The Mess Gets Messier

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Hearing the loading of the gun behind his head ,Khaled raised his one hand while with other, he swiftly picked up the pin and quickly stood up while sliding the pin in his jacket's pocket and turned around ,raising his both hands up to find five men standing before him with their guns pointed at him. Khaled gulped hard while keeping a stoic face while one of the men who looked the youngest among the five men spoke up ,

"Ftshwh wanzuruu ma aihtafaz bih fi jaybih wahi waqif "

(Search him and see what he kept in his pocket while standing up).

Khaled clenched his jaw as the man after frisking him at last put his hands in his jacket's pocket and took out the pin and smirking at Khaled passed it to his head while saying,

" Lays ladayh siwaa hdha alshay 'al anthawiu wamufazat Yawar "

(He has nothing except this girly thing and a wallet Yawar).

"Yumkinuk 'an takhudh kl al 'amwal almawjudat fi tilk almahfizat walikun tueid hdha alramz "(You can take all the money in that wallet but return that pin ) Khaled said seriously.

Yawar scrunched his eyebrows while looking at the pin in his hand before he said looking at Khaled ,

"Muthir lilaitimam..kunt tukhatir bihayatik min ajl hdha aldubus...waealaa aistiedad ltaqadim kl almal walakun la yabdu bahiz althaman...wala takhbiruni 'anak tastakhdmuh" (Interesting.. you were risking your life for this pin ...and ready to give all money but it doesn't seem so expensive ...neither a diamond ....don't tell me you use it) Yawar ended with a chuckle joined by his men.

". 'Iinah malak lishakhs akhar..lidha yumkinuk 'iieadatuh alan " ( It belongs to someone else would you now give it back). Khaled said nonchalantly trying to hide his surging annoynace .

" Ah ....yantami 'iilaa shakhs akhar, hdha yaeni 'anak min majmueat al 'asraa alqudhrat anty tanhab almanazil....lkn ybdw 'ana majmueatak lm tuetik shyyana siwaa hdha aldubus alradi' wamuhafazat biha bed alnuqud......."

(Ah....belongs to someone else huh so that means you are from those filthy prisoner groups who are plundering houses....but looks like your group gave you nothing except this lousy pin and a wallet with some cash ........)

They think I am from prisoner's group that means they are not..

" 'Ana last min baynihim " (I am not among them I...)

Khaled couldn't complete as Yawar began coughing hard making his men approach him while still keeping their guns pointed at Khaled. Yawar stabilized himself and gesturing to his men he was fine , stood up straight while rubbing off the slight blood from the corner of his mouth that had spurt out during his coughing spasm which didn't go unnoticed by Khaled ,who pushing back his annoyance asked,

" Hal 'ant bikhayr ...yumkinuni musaedatuk fi maerifa..'ant tbyb!

(Are you alright ...I can help you know ..I am a doctor !)

Before Yawar could reply ,three more men came holding two men whom Khaled instantly recognised as the men who were lurking around the alleyway and from whom he had escaped earlier.

"Yawar wajadna hdhyn alrajulayn min majmueat al 'asraa...'akhadhna 'aslihatahum wa 'aslihatan 'akhraa...madha nafeal alan bihim?".

(Yawar we found these two men of prisoner groups ...we have taken their guns and other weapons ...what should we do now to them ?).

Yawar looked at the two prisoner group men whose eyes were focussed on Khaled ,following their gaze Yawar looked at Khaled and then turning back at them asked ,

"Yaqul 'iinah tabib..lkn altariqat alty tabdu biha kulaakuma tabdu waka 'anak taerufuh ...hal hu juz' min eisabatika?"  

(He says he is a doctor....but the way you two are looking seems like you know him he a part of your gang ?).

Khaled looked calmly at the men but his calmness was replaced by shock as he heard one of the prisoner group men speak ,

"Hu qayiduna " (He is our leader ).

"MADHA ? HADHIH MJRD KADHABA!" (WHAT ? THAT 'S A SHEER LIE!) Khaled said walking intimidatingly closer towards the prisoner group men when Yawar and his men stopped him as Yawar said ,

" Ela alrghm min 'anak la tabdu waka 'anak juz' min majmueat sujana'...walakun baed dhlk huala 'alrijal lays ladayhim 'ayu sbb litatirik , 'alays kdhlk?....lidha la 'usadiquk alan...'usamat yakhukh kula shay ' thlathtan minhum li akhih...sayuqarir madha nafeal bihim...?"

(Though you don't look like to be a part of prisoner group .... but then these men dont have any reason to frame you ,do they ?....So can't believe you now...Osama take all three of them to Brother ...he will decide what we have do with them ....?)

Khaled tried to struggle free from the men holding him down as he glared at the two prisoners group men who discreetly smirked at him . He grit his teeth as he saw Yawar's men goad the prisoner group men to move but before they could move ,Khaled spoke up ,

"Aintazr ! Laday safqat min 'ajalik ....daeni 'aqtul hdhyn alrajulayn wasa 'ukhbiruk bikulin makhba limajmueat Al 'asraa ladayna ! "

(Wait ! I have a got a bargain for you ....let me kill these two men and I will tell you every hideout of our prisoner group !)

Listening to him ,the two prisoner group men looked at each other with shocked expression  while Yawar slighlty tilting his head said,

" Muthir lilahtimam...lkn 'alam tuqil qabl qlyl 'anak kunt tbybaan wama qaluh ean kawnik qaydaan kadhbatan".

(Interesting...but didn't you said just a moment ago you were a doctor and what they said about you being leader is a lie ).

"Lys al ' iinkar hu 'awal radin fiel likuli almujrim ..." (Isn't denial the first reaction of every criminal ...)Khaled said stoically while his heart beated with one single thought,

Astaghfirullah ya Rabbi!

Yawar quirked his eyebrows as he looked at Khaled while evaluating in his mind before he said,

"Wama rabhak fi hadha ...walimadha 'usduquk? " (And what gain you will have in this ...and why should I believe you?)

"Almukasab hu 'anani sa 'antaqim min hdhyn alshakhsayn alldhyn la ymkn 'an yakuna mukhlisin li ....wa 'aelam 'anani sa 'umut fulimadhaan la 'amut baed alaintiqam miniy...yjb tawkhiy alhidhr 'athna 'aitikhadh alkhiarat hayth yumkin kasab alkthyr wakhasarat bikhiar wahid...wahi khiaruk aldhy turid 'an tuksibah 'aw taksurah..."(Gain is I will get my revenge from these two who couldn't be loyal to me ....and basically I know I am going to die so why not die after taking my revenge ...& believing me is your choice and we must be careful while making choices as lot can be gained and lost with one choice ...and it's your choice you want to gain or lose...) Khaled ended with a smirk as he looked at prisoner group men who were now panicking .

Yawar measured Khaled with his eyes and looked at prisoner group men once before turning back to Khaled as he said ,

"Hsnana , sa 'usdiquk...yumkinuk alaintiqam wabaed dhlk satukhbir ean kli makhabi majmueatik...hsnana" . (Okay I will believe you can have your revenge and then you will tell about every hideouts of your group ...okay ).

Khaled nodded as he saw Osama and other men made two men of the prisoner group sit on their knees on the ground. Passing a gun to Khaled ,Osama said menancingly ,

"Hadha yahtawi ealaa rasasatayn faqat 'iidha hawalat altasaruf bidhaka'...sawf yatimu thaqab edt rasasat bidakhilik".

(This has only two bullets in them if you try to act smart ....several bullets will be pierced inside you ).

Khaled nodded as he took the gun and moved towards the side of the two prisoners group men who were sitting on their knees palpitating .Seeing Khaled pointing the gun at the ear of one of the prisoners group men,Yawar frowned as he asked,

"Limadha tushir 'iilaa adhanih?" (Why are you pointing at his ear ?)

" Hataa ymkn 'an yataharar dimaghuh alqadhr alkhyrana min jasadir alqdhr"

(So that his filthy brain can finally be free from his filthy body ).

Khaled grab the back of the slide of the gun and making the sound of loading of gun resonate while at the same time  Yawar and his men looked perplexed at him but before they could pour out their confusion ,one of the prisoner group men spoke up,

"Arjukum tuaqafuh...anqudhuna 'iinah yukadhib la yaerif 'ayu makhba...lays min majmueatina kunaa nuhawil alaintiqam minh li 'anah hajamuna...'anqadhna...'iinah kadhib...'iinah lays qayidna...sanakhbiruna ean makhabiina lkn yanqudhuna".

(Please stop him us he is lying he does not know any hideout ...he is not from our group we were trying to take revenge against him as he attacked us us ...he is liar..he is not our leader...we will tell about our hideouts but save us ).

Khaled smirked at them as he said ,

" Alan 'ant tatahadath " (Now you are talking ).

Saying it ,he moved towards Osama and taking out the two bullets from his jacket's pocket passed it to him along with gun while Osama ,Yawar and his other men looked at him with confusion yet their confusion was more profoundedly dominated by a sense of  admiration.

While the two men of the prisoners group looked at Khaled with shocked expression before one of them said,

"Laqad khadaeatna.....sawf tundim ealayk ya bunaya...."( You tricked will so regret you son.....)

Before he could complete Yawar gestured his men to take him and his comrade away .Seeing them taken away, Yawar turned towards Khaled as he asked ,

"Laqad 'arbakatni eindama alfraghat albunduqiat baynama jaealatha tabdu waka 'anak taqum bitahmiliha...walakuna madha law lm yaetarif hdha alrajul...laqan qad tama aistideawuk"

(You had me confused when you unloaded the gun while making it seem   you were loading it....but what if that man hadn't confessed ..your bluff would have been called out)

"Hsnana , kunt 'aerif ma hu alhaqi wallah daymana ealaa haqin...wa uwlayik aladhin yaqtulun ham ealaa al 'arjah khayifun min maut 'anfusahum, ldhlk antahazat fursatayun...wa 'aradat 'iithbat sadiqati walakun lays biqatl shakhs ma....'ana tabib 'afdal 'iinqadh al 'awrah walays akhadhuhum"

( Well I knew what was truth and Allah is always with the truth ....and those who kill are most probably scared of dying ...
so I took my chance ...and I wanted to prove my honesty but not by killing someone....I am a doctor I prefer saving lives not taking them)

"Yjb 'an 'aqul 'iinani muejib...wahilat alsilah hadhih tajealni 'ashuk fi 'anak tbyb ?"

(I must say I am impressed...and this gun trick of yours makes me doubt that you are a doctor ?)

"Elimatuh min eamiin...wa 'ana tabyb.."

(I learnt it from my uncle....and I am a doctor ..")

Yawar smiled and patting Khaled's shoulder said,

"Hsnana 'aetaqid 'anak...lkn daeni 'awsalak 'iilaa wijhatik..'aya mustashfa?"

(Okay I believe you ...but let me drop you to your destination ...which hospital?)

"Al Firdous ...lkn lm yumkinuni aldhahab 'iilaa hunak walakun eali aldhabab 'iilaa makan akhr"

(Al Firdous ...but I can't go there yet.. I got to go somewhere else)

"Hsnana ,sanaqum 'iisqatik 'aynama kanat wijhatik...hayth la yumkinuk 'an takun mhzawzana fi kl marat lileuthur ealayna wa 'ana khudaet albunduqiat hadhih la ymkn 'an tuamin alhayat alty taearifuha"

(Okay we will drop you wherever your destination is you can't be lucky everytime to find us and that gun trick can't safe life you know...)

Khaled brooded over a bit before nodding his head . Yawar smiled before he ordered one of his men,

"Khudh Al Basit ...balmnasbt manasmak"

(Basit take the way what's your name ?)

"Khaled "

" Anaa Yawar ". (I am Yawar ), Yawar said smilingly before he turned to Basit as he said ,

" Basit ...khudh Khaled 'iilaa sayaratina aljayb..eabdak tadhab maehum aydana waharun wajuzaf tandum 'iilaa Ibrahim wa Abdullah ,faqad yahtajun 'iilaa bed almusaeadat mae rijal majmueat alsujana'...."

(Basit..take Khaled to our jeep ... ,Abdul you also go with them and Haroun and Joesph you join Ibrahim and Abdullah they might need some help with those prisoner group men ....)

Saying it ,Yawar turned towards Khaled and said,

"Khaled adhhab maeahum...wa Basit 'abak almuharak yaemal ..'ana wa 'usamatan sanandum 'iilaykum fi lahza ...hsnana"

(Khaled you go with them ...And Basit keep the engine on.. me and Osama will join you in a moment ...okay).

Basit nodded and walked ahead followed by Khaled and Abdul.

As they were out of earshot ,Osama looked at Yawar who was still looking at the retreating figure of Khaled and his men and said,

"Yawar hal 'ant mtakd min 'anana ymkn 'an nathiq bhdha alrajul...ybdw 'anah dhuki lilghayat bihayth la yumkin alwuthuq bih"

(Yawar are you sure we can trust this guy...he seems to be too smart to be trusted )

Yawar looked at Osama before taking out a pouch from his pocket and taking out a pill from it ,he popped it in his mouth before saying,

"Ladaya shukuk...qal 'iinah tabib lakunah ln yadhhab 'iilaa almustashfaa ldhlk 'urid 'an 'aerif 'iilaa ayn hu dhahib wabimujrd 'an basil 'iilaa makanih...'ant taerif ma ealayk 'ant tafealuh Osama"
( I have my doubts ...he said he is a doctor but he is not going to hospital so I wanna know where is he going and as soon as we reach his place know what you have to do Osama ..)Yawar ended with a smirk which was returned by Osama as they walked towards the jeep.


Doubts ,suspicion and premonition : was a pattern that kept revolving in Khaled's mind as the jeep proceeded towards the direction of Mr Rahman's house. He had realised that Yawar and his men were from civillian's rebellion army but still a sense of suspicion rankled consistently in his mind .He had tried to read the expressions of Basit and Abdul sitting across him but they seem to have given him a competition in carrying a stoic face. Even the ambience during the drive was absolute normal with Yawar and his men discussing about the areas they needed to patrol and engaging Khaled in their conversation from time to time but Khaled still felt something was off.  A part of him wanted to align his doubts as an outcome of the haphazard day he had today and a part of him ticked with fear of probably putting the innocent lives in danger by trusting Yawar and his men. Having no option ,Khaled kept making duas alongside noticing every movement of Yawar and his men that would be unusual and justify his suspicion.Finally reaching Mr Rahman's house ,they all stepped out of the jeep  ,Yawar came infront of Khaled and offered his hand for a handshake as he said ,

" Tsharafat bilqayik ya Khaled ".

(Nice to meet you Khaled )

"Kdhlk huna .." (Same here..) Khaled said while shaking Yawar's hand and turned around letting his every suspicion and skepticism on Yawar and his men to fade away. But it was just for a moment ,as he had only moved a bit when Yawar signalled Osama and Abdul to capture him .Osama kicked behind Khaled's knees ,taking him off guard and then quickly grabbing Khaled's both hands behind his back on which Abdul instantly put handcuffs while at the same time Basit gagged his mouth with a cloth. Khaled was left shocked ,he accusingly glared at Yawar and his men and tried his best to struggle free when Abdul and Osama put him down forcefully.Yawar moved towards Khaled who was trying to struggle free from the tight hold of Abdul and Osama.Putting his hands in his pocket and slightly tilting his head,Yawar said,

" 'Asif Khaled...'ant dhuki lilghayat bihayth la yumkin alwuthuq bih bshwltan " (Sorry Khaled are too smart to be easily trusted....) Yawar ended with a smirk and looked at Basit as he said ,

" Basit taerif ma ealayk faealah" ( Basit you know what you have to do )

Basit nodding at Yawar ,ran towards the house  while Khaled's heart drummed as he mentally lambasted himself for being so stupid and getting the lives of Rahman family and Emaan in danger. He quickly moved his eyes to find Mr Rahman's car but to his increasing horror he couldnt find it .

Mr Rahman hasn't returned yet or what ?

Thinking Mr Rahman's absence at home ,Khaled panicked and tried to struggle free from the hold but to his utter frustration, Osama and Abdul tighten down their hold on him more strongly and with him being handcuffed was aiding them to make every effort of his to free himself totally useless .As he saw Basit knock at the door ,he prayed in his heart,

Don't open the door Dr Emaan ...don't open the door ...Ya Allah protect them ..


Mrs Rahman and Emaan looked at each other apprehensively waiting for the fourth knock but to their utter horror ,there was none thereby converting their apphrension to anxiousness . Mrs Rahman couldn't understand that the area leading to entrance door was always dimly lit giving no sign that anyone lived in the house then how could anyone know of their existence and their street being under the protection of Civillian rebellion army had never yielded any unexpected knocks at her door ,then who could be outside ? Her brain rattled with myriad questions and her every effort to seek answers to her questions brought a new surge of fear and apprehension in her heart . With shivering bodies and palpitating hearts ,Emaan and Mrs Rahman moved towards the area leading to entrance door. Mrs Rahman looked through the peephole but to her confusion she couldn't see anything felt like peephole view was blocked . While Emaan discreetly peeked from the window that faced the outside view only to be left horrified and a gasp to escape her lips as she saw Khaled held by two muscular men while he struggled and his mouth being gagged with a cloth. Listening her gasp ,Mrs Rahman walked towards Emaan and seeing Emaan's terrified state ,Mrs Rahman's heart trembled vigorously and with shivering hands she peeked through the curtain. Her reaction was nothing different from Emaan's but her terror was emulsified when she didn't found Mr Rahman among the men .She put back the curtain as she felt her entire world rotating and she would have crumbled down on the floor only if Emaan hadn't held her . She looked at Emaan and a whimper escaped her lips as she said ,

" I can't find Raza ...Raza is not ..."

Emaan felt her heart tear apart listening to Mrs Rahman's painful voice ,she didn't had the guts to see such a precious love story turn into a tragedy . Before she could comfort Mrs Rahman ,door banged loudly making both Emaan and Mrs Rahman flinch back .But controlling her fear ,that was squeaking her heart making it difficult for her to breathe and think ,Emaan said with shivering voice ,

" Nothing would have happen to Mr Rahman ..okay Mrs Rahman..breathe ...I am sure he is fine ..Dr Khaled is there ...and I know he wouldn't have let anything happen to Mr Rahman ..but we need to do something to save Dr Khaled so that we can know where is Mr Rahman".

Mrs Rahman nodded her head and rubbing off her tears she listened to Emaan ,

" Mrs Rahman do you have something with which we can hit someone ...bat or something and something to a ah...a rope"

Mrs Rahman brooded for a bit before saying ,

" We have rope and there is baseball bat ..should I bring it"

Emaan nodded while Mrs Rahman ran to bring the baseball bat and rope . And Emaan quickly ran towards twins room and seeing that they were asleep she locked their room and rapidly ran back to the entrance area and crounching down on her knees peeked through the gap below the door and kept looking through it until Mrs Rahman came . She quickly stood up  and closed the dimly lit bulb making the area totally dark and whispered ,

" Through the gap I could only find one pair of feet..  so that means there is only one guy at the door...Mrs Rahman what you have to do is to open the door silently and hide behind the door while I will stand across the door ...with this dark he won't be able to see me  and as soon as he would enter I will hit him with the bat ...and at that instant you will close the door and then we will quickly tie him up and put that console table against the door so that the other men outside are not able to open the door ...and then we can ask from them to give us Dr Khaled in exchange of the man ".

Mrs Rahman skeptically looked at Emaan while Emaan gulped hard as she was herself skeptic about the idea and its successful implementation. But her mind kept reeling the image of Khaled being held by men and absence of Mr Rahman gave her the courage to follow her plan no matter how much skeptical she was about it . As Mr Rahman was like a father to her and Khaled no matter how much she denied she had come to care about him and how she could she not when he had acted as anything but her saviour ,going out of his way to ensure her safety , standing like a mountain not fearing his own death just to protect her then she could atleast make an effort to curb her roaring fears and anxiety and make a step to protect them for a change and knowing that her Rab was near gave her the much needed courage and determination to make that step.  Silently making duas in their hearts ,Mrs Rahman and Emaan took their position and even though they both were perspiring with innumerable fears but darkness of area hid it and taking eachother nod as stimulus ,Mrs Rahman opened the door .



Phew ! I wanted to write more but I wanted to do justice to do all drama created in this chapter I decided to keep it short ...I hope you all liked it ...well I tried my best to give you all best ...🙃

And next chapter would be longer waise toh saare hi hoty hai ....🤭

And also I had a kind request if you all could please share this book with your friends who might like it ....though no compulsion and pressure ...if you don't it's alright it's not like I would pray that you all are haunted by a ghost of coughing old woman in your dreams every night or see a man dangling on your ceiling fan...or would I 😉🤭...just kidding I am insane but not cruel ...😁

Also before leaving please do recite " Allahumma al -himni rushdi , wa a 'idhni min sharri nafsi ( O Allah! inspire in me guidance  and deliver me from the evils from myself )

Imran bin Husain (May Allah be pleased with him) reported :'The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught my father two statement to recite in his dua.These are : "Allahumma Al -himni rushdi , wa a 'idhni min sharri nafsi "

[At -Tirmidhi ]

Do remember me and entire ummah in your duas.

Faqat abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🍀

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