Cliché (AmourShipping)

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Alternate Universe Where none of the anime characters have met Ash...yet.

Third Person's POV

Evergrande City, Hoeen, is buzzing with excitement right now. The coastal city has been completely repopulated, rebuilt, redesigned, and rejuvenated within the last year. It's the place you want to live in right now if you're one for a life full of things to go watch and try yourself.

The Hoeen government invested in the coastal island that already housed victory road and the league building where the champion works along with the elite four. So now an advanced city is close by with capabilities to host any event of any size. Along with this push, they managed to get the Grand Festival, Hoeen League, and the League of Champions.

The first two events started and finished without a single problem. Thousands flocked into the city to watch the events which shared the same massive complex with multiple stadiums. Hotels were filled to the maximum to accommodate contest and league fans from around the region.

The third event however is attracting international attention. Seven champions are going to battle it out to see who really is the best trainer in the world. Seven? That doesn't make the tournament work easy now and everybody is looking for the easiest way so who's the eighth?

The winner of the Kanto league. He's rumoured to take Lance's title as Kanto Champion. Now he isn't unbeatable by any means but you know someone's good when everybody can tell there's something special inside of him. From Pallet Town to Evergrande City...

Ash Ketchum's journey hasn't slowed down a bit and now he's one tournament, three wins away from reaching his dream. Pokémon Master.

Ever since his brain decided that Pokémon battling was going to be his lifelong work of art, that's all Ash could think about. Being the best there ever was repeats constantly after every win, loss, or draw.

He's coming into this tournament as an underdog but that's not how Ash thinks. His expectations are nothing short than the shiny trophy at the end of the road. Nothing else matters at this point.

"Train, eat, train, eat, eat again, sleep, repeat," Ash mumbles in his sleep.

Getting treated as a champion has its perks. Comfy beds, roomy hotel room, excellent care, help whenever, and so on. Most champions don't sleep with half their body off the bed with drool spilling out of their mouth. Let's just say Ash is one of a kind.

"Piiikkaaaaa," The yellow rodent Pokémon creeps up the bed with a small smirk. "Chuuuuuuuuuu!"

Electricity engulfs Ash and he falls right off the bed. The spot covered teenager sits up and gives his starter Pokémon a death glare. "Guess who's sitting out the first match," Ash sticks his tongue out in victory. However Pikachu is still an electric type.

His bright red cheeks start charging more electricity and Ash quickly waves his hands in front of himself. Pikachu stops and walks away slowly towards the kitchen. "I probably should check when my first battle is," Ash states to himself.

He walks over to the computer and sees that he's facing Gold, the Champion of Johto in about an hour. "Oh why are the battles so early?" Ash groans and runs towards the dresser to get ready for the busy day ahead.

He's not alone with the champions on the top floor of the hotel. The Hoenn Grand Festival winner and her closest friend are staying up there as well as a small reward for May's victory. May's friend Serena ended up losing in the semifinal so both of them worked hard enough to deserve the room for the duration of the tournament.

And like a lot of other people who are following this tournament closely, May and Serena are intrigued by this mystery trainer who has only been popular in Kanto. A boy their age is being compared to the strongest trainers in the world. He has life figured out doesn't he.

"This Ash Ketchum dude better live up to the hype," May states while tying her long brown hair under a red bandana with a white poke ball logo.

"Well we'll never know if we don't hurry up and get a seat in the stadium," Serena sighs while putting on knee length grey boots.

"Oh come on," May says frustrated. "My stupid bandana just snapped.

"Do you have a backup here?" The honey blonde asks sighing.

"Yeah but I'm not sure exactly where it is," May sweat drops.

"Just go no bandana," Serena says getting impatient.

"You're really eager to go watch this battle," May giggles. "Love at first sight?"

"Oh be quiet," Serena glares. "Let's go."

"Look at my hair," May points up at her frazzled hair with an annoyed expression. "Go reserve seats and I'll meet you there."

"Alright," The honey blonde nods and grabs her pink bag. Serena leaves the room and makes her way down the hall. "I think the elevator is this way..."

The hotel is almost a curved shape so the halls bend sharply to fit the maximum amount of rooms. The maroon floor and white walls go on for what seems like forever with dark oak doors every few metres. It's easy to lose yourself in your thoughts as you try to figure out if you're actually walking towards the elevator.

Serena walks peacefully while her long hair sways side to side and her dark red skirt flows gently with every step. She smooths out the wrinkles on her grey blouse to make sure she doesn't look like a slob. She approaches a bend and turns while continuing to look down at her shirt.


"Oww," The raven haired trainer groans. He fixes his red hat and shakes his head to clear his vision. "What did I run into-?"

Ash stops and looks at the girl in front of him who must have had the wind completely knocked out of her. "Pika," Pikachu points urgently to Serena.

Ash picks her up gently and her eyes still don't open. "It can't be serious but she probably should get checked out," He states and proceeds to stand up with her in his arms.

He walks down the hall carefully with Pikachu watching closely from behind. Ash can't stop staring at the mystery girl who obviously didn't know where she was going. Her long hair flows up his arms and it sparkles in his eyes for some reason.

"I must've hit my head pretty hard," Ash says and Pikachu looks at him curiously.

Ash gets a few questionable looks on his way through the lobby but thankfully being compared to champions is keeping anyone from calling the police. On his way out he sees a television showing the field he's battling on and a timer counting down to the first move. And that number isn't large.

"I don't think I can make it to the Pokémon Center then the battle," Ash states.

"Pi!" Pikachu says.

"You're right," Ash nods. "We need to get this girl to the Pokémon Center first."

"Pikachu," He shakes his head and motions his tail towards Ash's bag. The mouse Pokémon spreaders his arms out and uses his tail to show flowing hair on his head.

"Oh that's a great idea!" Ash exclaims and brings out his large brown bird Pokémon. "Pidgeot can you bring this girl to the Pokémon Center as fast as you can possibly fly. Stay with her to make sure she's fine when she wakes up okay?"

"Piii," The loyal Pokémon nods and Ash secures Serena on Pidgeot as well as he could. He then flies off towards the outskirts of the city.

"We better run," Ash smirks with his Pikachu. "Last one there is a rotten Magikarp."

Ash will make it to the stadium on time and alright. But Serena won't make it to the battle and if passing out is a sign, she isn't alright...

The Pokémon Center is specialized towards Pokémon care but there's a small amount of rooms geared for human care. A Pidgeot flying through the sliding doors with an unconscious girl startled Nurse Joy but helping out something in need is always a priority.

With the help of her Wigglytuff, Nurse Joy quickly ran some basic tests to make sure there was nothing more serious than a bump on her head. After that all that Nurse Joy could do was wait for Serena to wake up and explain the situation. And after about an hour she did.

Serena sits up in the cot and looks around confused. "Where am I?" She sighs while yawning.

"Pokémon Center," Nurse Joy walks in. "A Pidgeot brought you here."

"What?" Serena questions half asleep. "But I was in a hotel last time I was conscious."

"Hmm weird," The pink haired nurse thinks out loud. "Do you remember what happened before you blacked out?"

"Well I was walking to the elevator and some guy ran into me I think," Serena answers. "I didn't have much time to process what he looked like but he must've been in a hurry because he was running pretty fast."

"Very, since he knocked you out for a pretty long time," Nurse Joy nods. "So this must be his Pidgeot."

"I guess it could be but shouldn't it be heading back to its trainer?" Serena asks and the bird Pokémon steps up.

"Pidg," He shakes his head.

"He must have told his Pokémon to stay," Nurse Joy giggles. "This mystery guy must have been worried."

"Obviously not worried enough to come himself," Serena huffs.

"He obviously was in a hurry but wanted to make sure you got checked out," Nurse Joy smiles. "This would be a great love story."

"I've been waiting for my true love to knock me out," Serena says sarcastically. "I'm hoping he apologizes quickly and I'll never see him again."

"Bummer," Nurse Joy frowns. "Think about the romantic meeting you two will have."

"I'll think about it," Serena sighs and then turns on the tv. "I was supposed to be at this battle with my friend. May's probably wondering where I am."

"Shouldn't you call her so she isn't worrying?" Nurse Joy asks worriedly. "You don't want her running around all over or worse."

"Actually never mind, she'll be fine," Serena sighs knowing her friend. "May will be thinking I finally found a guy. She's been wanting me to get into the love world since we met."

"If you say so," Nurse Joy says.

"After showing up just in time for his battle, Ash is proving that he deserves to be recognized as a champion. It's now between Gold's Typhlosion and Ash's last pokemon." The announcer speaks through the television.

"That's the Kanto boy," Nurse Joy states. "He's really taking his time picking his last Pokémon."

"I forgot that Pidgeot was my sixth Pokémon." Ash's mic picks up his voice of panic.

"You don't think..." Serena trails off and Pidgeot quickly flies out of the room. "What were the chances?"

"True love beats chances," Nurse Joy state.


"What a win guys!" Ash cheers with his six Pokémon. "Let's keep showing these champions who's boss."

Knock knock knock

"Hello?" Ash hollers and the door to his change room opens.

Serena walks in timely and gives a brief wave. "Uh good battle," She sweat drops.

"You're the girl- I'm sorry," Ash bows his head.

'It's alright," Serena states and moves into the bench beside him. "I didn't know I'd run into champion defeater."

"We try," Ash chuckles. "I didn't expect to meet anyone going away from the elevator in the morning."

"Away?" Serena questions before realizing her mistake. "I was going the wrong way."

"Nice," Ash jokes before getting a playful hit from Serena. This activates a part of him that was barely used prior to this point. "You're a pretty beautiful thing to crash into."

"Is that so?" Serena giggles. "Maybe I'll give this a chance then."

Serena then leans in and pecks Ash on the cheek. They smile at each other before locking lips in front of a group of disgusted Pokémon, except Bulbasaur. "This is so cliche," Serena takes a break to smile.


Me slowly starting to like amourshipping again...

Anyways I'm going to make a series of some sort of cliche one shots. They're actually pretty fun to write so cya next week.

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