To Disney World They Go! Pt.2

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A/N- Hiya so this is part two 😅 In the first chapter the team is over worked and Batman sends them to a cool vacation to Disney World. They find out that Robin has never gone, along with Connor, M'gann, and Kaldur. As you know I am only a beginner when it comes to writing so please don't be to harsh but please do give constructive criticism.  Well I hope you enjoy it. And don't forget to leave suggestions.
Normal POV

     The team said good bye to their mentors and boarded the large plane. The flight was nothing unusual, the team sat together talked and slept, the usual for a plane ride. Then they arrived at their destination Orlando, Florida.

     "Wereherewereherewereherewerehere!" Wally exclaimed at extraordinary speed duo to his excitement. The entire team was full of excitement and couldn't wait to go on every ride and play every game on their 10 day trip.

     They first had to go to their hotel to check into their room, and put their large bags away and then they could have all the fun they wanted. They walked into the large hotel near Disney and were greeted with friendly faces.

     "Hello." A friendly receptionist called to the group a teens in front of her.

     "Hi," Robin replied with a friendly smile. "Me and my friends should have a couple of room under the name Bruce Wayne."

     "Yes, we have 6 rooms waiting for you." She stated, "And if you'd like we can have a tour guide come with you around the park and show you the way around the park."

     "No, Thanks but I think we'll manage." Robin said.

     "Okey Doki, I hope you enjoy your stay and Disney Hotel ( IDK If that a hotel there because I've never gone so just go with it ) have fun at the park and dinner is at 10:00."  She announced. The team thanked her once they were given the keys to their rooms, and then they were off.

Normal POV

They team decided to go to Wally's favorite ride first, Space Mountain. They had some cool pass that Bruce Wayne payed for that allowed them to skip the lines ( man I wish I knew what I was talking a about 🙃 ). Man this was gonna be a fun couple of days.

"I heard that Space Mountain is one of the oldest working roller coasters at Disney World." M'gann now Megan commented. "Before coming I did a little research on the park so I knew what to expect." ( which I did since I've never gone )She added in her usual happy tone.

"That's right Green Cheeks, it's this cool high-speed space themed indoor roller coaster." Wally spoke.

"That sounds very fun, my friend. Let us hurry and get to the ride so at not to waste time today." Kaldur noted. And soon the team was off.

—————-Break Line since I cant explain how the ride went since I've never been on it, if you've been on it just imagine the team on it——————

"Wow thats was actually fun." Connor added. He'd never admit it out loud but he was having a ton of fun. After Space Mountain they went to Splash Mountain, Artemis's favorite ride, and then a couple more. Connor especially loved Toy Story Mania. He didn't know why but he loved those tiny green alien toys.

"Yah this is totally asterous!" Robin voiced. He loved Disney and was enjoying himself. He was very glad Bruce has set this up, he never expected his adoptive father to do something so amazing but was very glad he did.

"What I tell you!" Wally replied with a smile. He was also glad the Dark Knight has done this ( Wally know Robin and Batman's ID ). Wally was also glad that his friends were enjoying there first visit.

The day went on just as it was supposed to. The team played as many games as they could before the clock struck 10:00 which meant it was dinner time. The team ate happily as they talked about their day. Once finished they watched the beautiful firework display ( my friend says it's amazing ). After they all headed for their rooms. It was a long fun filled day and they team was grateful for it. Each of them eager to nod of to sleep, they said there good nights and each went into their rooms.

————————-The Next Morning————————

Each of the young heroes awoke around 9:00 for breakfast where they discussed what to do that day.

"I say we head to the spa and pool and just relax." ( does Disney have a spa ) Artemis voiced. The others agreed they had been working a lot and a day of relaxing sounded amazing. Soon they all went to their rooms to change. The boys went to the pool, while Artemis and M'gann went to the spa.

——————————-At le pool——————————

The boys came out of their rooms with their trunks on. Wally wearing red shorts, Robin wearing blue, and Connor and Kaldur wearing plain black. The boys decided to sit on the hot tub for a while just to relax.

"Man am I glad we came here." Robin said nonchalantly.

"Yes it is very fun, my friend" Kaldur replied.

"No kidding, this has gotta be the best mission bats has sent us on." Wally joked. All other boys hummed in response.

"Are you guys bored of just sitting in this." Connor communicated.

"Yup!" The other three boys replied before jumping out and walking towards the pool. It has been a while since they got to just swim around. If they were ever in the water it was because they had to jump of an exploding air or sea vehicle, or they were pushed out of something by some villain. So just swimming and enjoying themselves was something they needed.

———————————At le Spa———————————

Artemis and M'gann has never actually been to a spa. So when they walked in they were both a tad bit confused.

". . . so you think we should do this deluxe spa treatment, Megan?" Artemis questioned.

"Yah, the lady at the counter said it was the most relaxing treatment they had." Megan replied.

"Ok I guess we'll do that then let's go." Then two girls walked through the spa doors awaiting what would happen next.

"Hello Ladies, we are who will be working on you for you spa treatment today." A tall women with long brown hair and eyes that seemed to change color as she blinked said warmly. Next to her was a shorter but older women with shorter blonde and brighter blue eyes. The ladies explained what would happen during the treatment, and Artemis and Megan were more than eager to get started.

—————————Break Line because I have no idea how to explain a spa treatment———————

Soon the team met again at 10 for dinner. Each talking about how fun/relaxing their day has been. The next 8 days went just as they were supposed to. They team swam, hung out with characters, and played more games and rode more rides. Surprisingly no villains showed up and ruined their fun, which the team had expected. Once their vacation was over the team was ready to get back to fighting crime. They got home safe and were greeted with the hugs of their mentors. The team was glad they had made this memory together.

1240 words - A/N - phew 😅 that's over with. I think it turned out ok. Tell me what you think. But GEEZ these were long my first two stories over 1000 words long. I hope you enjoyed these and don't forget to leave suggestions for stories. Thanks

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