Winx in Bloom

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Winx in Bloom

The Trix were swimming about in the pristine seas of Domino, planning their next move to take down the Winx Club, especially Daphne. Icy led Darcy and Stormy toward a cave that housed something they could use... At Domino Castle, Bloom had breakfast with Oritel and Marion, discussing the party for Daphne's long-awaited return to life. Speaking of whom, Daphne crashed into the door before being helped up by Bloom. She walked up and accidentally bumped into the chair before haphazardly sitting down. It was apparent that Daphne hadn't gotten used to her corporeal, physical body, having spent nearly twenty years as a transparent, insubstantial disembodied spirit and was freely capable of phasing through all things solid. While Bloom and her parents were excited about the upcoming party, Daphne felt a bit down and awkward, feeling that her revival had downgraded her somewhat. She quickly left after bumping the table and her chair, and had trouble opening and closing the door.

Back in the ocean, the Trix came across a sea cavern where the Beast of the Depths was located. The Trix used their powers to control it and send it towards Domino. At the castle, Bloom went to talk with her troubled elder sister. Daphne felt her powers as the Nymph of Domino were gone since acquiring her physical and solid body and felt she might not be able to live up to her responsibility as Domino's guardian. Bloom tried to reassure her that Daphne still had all of her Sirenix powers to fall back on. It was then that the Specialists arrived with Tony, Aurora, and the other Winx in a transport ship. Bloom went down to meet them, happy to see Sky. As they were about to have a moment, Daphne came down and tumbled towards the group. Trying to regain her footing, she comically stepped on Riven's foot, tangled Brandon in his own cape, and slammed into Timmy's stomach before crashing to the ground. Another incident happened when Bloom was accidentally standing on Daphne's scarf as she was leaving, causing her to crash into the Winx girls. Stella immediately thought it was time for a makeover. Tony felt sorry for Daphne. He and Aurora understood how she felt because Aurora was having problems getting used to being solid.

In Daphne's room, Tony and the Winx tried to get Daphne and Aurora reacquainted with being truly alive and physically solid again. Musa conjured up a scratch-board for some music while Aisha tried to teach them to dance. Tecna provided Daphne and Aurora with new bright purple-colored cellphones, and Stella spelled them each a brand new gown and hairstyle. At the time of the party, nobles from around had gathered to welcome Daphne back home. Aurora's party would be the following week on Sonaria. Unfortunately, the Trix crashed the party and unleashed the Beast of the Depths to go after Daphne and Aurora both. The Winx Club and the Specialists tried to fight the monster off, but nothing worked. Everyone quickly retreated into the palace and barred the monster out temporarily. Daphne broke down in tears, as she felt useless since she was unable to do anything. She told Bloom and the others that the Beast of the Depths couldn't be defeated, only controlled. Aurora too felt helpless, as she had also been having trouble with her powers.

The Winx Club then summoned their Sirenix Guardians for help, where they told them that the "Inspiration of Sirenix" would be able to restore Daphne's and Aurora's self-confidence and full strength and powers as Sirenix fairies and that the location was "the source". Tecna deduced it to be at Lake Roccaluce, where they had first achieved their Sirenix forms and abilities. They quickly left for the lake, not knowing the Trix were secretly following. At Lake Roccaluce, the Winx Club went to the cavern where they got their powers and searched to find the Inspiration. All came up empty-handed, but believed that they could find it together. It was then Bloom realized the "source" was none other than themselves, and that they were the Inspiration of Sirenix. They quickly left, but were blocked off by the Trix. Not wanting to waste time dealing with the three witches, the Winx Club easily took them down.

On Domino, the monster was slowly breaking through the doors. Daphne and Aurora retreated to the balcony to sacrifice themselves to save everyone. Bloom, Tony, and the Winx arrived in time to stop her and used convergence to instill self-confidence in Daphne and Aurora. The monster then knocked Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, Tony, and Aisha to the ground before grabbing Bloom. Seeing their younger siblings and friends in danger, Daphne and Aurora transformed into their dormant Sirenix forms. Transformed, Daphne and Aurora easily took control of the beast and sent it back to where it came from, ordering it to threaten Domino and its people no longer. The celebrations regarding Daphne's long-awaited return to life then joyously continued.

A new school year began at Alfea. All students including Tony and the Winx returned to Alfea. Bloom and Daphne arrived at Alfea excitedly, but Daphne was still nervous about becoming the History of Magic teacher. Tony had no roommates yet, as he was still the only boy fairy to come to Alfea. Bloom came to her room happily where she met her friends: Musa, Aisha, Flora and Tecna. Then, they saw several students coming out of Stella's room with unique outfits, and one of them dropped Stella's boutique card, (Stella Couture). The Winx went up to Stella's room to check it out for themselves. Stella was so happy to see her friends and explained about her new boutique. Thanks to Stella's creativity, they were dressed smartly for their new school year. Suddenly, Griselda came to the Winx's room and Stella quickly hid her secret boutique in her room. Griselda was expecting them for Miss Faragonda's speech at the History of Magic Classroom.

In the History of Magic Classroom, Faragonda honorably introduced Daphne as the History of Magic teacher in front of her students. The Winx and the other students clapped their hands to welcome their new teacher. A moment later, the pixies came to surprise Faragonda for her 100th anniversary as headmistress at Alfea. Tony and the Winx were so happy to see their bonded pixies. Griselda was shocked about the news the pixies told everyone, as it was meant to be a secret. The pixies invited Faragonda to celebrate outside Alfea as their presents were waiting for her. Outside Alfea, the pixies used their special magic to hold a special party for Miss Faragonda. The fairies at Alfea College celebrated the party happily. Tony noticed the Winx's new outfits and Stella sweetly conjured one up for him too.

Meanwhile at Cloud Tower, Griffin introduced herself and asked her new students to show their powers. A young witch named Selina, who was from Earth, made her first introduction to her powerful evil book, Legendarium. Selina showed them how the Legendarium worked by reviving legendary trolls, the Gloomy Wood Trolls, and ordered them to attack Pixie Village. The Winx transformed to help the pixies. They fought against the Trolls with the help of the Pixies. Griffin doubted about the powers of the book and she demanded to see it herself. When she saw chaos happening at Pixie Village, she asked Selina to stop. And when she did, the pixies that were attacked disappeared along with the Trolls. The Pixies were saddened by their friends' disappearance and stayed with the Winx at Alfea.

Meanwhile, Griffin dismissed Selina and continued her speech until the glass windows broke. The Trix appeared and told Griffin that they were going to take over the school. A fight broke out between the Trix and Griffin with the Trix turning Griffin into a crow. She left while the Trix announced to the students that they were in charge. They made a costume change and raised Cloud Tower off the ground. Icy dismissed the witches except Selina, who, in exchange for her letting them use her Legendarium, would help make them more powerful.

On the way returning to Alfea, the Winx saw a falling crow and Aisha used her power to help it. The crow tried to tell the Winx something but they couldn't understand anything because they couldn't speak crowese. And Bloom suggested using Roxy's help.

Miss Faragonda called Roxy to her office. She asked Roxy to determine what the injured crow was trying to tell everyone, as she was the only one that could understand animals best. In the Winx's room, the Winx were trying to cheer up the pixies due to their sadness after all the pixies disappeared during the last battle at Pixie Village. Musa used her music power and made pop music come through a speaker. She increased the volume of the music to the maximum volume which made the Winx and the pixies frightened. But, Tecna miniaturized the speaker to reduce the music volume. So, Aisha used her new Morphix power and created Morphix gym hurriedly hid her secret boutique while the Winx disguised themselves as plants. When Griselda left, Stella got creative and designed new dresses for the Winx suitable for their occasion.

The Winx rode on ladybugs to travel to Lynphea College and landed. When they landed, Flora looked for her little sister, Miele, around the college compound. Then, a few fairies from the college greeted the Winx, and Stella gave them her autographs, as she liked being famous. While Flora was looking for her sister and was about to surprise her when she found her, the Winx went to the battle arena to watch the Specialists training by riding a leaf-shaped ship.

The Winx arrived at the battle arena where they found the Specialists training. Bloom told the Winx that Sky and Thoren were in action for their training. Everyone gasped as Thoren knocked his powerful hammer weapon and created an earthquake to hit Sky, but Sky managed to overcome it with his laser sword. Stella shouted towards Brandon to tell him that she and her friends were there. Then, Nex was trying to impress the Winx when it was his time for action, which made Aisha irritated, causing Roy to be jealous. Helia came over and asked where Flora was and Tecna replied saying that she was seeing someone, which surprised him. A battle train between Roy and Nex started but Roy lost and fell down, but luckily, Aisha saved him with her Morphix power to prevent him from falling. After this incident, Aisha was furious with Nex, and told him that all he was doing was showing off his power.

In the meantime, Flora, who was searching for Miele, found her around her college and surprised her. Miele was so happy to see Flora, and Flora was so shocked to see her little sister had grown up. Then, Flora and Miele chatted for a while about Miele's college life. At Alfea, Roxy returned to Miss Faragonda's office as she managed to make the crow talked to her by using vocalization spells. The crow explained everything to Miss Faragonda about what happened. Faragonda and Roxy finally found out that the Trix had returned and the crow was actually Griffin.

While Flora was talking with Miele, they saw Cloud Tower floating in the sky of Lynphea. Flora was shocked and went to warn the Winx and the others. Meanwhile at Cloud Tower, the Trix asked Selina whether there were any good legendary creatures to be summoned at Lynphea. Selina then summoned the Treants to attack by waking them up. Flora ordered the Specialists to stop because something wasn't right. The Treants woke up and attacked Lynphea College. Bloom and the Winx transformed to Sirenix form to stop the chaos that was happening by flying up to Cloud Tower, while the Specialists and the Paladins helped the Lynphea fairies fight the Treants. At Cloud Tower, the Winx fought against the Trix but lost the battle. Bloom then saw a bubble protecting Selina. When they attacked the shield defending Selina, who was protected by the Legendarium, they lost their powers, except for Bloom.

The Specialists gave the Winx a ride back to Alfea, where Faragonda and Daphne were waiting for them. The Winx explained what happened, while Bloom was still curious as to why she didn't lose her powers. Faragonda told her that the reason was that her power was made up of the inextinguishable Dragon's Flame and was the source of the Magic Dimension. Bloom then shared her Dragon's Flame power with each of her friends. Faragonda then told the Winx to keep their share of the Dragon Flame safe, as it would bloom into a new fairy power/transformation. The Winx were really thankful to Bloom after Faragonda explained this to the Winx.

Continuing from the previous episode, the fairies and other students of Lynphea College were still fighting the Treants in a desperate attempt to defend their college. The treants quickly defeated them and took them in their hands, including Flora's sister, Miele. The Trix and the witches watched mockingly. The Trix also revealed that they were not only using the Treants to conquer Lynphea College, but also to attract the Winx into rescuing the students and the school. Upon hearing that, Miele stopped struggling to get free and started to think of what she should do.

Meanwhile, Aisha invited the Winx, along with their pixies, to Alfea's gym, where she had prepared some sport activities. Stella quickly decided to have new outfits and tried to use magic to give the Winx new clothes, only to make the other girls remind her that their powers were gone. However, this did not discourage Stella. After a short time running to her room, she went back with a huge amount of clothes, and accidentally pouring them on the rest of the Winx. Tony and the Winx began their activities, guided by Aisha. Then Headmistress Faragonda walked in with the Paladins and Specialists, who were helping them to get ready to make their comeback. Faragonda advised them to be careful when fighting the Trix, and reminded them of their new ability to gain Bloomix by having a part of the Dragon's Flame - and if they did a special good deed.

Back to their training, Aisha showed some moves she had prepared. The whole gym clapped their hands with their cheers. Stella decided to do a triple backflip too, with the help of the pixies. Stella lost her balance, because she was too heavy for the pixies, making her hit Kiko straight below her. The Paladins and the Specialists joined the Winx, and Miss Faragonda left the gym, leaving a hint that Daphne was searching for information on the treants.

The scene changed to Alfea's library, where Daphne kept reading books to find what she needed. Thoren suddenly came with a book, offering Daphne his help. The book he held was the storybook version of the legend of the treants. Daphne read the book, and Thoren revealed that in the past, his father used to told him the legend of the treants as a bedtime story, which made Thoren afraid. Daphne hinted that she was trying to find the clue to defeat the treants. Thoren unknowingly helped Daphne on solving the problem, by saying that if anyone could find the root of the problem, it would be her. Daphne came to the answer that if the treants' roots were planted deep under the ground, it would be easier for them to be stopped and defeated.

Back in the gym, Sky passed through the obstacles, demonstrating how-it's-going-to-be-done to the others. The Specialists clapped their hands and encouraged him. Nex looked at Sky angrily and passed through the obstacles. Meanwhile, the Winx trained gymnastics together. Aisha encouraged Stella to do a backflip, and Stella finally agreed to do it, although she lost her balance halfway, again.

Back to the boys, Nex completed the challenge, in which Aisha congratulated him, making Roy jealous. The Winx looked at them admiringly. Roy managed to do well, but a very jealous Nex grabbed an obstacle away from him, almost making Roy fall. Aisha told Nex off before leaving, leading the others to look angry at Nex who just turned away from the rest of the group. Daphne and Thoren rushed in and told the Winx what to do to defeat the Treants, starting with the need of some of Flora's potions.

After sometime, the Winx, Specialists, Paladins and Daphne gathered outside of Alfea. Bloom revealed their plan. Their plan was to get the Specialists and Bloom to attack Cloudtower, and the Winx and the Paladins to free Lynphea College with Flora's potions. Tony and the Winx (except for Bloom) went to Lynphea College using Timmy's assistance, while Bloom and the Specialists proceeds to Cloudtower. Daphne stayed behind.

The Treants were still holding Lynphea College's students, but the Trix decided to leave them and get ready for their battle with the Winx, leaving the Witches in charge of the prisoners. Meanwhile, Miele managed to break free. Chased by the Treants and the Witches, the Winx arrived just in time to pour the potion to the trees' roots, making them unable to move. The students and teachers were free, and they began to attack the witches. The Paladins helped them.

Far on top, Bloom and the Specialists were almost in Cloudtower, but were stopped for while by the Trix, who were expecting them. Selina then summoned a new beast from the Legendarium, the Flying Basilisks, dangerous, big dragon-like creatures, which were able to attack with a strike of light from their eyes, turning anything to stone. The Specialists tried to attack them, but one of the Basilisks knocked Brandon off his Windrider. Sky saved him, but the Dragons flew to Lynphea College. The Specialists chased them and Bloom stayed to battle the Trix. The Trix and Bloom were preparing to fight. The Winx and Lynphea College students were unable to respond to the dragon-like creatures' attacks, which turned them to stone when hit by the dragons' deadly ray.

Luckily, the Specialists came just in time to save Musa and Tecna from being hit. The Trix fought amongst each other about who would attack Bloom first. They decided to attack together, but Bloom managed to defend herself and deflect their attack, although not beating them.

Back in Lynphea College, one of the Basilisks chased Stella, but she finally managed to do a triple backflip and confused the dragon, making it lose its balance. The other fairies and Flora stayed on top of the tree. The monster was waiting outside, without Flora knowing. She checked outside, but would have been almost attacked by it if Miele hadn't blasted it. However, the beast caught Miele. Flora rescued Miele, earning her Bloomix in the process.Flora returned the treants back to normal, but the Basilisks were still attacking, and unfortunately, Roy and Nex had been turned to stone. Continuing from the previous episode, Stella dragged Aisha away from one of the Flying Basilisk's deadly ray. Looking back at the petrified Roy and Nex, Aisha promised that she would come back and save them. Aisha and Stella continued their escape, although the Basilisk was not far behind.

The battle raged on as the Paladins and Specialists fight the beasts, the Winx tried to run to safety, and the witches attacking the fairies.Musa and Tecna flee together, and to distract the monster, Musa blasted a magic spell on the beast's head, which made a headphone with disturbing music. Different from the other Winx, Flora protected her friends with her new Bloomix power.

Stella and Aisha stopped for a while, to see what was going on. After seeing the horrible status, Aisha suggested that they do a triple backflip to set a trap on the Basilisks. The trick caused two of the beasts turning to stone in air, after accidentally staring at each other (which were originally for the two girls). Aisha and Stella landed safely, while the statues of the beasts broke apart. After saving lives by reducing the amount of Basilisks, Stella and Aisha gained their Bloomix! Tony in the meantime, saved more of Lynphea's fairies from basilisks on two sides, earning him his Bloomix! Tony's Bloomix consisted of a fancy short-sleeved shirt that was primarily light cyan blue with gold down the middle and elaborate fastenings down the middle of the front, matching leggings and ankle boots, covered by a short skirt-like piece. The shirt's sleeves were loose, flowing gently around his forearms. He also had ribbon-like pieces around his arms in lieu of gloves. He had an extremely elaborate tiara-like piece on his head and his wings were very large and sparkly, and they were gold and cyan patterned with minature light blue lightning bolts! Stella then shot a special Bloomix spell which returned the allies from stone back to normal, and then destroyed the beasts.

Meanwhile, Flora was surrounded by a group of witches, but she attacked them and defeated them for the while. Bloom and the Trix fought fiercely. However, Bloom told them that the Cloudtower was moving away. Aisha, Stella and Flora met up with Bloom and teamed up. The Trix left, but set a trap which were lightnings. Aisha formed a Morphix cloud to protect the Winx. The students of Lynphea College celebrated and thanked the Winx, Specialists and Paladins. Flora and Miele rejoined and hugged, with Flora congratulating and encouraging her little sister. At the end, Miele wiped a way at tear of joy.

The Winx and the students were at Alfea, waiting for Daphne to come. Stella gave the Winx new hats which were inspired by the battle.

Daphne came late, but excitedly told everyone that she and her whole class had been invited to the Golden Auditorium. Musa read the invitation excitedly, stating the the Golden Auditorium was the most exclusive music college in the dimension. Daphne explained about the trip. The most excited in the whole class, she said that she couldn't wait and then laughed happily, though her hat covered her eyes.

In her room, Musa called Riven, who was practicing by himself. Riven did not sound as excited as Musa, so she reminded him that she had always talked about it with him. Riven still did not care and continued his training, not even looking back once. Musa wiped her tears and said goodbye to him. Depressed and sad, Musa asked Tecna what did she think. Ignored, Musa just talked to herself sadly. To cheer herself up, she played her guitar, in which Tecna said to play it later. Musa and Tecna fought, and Bloom walked into their room. Musa and Tecna complained to Bloom, who indirectly advised them to stop.

Musa said that at least going to the Golden Auditorium would cheer her up. The next morning, the class were on a trip in the Golden Auditorium. Musa explained what the statues were, and received a compliment from Daphne. A few moments later, Daphne greeted an old friend of hers, Diletta, who was the headmistress of the school.

The Winx and Diletta introduced themselves. Diletta then asked Daphne if they may speak privately. Daphne allowed the Winx to explore, then she walked with Diletta, discussing about the attack of Lynphea College by the Trix.

In Cloudtower, the Trix complained about the Winx, then went to their next destination, leaving Selina with her Legendarium. A mysterious man, who seemed to be Silena's boss, warned Silena.

Back in the Golden Auditorium's hall, the Winx observed a girl playing violin. The pixies invited Stella to see a piano. Musa explained that the piano was the Golden Grand Piano of the Meller Explorers. Stella played it, and Musa added that every note produced a spring color. Aisha played a magical violin, and the others looked at the instruments. Musa explained that legend said that that deep underground there was a cave system, where mischievous magical creatures which loud shrieks can break a hundred glass called the Pandemonium Sprites lived, which Tecna said was an alleged legend. Meanwhile, Selina summoned the Sprites using her Legendarium.

Musa and Tecna started to argue, while Caramel played the piano and accidentally jumped into a tube. The Pixies helped her by getting in too, but all of them were pushed out by smoke. The Winx and pixies laughed. But suddenly the sprites attacked! Upon hearing the dangerous sounds, the Winx (except for Musa and Tecna) transformed.

The Sprites and the Winx fought, but the beasts were too strong! They let out powerful sound waves. Musa and Tecna tried to get away from the attacks. To lead the beasts away, Musa played music. In a long path, Musa and Tecna along with the pixies still ran, leading the beasts. Tecna checked her device. Tecna said that they needed to lead the Sprites to a cave nearby, which was the Pandemonium Cave. Both of them congratulated each other. The two friends and the pixies arrived. The beasts finally went in and walked toward them. Musa suggested using her own voice to overpower the Sprites' sound. Musa sang beautifully, and the creatures admired her voice.

Musa managed to form a shield around her friends. Tecna and Musa hugged, congratulating each other and earning them their Bloomix powers. By combining their powers, Tecna and Musa managed to eliminate the Sprites. At the end, Diletta congratulated and thanked the Winx. She also said that Musa's voice would forever always echo in their hall. Daphne was amazed and complimented them. Musa and Tecna argued softly with happiness, and the Winx and the Golden Auditorium laughed and cheered! At Alfea, Bloom saw that Tecna and Musa were getting along again. Bloom giggled and closed the door.

The Trix attacked Eraklyon Institute, however, Diaspro came and the Trix thought she wanted to fight them and challenge their power. Diaspro said otherwise and decided to give them help. This marked the alliance of the four of them and the end of this episode.

Diaspro proposed her plan that would render Bloom helpless to the Trix. Although, Icy felt that Selina's Legendarium would be more successful. Selina opened Legendarium and told the Trix about the Vortex of Flames and that it was home to the Fire Eaters. Diaspro showed her invitation to Daphne's coronation and should she be successful in eliminating Bloom, Icy might allow Diaspro to join the Trix.

Preparations were under way for the celebration of Daphne, who would officially become the Crown Princess of Domino. Though Daphne was nervous, Bloom reassured her that she would be there alongside her. Relieved, Daphne asked where the others were and Bloom left the room with Kiko and looked over the party hall. She then saw Thoren and Sky.

Thoren asked Sky if Bloom had ever said anything about Daphne talking about him. Sky ignored him and was distracted by his phone. Bloom called out to them and Thoren said hello and blurted out that he and Sky were talking about them without any response from the latter.

Bloom then started to feel great pain and Diaspro noticed this. Kiko also noticed her and he followed Bloom back into the room, where Stella was addressing the girls' dresses, and was unsuccessful in informing them. Stella's first attempt on the dresses was not successful but she fixed it, she also gave Daphne a new dress for her coronation.

In the party hall, the two princesses of Domino presented themselves and Bloom hinted Thoren was looking at Daphne saying "Someone can't take their eyes off of you." Daphne then stepped forward and as King Oritel made his speech, Kiko was able to let the pixies know of Diaspro's presence. Queen Marion then proudly bestowed her eldest daughter the crown princess's tiara and Daphne made her speech.

In the ball room, where everyone was dancing, Thoren asked Daphne for a dance. Bloom was happy to see her sister enjoying herself but Sky told Bloom that he did not want Daphne to hang out with him and warned Bloom of what kind of person Thoren could be. Bloom was confused and questioned Sky, Sky then revealed that in the past when the two of them were still young, they were ambushed, Thoren fled and Sky barely made it. The two then started dancing and everyone made room for the two princesses of Domino, Sky and Thoren. Chatta and Kiko were carefully watching Diaspro as she silently mingled among the attendees. Chatta noticed that Diaspro was getting closer to the main hosts and went to stall her but Amore bumped into her.

As the dance came to an end, Bloom suddenly fainted and Diaspro was there to see it. She then alerted the Trix of Bloom's condition and Stormy told Selina to invoke the Fire Eaters. Sky picked her up and asked Daphne what was wrong with Bloom, Daphne then explained that because she had given a part of her Dragon Flame to the Winx she had become weak. Daphne then advised Sky to take Bloom to her room but before he could the Fire Eaters appeared. The girls and Daphne transformed, and while they distracted the monsters, Sky carried Bloom but a Fire Eater showed up and attacked, but thankfully Thoren was nearby and protected Sky.

As they both continued to their destination, Diaspro appeared and tried to lure them to the Vortex of Flame, under the guise that it would restore Bloom's power. Sky, aware of her intentions, refused to accept them but before he could continue moving on he was struck by the monster and fell unconscious. Diaspro transformed and blasted the beast but complained afterwards about how difficult it was. She then falsely advised Thoren to take Bloom to the Vortex of Flames. As the Fire Eater readied itself for another attack, Thoren ran ahead, and Diaspro encased it. She then happily looked down at Sky as he would be hers again and that Bloom would finally be annihilated.

Back in the ball room, Marion and Oritel held off the beasts while Marion told her people to flee. Oritel worried for his daughters but Marion assured him that they would be alright as they had each other. Sky then woke up and noticed Bloom was gone. Daphne and the Winx continued to battle the Fire Eaters with no luck, Daphne then informed them that only Vortex of Flames can stop them. Sky returned to the ball room and told Daphne of Bloom's disappearance, and the two headed off to find her. Diaspro instructed Thoren to drop Bloom into the vortex, Thoren pondered over this and Diaspro continued to push him. He almost did what he was told... until Sky and Daphne showed up and told him not to listen to Diaspro. Diaspro saw no choice but to blast Thoren, she then levitated Bloom over the vortex and mocked Sky's decision to love Bloom, Sky rebuked her causing Diaspro to drop her.

Sky jumped into the vortex and Thoren was able to catch him before he fell any further. Daphne, enraged by Diaspro's actions, blasted strong streams of magic energy at her. Diaspro shielded herself and soon disappeared. Daphne then looked down the vortex when suddenly, loud thumping noises sounded across the entire area - it was the Fire Eaters.

Bloom continued to fall deeper into the vortex, she then saw a five-headed dragon, prompting her to summon her own dragon, but the dragon ended getting trapped under the five-headed dragon. She then told herself that she could do it and strengthened her own dragon, defeating the five-headed dragon, earning her Bloomix. She flew up and released her newfound powers and vanquished the monsters. In the ballroom, the Winx continued their fight but were starting to become tired. Thankfully, Bloom came to their rescue and put an end to the Fire Eaters. With everything calm again, Thoren apologized to Sky and they called a truce. Bloom and Sky then started dancing. Daphne watched the two from afar and walked up to the balcony to see Thoren, she smiled and walked up to him, he took her hand and they both looked up at the moon.

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