How I Met Your Mother (Rayshipping)

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Complete AU
Ash and Cynthia are roughly the same age in this.

Third Person's POV

Celestic Town is a very peaceful, history filled establishment in northern Sinnoh. Its population is pretty small, making it a perfect place to start a family with your beloved. Two of the most famous people in the region did just that.

Cynthia Shirona became a champion at age sixteen, something never done before. She quickly came one of the most well known battlers in the world. Everybody thought her record was safe forever, never to be broken by another.

Except Sinnoh hadn't heard of Ash Ketchum yet. A fourteen Pokémon trainer prodigy who seemed to always have something incredibly unlucky happen against him when it mattered most. Despite this, he is admired by people all over due to his constant heroic actions Sinnoh didn't treat him the same way though.

Ash Ketchum became a household name within a year. Effortlessly making his way through the Lily of the Valley conference championship. He even beat a legendary Pokémon wielder who was later discovered to have used the black pokemarket to gain his Pokemon.

The elite four proved to be a challenge Ash hasn't competed against since the battle frontier. But with him and his Pokémon's determination they managed to make their way through the strong trainers. His last example was no other than the blonde haired champion, Cynthia.

The two are now retelling their story to their two children.

The family of four are settled in the modest living room. A few grey cliches and a chair surround a flatscreen television against the wall. Perfect for a group of people to watch something comfortably.

Ash is taking up one chair with their daughter Acuity. She has the same black hair as her father but long like her mother. The energetic ten-year old shares a lot of the same traits as Ash, Except she likes to wear short sleeved shirts and skirts rather then Ash's jacket and jeans combo. They also share the same auburn eyes.

Acuity relaxes into her thirty-two year old father. Thinking a lot as usual, a trait she definitely didn't get from Ash.

Her twin brother, Valor, is situated on the door by his mother's feet. His grey eyes are focused on the television, showing Ash's elite four battle against Flint the fire type trainer. He has messy, short blonde hair with a black shirt and blue jeans. Valor also has an empty pokeball belt, waiting to be filled past the max.

The two are both pretty pumped to set out on their journeys very soon. The only thing stopping them is the fact that the new trainers day isn't for another week. When that comes they can receive their first Pokémon from Professor Rowan.

Acuity has another thing on her mind though. "Daddy?" She asks.

"Yeah sweetie?" He responds.

"How did you and mommy meet?" She asks.

"Meet or get together?" Ash questions.

"You have to meet to get together so both I guess," Acuity states.

"Well it all started a long time ago," Ash starts. "A very lo-"

"Let me start," Cynthia sighs at her husband's over dramatic storytelling nature.

(Italics will be them talking about the past)

I got really into everything related to history after becoming Champion, I still am too. But back then I wanted to find everything I could about the Sinnoh legends that contained facts about legendary Pokémon.

Amity Square has a bunch of ancient tablets that are connected to the legendary Pokémon of time and space. Dialga and Palkia. Little did I know, a group of trainers would rush down to the square to meet me.

One boy challenged me to a battle...

"Was that you daddy?" Acuity asks.

"No he was too scared to lose," Cynthia sticks her tongue out jokingly.

"No that is not true," Ash tries to save his pride.

"Ha, dad was scared of losing to a girl," Valor taunts. He receives an approvingly high-five from his mother.

"Girls were crazily good battlers in Sinnoh," Ash sighs remembering all his losses.

"Back to the story," Cynthia giggles.

Paul, one of Ash's rivals challenged me to a full battle. Long story, actually it was a very short story of a battle, anyways I kicked his butt easily. I thought it would put him in his place but he still treated his Pokémon badly.

I noticed Ash trying to convince Paul to take care of his Pokémon. Usually rivals don't try to help each other so it surprised me that Ash would do such a thing. I was actually kind of hoping I would get to battle Ash.

But that didn't happen until a much later time...

"So then you guys left each other for a long time?" Acuity asks sadly.

"Both of us didn't realize that there was some sort of a connection between us," Ash admits. "But as your mother said, 'When every life meets another life, something will be born'."

"We're we the thing born when you two met?" Valor asks confused.

"Your as clueless as Ash," Acuity sighs heavily.

"No it wasn't," Cynthia blushes. "We barely interacted when we first met."

"Do you think love was the thing born then?" Acuity asks.

"Your way too smart for a ten year old," Ash jokes. "Must get that from me."

"Yea okay," Cynthia rolls her eyes.

"Let me continue now," Ash suggests.

The next time we saw each other was when the world was in danger. The two legendary Pokémon your mom mentioned earlier had a small argument. A team of bad guys also got involved to make matters worse.

"Bad guys?" Valor finally becomes interested in the story. Also because there's commercials on now.

"Team Galactic," Ash sighs. "A bunch of crazy haired freaks."

"Crazy dresses freaks too," Cynthia adds. "They were no match for us though."

"With the help of Giratina, another legendary Pokémon, they kind of were," Ash sweat drops before looking down sadly. "They almost..."

"Let me continue," Cynthia says softly.

Things got dangerous real fast...

The battle between the two high powered legendary Pokémon showing no mercy, was causing mass destruction. Sinnoh was in danger and with any sort of escalation the world would join Sinnoh.

That escalation came in the form of Team Galactic's new friend, Giratina. A ghostly legendary that was banished into another dimension for being so bad.

"Like when you tell me to sit in a corner and think about what I just did?" Valor questions.

"Yes Valor," Ash sighs. "Exactly like that, except we let you join us again after a bit."

"So who made the decision to send Giratina away?" Acuity asks.

"Arceus the god Pokémon and creator of everything we know," Cynthia answers. "Arceus is known as the hidden ruler of the world and every legendary Pokémon is often referred as a daughter or son of Arceus."

"So mommy is Arceus," Valor chuckles.

"I told you to go last time," Ash argues.

"No, I told you to tell him," Cynthia giggles. "Boys never learn do they."

"It's okay daddy, I still love you," Acuity giggles with her mother. Cynthia decides to continue while Ash's brain recounts all the times he thought he was making a decision.

So Cyrus, the leader of Team Galactic, got Giratina to collaborate with him since Cyrus helped him out of the distortion world. While they're making their way towards Dialga and Palkia, the effects of their fight start to grow into something more than just damage.

Dark grey clouds roar above the two as they exchange attacks. Swirling winds, thunder, and lightening muffle your sense hearing. Explosions of the attacks colliding with each other and stone can be heard and seen along with everything else. But that wasn't even the worst thing.

Due to Dialga and Palkia being the wielders of time and space, the two working together are capable of creating new worlds. Their most powerful and signature attacks use their powers. Dialga's roar of time attack doesn't mix well with Palkia's spacial rend attack when used for fighting purposes. Whenever the two attacks collide directly, a small blue rift in the sky would form. Most were so small that nothing came of them or they disappeared within moments.

However a collection of them were so close together that they grew into one bigger rift. So big they turned into one big portal leading to darkness. Most possibly the distortion world itself.

And to make matters worse Giratina and Team Galactic arrived...

This is where we come in.

Being the Champion of Sinnoh, I saw stopping Team Galactic as my duty. And of course Ash and his friends couldn't let me go alone. We followed Team Galactic all the way up to Spear Pillar, where they were all fighting.

We watched Giratina jump right into the battle, taking down Dialga hard. Palkia stopped for a second, it was actually kind of interesting to see him suddenly stop. Dialga also didn't retaliate for a second. Both confused on why Giratina is there.

Despite Dialga and Palkia's fighting, they understand how legendary Pokémon are supposed to work. Giratina joining the battle allowed them to remember that they must keep their relationship strong if the world is to be at peace.

We were all too focused in the sudden change of the battle to notice Team Galactic setting up the next phase of their plan. Instead of the two fighting against each other, they joined forces to take down the main enemy, Giratina.

You would think a two versus one legendary battle would be pretty quick. Except Dialga and Palkia were pretty tired out, dragging out the battle until Giratina hopefully gets tired too. And that was what Cyrus planned for.

His grunts managed to capture me, I resisted but they got me tied around some sort of a machine pointing at the portal. Cyrus planned to send me to the distortion world if Dialga and Palkia wouldn't create his "ideal" world.

The two legendary Pokémon decides that it was time to stop all of it. Because the fighting stopped while Cyrus yelled out his demands, Dialga was able to blindside Giratina by pushing him into the portal. The confusion allowed Palkia to get ahold of Cyrus and send him to the Distortion World.

Team Galactic started retreating and panicking after their leader was lost to the portal. Except of one admin who was standing there smirking with a red button in his friend.

I locked eyes with him while I could hear Ash shouting like crazy. I didn't know why until the machine I was tied to started rumbling and a rocket like engine shot out the back.

If it wasn't for Ash's quick thinking... I don't know what would've happened...

Pikachu was able to run ahead and slash through the ropes with Ash's help. The problem was that I was still flying through the air on a hunk of metal. I was hanging on for my life but if I didn't let go, who knows what's on the other side of the portal.

That's when I was able to look down at Ash who, sprinting, held out his arms ready to catch me. Right before getting sucked in I let go and plummeted down with my eyes closed.

It could have been the most heroic action ever if your father could actually catch. I fell into his arms, knocking him over and down onto the destroyed ground. Our faces were only a few centimetres from touching and our hearts were beating out of our chests.

"So you kissed and end of story," Valor finishes. "Dad's Champion challenge is almost done and I want to hear the ending."

"We didn't but just watch," Ash says.

"Garchomp is unable to battle!" The referee exclaims. "Ash cruised to an easy win for Sinnoh Champion."

"Wait you guys told me your Champion challenge battle was intense and down to the last attack?" Valor asks disappointed.

"Wait," Acuity scorns her brother. "Mommy looked disturbed during that whole battle."

"That's why I rejected the title and asked for a later rematch," Ash smiles at his wife.

"And that's why I—" Cynthia giggles.

"Ewww, they're kissing," Valor covers his eyes.

"And that's how I met your mother," Ash smiles.


Too soon still Vent_Hikari ? XD

A little different one shot today that I hope you liked. Thanks for reading and see you next week where the ship doesn't have Ash in it...

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