Troublesome (Ikarishipping)

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Highschool Universe

Still Pokémon though.

Dawn's POV

Jubilife District High School. Where students have to get ready for life during their last four years of education. Where relationships form right before dances and very few survive the following weekend. Where some students work towards their future now and some dream about their future that starts right after graduation.

Our group is no exception to these trends. Starting with my best friend and her boyfriend. May and I liked to go from boy to boy within days. Pretending to like them for a bit before crushing them into the ground with rejection. Ah the good old days of earlier this year, our final year at this place.

Before the Christmas dance one of the most popular boys, due to being one of the top Pokémon battlers here, Ash Ketchum asked May to go with him. I was ecstatic for her because she hadn't been able to embarrass a popular guy yet. It was her chance to move up in the imaginary chart of most wanted girls.

Except Ash had other ideas. May was so happy spending time with him that she actually wanted to stay together. And they always look happy together when I see them. What kind of teenagers are like this these days?

Speaking of, the brunette and raven haired trainer are making their way down the purple halls. It pains me to see May throwing away such potential but she does seem really happy with Ash.

It's also nice to see a couple not all over each other, showing their affection to the public. Ash does the little things to show how much he likes her, like carrying her books, walking her to her class and always talking about her rather than himself.

"What are you two laughing about?" I ask them once they get to the outside of May and I's next class.

"May had a rough class to say the least," Ash sweat drops. "So I've been trying to cheer her up."

"His stupid thoughts actually have a use," May teases the boy.

"Hey," Ash pouts jokingly.

"C'mon May we better get inside so Ash can make it to his class," I suggest with a straight face rather than my usual energetic smile.

She raises an eyebrow at my expression and gives a quick one armed hug to Ash. May follows me inside our biology, no chemistry classroom. Who cares what class it is, I need to stalk out my next victim. I may be a devil...

"What's the matter Dawn?" She asks while adjusting her red bandana in the reflection of a beaker in front of us.

"It's just," I sigh. "How are you and Ash so happy?"

"Because we both realized that there's more to relationships than just toying with others," She answers truthfully. "It's better to have someone you can depend on while also being there for them as well."

"That doesn't seem like much fun," I pout. "I don't think I can get myself to stop until something in my brain is satisfied."

"Hmm," May thinks out loud. "I don't support your slightly cruel dating ways but I support you because you're my best friend. So I have one final mission that might be able to satisfy."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Get Paul's heart and break it in half," May says with a sinister smile. Looks like she still has a little of her old self in there.

"You want me to somehow catch the attention of a boy who's never dated before?" I question. "A boy who is extremely popular and rejects any girl who goes near him."

"And a boy who is Ash's main rival for top trainer in the school," May finishes. "Yet they are pretty good friends and it's more of a friendly rivalry."

"I don't know about this," I state.

"You're telling me that the Dawn Berlitz from Twinleaf Town doesn't want to finish her short career with a bang," May smirks knowing that the best way to convince someone into doing something is challenging their pride.

"Fine," I agree. "No boy has been able to resist my charm and Paul is no different."

"We will see," May giggles.

"Girls are you listening?" The teacher asks tiredly.

"Yes sir," May declares. "Just kidding, try to ignore us."

"Become a teacher they said," He sighs. "Teenagers are wonderful to teach they said."

"Wait!" May outbursts, gaining the whole class's attention.

"What is it Ms. Maple?" Professor Elm sighs.

"Ash and Paul are battling next class," She answers excitedly. "The whole school gets to watch so we can see who really is the best battler in the school."

"And you're interrupting chemistry because?" He looks ready to start banging his head off of his desk.

"It's exciting," May shrugs. "No one is really paying attention since it's the biggest thing happening around here."

"Is this true?" Professor Elm asks and looks at all the bored looking faces around the room. "Why is school still a thing?"

"Well then class," Elm gets up. "Let's head over to the battlefield and get the best seats."

"Seems like you're pretty excited about this too Professor ," I point out.

"Maybe a little," He shrugs.

We laugh and make our way to to the outdoor stadium. They spend money on a fancy stadium but can't get the funds for a contest team. Shows you what's valued more in Sinnoh.

"Looks like we didn't get here fast enough," May sighs.

The first few rows of the stands are already filled with classes. Some students are on their feet trying to get Paul or Ash's attention. There's a certain buzz in the air that hasn't been at our school in a long time.

I watch the purple haired boy give a pep talk to his Electivire and Torterra. His dark blue and black jacket and black pants stand out against his bright yellow electric type. Thanks to Ash he's a lot kinder to his Pokémon apparently. I don't know the full story though. Paul is pretty handsome, making this mission even better.

Ash is crouched down to his Pikachu's level along with the taller human-sized Infernape. All three of them seem pretty pumped up while keeping bright smiles on their faces. Completely opposite to Paul and his Pokémon's serious expressions.

The rest of the classes fill in the empty seats. Every student and teacher looking as excited as the completely dazed May. "Ash won't fly away if you take his eyes off of him," I joke.

"Sorry but I've seen you looking pretty hard at Paul," She smirks.

"A good predator stalks out their prey," I state.

"So you're a predator," May laughs.

"It's an analogy," I say. "It's all part of the game."

"Let's see if this battle will help you with your game," May laughs and the referee steps out onto the field.

"Welcome everybody!" The referee announces. "As you all know, this will be a two on two battle between Ash Ketchum and Paul Shinji."

The crowd cheers and the two trainers stare one another down. "Trainers release your first Pokémon!" He announces,

"Pikachu I choose you!" Ash sends the small yellow mouse Pokémon running into the dirt battlefield.

"Electivire stand by for battle," Paul says.

Pikachu sparks his red cheeks to pump up his adrenaline and the electricity flies towards Electivire. It disperses before getting there but interesting the very least.

Electivire is about a hundred times the size of Pikachu. He has long thick arms and an overall big body. Yellow fur covers most of it along with some black designs. Two thin black tails also are part of the electric type.

"Battle begin!" The referee yells.

"Pikachu use a weak thunderbolt," Ash orders.

Paul watches the bright bolt of electricity zap his Pokémon harmlessly. "Thought so," Ash states. "Pikachu he has the motor drive ability so no electric type moves."

"Surprised you figured it out so quick," Paul smirks. "Electivire charge in with focus punch."

"Knock him off balance with quick attack and then follow with iron tail," Ash orders.

It all happens so quick. Electivire charges forward with his arm slung back and ready to punch. Pikachu takes out his feet with a burst of speed, making the focus punch useless.

Pikachu now uses the momentum to bounce off the stadium border and zip across towards his target. His shining steel tail follows him.

"Ice punch!" Paul yells.

Electivire spins and meets the tail with a fist covered in ice. Except a tail made of iron with a lot of momentum is stronger than ice. The huge electric type recoils backwards, allowing Pikachu to catch his breath.

"Don't let up!" Paul urges. "Focus punch again!"

"Same thing Pikachu," Ash smirks.

The events from before repeat but Paul isn't one to be outsmarted twice in a row. "Spin with iron tail," Paul commands.

Due to his tails being very flimsy and thin, they can fly all around him and give a perfect defence against a charging opponent. Pikachu is the opponent in this case... He gets batted into the ground, barely able to get up from the sheer power exerted, along with fatigue.

"Focus punch," Paul smirks.

Seeing Electivire walk slowly towards Pikachu is the last thing I saw before dust clouds my view. It clears pretty quickly to reveal a fainted Pikachu. "Pikachu is unable to battle, Electivire is the winner! Ash please bring out your next Pokémon."

"Infernape I choose you!" Ash yells. "Let's try to wrap this up quickly."

"Yay Paul!" I stand up and cheer, earning a frown from May.

It was loud enough for Paul to hear and must've stood out from all the other cheers because we locked eyes for a moment. He smiles and gives a thumbs up.

I blow him a kiss jokingly and his eyes fly open. Looks like he's not as hard shelled as I thought...

Apparently the battle was going on while Paul and I were communicating through sign language. Electivire is now unable to battle as well, leaving Torterra and Infernape in a sudden death match. I bury my head in my hands knowing that my mission just got a lot harder since Paul is probably mad at me.

"Frenzy plant!" Paul yells.

"Close combat to defend," Ash orders.

Tall, intimidating vines spring out of the ground and rush towards Infernape. His fighting skills are enough to protect him though. Any vibe in his proximity gets destroyed in contact with the attack, keeping this battle relatively equal.

"Earthquake!" Paul orders.

"Jump on Torterra's back," Ash orders.

The massive land turtle stomps on the ground, sending the battlefield into a rumbling frenzy. Infernape uses his monkey skills to land skillfully in Torterra's massive tree on his back.

Torterra is unable to defend himself since he can't stop himself from finishing the earthquake. "Flare blitz!" Ash yells.

Paul brings out Torterra's pokeball before Infernape can attack. Fire devours the two Pokémon. A one hit knockout...

"Ash Ketchum is the winner!" The referee announces and the crowd applauds and cheers for him.

I watch Paul exit the stadium, looking disappointed in himself. I run towards where he should come out of and wait. "Paul," I get his attention. He looks up with a sad expression on his face.

"What is it... Dawn right?" He asks and I nod.

"I just wanted to tell you that you did pretty good," I act shy.

"Thanks," He sighs. "But not good enough,"

"You'll get him next time," I assure him while slowly creeping closer.

"Ye- You sure are getting close," He says.

"Am I?" I whisper and lean in.

We connect lips for a few seconds before separating. "Mission accomplished!" I cheer.

"What?" He asks confused and I give him a quick rundown on the challenge.

"Do you think this is more?" He asks with hope in his voice.

"Hmm," I think. "Nope, bye." I smile and run off.

"Troublesome," I hear him mumble.


I don't know how good this one is tbh. Hard to write about a ship that you don't ship but I know that some of you wanted this so hopefully you liked it.

Thanks for reading and cya next chapter.

Hint: It's Ash and a XY character...

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