What the future holds

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3rd POV

Months had passed since the meeting of the three factions. Suffice to say many changes had occurred from all three factions as new leaders were appointed to keep their people in check and not to cause anymore harm to humanity.

Lucifer regained his throne once more and decided to reform his faction for the better. It wasn't easy and many opposed the idea of him being back but with a simple statement that the current system is unjustified and evidences pertaining to actions by the Council and some corrupt officials, some devils sided with him while those opposed were annihilated and made example of how drowning in power is a very bad idea. He also admonish the peerage system since some of the houses have humans who were forced or either killed just to be added as a devil. As such many who opposed were soon met to their demise bringing the pillars down to only a handful of family left.

Lucien became the new leader of the fallen Angels and with Penemue by his side he started the rehabilitation of those who had repented enough and had them be judged if they are worthy to be brought back to heaven. He administered a program wherein he sealed their fallen divinity and have them go to the human realm which was approved by Killia to experience and to make use of their new life before being judge by the gate keeper if they are allowed back to heaven or not.

Michael and his sister were busy with their duties as they helped in the reformation of the fallen angels and thus appointed several observers to see how they are doing. Irina and Xenovia were given a chance to partake in such tasks and they gladly accepted to help Michael and his cause. They also helped in weeding out corrupt church leaders who used the name of the Lord and his teachings to do unscrupulous acts and thus hereby stripped of their authority as sacrilegious leaders.

It was not an easy task for the three factions but with the help of Killia and his group, they managed to make sure that they would be kept in line and that they can finally be at peace with each other.

Killia has been working hard since those months as he constantly check on humanity as per order of his father and his goal to safely make sure that humanity will not be threatened by the supernatural ever again. Another one of his tasks were to gather all the sacred gears and find worthy ones to receive them and form a group that will handle any disaster either supernatural or not with the help of his human friends. Killia also managed to once more be with his new adopted sisters Shirone, Kuroka and surprisingly Asia after they were turned back from being devils and now lived with him in his castle in the Netherworld.

-Timeskip brought to you by Killia having a picnic with his family and friends by the park-

We now see Killia making his way towards a shrine in Tokyo in as several Yokais greeted him and payed their respects. He was especially welcomed by the Yokai children as he would always tell them stories about his or the groups exploit.

As he neared the entrance of the shrine, he was greeted by one of the attendants serving lord Enma an elder tengu.

Elder: Greetings and welcome back Lord Killian

Killia: its nice to be back old man. How have you been?

Elder: Never been better my lord. I take it you are here to visit Lady Yasaka and Lord Enma?

Killia: Yes I have an important meeting with them.

Elder: Very well. I think you will find them by the garden as Lord Enma is spending some time with Lady Kunou

Killia: Thank you Elder and hopefully we could get some tea with you family next time

Elder: I'm sure they'll be glad to have you as company. Off you go then lord Killia

Killia nodded in appreciation as he made his way to the garden where Enma would be. As he reached the place he saw Lady Yasaka sitting by the porch watching her husband playing with Kunou. He waved his hand as the trio saw him and Kunou immediately hugged her uncle.

Kunou: Uncle Killia you came! Did you miss me huh? Huh?

Killia only smirked as he patted Kunou.

Killia: Not really you little fox

Kunou pouted as she gave a cute glare at her uncle.

Kunou: Meanie! Dad! Uncle Killia is bullying me!

The three adults only giggled at Kunou antics as she immediately went back to playing with her father.
Killia sat beside Yasaka as they watched the father-daughter scenario.

Killia: ...

Killia looked on at the happy scene before him as he remembered the times when he would play with Kuroka and Shirone when they were little. He had a faint smile on him until it turned into one of sadness as he remembered his time with her.

Killia: ... would things be different if...

Killia mumbled to himself as he thought about his future if things were the same like in the past. Yasaka heard his rambling as she looked at Killia who is looking at her husband and daughter smiling... but it was a smile of longing and sadness.

Yasaka: ... still thinking about her Killia?

Killia: ...not really...

Yasaka: Killia...

She held his hand as she tried to comfort him. Enma saw the scene and knows what Yasaka is doing.

Yasaka: Killia... don't you think that... I don't know... time has passed by and I know that deep inside... you still have feelings for her...

Killia: ...

Enma: You know that she's right, Killia. Don't you think it's time that you had to confront her and talk things out?

Killia remained silent as he pondered about their words. Deep down inside he knew that he still have feelings for Grayfia albeit it's a small one but strong enough that it still lingers inside him. He took a moment of realization as he pictured of what could had been their future no matter what the world or events throw at them.

Killia: ... your right. I think it's time that I confront my past

Killia stood up as he looked at the with eyes full of determination as he gave them a smile.

Killia: I should thank you two as well as father to help me realize something. I'm ready and no matter what happens to the two of us... I'll make sure I'll always be there for her...

Enma: Well I'll be, you decided to man up now. Go and tell her what you truly feel

Killia: I will and I'll make sure to tell you all

The two gave him a smile as Kunou wondered what's happening but decided to smile as well and gave his uncle a hug. Killia was about to leave but they were abruptly disturbed when the Elder tengu rushed to them as he was holding a letter.

Elder: Lord Enma! We have trouble!

Enma: Calm down and tell me what happened

The Elder calmed down as he looked towards Killia and handed him a letter. Killia opened the letter and he scowled at what's written in it. He burned the letter as he made a portal back to the Netherworld

Enma: Wait! Where are you going Killia?!

Killia: visiting an old friend

He stepped inside as the portal closed leaving the four alone and Enma knew who his friend was and asked the Elder of who send the letter.

Enma: Elder tell me who send that letter?

Elder: It... it was...

Enma: Who is it Elder?

The Elder was silent before finally sighing and looked at his lord.

Elder: it was the apprentice of Sun Wukong

Upon hearing the name, Enma's aura suddenly leaked out as the inhabitants nearby suddenly gasped except for Yasaka and Kunou who were watching Enma in worry because they knew that his beyond angry.

Enma: That old monkey better have an explanation about this!

He was about to storm off but was held back as he looked behind him and his wife and daughter looked at him in worry. He took a minute to relax and his aura retreated back to him.

Enma: Yasaka, I-

Yasaka silenced him with a finger on his lips before giving him a quick kiss.

Yasaka: Do your job and be back by dinner okay?

Enma: ... Alright make sure to cook a delicious meal okay?

Yasaka: Will do, honey

Kunou: Here dad! A power hug to revitalize you before work!

Kunou embrace her dad as he returned it and kissed her forehead.

Enma: Thank you and be sure to help your mom okay?

Kunou: will do daddy!

Enma smiled as he went back to his palace to have a talk with a certain monkey.

-Time skip brought to you by Baba Yaga with a pencil as mountain of corpses of the Khaos Brigade is seen all around him and Y/N eating popcorn while watching from the sides-

The Land of Carnage. A desolate place where only the most powerful demons are located there. It is also the place where prinnies go to die but ended up getting stronger and now where feared instead of being seen as the weakest in the ranks of demons.

It is here where the most powerful Prinny resides as he held the title of Tyrant Overlord of the Prinny Squad, a squad consisting of the most elite and powerful prinnies who survived the gruesome and harsh environment of the Land of Carnage.

Killia stepped through the portal as he was now in the Land of Carnage. He looked around seeing the yellow giant Prinny themed tents forming a small camp as this was the place where his old friend currently resides. He took a small walk around the area as countless prinnies do their jobs and they payed their respects to Killia as he walked by. Killia returned the greeting as he was a big brother to the prinnies living here alongside his old friend.

He finally spotted the familiar Black Prinny tent as he looked at the giant monument where the carved figures of him, a Prinny with a cape and two antennas on its head, and finally Tyrant Baal who is in the center currently stands as a symbol of who the rulers of this place is.

He finally spotted a familiar figure standing in front of the monument looking at the statues as his red cape flowed freely in the wind.

Killia: long time no see... old friend

The figure realized Killia's Voice as it turned around and addressed him.

???: It's been a long time Killia... what brings you back here in this place?

Killia adopted a serious expression as the figure knew what he wants.

Killia: it's Grayfia...

The figure flared his black aura and its red eyes flared to life as it looked at Killia.

???: Tell me what happened...


In a certain hidden place a group of people suddenly shivered and started to feel a sense of dread as they thought they had made the biggest mistake of their lives... which they will soon find out as they looked at the horizon seeing black clouds spewing red thunder is seemingly going towards them and a unconscious Grayfia laying inside a cage.

A/N notes

1. Next chapter would probably be the last chapter before the ending choices that would affect the epilogue of this book.

2. Thanks for the support, likes, follows and reads that this book had received since then. Thank you so very much and as always...

See you next final Chapter! Ciao!

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