Body Swapped?!

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A/N - Hiya, I'm Supergirl406. And I'm writing another story because I can. 😅 But this Story was a suggestion by Attack-On-Nerds it was
"The team gets body swapped by a souvenir Wally finds on a mission." That should be fun to write and read. Will the team be able to get back into their original bodies, or will they be stuck like this forever?! Find out on ( random mystery/action show music ) this Wattpad story. 😅😅

Normal POV

     The team was fighting Klarion, the witch boy. It was a normal battle, everything went as planned. Lots of magical objects were thrown across the room which wasn't unusual. The fight was over pretty quick with the young justice team being victorious.

     "Good job my friends, we have defeated Klarion without any issues." Kaldur declared happily.  "Now let us go home."

     "Yah okay, just let me grab a souvenir real quick." Wally stated before zipping away into the building. He went into the room in which the battle took place and searched for anything cool. He stopped when he saw a small pendant. It has a peace sign in the middle and six symbols surrounding it some Wally and never seen. But it looked cool so he picked it up and ran outside.

     "Ok we can go now." Wally announced. The team walked back to the bio-ship and flew back to the mountain.

     Once they got home they all decided to stay at the mountain because it was so late. They all showered and changed into pajamas and headed to bed. Before going to sleep Wally put his cool new souvenir in its rightful place on his display case. Then he to went to bed.

———————————Time Skip—————————
     Everyone in the mountain was sleeping
peacefully. When the newly found souvenir began to glow. It glowed and spun in a circle before falling of the shelf and floating towards the middle of the mountain. When it came to its destination it sent out six beams of white light towards the sleeping teens rooms. The beam of light simply touched right in between the teams eye brows and then drew back to the pendant. The strange object spun again as if mixing something up then shot out six beams of blue light. Each beam went to a team member and lightly touched in between their eye brows once again. The souvenir then fell to ground and slid under the couch, and the beams of light faded away. Its job was done and was now a useless object.

———————le time skip to morning——————
Robin's POV

     I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by bright sunlight. As my eyes adjusted I realized I was not in my room. "Is this Supey's room?"  I thought. "It has to be, who else has Superman posters in their room." I thought with a smirk. "But what am I doing in his room I know I fell asleep in my room and if I were to go to someone else's room why did I go to his?" I slowly stood up and was almost a foot taller that I normally am, I didn't like it. "What the heck?!" I whisper yell, this was nowhere near whelming. I walked to the bathroom to see why I was taller and felt heavier. And what looked back at me from the mirror made me mentally scream.

———sort of time skip to someone else POV———
Artemis's POV

     I woke up, but not be the sound of my alarm. "Hmm? Normally my alarm goes off around this time. Oh well." I thought. "WAIT, IS THIS KID MOUTH'S ROOM?!" I jumped up quickly to look around, no one else was in the room.  "Phew!" I said quietly. I hoped out of bed and ran to to the door only to run right into the door in less than a nanosecond. "OW! WHAT THE HECK!?" I quickly got up and felt extremely hungry, like I hadn't eaten in two days. "Alright, this is super weird." I carefully made my way to the bathroom only to find Superboy inside. He was poking at his face which was quite strange but I didn't say anything.

     "Wally?" He said while looking right at me. He looked extremely confused which was not an expression he wore a lot.

     "What? No. I'm Artemis?" I reply equally as confused. I turned to look in the mirror and did scream at what I saw. "IM KID MOUTH!!"

—————————To Another POV————————
Wally's POV

     I woke up to hear a familiar scream. Strangely I wasn't hungry "Am I sick I'm normally super hungry in the morning?" Then I got a look at the room I  was in "Hmmm, this is Rob's Room probably came in here and forgot." I said with a shrug. I stood up and was shorter that usual. "What the heck?" I whispered, I was the size of a 11 year old. I tried to speed to my room to get clothes, but only went the speed of a normal person's run. "Wait why can't I use my speed?" I tried again, and failed again. So I had to *shudders* walk slowly *shudders again* I finally got to my room and grabbed some clothes that looked way to big for me. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and saw a very odd sight. I saw myself looking in the mirror as if they'd never saw his face before. I stopped and stared at myself. Then my body turned towards me and said,


     "What? No." I looked in the mirror and was greeted with my best friends face. And I screamed too.

———————Juts a couple more POVs——————
Superboys POV

     I wake up in water, "Why am I in water?" I thought. I jump out of it quickly and wonder how I am still alive, I may be half kryptonian, but I still need air. "Why am I in the pool, why am I not in my room?"  I pondered. Then I heard the familiar scream of a small bird. But my hearing was awful, compared to my super hearing. I could barely hear it and I could usually hear all over the mountain. I step out of the pool only to slip on my newly webbed feet. "WHAT??" My legs and arms were the same shade as Kaldur's and both my hands and feet are webbed. I rush out the pool and fall two more times on my way to my room. I find the mirror and look at myself. Only to see I am not myself. "IM AQUALAD!?!"

——————————Just two More—————————
Kaldur's POV

     I wake up in a bright pink bed, "Why am I not in the pool I thought I feel asleep there?" I got up and looked around the room. This is definitely not my room. "If I didn't fall asleep in the pool why am I not in my room?" This bright pink room could only be Miss Martian's. I look around the room frantically trying to remember what happened last night luckily I see no one else inside the room. I sigh a breath of relief. "It still doesn't explain why I am inside Miss Martians room." I look to a mirror to see the face of my friend. "What?" My usual calm tone is more high pitched and is laced with confusion and worry. I walk to the pool and see myself lying underwater. I run to the middle of the cave and sit on the couch and put my head in my green hands. "What in the world is going on?"

—————————Finally Last POV————————
Miss Martians POV

     I am woken up by someone touching my shoulder. I look over to see which of my friends has woken me up. I look over and see Wally standing there worried.

     "Wally? What's wrong?" The questions seems to freak him out even more.

     While Kid Flash stands there worried I look around the room. The walls are green along with the covers on the bed I am currently in. "This isn't my room," "it's Artemis's."

"Hey, so whoever your are, go look in the mirror." Wally ordered. I went over to the mirror on the wall and froze. "I'm Artemis?!"

"Yah, something happened so who are you really?" Asked Wally.

"I'm M'gann, and if I'm not in my body you must not actually be Wally." I replied.

"I'm Artemis." He/she replied, "And I think we have a big problem."

1416 - A/N - That was really long. I'll have to make it another two parter so it's not over 2000 words long. Thanks again to Attack-On-Nerds for the suggestion. I meant for this to be a 1 part long but I got carried away and now it's super long. Well I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to leave more suggestions. Thanks

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