A Heart's Disturbance

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3rd POV

The meeting of the factions have been progressing smoothly so far. The factions have agreed that any humans that were forced or taken by the factions because of them having gears on them were given a choice to be free from the clutches of the factions or stay with them. Many devil wanted to protest and argued about that they were declining in numbers but one killing aura from Tyrant Baal shut them up. The humans who don't want to be their slaves had their pieces removed and turned them back to finally live their lives once more.

As for Enma he demanded that those who were involved with the massacre of one of his clans to verify themselves or less they would incur his wrath. The Devils protested about it but where ultimately shut down as Killia showed evidence of the atrocities that one devil family did prompting for them to and tell all the factions of just how justified their actions were. Thus those involved in the unjustified massacre were stripped of their powers and be damned to be eternally tortured in the deepest part of Tartarus.

As for the Tyrant he demanded the devil clan to tell him of who proposed the idea of of reincarnating humans to devils. The Devils didn't answer until Lucifer demanded them to tell or else anyone who kept silent will be punished by him severely. Serafall gave in not wanting for her sister to be hurt told them that it was a devil Maoh by the name of Ajuka who came up with it. Lucifer then looked towards Nevermore and just nodded as he disappeared in a vortex of flames.

The meeting was progressing smoothly when time stopped as Killia and the others sensed several unknown signatures surrounding the building. Killia had an unamused expression on his face as he look towards the Tyrant.

Killia: Mind if I do some cleaning my Lord?

Baal: You have my permission Killia. Show those little pests why we are not to be opposed with

Killia bowed before proceeding towards the exit but was held back by Chuck and his companions.

Chuck: Now, now Killia wouldn't want you to be the only one having a party now will you?

Killia: Think you can handle a rough rodeo cowboy?

Chuck only smiled at him as the three followed him outside dealing with the outsiders

Grayfia looked at the fleeting figure of Killia as she uttered a small prayer for his safety. Tyrant Baal looked at her and only smirked

Baal: You should be praying that those pests would survive

Grayfia: Why would you say that?

Baal: Just listen and you will know why those three and Killia are not to be underestimated with

The factions then kept silent wanting to know what he meant until they heard screams and explosions coming from outside.

*Sub Machine gun sounds*

* *Boom* *Boom* SEGA SATURN SHIRO!!!*



The Three factions minus Killia's friends and relatives paled at what they are hearing. Moments later the door entrance opened and the three went in without a scratch on them while Killia was behind them and dragging a Beaten up lady by the collar. Killia threw the lady in front of  the Tyrant as he just looked at the now cowering lady.

Baal: Mind telling me your name and why you think that disturbing this meeting was a good idea?

Katerea: K-K-Katerea and please have mercy!

Killia: Lady you were spouting nonsense about you destroying the factions and showing no mercy. Why would you think now we would show you any?

Katerea: I didn't know that other additional factions would attend as well! Cao Cao only told me that only the three major factions would be here! He never told me any of you!

Killia: Well that's because your so called "Hero" wannabe brigade never knew about us. Plus they are afraid to even make a move because of those three

Killia pointed towards Chuck and his group as Katerea only looked at them in disbelief.

Katerea: Them?! The Chaos Brigade was scared of them?! How?! They're only Humans?!

Baal: Yes they are but their feats are worthy to be respected and looked up to. Unlike you people who think that they are below you just because you have powers and hocus pocus!

Killia: Besides they earned my respect because they did it while still being human and breaking the borders of limitations. Making them fully achieve the restricted potential of humanity! Unlike you people who rely to much on magic and powers! Let me tell you this... you are nothing without them!

Katerea only looked down in disbelief and wondered why the Chaos Brigade never made any moves anymore. She now knew the reason and why the other members warned her not to make any drastic move or else someone other than the three factions would crush them completely.

Tyrant Baal looked at Killia and nodded before he picked up a silent Katerea and vanishing them from this meeting. Baal then looked at the other factions before addressing them once more.

Baal: This is only a showcase of why humans can break their bounderies of restrictions and a showing of how we demons are not to be trifled with. Let this be a lesson for you all not to underestimate them or else...

Everyone: Yes Tyrant!

Baal: Good and now let's end this meeting shall we?

The factions nodded before they proceeded to ending and signing the peace treaty that will bring new hope to the chaotic era of the three.

After the Meeting Tyrant Baal ordered the others to continue on with their duties as they bowed and left while he  stated to have a talk with Grayfia.

Baal: And now we are alone Grayfia. Mind if we chat for a bit Grayfia, if you don't mind

Grayfia: Not at all Lord Baal

Baal:*chuckle* you may call me father you know?

Grayfia stiffened as she only looked at the ground. Baal was silent as he only looked at his former Daughter-in-law and hate seeing her like this.

[A/N: Tyrant Baal was a father figure to Killia and he was furious when he knew about how a pathetic devil would seduce the love one of his son. He wanted so badly to end the devil faction that day but Killia stopped his father from ending them.]

Grayfia: I... am... not worthy to call you father...

Baal: ...

Grayfia: To be honest... it was great seeing Killia once more... I was happy that I get to see his face again... but... ever since that day... only guilt remained inside of my heart...

Grayfia then had a fond memory rush through her. It was a faint memory of her and Killia as he slept peacefully on her lap while they were on a picnic. She had a faint smile on her before it shifted to a sad one as the day that Killia looked at her was not one of happiness but of guilt and betrayal.

Baal: Tell me Grayfia... do you still love my son?

Grayfia: I... I...

Baal: You don't have to answer me now and this time... please be honest with yourself... then you may tell me when you finally have the answer.

Grayfia had small tears coming out of her eyes as she tried not to cry in front of her supposed to be father figure. The Tyrant only looked at her before hugging her as she cried at his shoulder.

A few moments later Grayfia stopped crying and thank the Tyrant before she bowed and made a magic circle and leaving. The Tyrant looked at her and only smiled before she teleported.

Baal: She is really a good daughter to have.

???: indeed she is...

Baal: So then... have you ever thought of giving her a second chance?

???: ...

Baal:*sigh* I know you still love her... but it is up to you to decide if she is worth giving a chance... and I'll give you my full support... my son...

Tyrant Baal then produced a magic circle before vanishing and leaving Killia who was lost in thought of what his father figure had said.

Killia: Only time would tell... if broken hearts can ever be mended...

[A/N: I only have one thing to say before this year ends...

Happy Holidays!]

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