamed ...but I kept visiting Khadeja ukhti who stayed in Aleppo as she married here....I used to get information about Raza through her ....and I happy to know from her he started his study and every month when she used to go Damascus to visit them ...I used to give her cookies baked by me and in which I always kept a envelope like this saying I am sorry....Khadeja ukhti never knew about it as I told her I give cookies as a Shukran for everytime Raza save me from bully....everytime she came back I hoped Raza will reply back but he never and I never heart to face him when he came meet ukhti and father ....I deliberately hid for him...but still send him envelope of I am sorry...and with time I never realised when also seeking forgiveness of his I seeked his love too.....but I know he must hate me after what I did when first proposal came for me....I decided to say yes ..I had no friend so I discussed about my proposal to Khadeja ukhti who told me to follow my heart but my heart wanted to follow his brother ...and I can't said that to her ,can I .I nodded and went back home and praying to Allah to guide me to correct choice ..I slept. Next morning ,Khadeja ukhti came with cookies which I could serve for the guest coming see me ..after she went back I took out cookies and in them you know what I found....this envelope which I send to Raza and when I opened it had written" .

Mrs Rahman took out the envelope from the album and taking out a letter from it ,gave it to Emaan who carefully opened it and saw that in a very neat handwriting something was written in arabic.

"It say in arabic..'If you allow me can I send my proposal for you to your father'..... Raza "

Emaan looked back and forth between Mrs Rahman and letter being all enamoured by such an exquistive love story before she asked,

" So that means Mr Rahman loved you too !"

" Yes...after marriage he told he thinks he fell love with me when first time he saw me in that boy cut hair ,face full of freckles and broken front teeth".

Saying it ,Mrs Rahman chuckled while blushing and Emaan beamed at her before saying,

" So why didn't Mr Rahman never replied to your letters? "

Mr Rahman smiled and looked at the envelope as she thought,

Lm 'ajab abdana li 'anani kunt 'aerif 'anani sa 'antahi bialtaebir ean mushaeiri tajahuk...wa 'aradat 'an 'afeal dhlk eindama yakun ladaya alhaqi alkamil alqiam bdhlk....eindama kunt 'astahiquk...wa 'ant taerif ma aietaqadat 'anani ln 'astatie tahqiqah abdana lakunk saeadatni fi tahqiqah bishajaeatik wasadqik...karayiys sabiq lilmuelim lm yumual drasty fahsab, bal saeid fi eilaj walidati....walihdha lm 'ajab li 'ana tilk alrasayil kanat 'amali 'an la zilt tatdhakrini....'atamanaa 'an 'akun fi juz 'min qalbik ...'atamanaa 'an yatima alradu ealaa daeayiy.

(I never replied because I knew I would end up expressing my feelings for you ...and I wanted to do that when I had full right do so ...when I was worth you ...and you know what I thought I would never be able to achieve it but you helped me in achieving it by your courage and honesty teacher's ex boss not only financed my studies but helped in my mother's treatment ...and that's why I didn't replied as those letters were my hope that you still remember me ...a hope I occupied a part of your heart ...a hope my duas will be answered)

Coming out of her reverie ,Mrs Rahman looked at Emaan and said smilingly,

" Well I asked him too and believe me his reply better than any I love you ".

" I am sure it would have been Mrs Rahman " Emaan smiled at Mrs Rahman who blushed like a teenage girl.

"You know what daughter Raza made me realize we don't need many hearts to love us ...sometimes only one heart enough to fill life with love and happiness..and I pray you find that heart in your life soon".

Emaan blushed and immediately looked down while her heart whispered ,


Mrs Rahman chuckled at flushed expression of Emaan and said ,

" Okay now enough of my love story....let me get you something eat... you don't had dinner".

Emaan tried to deny but one glare from Mrs Rahman shushed her ,which made Mrs Rahman giggle. Mrs Rahman stood up and was about to move towards kitchen when they heard knock at the door. Mrs Rahman and Emaan looked apprehensively at each other waiting for the fourth knock after interval to happen like in their secret code manner taught by Mr Rahman.

But to their utter terror ,there was no fourth knock .



Okay ! After Sidra's parents ,Sidra's own love story here comes Mr & Mrs Rahman's love story ....I hope so you didn't got bored as everything will serve a purpose to the main plot ...and I wanted desperately to write their story ...cause sometimes such mini love stories gives boost to the main love story
...what do you think huh? 🙃 Was it good enough to entertain you and make you all smile ?

And who do you think is outside ?And what happened to Khaled ? And where is Mr Rahman ....all will be revealed in next chapter so stay tuned🤭 .....didn't it sounded like some promo of ridiculous tv show ..,khair chalta hai kabhi kabhi😉

Before you leave please do recite : ' Allahumma- hdini wa saddidni '(O Allah ! Direct me to the right path and make me adhere to the Straight path )

Ali ( May Allah be pleased with him) reported : The Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) said to me recite : 'Alhahumma-hdini wa saddidni '

[Muslim ]

Dedicating this chapter to a lovely sweetheart 1219saf & a sweet girl shab_05_

Do remember me and entire ummah in your duas .

Faqat abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🥰

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