part 7

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Haydins vision is clouded and he's confused. He's been abandoned and there's monsters all over the place. "Hello there!" a voice frightened Haydin half to death. Just when the vicious beast could do anything else another spoke: "dont" was Warwick! Haydin stared in shock at the blue haired man. This wasn't real, Haydin had to have been loosing his mind out of sickness. Warwick took a long look at Haydin, "what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to have ran off with the others?.." he questioned. "You're-... You're dead.." Haydin didn't even acknowledge Warwicks question. He felt lightheaded and all that was going on didn't help with that. Warwick could tell Haydin wasn't making sense of anything. "What are we waiting for?" The skeleton that had scared Haydin asked, impatience in her voice. "You'll do as your told, now silence" Warwick glared back at her, then turned his gaze to Haydin again. "Alright, why are you still here?" He asked again. Haydins shock started to clear up a little, "I don't know, am I not supposed to be?" Haydin still felt confused. "I don't think so. yeah, everyone left here" Warwick murmured, thinking. The skeleton started going on about killing Haydin again until Warwick again silenced her, "I said shut it, Gibrela!" His voice was firm with command, as if he were some sort of leader. "Yes, sir" Gibrela sighed. "Warwick.... what is going on? Your dead... aren't you?" Haydin was full of questions, and confusion, and was very sick. "Well, I was dead. So was most of them to. We came back and you all ran off, except for you, Haydin" He answered. " I was left behind?" Haydin felt like he was going crazy. The dead can't come back. It doesn't work like that. Before he could question anything more, Haydin began coughing weakly. He was still pretty sick. "You don't look well... come with me, I'll help you" Warwick could see the uncertainty in Haydins eyes, like he thought Warwick would murder him. "You do trust me, don't you?" He asked. Haydin remembered back when Warwick betrayed them all, was he worthy of trust at all now? Haydin said nothing, from being tired and also from not knowing what to say, but he nodded. It's not like my death will be noticed anyway...

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